
    Bill Kristol and Ben Wittes: We Still Have to Do the Work

    en-usMarch 04, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Politics this weekend: Nikki Haley's DC primary win and Trump's campaign ralliesNikki Haley won the DC primary with low turnout, Trump's campaign rallies showed unusual behavior, and there was debate on the ideal primary process turnout. Trump's divisive MAGA comments were also discussed.

      There were some interesting developments in politics this past weekend, including Nikki Haley winning the DC primary with a small turnout, and Donald Trump's unusual behavior at campaign rallies. The discussion also touched upon the idea of whether the primary process should be more or less direct, with some skepticism towards the high turnout in DC. Additionally, Bill Kristol and the host joked about the possibility of a mailbag segment on the show, where listeners can send in questions on various topics. Trump's comments about the MAGA movement representing almost 100% of the Republican Party were discussed, with concerns about the potential harm of such divisive language. Overall, the conversation highlighted some intriguing aspects of the current political landscape.

    • Trump's actions towards certain candidates and their supporters could sway votersTrump's attacks on candidates and their supporters might push hesitant Republicans to vote against him, potentially impacting his support among the party.

      The Republican primary race and Trump's behavior towards certain candidates and their supporters could potentially sway voters who have been hesitant or reluctant about their support for him. The speaker shared an anecdote about a candidate in Arizona who explicitly stated she didn't want certain voters, and the speaker believes Trump's actions of attacking not only the candidates but their supporters could be damaging. Nikki Haley, a potential Republican candidate, was mentioned as someone who has expressed concerns about Trump but hasn't explicitly stated whether she's bound by her pledge to support him. The speaker suggests that Trump's actions might give some voters the push they need to vote against him, and it remains to be seen if Nikki Haley or other candidates will capitalize on this. Overall, the speaker believes Trump's approach could backfire and weaken his support among some Republicans.

    • Growing concerns about Trump's commitment to the Constitution and doubts about his re-election bidSome believe that exploring alternative options for the Democratic nominee, such as a non-incumbent, non-80-year-old governor, could improve the odds of defeating Trump due to concerns about his commitment to the Constitution and doubts about his re-election bid.

      There are growing concerns about Donald Trump's commitment to the Constitution, which could impact his re-election bid. Nikki Haley, a former Republican governor and UN ambassador, has expressed doubts about endorsing him due to this issue. Additionally, recent polls show that Joe Biden holds a lead over Trump, with a significant number of voters viewing the incumbent as too old for the job. Some pundits believe that a non-incumbent, non-80-year-old Democrat, such as a governor, could have a good chance of defeating Trump. The anti-incumbency mood in the country might make it difficult for Biden to win, but denial about these realities could hinder efforts to find a stronger candidate. Ultimately, while most pundits are supporting Biden, some believe that exploring alternative options could improve the odds of defeating Trump.

    • Acknowledge potential Trump victory to reenergize campaignIgnoring polls showing a close race between Biden and Trump could lead to complacency. Acknowledging the possibility of a Trump victory and focusing on persuading voters can help mitigate challenges.

      Instead of dismissing polls showing a potential close race between President Biden and former President Trump, it's crucial for the Biden campaign to acknowledge the possibility of a Trump victory and use it as motivation to reenergize the anti-MAGA majority. Dan Pfeiffer, a former Obama aide, made this point, emphasizing the importance of not ignoring data and being prepared for various outcomes. The polls may not be perfect, but they provide valuable insights, and ignoring them could lead to complacency. Historically, the polls have not been significantly off, and incumbents like Biden and Trump have been well-known entities for some time. Additionally, many voters have a positive retrospective view of the Trump presidency, which could be a challenge for the Biden campaign. Embracing the potential for a close race and focusing on persuading voters could help mitigate these challenges.

    • Perception of Donald Trump changing among some votersDespite controversial campaign style, Trump faces challenges in 2024 race, but incumbency and low Biden approval ratings may help him. Media coverage also plays a role in public perception.

      The perception of Donald Trump among some voters may be changing due to his unconventional campaign style, which includes controversial music and divisive rhetoric at rallies. This could potentially make him more vulnerable in the 2024 presidential race. However, it's important to note that polling data may not accurately represent the opinions of all demographic groups, particularly Spanish-speaking Hispanics, who have been undercounted in some polls. Despite Trump's weaknesses, the current political climate favors incumbents, and Biden's own approval ratings are also low. While media criticism is not the focus of this discussion, it's worth acknowledging that the media's coverage of Biden and Trump may contribute to the public's perception of their strengths and weaknesses. Overall, the 2024 presidential race is likely to be a close one, with both candidates having their unique challenges.

    • Ukraine's conflict overshadowed by politics and investigationsThe ongoing political drama is distracting from the pressing matter in Ukraine, requiring urgent attention and action from the US.

