
    BONUS: Could Trump Still Lose the Nomination? (Live from New Orleans!)

    enNovember 13, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Biden uses labor unions and manufacturing jobs as re-election strategyBiden attacks Trump's record on manufacturing jobs and electric vehicles, using labor unions and plant closures as effective economic messages against Trump's businessman image, despite potential challenges from primary and independent contenders.

      President Joe Biden is leveraging his support for labor unions and manufacturing workers as a key part of his re-election strategy. This was on full display during a recent rally at a car plant, where he made a direct attack on former President Donald Trump's record on manufacturing jobs and electric vehicles. The polling data showing that highlighting plant closures under Trump is an effective economic message for Biden against Trump's "businessman" image has clearly influenced the White House. Despite this, potential primary and independent challenges against Biden continue to emerge, with notable figures like Sarah Palin and Steve Schmidt joining the fray.

    • West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin retires, leaving Democrats to defend Senate seatsDemocrats face challenges in retaining their Senate majority after Manchin's retirement, needing to defend current seats and win new ones, including Montana, Ohio, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Michigan.

      Joe Manchin's decision not to run for reelection to the Senate and his plans to travel the country to potentially create a centrist movement has left the Democratic Party facing challenges in retaining their Senate majority. With a 51-seat majority, every seat is crucial, and now they must defend all their current seats and win new ones to maintain control. Manchin, who was a key vote in passing the Inflation Reduction Act, was expected to be a difficult opponent for the Republicans. His departure means they no longer have to invest resources in trying to beat him, which they can now direct towards other Democratic senators. The Democrats now need to win in Montana, Ohio, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Michigan to keep their Senate majority. If they lose even one seat, they will need to make a pickup either by defeating a Republican incumbent in Texas or Florida, both of which are difficult tasks. The stakes are high, as a Republican Senate would give Tucker Carlson the power to break ties, potentially leading to a Trump presidency with a Republican-controlled Senate and the appointment of conservative judges.

    • Upcoming Election's Importance Amplified by Potential SCOTUS AppointmentsMaintaining the political landscape hinges on a Democratic victory in the upcoming election to prevent Trump appointments to SCOTUS and secure key senator support for legislation.

      The upcoming presidential election is now more crucial than ever, as the retirements of Supreme Court justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito could lead to two additional appointments. Joe Biden's ability to secure a Democratic victory and prevent a Trump win is essential to maintaining the current political landscape. Furthermore, praising and appealing to the ego of key senators, such as Joe Manchin, may be an effective strategy to secure their support. Manchin's departure could have significant consequences, as he has played a pivotal role in passing key legislation, including the Inflation Reduction Act and the confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson. The potential entry of alternative candidates like Mitt Romney or a No Labels candidate into the race could pose a significant threat to Biden's re-election, but it remains to be seen which third-party candidate will gain enough traction to pose a serious challenge. Ultimately, the importance of securing a Democratic victory in the upcoming election cannot be overstated, as the stakes are higher than ever.

    • Ensuring valid signatures for ballot access and third-party candidates' impact on electionsRFK Jr.'s sudden fundraising for independent candidacy raises questions, while Green Party and No Labels candidates in battleground states could impact the election outcome. Candidates who appeal to a broad audience and avoid negative campaigns have an edge.

      The process of ensuring valid signatures for ballot access in elections is a challenging task. RFK Jr.'s quick fundraising for his independent candidacy raises questions, but it's crucial to keep monitoring the situation. The presence of Green Party and No Labels candidates in battleground states could impact the election. Dean Phillips, a Democratic candidate, has hired advisors from various political backgrounds, which could signal a shift in his policy positions. Some voters might choose to stay home instead of voting for third-party or independent candidates. The discussion also touched upon the importance of candidates who can appeal to a broad audience and avoid being tarnished by negative campaigns. Ultimately, the outcome of elections depends on various factors, including candidate strategies, voter behavior, and external influences.

    • Steve Bannon's MAGA policy agenda for a second termBannon's proposed agenda could harm individuals and the country, including releasing January 6 prisoners, deporting millions, bringing back cages for kids, indicting political opponents, and mass federal government firings.

