
    Podcast Summary

    • Connecting with neighbors and finding joyBuilding strong community connections brings hope and joy during uncertain times. Find joy in everyday activities and invest for financial growth.

      Building strong community connections can bring hope and help during uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on the people around us for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, finding joy in the mundane can be as simple as playing free games on Chumba Casino or enjoying the NBA playoffs. Additionally, financial growth can be achieved through savings and investment options with Navy Federal Credit Union. And, while we may joke about it, murder, even in its newfangled form of writing and speaking, should never be taken lightly. So, let's strive to connect with our neighbors, find joy in the everyday, and appreciate the impact of our actions.

    • Michael Crichton's novel State of Fear: A manifesto against the politicolegalmedia complex on climate changeThe politicization of science can lead to misrepresentation of research and potential dangers when non-experts are relied upon for critical information.

      Michael Crichton's novel "State of Fear," while a thrilling sci-fi read, was also a manifesto against what Crichton called the politicolegalmedia complex regarding climate change. The book, filled with scientific studies and graphs, aimed to downplay the significance of global warming. Crichton, a doctor and ER creator, was an intelligent man, but his perspective on climate science was controversial. He was called to testify before the Senate Committee on Environmental and Public Works in 2005, despite criticism from actual climate scientists who felt he misrepresented their research. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, an organization known for its pro-oil stance, even awarded him a journalism prize. The controversy surrounding Crichton's testimony highlights the politicization of science and the potential dangers of relying on non-experts for critical information.

    • The Skeptical Environmentalist's Impact on Climate Change DebateBjorn Lomborg's book challenged the scientific consensus on global warming, leading to public skepticism and ongoing debate.

      The book "The Skeptical Environmentalist" by Bjorn Lomborg, which gained popularity around 2001, contributed to a shift in public perception towards suspicion and hostility towards scientists, particularly those researching global warming. Lomborg, a former Greenpeace member, challenged the scientific consensus on global warming by presenting data that seemed to contradict the party line of climate scientists and environmental activists. His arguments included the claim that species were not going extinct at an alarming rate, the world was not losing ice, global temperatures were not increasing, and there were more trees than ever. Despite the scientific consensus on climate change dating back to the 1960s, many people did not take it seriously until they saw visible evidence of climate change, such as extreme weather events. Additionally, mistrust in government and the rise of conspiracy theories also played a role in people's disbelief in the scientific consensus. The book's impact on the public discourse around climate change was significant and long-lasting, contributing to the ongoing debate and skepticism towards the scientific consensus.

    • Politicization of climate change and skepticism towards warningsDespite early skepticism due to politicization and belief in human adaptability, scientific consensus and lived experiences have led many to recognize the urgency of addressing climate change

      The debate around climate change has been politicized, with Al Gore's involvement and association with the Clinton administration leading some to dismiss his warnings as a hoax. The distrust towards authority figures and the belief that the wealthy will be unaffected by the consequences of climate change have also contributed to the skepticism. The case of Bjorn Lomborg, who argued for eco-optimism and downplayed the severity of climate issues, illustrates how some journalists and young people were initially fooled by his perspective. However, as more people became informed and experienced the impacts of climate change firsthand, many came to recognize the urgency of the issue. The prevalence of past doomsday predictions and the adaptability of human beings might have contributed to some people's dismissive attitude towards climate change. Yet, the evidence and scientific consensus continue to point towards the need for urgent action.

    • Reflecting on the future and our impact on itWe have the power to build stronger communities and create positive change, rather than succumbing to negative thoughts and behaviors. Finding meaning and connection in our lives is crucial, whether through social bonds or personal growth. Simplifying our lives and discovering affordable alternatives can lead to financial freedom and a sense of clarity.

      Despite our ability to adapt and survive in challenging circumstances, it's important to consider what kind of world we want to leave for future generations. Some people may find the idea of an apocalyptic scenario appealing due to dissatisfaction with current societal structures and lack of hope for improvement. However, it's crucial to remember that we have the power to build stronger communities and create positive change, rather than succumbing to negative thoughts and behaviors. Moreover, the discussion touched upon the dehumanizing aspects of modern consumerist capitalism and the appeal of a "wasteland king" mentality. This highlights the importance of finding meaning and connection in our lives, whether through social bonds or personal growth. Additionally, the conversation emphasized the significance of spring cleaning and simplifying our lives, as well as discovering more affordable alternatives to common expenses. This can lead to a sense of clarity and financial freedom. Lastly, there were mentions of various products and services, such as Monopoly Go and Neighbor to Neighbor, which can provide entertainment and foster community connections, respectively. Overall, the conversation offered insights into human motivation, societal structures, and the importance of finding joy and connection in our lives.

