
    Podcast Summary

    • 2024 Presidential Campaign Kicks Off with IntensityBiden's campaign sees fundraising boost, Trump mocks Biden, both candidates exchange jabs, relief as focus shifts to political race

      The 2024 presidential campaign has officially kicked off with renewed energy and intensity, as demonstrated by both Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Biden's campaign has seen a significant fundraising boost following his State of the Union address, and has launched a $30 million ad buy in battleground states. In his ads, Biden emphasizes his accomplishments during his first term and contrasts them with Trump's failures. The age issue, which had been a criticism against Biden, was addressed humorously in his ad. Meanwhile, Trump has been on a campaign swing, mocking Biden's stutter and raising questions about his stance on Medicare and Social Security. The past few days have seen a series of back-and-forth exchanges between the two candidates, with Biden appearing energetic and on top of the issues. Overall, the campaign's beginning has brought relief to some, as they are now able to focus on the political race ahead.

    • Biden Campaign Focuses on Contrasting Current and Previous AdministrationThe Biden administration is emphasizing job creation from the infrastructure bill, housing affordability, and contrasting Biden's actions to Trump's inaction during the midterm campaign.

      During the 2022 midterm campaign, the Biden administration is focusing on reminding voters of the contrast between the current administration and the previous one. This includes highlighting the infrastructure bill's job creation and Biden's actions versus Trump's inaction. Additionally, Biden's campaign is emphasizing housing costs as a major issue and his plan to provide mortgage relief. In a recent interview, Biden criticized the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision, expressed regret for using the term "illegals," and discussed his stance on Israel and Gaza. The interview revealed a significant divide between Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on military strategy and political goals, which could have serious implications for both the US and Israel. Despite this, Biden still intends to move into Rafa, and the situation in Gaza remains a humanitarian crisis with thousands of civilians killed and trapped in rubble.

    • Israeli blockade of Gaza and ongoing conflict threaten mass starvation and instabilityThe Israeli blockade and Hamas resistance create a volatile situation, with no clear solution in sight, and potential for mass starvation and further instability. Biden's hesitant approach to the crisis raises concerns about his commitment to resolving it.

      The situation in Gaza remains complex and volatile, with no clear solution in sight. The Israeli government's refusal to allow sufficient aid into Gaza, coupled with the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel, threatens mass starvation and further instability. The proposed new seaport is months away from being created, and Hamas is expected to survive the war and continue its resistance to occupation. Netanyahu's rejection of talks and a two-state solution means people may turn to armed groups like Hamas. The Biden administration's hesitance to impose consequences for Israeli actions has been criticized as weak, and the idea of building a port off Gaza's coast has been met with skepticism. The ideal outcome would be a negotiated ceasefire leading to a permanent peace agreement, but Netanyahu's political situation and desire to maintain power complicate matters. Biden's red line of 30,000 dead and his lack of decisive action have raised concerns about his commitment to resolving the crisis.

    • Political incentives for Netanyahu and Trump to prolong Gaza conflictNetanyahu seeks US support, Trump sees political gain, contrasting Biden's soft-spoken approach, Harris's assertive stance highlights contrast, clear advocacy for human rights needed, negotiated solution necessary

      Both Netanyahu and Trump have incentives to prolong the conflict in Gaza and maintain a hardline stance against Palestinian rights. Netanyahu benefits from the continued support of the United States, while Trump sees political gain in attacking Biden's foreign policy. Meanwhile, Biden's approach to the situation has been criticized for being too soft-spoken and not forcefully advocating for Palestinian self-determination. Harris's more assertive stance on the issue was met with cheers, highlighting the contrasting rhetoric. Trump's recent attacks on Biden's stutter and age are a shift in strategy, as he recognizes that the age argument may not be as effective now that Biden is leading in the polls. Overall, the situation in Gaza underscores the need for clear and forceful advocacy for human rights and a negotiated solution to the conflict.

    • Trump's State of the Union attack on Biden's age and immigrationTrump's speech was filled with false claims, personal attacks, and demagoguing immigration, while Biden remained focused on his message during his address.

      During his recent State of the Union address, former President Trump focused on attacking President Biden's age and immigration policies, while also denying his own past mistakes. Trump's prolonged speech, filled with false claims and personal attacks, was an indication of how Biden's criticism throws him off his game and causes him to deviate from his intended message. Trump's fixation on Biden's age and immigration was an attempt to demagogue these issues, while also trying to make it personal. The tragic story of the murder of Sarah Everard in Georgia, involving an immigrant from Venezuela, was a central theme in Trump's speech, as he invited the victim's family to the event and used it to fuel his anti-immigration rhetoric. Trump's behavior during the speech was a stark contrast to Biden's more focused and message-driven approach.