      Steve Bannon's proposed MAGA policy agenda for a potential second term is concerning and could harm individuals and the country as a whole. The agenda includes releasing January 6 prisoners, deporting millions, bringing back cages for kids, indicting political opponents, and mass federal government firings. This is not just about opposing Joe Biden, but about causing harm. It's important to remember the potential consequences of putting MAGA domestic terrorists back in power. Meanwhile, Davonte Lewis, a young and impressive elected official in Louisiana, shares his inspiring story of getting involved in politics at a young age after being influenced by Barack Obama's 2004 Democratic National Convention speech. Now, as a Louisiana Public Service Commissioner, he is tasked with overseeing all public utilities in the state, including water, wastewater, electric, gas, and sewage. With Louisiana having a terrible record on environmental justice, he feels a significant added responsibility to make a difference in this area.

    • Environmental injustice in 'America's Cancer Alley'Investing in climate justice in polluted areas like New Orleans can benefit the entire country, addressing disproportionate air pollution exposure, and improving hurricane resilience. Additionally, addressing high phone call costs for families of incarcerated individuals can positively impact recidivism and overall well-being.

      Environmental injustice is a significant issue in the district represented by the speaker, which includes New Orleans and the river parishes in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. This area, often referred to as "America's Cancer Alley," is home to a disproportionate number of petrochemical refineries, making it one of the most polluted and industrially dense regions in the country. The people in this area, who are predominantly Black and brown, are 21 times more likely to be exposed to air pollution than the average American. The speaker believes that investing in climate justice in this district can benefit the entire country by turning it into a "climate answer alley." In the context of climate change, New Orleans is particularly vulnerable due to its hurricane-prone location. To prepare for the future and increase resilience, the speaker emphasizes the importance of putting people over profits and making utilities more sustainable and affordable. Additionally, the speaker advocates for addressing the high cost of phone calls for families of incarcerated individuals, which disproportionately affects low-income families in Louisiana. This issue falls under the purview of the Louisiana Public Service Commission, which regulates intrastate phone call rates. The speaker believes that allowing better communication between incarcerated individuals and their loved ones can have a positive impact on reducing recidivism and improving overall well-being.

    • Advocating for incarcerated individuals' human rights and family connectionsElected officials can inspire change by staying true to their values, focusing on community needs, and advocating for incarcerated individuals' human rights and family connections, which are crucial for successful reentry into society.

      Fighting for the human rights and connections of incarcerated individuals, including making prison phone calls free, is essential for rehabilitation and restoring humanity in society. This goal, though not politically popular, is crucial for ensuring that incarcerated individuals maintain their family connections, which is vital for their successful reentry into society. Additionally, elected officials, like the first black LGBTQ person in Louisiana politics, can inspire change by staying true to their values and speaking to the common goals and concerns of all people, rather than trying to appease opposing parties. The Democratic party in Louisiana can regain strength by standing up for the rights and needs of marginalized communities, focusing on issues that matter to voters, and speaking truth to power instead of trying to cater to the opposition.

    • Staying committed to values and organizing during adversityRunning on progressive platforms can lead to victories, even during tough times. Stay engaged and focused on issues to make a difference.

      During times of adversity, it's crucial for the Democratic Party and its supporters in Louisiana to remain committed to their values and actively organize and mobilize people around those issues. The success of candidates like John Bel Edwards in Kentucky and the passage of pro-abortion rights legislation in Ohio demonstrate that running on progressive platforms can lead to victories. With the Republican Party continuing to target marginalized communities and Democratic strongholds, it's essential to remember that there's always something to fight for and that the stakes are high. By staying engaged and focused on the issues that matter, the Democratic Party can make a difference and potentially turn the tide in Louisiana and beyond.

    • The Republican Primary is not yet overHistorical comebacks and unpredictable polls keep the Republican Primary in flux, with the outcome still uncertain

      Despite Nikki Haley's strong debate performance and the large polling leads of Donald Trump, some argue that the Republican primary is not yet over. They point to historical examples of candidates coming from behind, such as George H.W. Bush's comeback against Michael Dukakis in 1988. Others argue that the polls don't necessarily reflect the eventual outcome, as people's votes ultimately decide the election. The debate among the team was split, with some believing the primary is over and others arguing it's still up for grabs. The audience was polled before and after the debate to gauge their opinions. Ultimately, the outcome of the Republican primary remains to be seen, and the race is expected to heat up in the coming months.