    • Exploring various topics from everyday experiences to larger societal issuesThe Chumba Casino provides a free-to-play gaming experience with daily bonuses, while the discussion touched upon personal experiences, climate change, and population growth, emphasizing the importance of responsible resource consumption by the wealthy.

      The Chumba Casino offers a free-to-play gaming experience with daily bonuses, and anyone can join regardless of purchase. During the discussion, the hosts also touched upon various topics including their personal experiences with food and beverages, as well as the debate surrounding climate change and population growth. Regarding the latter, it was highlighted that the overall human population is not the primary issue, but rather the excessive resource consumption by the wealthy. The conversation also touched upon the controversial figures like Steve Bannon and Bjorn Lomborg, who are often involved in the climate change debate. Overall, the discussion showcased a range of topics, from everyday experiences to larger societal issues.

    • Lomborg's book 'The Skeptical Environmentalist' had questionable credibilityDespite Lomborg's extensive footnotes, many were misrepresented or taken out of context, undermining the credibility of his arguments against climate change alarmism.

      Bjorn Lomborg's book "The Skeptical Environmentalist," which gained widespread renown in the early 2000s due to its extensive citations, was not as credible as it appeared. Lomborg positioned himself as a clear-eyed, contrarian scientist challenging climate change alarmism, but many of the footnotes he used to support his arguments were misinterpreted or taken out of context. This included the work of scientists like E.O. Wilson, who spoke out against Lomborg's misrepresentation of their research. Despite this, journalists and conservatives were drawn to Lomborg's book due to its thick section of footnotes, which they saw as evidence of solid research. However, many of these footnotes did not actually support Lomborg's arguments, and several scientists spoke out against his misuse of their work. It's important to be critical of sources, even those that seem credible based on superficial evidence.

    • Unprecedented species extinction and the need for interventionUp to half of all species could face extinction by mid-century, impacting human lives and ecosystems. Ignoring this issue can lead to violent responses and misinformation.

      We are currently experiencing an unprecedented rate of species extinction, far surpassing the natural background rate. Despite this, only a small percentage of species are receiving human intervention to prevent extinction. If current trends continue, up to 30-50% of all species could be headed towards extinction by mid-century. The loss of even one species can have ripple effects and impact human lives in unexpected ways, such as the potential loss of chocolate due to the decline of a pollinating fly. However, some people remain indifferent or even hostile to the idea of species extinction, fueled by propaganda and misinformation. Figures like Bjorn Lomborg have played a role in sowing doubt and fear, leading some to respond with violence and hatred towards environmental activists. Understanding this history and the importance of addressing species extinction is crucial for our future.

    • Criticisms of Bjorn Lomborg's 'The Skeptical Environmentalist' for flawed researchDespite gaining popularity, Lomborg's book was criticized for its flawed research, misuse of scientific data, and selective citation of literature. Experts debunked his assertions on water resources, climate change, and biodiversity, revealing unexpectedly and disturbingly flawed data and ignoring contradictory evidence.

      Bjorn Lomborg's book "The Skeptical Environmentalist" has been widely criticized for its flawed research and misuse of scientific data. Lomborg's bibliography, which appeared to consist of 3,000 scientific citations, was found to include a significant number of non-peer reviewed sources and misinterpretations of previously published research. Experts in various fields, including water resources, climate change, and biodiversity, have debunked Lomborg's assertions on these topics, which were found to underestimate rates of species extinction, ignore evidence of water scarcity, and minimize the impacts of global warming. Lomborg's use of scientific data was described as unexpectedly and disturbingly flawed by one expert, and his selective citation of literature was criticized for supporting his assertions while ignoring contradictory evidence. Despite these criticisms, Lomborg's book gained popularity due to its message of environmental skepticism and the impression that it was based on extensive scientific research. However, the experts' reviews demonstrate that the book does not meet basic standards of credible scientific analysis. The incident raises questions about the importance of fact-checking and the potential consequences of relying on flawed information.

    • Impact of individual actions and misinformation on climate changeMisunderstandings about climate change can stem from complex scientific consensus, misinterpreted research, and misinformation. Building a more informed community can help combat this issue and lead to more effective solutions.

