
    Not Just Hunter-Cascading Evidence of Biden Family Corruption, plus Media Turns on Biden & Attack Real Journalism

    enFebruary 23, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Services making a difference in people's livesThe preborn organization saves lives and HealthLock helps individuals save money by correcting medical bill errors.

      Both the preborn organization and HealthLock offer valuable services that can make a significant impact on people's lives. The preborn organization saves lives by helping mothers hear their baby's heartbeat and doubling their chances at life, while HealthLock helps individuals save money by identifying and correcting errors in their medical bills. Additionally, there are concerns about the influence of the Chinese Communist Party in Hollywood and the growing evidence of corruption within the Biden family. These issues highlight the importance of being informed and taking action when necessary. To get involved and help those in need, consider donating to preborn or visiting healthlock.com. For those interested in learning more about the influence of the Chinese Communist Party in Hollywood, check out the documentary "Hollywood Takeover."

    • Helping Israel Amidst Crisis and Scrutinizing US PoliticsThe IFCJ supports Israelis with essentials while US politics faces scrutiny over the Biden family's business dealings, raising concerns for transparency and accountability.

      The situation in Israel continues to be dire, with countless lives affected by terrorism and destruction. The International Fellowship of Christian Jews (IFCJ) is actively providing essentials like food and medicine to those in need. Meanwhile, in the United States, the Biden family's involvement in business dealings has come under scrutiny, with new revelations suggesting a more significant role for Joe Biden than previously reported. The pattern of deceit and potential conflicts of interest raises concerns. To help the people of Israel, consider visiting supportifcj.org to donate. For accountability and transparency in American politics, continued vigilance and investigation are necessary.

    • Biden family's business dealings under scrutinyAllegations of selling access to Joe Biden, questionable financial transactions, bankrupt healthcare business, and accusations of Medicare fraud involving multiple family members

      The Biden family's business dealings have come under intense scrutiny, with allegations of selling access to Joe Biden and questionable financial transactions. A recent Politico report revealed that Jim Biden, Joe's brother, was involved in a healthcare business that acquired a hospital in Pennsylvania and later went bankrupt, leaving patients without care. The family reportedly made significant profits from this venture. Additionally, the company they worked for, Americor, is accused of defrauding Medicare, with a $200,000 check from Americorps ending up in Joe Biden's account via Jim Biden. The consistency of these business dealings, involving multiple family members, raises serious questions about accountability and ethical conduct. The media's coverage of this story, once dismissed as conspiracy theories, now sheds light on potential wrongdoing and further damages Joe Biden's reputation.

    • Joe Biden's Brother's Inconsistent Testimony on Business DealingsGOP lawmakers accuse James Biden of contradicting himself during testimony about his involvement in a business deal with Hunter Biden and associates, raising questions about the Democratic establishment's plans for a potential replacement for Joe Biden.

      The narrative around Joe Biden's business dealings has taken a turn, with GOP lawmakers accusing his brother James of contradicting himself during testimony. James Biden initially claimed he had no involvement in a deal with Hunter Biden and associates, but when presented with an agreement bearing his signature, he denied recognizing it. This inconsistency has raised concerns and sparked media scrutiny, with some speculating that the Democratic establishment may be looking for a potential replacement for Joe Biden as the election approaches. Meanwhile, inflation and economic instability have many Americans considering diversifying their financial portfolios with gold and silver. Freedom Gold USA offers the opportunity to add these precious metals to an IRA or have them shipped directly to your home. Call them at 1806558843 to see if you qualify for up to $10,000 in free silver.

    • Media shifts narrative against President BidenRecent criticizing articles in media, growing voter dissatisfaction, and economic policy price increases challenge Biden's leadership effectiveness

      Multiple media outlets, including the Rolling Stone, have recently published criticizing articles about President Joe Biden, marking a shift in narrative from the media's previous support. This coincides with growing concerns among Democratic voter bases, particularly young black voters in Detroit, Michigan, who are expressing dissatisfaction with Biden's performance. Additionally, the Biden administration's economic policies have led to significant price increases in various sectors, contrasting the economic successes under former President Donald Trump. These factors combined suggest a potential turning point in public perception towards Biden, as the media and voters alike begin to question his ability to lead effectively.

    • Political climate and community concerns towards President BidenAfrican American community expresses dissatisfaction with Biden over high rent, crime, and potential Michelle Obama replacement. Importance of being informed about medical bills and errors through HealthLock. Urgent call to save preborn babies through Pre Born donations.

