
    Podcast Summary

    • Unique experiences and nostalgiaConvenience and personalization enhance significant life moments. Nostalgia brings us joy through memories and specific experiences.

      For significant life moments like proposing or starting a weight loss journey, convenience and personalization are key. For unique and customized engagement rings, visit Blue Nile (code: listen) for an easy online shopping experience. For those seeking weight loss solutions, PlushCare offers online consultations with certified physicians and accepts most insurance plans. For a comfortable and soothing sleep experience, consider Boll and Branch's organic cotton sheets, which get softer with each wash (code: buttery). Reflecting on childhood memories, specific songs like Eiffel 65's "Blue (Da Ba Dee)" can transport us back in time, even if our recollections may not always be 100% accurate. And for those who long for the simpler days of cassette tapes and Walkmans, we can still cherish the nostalgia they bring. As for favorite childhood TV shows, the specific titles may vary, but the memories and emotions they evoke remain universal.

    • Nineties and Early 2000s TV ShowsThe speaker fondly recalls watching Clarissa Explains It All, Sabrina, Round the Twist, Brum, Tots TV, and Are You Afraid of the Dark during their childhood, which left a lasting impact on their memories and formative years.

      The speaker's childhood memories are filled with the TV shows they watched during the nineties and early 2000s. Shows like Clarissa Explains It All, Sabrina, and Round the Twist hold a special place in their heart, despite being a bit too old for some of them at the time. They also mention their love for Australian shows like Brum and Tots TV, and even recall an award-winning story they wrote based on an episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark. The speaker expresses a sense of nostalgia for these shows and the memories they evoke, despite some of them being considered strange or weird by today's standards. Overall, the speaker's reminiscence of these childhood TV shows highlights the impact they had on their formative years.

    • Sharing memories of childhood experiencesDiscussing nostalgic memories of TV shows, toys, and crushes brought laughter, nostalgia, and sometimes confusion.

      Our shared conversation brought back memories of childhood experiences, including fond remembrances of TV shows, toys, and crushes. Some of these memories brought laughter and nostalgia, while others were accompanied by irritation or confusion. For instance, we both recalled our love for the show "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" and the irritating duo in the episode "Baker's Dozen." We also discussed our experiences with toys like Pogs, Tamagotchis, and the ball game using tights. Additionally, we reminisced about our childhood crushes, such as the Spice Girls and Edward Scissorhands, and how these experiences left a lasting impact on us. Overall, our conversation highlighted the power of nostalgia and the shared human experience of growing up.

    • Nostalgic appreciation for unconventional 90s film charactersOur interviewee cherishes childhood memories of iconic 90s characters like Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, Scar, and Jessica Rabbit, and continues to enjoy their entertainment value today.

      Our interviewee shares a unique appreciation for unconventional and iconic characters from films, particularly from their childhood in the 1990s. They expressed their attraction to various characters, such as Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, Scar from The Lion King, and Jessica Rabbit. They also fondly remembered watching pirated videos and renting games at their local video shop, leading to a significant Jackie Chan phase. Despite growing up and having children, they still hold onto the nostalgia and enjoy the entertainment value of these characters and experiences.

    • Nostalgia for the 1990s: Mister Blobby, Beedle's About, and Old Video GamesSpeakers fondly recalled the 1990s and its pop culture, discussed creating a podcast about it, and shared their love for old video games. They criticized the Internet for ruining the fun of past decades and encouraged listeners to share their own nostalgic experiences.

      The speakers fondly reminisced about the 1990s and its pop culture, specifically mentioning shows like "Mister Blobby" and "Beedle's About." They suggested creating a podcast dedicated to the decade and its nostalgia. The speakers also mentioned their shared love for discussing old video games and how they bonded over their similar experiences. However, they acknowledged that not everyone's nostalgia might be for the 1990s and encouraged listeners to share their thoughts on other decades. The speakers also criticized the Internet for ruining the fun of previous decades and instead praised the simplicity and excitement of the past. Finally, they mentioned some unrelated topics, such as hiring professionals on LinkedIn and Boll and Branch organic cotton sheets.