      Individual actions and misinformation can have significant impacts, especially when it comes to critical issues like climate change. The discussion highlights the challenge of getting people to understand complex scientific consensus and the role of misinterpreted research and misinformation in perpetuating misunderstandings. The speaker also touches upon the irony that actions leading to fewer carbon emissions, such as the tobacco industry or natural disasters, can paradoxically hinder the fight against climate change due to their negative consequences. Ultimately, building a more connected and informed community can help combat this issue and lead to more effective solutions.

    • The debate over climate change and its impactThe focus of the climate change debate has shifted from denial to finding solutions, as the severity and frequency of disasters increase.

      The influence of certain individuals, like Bjorn Lomborg, in shaping public discourse and being recognized as top thinkers can be questionable and not necessarily based on their actual expertise or accurate information. The discussion also highlighted how climate change denial or downplaying its impact has been a long-standing issue, but the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters have led to a shift in the debate towards finding solutions. The debate now focuses on what actions should be taken rather than whether climate change is happening. The speaker also shared their personal experiences with dealing with frustration and anger towards such situations. Additionally, it was mentioned that some awards given to Lomborg were from as early as 2004, and his falling from grace might be due to the public becoming more aware of the severity and frequency of climate-related disasters.

    • Lomborg's Success and the Public's Reluctance to Believe in Doomsday BeliefsThe public's reluctance to believe in doomsday beliefs and media's uncritical acceptance of self-proclaimed experts contribute to inaction on climate change, allowing individuals and corporations to maintain their privileged positions.

      The success of Bjorn Lomborg, a Danish author and climate change skeptic, can be attributed to his ability to tap into the public's reluctance to believe in doomsday beliefs and the media's tendency to uncritically accept experts. Lomborg criticized the "litany" of doom and gloom surrounding climate change in the early 2000s and accused journalists of spreading false claims without proper references. However, if we reverse Lomborg's arguments, it becomes clear that the real problem is not the uncritical spread of climate change information but the uncritical acceptance of self-proclaimed experts. The public generally prefers optimistic messages and is less likely to be alarmed by environmental issues. This, combined with the 24-hour news cycle that exhausts people's ability to care, leads to a decision fatigue and an assumption that someone else will handle the problem. This dynamic has allowed individuals and corporations responsible for contributing to climate change to maintain their privileged positions, while the rest of the population suffers the consequences. A potential solution could involve holding these individuals accountable by taking away their wealth and forcing them to live as regular people, which might give them a better understanding of the real-world impacts of their actions.

    • Making hated figures work in low-status jobs as a solutionExploring unconventional methods to address power imbalance, the idea of employing controversial figures in service jobs could promote social justice

      Instead of physically harming or imprisoning those in power who act against the common good, a more effective solution could be to strip them of their wealth and influence by making them work in low-status jobs. This idea was explored in a humorous yet thought-provoking conversation about the most hated restaurant chains being ideal places for controversial figures. The discussion touched upon the complexities of religious beliefs and their impact on environmental concerns. Ultimately, the speakers suggested that if we could address the root causes of inequality and provide basic income and healthcare, former politicians could be employed in service jobs, leading to a more just society.

    • The challenge of combating scientific misinformationMisrepresentation of scientific facts can impact public discourse negatively, but it's a complex issue with few penalties for those who spread it. The scientific community and public must critically evaluate information and hold misinformers accountable.

      The ease with which misinformation can be spread and the valuable time and resources required to debunk it creates a frustrating dynamic in the scientific community. People like Bjorn Lomborg, who misrepresent scientific facts for personal gain or fame, can significantly impact public discourse on critical issues like climate change. Despite the negative consequences of their actions, there are limited penalties for such behavior due to the complexities of scientific expertise and the legal system. Ultimately, it's the responsibility of the scientific community and the public to critically evaluate information and hold those who spread misinformation accountable.

    • Debate over climate change's economic implications and use of different discount factorsThe ethical implications of economic calculations for future generations' lives and the potential consequences of dehumanizing discussions about climate change are crucial considerations.

      The debate surrounding climate change and its economic implications often involves complex economic calculations and differing perspectives on the value of future generations' lives. Bjorn Lomborg, a Danish author and professor, has been criticized for downplaying the cost of climate change and advocating for prioritizing other global issues. However, he argues that the difference in estimates comes from the use of different discount factors in calculating the value of future damage or costs. This disagreement highlights the importance of considering the ethical implications of economic calculations and the potential consequences of treating people as numbers rather than recognizing their inherent value. The comparison of Lomborg to Adolf Hitler was an exaggerated response to this debate, but it underscores the potential for dehumanizing discussions about climate change and its costs. Ultimately, it is crucial to remember that the most important aspects of society are not just the individuals in power but the collective actions and decisions that impact all people, both present and future.