    • Biden and Trump's Opposing Views on Entitlement ProgramsBiden promises to keep entitlements strong, while Trump's team proposes cuts, raising concerns despite their claims of targeting waste

      During the recent discussion, it became clear that both the Biden and Trump campaigns have strong opinions regarding entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Biden has pledged not to weaken these programs, while Trump and his team have proposed budgets that would cut them. The Trump campaign argues that they are only talking about waste and abuse, but their history of proposing cuts raises concerns. Trump's past interviews on CNBC, where he discussed cutting these entitlements, have been a point of contention. The Biden campaign is using this as a talking point in their $30 million ad buy. Mick Mulvaney, a former Trump chief of staff, admitted to tricking Trump into proposing cuts to Social Security disability insurance. Despite Trump's populist stance on these issues, there is a pattern of proposing cuts to these entitlement programs.

    • The threat to consumer protections, labor rights, and democratic institutions from the lack of union protections and powerful figures like Mitch McConnellThe absence of union protections and the influence of figures like Mitch McConnell on Supreme Court appointments pose a significant threat to consumer protections, labor rights, and democratic institutions. The ideology of figures like Viktor Orban, who have destroyed democratic institutions and cracked down on opponents, is being promoted by the right.

      The lack of union protections and the ability of powerful figures like Mitch McConnell to influence the appointment of Supreme Court justices poses a significant threat to various consumer protections, labor rights, and democratic institutions. The fear of Trump being a dictator in waiting is not an overblown one, but rather a reality that the right has been working towards for a long time, with figures like Viktor Orban as their model. Orban, who is a dictator in Hungary, has destroyed democratic institutions, cracked down on the media, and used the powers of the state to destroy his opponents, all while being praised by figures on the right. Trump's association with Orban, as seen in the Mar-a-Lago party, highlights the dangerous ideology that the right is promoting, and it's important for voters to be aware of this.

    • Trump's Authoritarian Impulses and Admiration for Historical FiguresDespite criminal charges, Trump continues to express authoritarian views and admiration for figures like Hitler, replacing Biden in a video and interacting with right-wing leaders, while intel officials prepare to brief him on national security matters.

      Former President Donald Trump continues to express authoritarian impulses and admiration for historical figures like Adolf Hitler, despite concerning statements and actions. This was highlighted in a recent video where Trump appeared to replace President Joe Biden during a State of the Union address. The media environment, as discussed, can only reach a limited audience with such content, leaving many unaware of Trump's concerning views. Additionally, Trump's interactions with right-wing leaders and his disdain for democratic processes have been a recurring theme. Intel officials are reportedly preparing to brief Trump on national security matters despite his ongoing criminal charges. These developments underscore the importance of staying informed and vigilant regarding the actions and beliefs of political figures.

    • Differences in Intelligence Briefings for Nominees and PresidentsPresidential nominees receive less detailed and less sensitive intel briefings than presidents, while false claims in State of the Union responses can damage credibility

      During presidential campaigns, nominees receive less detailed and less sensitive intelligence briefings compared to what a president receives. The briefings are more like high-level assessments of global issues, while a president gets highly compartmented, code-word level information. The nominee for president in question is currently a close contender, but he won't have access to the same level of classified information as the president. Additionally, during the State of the Union response, Katie Britt made false claims about a woman's experience with sex trafficking, which was widely criticized. In the past, Democratic responses to the State of the Union have taken the form of focus group infomercials, which have not always been well-received. Overall, the intelligence briefings and the State of the Union responses highlight the differences in the roles and responsibilities of a presidential nominee and a president.

    • Katie Britt's False Claim in Rebuttal Speech DebunkedDelivering false information without fact-checking can harm credibility and damage trust, emphasizing the significance of factual accuracy.

      The false and misleading story told by Katie Britt during her rebuttal speech to President Biden's State of the Union address, regarding an incident in Mexico, was unnecessary and unbelievably false. This story, which was debunked by a former reporter, was not thoroughly fact-checked before being delivered, and it damaged her credibility. The delivery style of her speech was also criticized for being off-putting to some viewers. This incident highlights the importance of fact-checking and the potential consequences of spreading misinformation. Additionally, the podcast "Pod Save America" and "Love It or Leave It" are going on tour, offering fans an opportunity to attend live events.