      The political climate in the United States is causing dissatisfaction within certain communities, specifically the African American community, towards President Joe Biden. The issues of high rent, crime, and the potential replacement of Biden with Michelle Obama are major concerns for Democrats looking to turn out voters. Additionally, the importance of being informed about medical bills and potential errors through services like HealthLock was discussed. The heartfelt plea to save preborn babies through donations to Pre Born was also emphasized. Overall, the conversation touched on various topics from politics and healthcare to social issues and the importance of being proactive in one's financial and moral responsibilities.

    • CBS News fires journalist, seizes her filesCBS News terminated investigative journalist Katherine Harrods and seized her confidential sources' records, raising concerns about press freedom and journalistic integrity

      The firing of investigative journalist Katherine Harrods from CBS News and the seizure of her journalistic files raises serious concerns about press freedom and the integrity of corporate media. Harrods, known for her tough reporting on controversial issues, was let go during CBS's financial downsizing. However, the unusual step of seizing her files, including records of her privileged sources, is alarming. Reporters rely on confidential sources, who share information under promises of anonymity. The essence of journalism and free press depends on these promises being upheld. CBS's decision to demand Harrods' sources is perceived as an abuse of power, and raises questions about the true intentions behind her termination. The incident underscores the importance of independent journalism and the potential risks journalists face when reporting on information that may be inconvenient to those in power.

    • Pressure on journalists to report favorably for political figuresCBS News' handling of Catherine Harridge's departure highlights the increasing pressure on journalists to report only favorable information about political figures from the left, leading to a loss of truth-telling in journalism and a shift towards propagandizing for political parties.

      The pressure on journalists to report only favorable information, particularly against political figures from the left, has reached a concerning level. The example of Catherine Harridge's departure from CBS News highlights this issue, as she was known for her unbiased investigative reporting. The chilling effect of CBS executives pushing back against critical reporting of the Biden White House, including the seizure of her records, has sent a signal that dissent is not welcome. This trend, which gained momentum during the Trump presidency, has led to a loss of truth-telling in journalism and a shift towards propagandizing for political parties. The media's mission to save democracy has been redefined as electing left-wing Democrats at all costs, regardless of the facts. While there are valid concerns about certain media outlets, it's important to recognize the value of a free press and the importance of reporting on all sides of the story.

    • Media landscape shifts against opposing viewpoints during political campaignsDuring political campaigns, media outlets may shift against opposing viewpoints, silencing or sidelining those who hold them, and this can result in the disappearance of diverse voices from the public discourse.

      The media landscape can shift dramatically during political campaigns, and those with opposing viewpoints to the dominant narrative may find themselves sidelined or silenced. The speaker, a former CNN contributor, shared his experience of being a conservative commentator during Donald Trump's presidential campaign. Initially, CNN welcomed diverse viewpoints for robust debates. However, as Trump gained momentum and eventually won, the media outlet began to turn against him and those who supported him. The speaker was one of the last conservative commentators left at CNN and was ultimately benched and silenced despite his pleas to remain on the payroll. He revealed that in his last year, he made significant money per appearance due to being benched, making him the highest-paid CNN contributor in history per appearance. The media's shift against Trump and his supporters led to the disappearance of conservative voices from the screen.

    • CNN's bias against conservative voices led to Ben Ferguson's exitBen Ferguson was pushed out of CNN for his conservative views, facing manipulation and scandalous articles, urging listeners to seek unbiased news sources.

      The speaker, Ben Ferguson, shared his experience of being a conservative commentator on CNN and how he was effectively pushed out due to the network's bias against conservative voices. He mentioned that he used to appear on CNN weekly but was no longer invited due to their lack of interest in fair discussions. Ferguson also criticized CNN for trying to manipulate him into taking controversial stances during his appearances and for allowing scandalous articles to be written about him. He further criticized the media in general, including CBS, for their corruption and lack of impartiality. Ferguson urged listeners to consume news from alternative sources that provide unbiased reporting, such as his own podcast, "Armstrong and Getty." He emphasized the importance of staying informed about current events and encouraged listeners to listen to his show for coverage of stories that are often overlooked by the mainstream media.

    • Insightful analysis on financial news beyond headlinesThe Big Take podcast offers accessible explanations of complex financial topics and implications, making it a valuable resource for both experienced investors and financial newcomers.

      The Big Take, a podcast by IHeartRadio, provides insightful analysis on the day's financial news. Hosted by Sarah Holder, Solea Mohsen, and David Gura, the podcast goes beyond the headlines to explain the stories behind market movements and their implications. Listeners can tune in on the IHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or other podcast platforms to gain a better understanding of what's happening in the financial world and why it matters. The podcast's engaging and knowledgeable hosts make complex financial topics accessible and relevant to a wide audience. So, whether you're an experienced investor or just starting to learn about finance, The Big Take is an excellent resource to help you stay informed and make sense of the news.

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