
    BONUS: Best of Buckleys

    enMay 13, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • LinkedIn: A Game Changer for Small Business HiringLinkedIn is a valuable tool for small businesses to expand their candidate pool and hire professionals, with over 70% of users not visiting other job sites monthly.

      LinkedIn is an essential platform for small businesses looking to hire professionals. It's like looking for car keys in a fish tank to ignore LinkedIn when recruiting. Over 70% of LinkedIn users don't visit other leading job sites monthly. Hiring through LinkedIn gives businesses access to a wider pool of candidates, including those not actively seeking new roles. Meanwhile, Mint Mobile offers affordable wireless plans, starting at just $15 a month, with a reverse auctioneer sale for new customers. Lastly, PlushCare provides online access to board-certified physicians who can prescribe weight loss medications for those who qualify, making it an excellent resource for those looking to start their weight loss journey. In the humorous segment, James had an unexpected discovery in his laundry, but with a little investigation, he was able to figure out whose underwear they were.

    • Misunderstandings in RelationshipsMisunderstandings can lead to unnecessary anxiety and stress, emphasizing the importance of clear communication in relationships.

      Misunderstandings and miscommunications can lead to unnecessary anxiety and stress in relationships. The speaker in this conversation went through a confusing experience when he found women's underwear in his laundry pile, which he initially thought belonged to someone else. This incident caused him to worry about the potential consequences, including a possible divorce. However, the underwear belonged to his sister, and the situation was resolved quickly. Despite the quick resolution, the speaker spent a significant amount of time worrying about the situation, highlighting the potential damage that misunderstandings can cause. It's important to communicate openly and honestly in relationships to avoid unnecessary stress and anxiety. In this case, a simple conversation could have prevented the speaker's unnecessary worry and saved both parties time and emotional energy.

    • Misunderstandings from everyday situationsOur perceptions can lead to unexpected outcomes, sometimes causing unnecessary embarrassment or worry. Clear communication is key to avoiding misunderstandings.

      Our perceptions and the way we interpret situations can lead us to unexpected and sometimes embarrassing outcomes. In the discussion, the speaker shares an experience from an episode of The Inbetweeners where a harmless comment about seagulls led to a misconception that stuck for years. Similarly, an unexpected incident involving a pair of knickers floating into a car could have driven someone insane with curiosity. These situations illustrate how our minds can wander and create stories, sometimes leading to unnecessary embarrassment or worry. It's essential to remember that not everything is as it seems and to communicate openly to avoid misunderstandings.

    • Misunderstandings and First ImpressionsPeople can form incorrect assumptions based on limited information. Clear communication and clarifying misunderstandings is crucial.

      First impressions can be deceiving and people may judge us based on past experiences or assumptions that don't necessarily reflect the truth. In the first part of the conversation, the speaker shared an experience from their childhood where they were mistakenly thought to have a fascination with birds due to a misunderstanding. Later on, during the making of a film, they were once again misunderstood when they were found looking at pictures of bald eagles on a computer. The second story involved an embarrassing incident from their past where they accidentally wore used underwear to a party, leading to a humiliating discovery in front of everyone. Both stories illustrate how people can jump to conclusions based on limited information and how important it is to communicate openly and clarify misunderstandings.

    • Finding humor in awkward situations and the importance of networkingTurn awkward experiences into funny stories and leverage LinkedIn for professional connections. Discover cost-effective solutions like Mint Mobile's reverse auction pricing model.

      Our experiences, no matter how embarrassing they may seem, can often provide us with memorable and amusing stories. Claire shared an incident from her past where she accidentally left her underwear in someone else's car, leading to a head-scratching situation. Though it was an awkward moment, she could have turned it into a funny story. The importance of being adaptable and finding humor in unexpected situations was a key theme in the conversation. Another topic discussed was the importance of professional networking, specifically on LinkedIn. The platform can help businesses connect with professionals who might not be actively searching for new opportunities but could still be a great fit. The reverse auction pricing model from Mint Mobile was also introduced as a cost-effective solution for wireless services during inflation. Lastly, the conversation touched on the power of first impressions and how fashion choices can impact them. Claire shared her disdain for the lumberjack look, which nearly derailed a first date for her. Overall, the conversation covered a range of topics, from personal experiences and embarrassing moments to professional networking and cost-effective solutions.