    • Reminiscing about comedian Rapsy Nesbeth's showsNostalgia for old comedy shows, some scenes might be inappropriate today, learned about 'pick me girls' in interpersonal dynamics

      Rapsy Nesbeth was a comedian known for his role in various shows, including one where he got stuck in a sauna and another called "Rhapsody Nesbitt." The speaker fondly recalled watching his performances, but admitted some scenes might be inappropriate for modern audiences. In a different conversation, the speaker discussed a personal issue involving a friend's wife who seemed overly affectionate with her husband. The speaker was conflicted about how to handle the situation, considering herself an assertive communicator. She learned a new term, "pick me girl," to describe this type of woman who prioritizes male friendships over female ones. Overall, the discussions revolved around comedy, nostalgia, and interpersonal dynamics.

    • Setting Boundaries in RelationshipsCommunicate effectively and respectfully when setting boundaries to maintain healthy relationships, avoid escalating situations, and promote mutual respect.

      It's important to set boundaries and address inappropriate behavior in relationships, whether romantic or platonic. The speaker in this conversation expresses frustration towards a woman who is encroaching on his relationship with his husband at their wedding. He believes that her behavior is unacceptable and makes it clear that he will not tolerate it. He also suggests that confrontation may be necessary to make the woman understand the impact of her actions. However, it's important to approach such situations with care and consideration to avoid escalating the situation unnecessarily. The speaker's aggressive language and threats towards the woman may not be the best approach, and it's essential to communicate effectively and respectfully. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of respecting boundaries and maintaining healthy relationships.

    • Communication and setting boundaries in relationshipsBoth partners hold responsibility for addressing issues and resolving conflicts. Effective communication and setting clear boundaries are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships.

      Both partners in a relationship hold responsibility for addressing issues and resolving conflicts. In the discussed situation, both the woman and her husband were identified as contributing to the problem. The husband, by not addressing the issue earlier, and the wife, by continuing the behavior. The conversation emphasized the importance of communication and setting boundaries. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the topic of plagiarism and the importance of originality in creative work. The overall message was to move past the anger and focus on making positive changes in the relationship and in personal actions.

    • The importance of keeping promises and clear communicationEffective communication and commitment are crucial for healthy relationships. Avoid plagiarism, keep promises, and communicate openly to prevent misunderstandings and frustration.

      Effective communication and keeping promises are essential in any relationship. The speaker in the text discusses forgetting to pay bills on time and promises to stop whistling or singing loudly. They also mention the importance of not plagiarizing ideas and the potential desire for an award for their podcast. However, the underlying theme is the importance of keeping commitments and communicating clearly to avoid misunderstandings and frustration. The text also reveals the speaker's insecurity about reading and past experiences that required specialized help. Despite these challenges, they aim to improve and stick to their promises.

    • Shopping for Mother's Day: Special Occasions and Unbeatable SavingsPrioritize loved ones, find savings at Whole Foods for Mother's Day gifts, prepare for future changes with flexible insurance plans, and invest in high-quality items for lasting satisfaction

      It's important to prioritize and take care of the special people in our lives, like our mothers, and find the best places to shop for special occasions like Mother's Day. Whole Foods Market was highlighted as a destination for unbeatable savings on premium gifts, flowers, and desserts. Additionally, the future may bring changes, such as relying on chatbots or needing health insurance, and it's essential to be prepared for these changes with flexible and budget-friendly solutions like UnitedHealthcare TriTerm Medical Plans. Lastly, investing in high-quality items, like Boll and Branch's organic cotton sheets, that get better with time can lead to greater comfort and satisfaction.

    Recent Episodes from In Sickness and in Health

    BONUS: Best of Buckleys

    BONUS: Best of Buckleys

    Welcome to an extra special BONUS episode of In Sickness and in Health, the podcast by James and Clair Buckley!

    As James has been busy preparing for 2:22 A Ghost Story, today we’re bringing you a compilation of some of the Buckleys funniest moments! We’ll be back next week for a brand new episode of In Sickness and in Health, so keep sending in your hilarious train stories, niche annoyances about people, and Marital Mayhems! All of the clips heard in this episode can be found below:

    Ep 10: Mysterious Knickers -

    https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ep-10-the-mysterious-knickers-part-1/id1701634608?i=1000633911671 & https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ep-10-the-mysterious-knickers-part-2/id1701634608?i=1000633911507

    Ep 30: Sexy Little Red Lips - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/in-sickness-and-in-health/id1701634608?i=1000650428170 & https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ep-30-sexy-little-red-lips-part-2/id1701634608?i=1000650428226

