
    Bombshell Report: How Big Tech Silences Conservatives, plus Biden Family Getting Huge $$ from Hamas-Sheltering Qatar

    enMay 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Protecting Life and FinancesPreborn babies and individuals have the right to life and deserve protection. Preborn helps save babies from abortion, while HealthLock secures insurance and flags errors to save money. Cruz investigates Big Tech's monopoly power and potential corruption, while Freedom Gold USA encourages investing in gold and silver.

      Both preborn babies and individuals have the right to life and deserve protection. While a preborn baby's heart begins to form at conception and can be heard beating at just 5 weeks, many medical bills contain errors that can result in significant financial burden for individuals. Preborn is an organization that helps rescue 200 babies from abortion every day by providing them with a chance to hear their heartbeats, increasing their chances of survival. On the other hand, HealthLock is a technology that helps individuals securely connect with their insurance and flags any overbilling, wrong codes, and fraud, helping them save money. Meanwhile, there are concerns about the influence of the Chinese Communist Party in Hollywood and the silencing of conservatives by Big Tech. Senator Ted Cruz is leading an investigation into Big Tech's monopoly power and its efforts to deplatform conservatives. Additionally, there have been revelations of financial ties between Joe Biden's brother and a country, Cutter, that has been supporting Hamas and sheltering its leaders, raising concerns about potential corruption and national security risks. Freedom Gold USA encourages individuals to consider investing in gold and silver during volatile financial markets.

    • Investing in Gold and Silver vs Tech Industry ScrutinyConsider investing in gold and silver with a reputable company like Freedom Gold USA for diversification. The tech industry faces scrutiny over biased content and censorship allegations, with the Senate launching an investigation.

      The economy, inflation, and job reports have led some people to consider investing in gold and silver. However, it's important to choose a reputable company like Freedom Gold USA, which advocates for asset diversification and offers lower prices than major competitors. Meanwhile, concerns about Big Tech's influence on public opinion continue, with reports of biased content and censorship, particularly against conservative voices. The Senate has launched an investigation into these allegations, uncovering instances of suppressed content and suspended accounts related to political figures and controversial topics. These findings highlight the need for transparency and fairness in the tech industry.

    • Silencing Conservatives: Online Service Providers Discriminate Against ThemOnline service providers discriminate against conservative organizations and individuals by denying them access to essential technology and infrastructure, impacting their reach and influence during elections

      Online service providers are using their power to discriminate against conservative organizations and individuals by denying them access to essential technology and infrastructure needed for communication and operation. This playbook for silencing conservatives, led by leftist organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League, aims to remove infrastructure services that conservative organizations rely on, which can significantly impact their reach and influence, particularly during election cycles. Examples of this include Slack's removal of Libs of TikTok's workspace, Eventbrite's cancellation of events related to Matt Walsh and Riley Gaines, and Bonterra's termination of its relationship with the Independent Women's Forum. The Anti-Defamation League's report, "Bad Gateway," recommends deplatforming websites to reduce the spread and reach of extremism and hate online. However, the report also shows that deplatforming can cause immediate popularity rankings to decrease, take a long time for users to return, and sometimes prevent the website from regaining its previous popularity levels. These actions can have a significant impact on the reach and influence of conservative voices, potentially altering election outcomes.

    • Infrastructure providers play a key role in deplatformingInfrastructure providers like domain registrars, web hosting companies, and security protection firms have the power to make websites inaccessible by removing their domain names, hosting, or security protection, impacting free speech and business operations.

      Deplatforming, or removing content or services from websites, presents significant challenges and can have a major impact on individuals and organizations. This process is facilitated by infrastructure providers such as domain registrars, web hosting companies, and security protection firms. These companies have the power to make websites inaccessible by removing their domain names, hosting, or security protection. Deplatforming can be used to silence voices and manipulate public opinion, as seen in the case of Libs of TikTok being shut down without warning or explanation. These back-office infrastructure actions are often less publicized than the more visible deplatforming steps taken by social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. It is crucial to raise awareness of these infrastructure providers' roles in deplatforming and their potential impact on free speech and business operations.

    • Social media platforms' power to deplatform without clear justificationSocial media platforms can deplatform content and businesses based on perceived objections, without proper scrutiny or understanding, raising concerns about bias and impact on individuals and organizations. Lack of media coverage further compounds the issue, preventing public awareness and accountability.

      Social media platforms have the power to deplatform content and businesses without clear justification, often based on the perceived objections of certain audiences. The discussion highlights the cases of Libs of TikTok and Eventbrite, where decisions were made without proper scrutiny or understanding of the content in question. This lack of transparency raises concerns about potential bias and the impact on individuals and organizations. The corporate media's lack of coverage on these issues further compounds the problem, as it prevents public awareness and accountability. These actions, done in the dark, have significant consequences and call for increased attention and regulation.