    • Pet peeves in fashion: Signet rings on pinky fingers and high tops for older menIndividual expression through clothing is appreciated, but certain styles like signet rings on pinky fingers for men in their thirties and forties, and high tops for older men, are pet peeves due to their perceived posh or juvenile connotations.

      The speaker has specific pet peeves when it comes to fashion and style. He dislikes men wearing signet rings on their pinky fingers and those in their thirties or forties wearing high tops. He finds these styles to be posh or juvenile respectively, and they turn him off. Despite this, he appreciates individuality and the way people express themselves through their clothing. He also acknowledged that his dislikes might be influenced by his own personal preferences and upbringing. The conversation also revealed that he has a soft spot for Del Boy's look and has a unique perspective on encouraging or discouraging certain fashion choices for his kids.

    • Fashion choices impact relationshipsBe true to yourself in fashion choices, as they reflect personality and can influence relationships, despite societal norms.

      Personal style and fashion choices can significantly impact relationships, as they often reflect an individual's personality and musical preferences. The discussion touched upon various fashion faux pas, such as wearing suits with Converse, high tops with baggy trousers, and pinky rings with expensive suits. However, it's essential to remember that fashion sense is subjective, and what one person might consider uncool, another might find appealing. The conversation also highlighted the influence of music on fashion and how it can provide clues about someone's taste. Ultimately, the most important thing is to be true to oneself and wear what makes one feel confident and comfortable, even if it doesn't align with societal norms or expectations.

    • Assumptions and Misunderstandings in RelationshipsAvoid jumping to conclusions based on assumptions and communicate openly to prevent misunderstandings in relationships

      Assumptions can lead to misunderstandings, especially when it comes to shared calendars and romantic gestures. In the shared story, a couple, who have been together for 14 years and never made a big deal of Valentine's Day, were surprised when the husband booked a romantic meal for two at his favorite restaurant. However, upon further investigation, it turned out that the "romantic meal" was actually a regular curry night with his friend Chris. The wife was initially concerned but, upon hearing the explanation, understood that there was no need for worry or annoyance. This story serves as a reminder to communicate openly and avoid jumping to conclusions based on assumptions.

    • Beyond Valentine's Day: Focus on personal growth and authenticityFocus on personal growth, authenticity, and setting achievable goals for a strong relationship or marriage. Remember, everyone is unique, and being true to oneself is essential for a fulfilling life. Ethical and responsible manufacturing practices are also crucial when making purchasing decisions.

      A strong relationship or marriage goes beyond Valentine's Day celebrations. While some people enjoy the holiday, others prefer showing love and appreciation every day. It's essential to focus on personal growth and setting achievable goals, rather than relying on external validation or material possessions. The conversation also touched upon the importance of authenticity and having various interests beyond a single hobby. It's crucial to remember that everyone is unique, and being true to oneself is the foundation for a fulfilling life. Additionally, ethical and responsible manufacturing practices are essential when making purchasing decisions, as demonstrated by brands like Quince.

    Recent Episodes from In Sickness and in Health

    BONUS: Best of Buckleys

    BONUS: Best of Buckleys

    Welcome to an extra special BONUS episode of In Sickness and in Health, the podcast by James and Clair Buckley!