    Ep 23: Short King Syndrome - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ep-23-short-king-syndrome-part-1/id1701634608?i=1000644284811 & https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ep-23-short-king-syndrome-part-2/id1701634608?i=1000644284944

    Ep 24: Clinking Beers & Podcast Cheers - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ep-24-clinking-beers-and-podcast-cheers-part-1/id1701634608?i=1000645106142 & https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ep-24-clinking-beers-and-podcast-cheers-part-2/id1701634608?i=1000645106128

    Ep 18: Leopard Print Y-Fronts - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ep-18-leopard-print-y-fronts-part-1/id1701634608?i=1000640267507 & https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ep-18-leopard-print-y-fronts-part-2/id1701634608?i=1000640267487

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 36: His Very Large Truncheon - (Part 2)

    Ep 36: His Very Large Truncheon - (Part 2)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    Today, the Buckleys get to the bottom of who is the most intelligent! They debate whether it’s better to be ‘Book Smart’ or ‘Street Smart’; how James’ has had to alter his Dickens-esque accent; and finally, Clair and James offer advice on how to deal with smelly, drunk people on trains!

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 36: His Very Large Truncheon - (Part 1)

    Ep 36: His Very Large Truncheon - (Part 1)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    Today, the Buckleys get to the bottom of who is the most intelligent! They debate whether it’s better to be ‘Book Smart’ or ‘Street Smart’; how James’ has had to alter his Dickens-esque accent; and finally, Clair and James offer advice on how to deal with smelly, drunk people on trains!

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 35: You Can't Fart Blindly - (Part 2)

    Ep 35: You Can't Fart Blindly - (Part 2)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    In today’s episode, the Buckleys chat about their comedy heroes and the times in which James took pranks and jokes TOO FAR on the Inbetweeners set; Clair, James, and one of our listeners share hilarious stories about farting habits; and finally, we hear from another listener who shares a story about a glazed, salty prank that went wrong…

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 35: You Can't Fart Blindly - (Part 1)

    Ep 35: You Can't Fart Blindly - (Part 1)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    In today’s episode, the Buckleys chat about their comedy heroes and the times in which James took pranks and jokes TOO FAR on the Inbetweeners set; Clair, James, and one of our listeners share hilarious stories about farting habits; and finally, we hear from another listener who shares a story about a glazed, salty prank that went wrong…

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    BONUS: I'm Not A Celebrity!

    BONUS: I'm Not A Celebrity!

    Welcome to an extra special BONUS episode of In Sickness and in Health, the podcast by James and Clair Buckley!

    In today’s episode, the Buckleys are ready to argue about bus etiquette, though this time it’s from the perspective of the driver! We hear about how Jay Cartwright quotes have caused havoc in secondary schools and we also hear about James’ recent appearance on stage with the legendary PAUL WELLER.

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 34: Lord, Take Me Now - (Part 2)

    Ep 34: Lord, Take Me Now - (Part 2)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    In today’s episode, the Buckleys IMPATIENTLY try and work out which of them is the most PATIENT?! James and Clair talk about internet bullies, how they’ve started a train etiquette movement, and James' new love for instagram!

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 34: Lord, Take Me Now - (Part 1)

    Ep 34: Lord, Take Me Now - (Part 1)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    In today’s episode, the Buckleys IMPATIENTLY try and work out which of them is the most PATIENT?! James and Clair talk about internet bullies, how they’ve started a train etiquette movement, and James' new love for instagram!

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 33: Get That Bitch Told - (Part 2)

    Ep 33: Get That Bitch Told - (Part 2)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    Today, the Buckleys take a trip down memory lane as they chat about the 90s and nostalgia! The pair reflect on their favourite childhood TV shows and activities, and James shares a story of when his younger self tried to impress a girl and it backfired and resulted in a robbery?! We’ve got another shocking marital mayhem for you which Clair has some VERY strong opinions on!

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 33: Get That Bitch Told - (Part 1)

    Ep 33: Get That Bitch Told - (Part 1)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    Today, the Buckleys take a trip down memory lane as they chat about the 90s and nostalgia! The pair reflect on their favourite childhood TV shows and activities, and James shares a story of when his younger self tried to impress a girl and it backfired and resulted in a robbery?! We’ve got another shocking marital mayhem for you which Clair has some VERY strong opinions on!

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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