    • Tech companies can deny services based on policy violationsTech companies have the power to deny services to organizations, often without clear explanation, for perceived policy violations.

      Tech companies like Bonterra have the power to deny services to organizations based on their perceived violations of the companies' policies. In this case, Bonterra denied services to the Independent Women's Forum, a conservative organization, due to its stance on women's rights and LGBTQ issues. The organization was not given a clear explanation of how it violated the policies and was forced to quickly find a replacement provider. Meanwhile, the text also highlights the importance of causes like saving preborn babies and improving sleep quality. It's important to note that these topics were not directly related to the main discussion but were presented in the same text.

    • Inconsistent application of hate speech and violent event policiesLarge corporations and event platforms face criticism for inconsistently enforcing their hate speech and violent event policies, raising concerns about potential bias and double standards.

      Large corporations and event platforms are facing criticism for their inconsistent application of hate speech and violent event policies. For instance, Riley Gaines was deplatformed for her views on women's sports, while an event promoting violence against Israel did not violate Eventbrite's hateful events policy. Similarly, Patriot Mobile encourages consumers to switch from liberal cell phone providers that support causes some may find objectionable, highlighting the importance of being aware of where our money goes. This inconsistency and hypocrisy in enforcing policies raises concerns about the potential for bias and double standards.

    • Alleged Business Dealings Between Biden Brother and Qatari OfficialsNew reports suggest Joe Biden's brother, Jim Biden, had business dealings with Qatari officials, potentially linking a Biden relative to a foreign government. Some funds from these deals may have reached Joe Biden.

      New reports suggest that President Joe Biden's brother, Jim Biden, may have had business dealings with Qatari officials, potentially constituting financial links between a Biden relative and a foreign government. These alleged arrangements came to light during a Kentucky bankruptcy case, with testimony indicating that Jim Biden partnered with Qatari government-owned companies to secure funding for a US healthcare venture. Furthermore, it has been reported that some of the money involved in these deals may have been transferred to Joe Biden. Qatar's foreign policy is known to be problematic, and the Biden family's business dealings primarily involve countries considered adversarial to the US, such as Russia, Ukraine, and communist China. These developments add to the ongoing scrutiny of the Biden family's business activities and their potential implications for the presidency.

    • Qatar's rulers tried to strengthen ties to US and Europe during crisis by showering Westerners with gifts and financial benefits, including Jim BidenQatar's Cutter Sovereign Wealth Fund paid Jim Biden $600,000, which he transferred $200,000 to Joe Biden, but Biden admin refuses to sanction Cutter despite its ties to Hamas and other controversial groups, raising questions about potential pay-to-play schemes involving Biden family and US government.

      During the diplomatic crisis between Qatar and its neighbors in 2017, Qatar's rulers sought to strengthen their ties to the US and Europe by showering Westerners with gifts and financial benefits. One of these recipients was Jim Biden, who was pitching himself as a valuable connector to the Biden family and the US government. Cutter Sovereign Wealth Fund, which is based in Qatar and is home to some of its wealthiest leaders, paid Jim Biden roughly $600,000, which he then transferred $200,000 to Joe Biden. The Biden administration has refused to sanction Cutter despite its ties to Hamas and other controversial groups. Jim Biden presented himself as a separate person with no connection to the vice president or president during a presentation seeking financing for AmeriCorps. The documents detailing these transactions have been largely ignored by the media, but they raise serious questions about potential pay-to-play schemes involving the Biden family and the US government.

    • Biden family's business dealings with enemies of AmericaThe Biden family's business dealings involve securing large sums of money from countries that are enemies of America, with family members requesting millions for introductions and opportunities.

      The Biden family's business dealings appear to involve securing large sums of money from countries that are enemies of America, with Jim Biden also requesting millions of dollars in exchange for introductions and business opportunities on behalf of his family. This strategy was revealed in court documents regarding a $140,000,000 settlement deal between a US company and the Saudi Arabian government, and it echoes Hunter Biden's past statements about leveraging their family connections for financial gain. The Biden family's approach to government and business seems to prioritize personal gain, regardless of the potential harm to American interests. This is a concerning development that warrants further investigation and transparency.

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      Investing in certain sectors, such as energy, while considering tax implications, could potentially help reduce tax liability and contribute to sound financial growth. However, it's crucial to remember that past performance is not a guarantee of future results, and investing always involves risk. It's essential to consult legal, tax, and financial advisors before making any investment decisions and to read the prospectus thoroughly. On a personal note, as we age, our priorities and needs change. For instance, maintaining vitality and strength through working out can become a challenge. In this context, discovering Choc (ChalkSch0q.com) has been a game-changer for me, helping me regain my energy and lose weight. By using promo code Ben, you can enjoy a massive discount on any child subscription for life. Remember, it's essential to take care of ourselves, both financially and physically, to live our best lives.

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