    As James has been busy preparing for 2:22 A Ghost Story, today we’re bringing you a compilation of some of the Buckleys funniest moments! We’ll be back next week for a brand new episode of In Sickness and in Health, so keep sending in your hilarious train stories, niche annoyances about people, and Marital Mayhems! All of the clips heard in this episode can be found below:

    Ep 10: Mysterious Knickers -

    https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ep-10-the-mysterious-knickers-part-1/id1701634608?i=1000633911671 & https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ep-10-the-mysterious-knickers-part-2/id1701634608?i=1000633911507

    Ep 30: Sexy Little Red Lips - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/in-sickness-and-in-health/id1701634608?i=1000650428170 & https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ep-30-sexy-little-red-lips-part-2/id1701634608?i=1000650428226

    Ep 23: Short King Syndrome - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ep-23-short-king-syndrome-part-1/id1701634608?i=1000644284811 & https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ep-23-short-king-syndrome-part-2/id1701634608?i=1000644284944

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    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 36: His Very Large Truncheon - (Part 2)

    Ep 36: His Very Large Truncheon - (Part 2)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    Today, the Buckleys get to the bottom of who is the most intelligent! They debate whether it’s better to be ‘Book Smart’ or ‘Street Smart’; how James’ has had to alter his Dickens-esque accent; and finally, Clair and James offer advice on how to deal with smelly, drunk people on trains!

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 36: His Very Large Truncheon - (Part 1)

    Ep 36: His Very Large Truncheon - (Part 1)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    Today, the Buckleys get to the bottom of who is the most intelligent! They debate whether it’s better to be ‘Book Smart’ or ‘Street Smart’; how James’ has had to alter his Dickens-esque accent; and finally, Clair and James offer advice on how to deal with smelly, drunk people on trains!

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 35: You Can't Fart Blindly - (Part 2)

    Ep 35: You Can't Fart Blindly - (Part 2)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    In today’s episode, the Buckleys chat about their comedy heroes and the times in which James took pranks and jokes TOO FAR on the Inbetweeners set; Clair, James, and one of our listeners share hilarious stories about farting habits; and finally, we hear from another listener who shares a story about a glazed, salty prank that went wrong…

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 35: You Can't Fart Blindly - (Part 1)

    Ep 35: You Can't Fart Blindly - (Part 1)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    In today’s episode, the Buckleys chat about their comedy heroes and the times in which James took pranks and jokes TOO FAR on the Inbetweeners set; Clair, James, and one of our listeners share hilarious stories about farting habits; and finally, we hear from another listener who shares a story about a glazed, salty prank that went wrong…

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    BONUS: I'm Not A Celebrity!

    BONUS: I'm Not A Celebrity!

    Welcome to an extra special BONUS episode of In Sickness and in Health, the podcast by James and Clair Buckley!

    In today’s episode, the Buckleys are ready to argue about bus etiquette, though this time it’s from the perspective of the driver! We hear about how Jay Cartwright quotes have caused havoc in secondary schools and we also hear about James’ recent appearance on stage with the legendary PAUL WELLER.

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 34: Lord, Take Me Now - (Part 2)

    Ep 34: Lord, Take Me Now - (Part 2)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    In today’s episode, the Buckleys IMPATIENTLY try and work out which of them is the most PATIENT?! James and Clair talk about internet bullies, how they’ve started a train etiquette movement, and James' new love for instagram!

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 34: Lord, Take Me Now - (Part 1)

    Ep 34: Lord, Take Me Now - (Part 1)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    In today’s episode, the Buckleys IMPATIENTLY try and work out which of them is the most PATIENT?! James and Clair talk about internet bullies, how they’ve started a train etiquette movement, and James' new love for instagram!

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 33: Get That Bitch Told - (Part 2)

    Ep 33: Get That Bitch Told - (Part 2)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    Today, the Buckleys take a trip down memory lane as they chat about the 90s and nostalgia! The pair reflect on their favourite childhood TV shows and activities, and James shares a story of when his younger self tried to impress a girl and it backfired and resulted in a robbery?! We’ve got another shocking marital mayhem for you which Clair has some VERY strong opinions on!

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 33: Get That Bitch Told - (Part 1)

    Ep 33: Get That Bitch Told - (Part 1)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    Today, the Buckleys take a trip down memory lane as they chat about the 90s and nostalgia! The pair reflect on their favourite childhood TV shows and activities, and James shares a story of when his younger self tried to impress a girl and it backfired and resulted in a robbery?! We’ve got another shocking marital mayhem for you which Clair has some VERY strong opinions on!

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.