      The ongoing political drama surrounding Ukraine and the 2024 presidential race, as well as the ongoing investigations into President Biden, are creating a sense of distraction and lack of urgency regarding the critical foreign policy situation in Ukraine. The media's focus on these issues is taking attention away from the pressing matter at hand, which is the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The lack of action from both parties in addressing the issue is concerning, and it's important for the US to approach this moment with a sense of urgency. During the State of the Union address, President Biden has an opportunity to reassure the public and make a strong case for action on the issue. It will be important to see if the White House and campaign follow up with serious efforts, such as paid advertising and substantive policy proposals. The upcoming testimony from the special counsel could also provide new information and insights into the situation. Overall, the situation in Ukraine is a significant foreign policy challenge, and it's crucial that the US addresses it with a sense of urgency and focus.

    • Supreme Court Rejects Colorado's Attempt to Remove Trump from BallotThe Supreme Court has ruled that states cannot exclude federal presidential candidates from the ballot based on the 14th Amendment without congressional involvement.

      The Supreme Court has rejected Colorado's attempts to remove Donald Trump from the presidential ballot, with all nine justices agreeing that a state cannot exclude a federal presidential candidate based on the 14th Amendment without congressional involvement. The court did not agree on the specific mechanism for congressional involvement. The decision is in line with the justices' skepticism expressed during the oral argument. The justices, particularly the women and liberal justices, did not want to preclude the possibility of someone with a past conviction running for office in the future. The broader point is that the focus should be on defeating Trump at the ballot box. The Supreme Court has agreed to take up a presidential immunity case, and it's uncertain when Trump might face trial. However, jury selection for the Stormy Daniels case against Trump in New York is set to begin on the 25th of this month, marking the first of the Trump criminal trials.

    • Ongoing legal battles for Trump with uncertain trial datesThe trials involving Trump's legal battles, including Stormy Daniels case, South Florida case, and Fulton County case, have uncertain trial dates due to various factors such as Supreme Court rulings, judge decisions, and potential litigation.

      The trials involving former President Donald Trump's legal battles, specifically the Stormy Daniels case, the case in South Florida, and the Fulton County case, are ongoing and their trial dates are uncertain. The Supreme Court is expected to rule on an immunity case in June, which could potentially lead to a trial in the summer or fall. However, other factors such as the judge's decisions and potential litigation could delay the trials. The South Florida case, in particular, is frustrating due to the judge's slow progress, and the Fulton County case has been sidetracked by a disqualification question. Overall, the legal process is complex and unpredictable, with numerous variables that could impact the trial dates.

    • Frustration mounts over slow progress in Trump casesDespite the urgency to rule on election interference cases against Trump, the proceedings are moving slowly due to challenges in the courts and the power dynamic between district judges and the Supreme Court, causing frustration for all involved.

      The ongoing legal proceedings involving Jack Smith's cases against Trump are causing significant frustration due to the perceived slow pace of the proceedings. The delay in ruling on the Colorado case and the challenges in the Eileen Cannon case have added to this frustration. Judge McAfee's handling of the case has been particularly vexing for the prosecution. Meanwhile, Smith's level of rage and frustration is high, as the timing of these cases is crucial for preventing future election interference. In a simpler case like Colorado, a quicker ruling could have been expected. The power dynamic between the district judge and the Supreme Court has left the prosecution in a difficult position. As for the speaker, Benjamin Dixon's activism for Ukraine continues, despite a brief encounter with the Capitol Police. The contrast between Dixon's actions and those of the January 6th protesters highlights the complexities of the January 6th case and the ongoing debates about its underlying causes.

    • Importance of following the law and respecting authority figuresThe FBI's respectful adherence to law enforcement instructions contrasted with some Capitol protesters' disregard for Capitol Police, highlighting the significance of listening to and respecting authority figures to prevent dangerous situations.

      During the discussion, it became clear that the contrasting behavior between the FBI and the Capitol protesters was significant. While the FBI respectfully followed instructions from law enforcement and did not attempt to storm a building, some protesters disregarded the Capitol Police and tried to do so. The speaker expressed admiration for the professionalism and firmness of the Capitol Police, who handled the situation with respect and clear communication. The speaker also emphasized the importance of listening to and respecting law enforcement, as failure to do so can lead to consequences. The speaker also mentioned their upcoming plans to cover the Alvin Bragg trial in New York City and invited listeners to join them. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of following the law and respecting authority figures.

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    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence), @DomNicholls on Twitter. 

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    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @RolandOliphant on Twitter.

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    Olia Hercules (author and chef from Khakova ) @Olia_Hercules on Twitter.

    The charity mentioned by Olia: https://www.legacyofwarfoundation.com/ukrainecrisis

    Her own site: https://oliahercules.com/ 

    Francis's article for The Telegraph can be found here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/06/06/ukraine-knows-all-too-well-terrible-cost-dam-bursts/

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