    • The power of individual actionsIndividual actions, whether positive or negative, can significantly impact global issues, often overlooked or underestimated by those in power.

      The power of individual actions, whether intentional or unintentional, can have significant impacts on global issues. This can be seen in the case of memes on the internet potentially swaying election outcomes, as well as the influence of individuals like Greta Thunberg or Bjorn Lomborg. However, this factor is often overlooked or underestimated by those in power. For instance, Lomborg's misinterpretation of scientific studies led to a delay in addressing climate change. Yet, it's important to remember that the amoral nature of individual impact is not entirely good or bad. On the positive side, a single person like Greta Thunberg can make a significant difference. On the negative side, an individual like Bjorn Lomborg can also cause harm by misinterpreting information and leading others astray. By 2007, there were signs that people were starting to question Lomborg's methods, and his priorities for addressing global challenges were reevaluated. Ultimately, the power of the individual is a complex and nuanced factor in history that is often misunderstood by those in power.

    • Skepticism and Criticism Surround Bjorn Lomborg's Climate Change ProposalsDespite Bjorn Lomborg's proposals for addressing climate change, such as cloud thickening and trade liberalization, facing criticism from scientists, his calculations and methods have been questioned, and some suspect potential biases due to financial gains and conflicting interests.

      Bjorn Lomborg's proposals for addressing climate change, such as spraying seawater to thicken clouds and reducing trade restrictions, have been met with skepticism and criticism from scientists. His calculations and methods have been questioned, and some believe his actions may be influenced by conflicting interests and financial gains. For instance, his Copenhagen Consensus Center received significant funding and Lomborg himself earned a high salary, raising concerns about potential biases. Additionally, his claims about the impact of certain actions on climate change have been proven incorrect in the past. Overall, his approaches to climate change have been deemed less effective and economically beneficial than more widely accepted solutions, such as reducing emissions and stopping rainforest logging.

    • CEI and its figures' climate change denial and opposition to emissions reductionsThe CEI, led by Bjorn Lomborg, promotes climate change denial and opposes emissions reductions despite receiving funding from conservative donors like Charles Koch and Paul Singer, casting doubt on their independence and motives.

      The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) and its affiliated figures, such as Bjorn Lomborg, have been promoting climate change denial and opposing emissions reductions, despite receiving significant funding from conservative organizations and individuals like Charles Koch and Paul Singer. This raises questions about the motivations and agendas behind their public stances on environmental issues. The CEI presents itself as an independent think tank, but its ties to right-wing funding sources and skepticism towards the scientific consensus on climate change call this independence into question.

    • Metaphors of Power and ControlSpeakers joked about violence and destruction, but explored deeper feelings of frustration and anger, reflecting on societal structures leading to conflict and division, expressing hope for peaceful solutions and a call to action to address pressing issues before they escalate.

      The speakers in this discussion explore the human need for power and control through metaphors of violence and destruction. They joke about throwing machetes and using bolt cutters, but these actions represent deeper feelings of frustration and anger. The speakers also reflect on the potential consequences of climate change and the societal structures that may lead to conflict and division. Despite the playful tone, the conversation touches on serious themes of identity, citizenship, and the desire for change. Ultimately, the speakers express a hope for peaceful solutions and a call to action to address pressing issues before they escalate.

    • Empowering Communities and Supporting Mental HealthNeighbor to Neighbor fosters community connections, BetterHelp offers accessible mental health support, Chumba Casino provides free entertainment, and Straight Talk Wireless offers affordable 5G plans.

      Community connection is essential in uncertain times. Whether it's lending a helping hand to a neighbor in need or standing together in times of natural disaster, the people living around us are our best bet at creating meaningful social bonds. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, empowers individuals to grow their community and prepare for the next big event. Meanwhile, mental health challenges can affect anyone, and access to mental health support is crucial. BetterHelp provides online therapy on your schedule, making mental health support more accessible and affordable than in-person therapy. Entertainment-wise, Chumba Casino offers over 100 casino-style games, where you can play for free and redeem serious prizes. And if you're looking for a new podcast, check out "Worst Year Ever" by I Write K, Cody, and Katie, where they'll definitely talk more about bolt cutters and machetes. Lastly, Straight Talk Wireless offers a reliable 5G network and unlimited data, with family plans starting as low as $25 a line per month for 4 lines. It's not just for families, but for people you like as well. Overall, these various initiatives highlight the importance of community, mental health support, and entertainment, reminding us that there are always beacons of hope in our neighborhoods.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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