    • Bill Ackman's Endorsement of Dean Phillips in the Presidential PrimaryBill Ackman's financial support for Dean Phillips during the primary didn't significantly impact his vote count, and political outcomes remain unpredictable despite expert predictions.

      Bill Ackman's endorsement and significant financial support for Dean Phillips during the presidential primary did not yield the expected results, as Phillips received fewer votes than anticipated. The discussion also touched upon Jimmy Kimmel's hosting of the Oscars and Donald Trump's criticism of his performance. Despite various predictions and analyses from notable figures like Elon Musk, Bill Ackman, and Ron DeSantis, their accuracy has been questionable. Overall, the conversation highlighted the unpredictability of political outcomes and the importance of effective communication.

    • The 2023 Oscars: A Successful and Entertaining EventThe 2023 Oscars were praised for their excellent production, funny moments, and memorable jokes. Hosts Josh Holloway and Lewis Fertel received positive reviews, and Donald Trump's tweets added an unexpected layer to the evening. George Stephanopoulos was a standout, with his name and handling of criticism earning praise.

      The 2023 Oscars were a standout event, with excellent production, funny moments, and memorable jokes. The hosts, Josh Holloway and Lewis Fertel, received praise for their performance. Donald Trump's tweets about the show drew attention, with Jimmy Kimmel delivering a joke at his expense that resonated with the audience. The event's popularity and Trump's reaction to it added an unexpected layer to the evening. The podcast hosts also shared their appreciation for George Stephanopoulos, with a particular fondness for his name and his ability to handle criticism. The overall consensus was that the Oscars were a success and provided entertainment value, despite any political undertones.

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    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

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    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

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    Take action with Vote Save America: Visit votesaveamerica.com/2024  

    Pre-order Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps at crooked.com/books or wherever books are sold. Out June 25th.

    Pod Save America
    enJune 23, 2024

    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

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    To pre-order Democracy or Else, out June 25th, visit www.crooked.com/books 


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    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

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    Biden Campaign Unloads on Trump's Conviction

    Biden Campaign Unloads on Trump's Conviction

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Trump Returns to the Scene of the Crime

    Trump Returns to the Scene of the Crime

    Trump returns to the Capitol for the first time since January 6th and receives a hero’s welcome from House and Senate Republicans—where he calls Milwaukee a “horrible city,” refers to the Justice Department as “dirty bastards,” and complains about Taylor Swift not endorsing him. Meanwhile, the same Republicans attempting to overturn Trump’s conviction are instead trying to prosecute Attorney General Merrick Garland. Plus, SCOTUS affirms legal access to abortion medication, Biden takes voters’ cost of living concerns head on, and Trump tries to woo CEOs with more tax cuts.

    The GOP Meltdown Over Hunter's Conviction

    The GOP Meltdown Over Hunter's Conviction

    Dan and The Bulwark’s Sarah Longwell break down the chaotic Republican response to the Hunter Biden news and what the conviction might mean for the Biden campaign, which of Donald Trump’s rumored VP picks scare them the most, and the latest from Tuesday’s primaries.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    MTG: Jesus Was a Felon Too

    MTG: Jesus Was a Felon Too

    Donald Trump meets with a probation officer for his pre-sentencing interview just a day after holding an unhinged rally in Nevada where Marjorie Taylor Greene compared him to notable defendant Jesus Christ. Trump's crew of hard-right advisors plots a new round of tax cuts for the rich while the Biden campaign sharpens its lines of attack. Then: Jon and Tommy land the world-exclusive first interview with newly minted reality TV persona Jon Lovett, who suffers through a quiz about all the news he missed during his time away.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Could Trump-Curious Black Voters Swing the Election? (Ep. 3)

    Could Trump-Curious Black Voters Swing the Election? (Ep. 3)

    Jon is joined by pollster Terrance Woodbury and Lavora Barnes, Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party, to talk about the black voters who may cast their ballots for Trump this November. Who are they? Why are they leaving the Democratic Party? And how can we bring them back into the fold? Jon, Terrance, and Lavora dive into focus group tape, the Trump campaign’s strategy, and Biden’s recent speeches to find a message that works for these voters and then John Taylor, co-founder of Black Male Initiative Georgia, reminds us that the work of organizing should always begin with love. 

    Take action with Vote Save America: Visit votesaveamerica.com/2024  

    Pre-order Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps at crooked.com/books or wherever books are sold. Out June 25th.

    The MAGA Plot to Jail Democrats

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Theme Music:  Reha Omayer, Hamburg

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