    • The Republican primary race for the 2024 presidential nomination is uncertainDespite Trump's lead, the primary race is far from over with potential factors like age and health impacting his campaign and untested candidates like Nikki Haley posing a challenge.

      The Republican primary race for the 2024 presidential nomination is far from over, despite Donald Trump's current significant lead. Trump's past successes and popularity among the Republican base make him a formidable contender, but his age and health are potential factors that could impact his campaign. Additionally, there are untested candidates like Nikki Haley who could potentially surge and challenge Trump, especially if there is a shift in voter preferences. The outcome of the primary is uncertain, and it's important to remember that anything can happen in politics. While it's tempting to write off other candidates, it's crucial to keep an open mind and consider the possibilities. Ultimately, the race is far from over, and the actuarial tables being accurate are the only thing we're cheering for at this point.

    • Republican Primary: Trump's Base Remains Strong But Uncommitted Voters ExistTrump's base is strong, but there are uncommitted voters who may prefer other candidates like DeSantis or Haley. Trump's favorability rating and lack of negative ads suggest loyal supporters, but ongoing legal issues could impact his support.

      Despite Donald Trump's popularity among Republicans, there is a significant portion of voters who may not be fully committed to him as the party's nominee in the upcoming primaries. Some voters may prefer other candidates like Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley, but Trump's base remains strong. The lack of negative ads against Trump and his high favorability rating among Republican voters suggest that his supporters are loyal and unlikely to be swayed easily. However, ongoing legal issues, such as indictments, could potentially impact Trump's support and shift voters towards an alternative candidate. Ultimately, the Republican primary race is far from decided, and the outcome will depend on how various factors play out in the coming months.

    • Potential for Non-Traditional Candidates in Republican PrimariesNon-traditional candidates, including progressives, can make an impact in Republican-leaning states by staying true to their values and connecting with voters, as shown by Ron DeSantis' endorsement in Iowa and Ted Cruz's victory in 2016. Persistence and resilience are key to success, as demonstrated by Democrats' progress in the 2023 elections.

      The Republican primary in Iowa, known for its conservative Christian evangelical community, could be fertile ground for non-traditional candidates. The endorsement of Governor Kim Reynolds for Ron DeSantis underscores this potential. Despite the dominance of Donald Trump in the party, there's room for underdogs to make a mark, as evidenced by Ted Cruz's victory in 2016. Progressive voices, like Mandy Landry in Louisiana, can also make an impact in Republican-leaning states by staying true to their values and connecting with voters. The key is to persist in the face of adversity and keep fighting for change. The 2023 elections showed that even in challenging environments, Democrats made strides, with some successes defying expectations. Ultimately, the power of persuasion and the resilience of the democratic process can overcome seemingly insurmountable odds.

    • Democratic Party's handling of abortion issue in LouisianaThe Democratic Party's approach to the abortion issue in Louisiana has frustrated progressives, leading to division and controversy. The need for the party to better represent its base and find unity is clear.

      The Democratic Party's handling of the abortion issue has been a source of frustration and division, particularly in states like Louisiana where the issue has become increasingly contentious. The party's focus on appealing to moderate or conservative white voters has been criticized by progressives who argue that they are the ones energized and willing to take action. The outgoing Democratic governor's stance on abortion, which was seen as disappointing and even damaging to Democratic enthusiasm, is a prime example of this. The decision to endorse a Democratic opponent against a progressive candidate also caused controversy and led to the candidate's departure from the party to become an independent, only to be later invited back. These events highlight the need for the Democratic Party to better address the concerns of its progressive base on issues like reproductive rights, and to find a way to unite the party around a shared vision.

    • Rebuilding the Democratic Party in LouisianaProgressives are rebuilding the Democratic Party in Louisiana through local organizing and infrastructure, with a decade-long commitment to growth.

      The Democratic Party in Louisiana is in a state of rebuilding after years of neglect and ineffective leadership. Progressive activists are organizing to retake control of the party apparatus, starting with the Democratic State Central Committee elections. They plan to follow the successful model of building up local candidates and infrastructure, as Republicans have done for decades. The path back will require a decade of dedication and growth, but there is hope with the increased enthusiasm and organization among progressives. To accelerate this process, the Democratic National Committee is encouraged to invest in Louisiana and help provide training and resources for local organizers. The focus is on reaching out to the large number of non-voting citizens and motivating them to participate in the democratic process.

    • Navigating Political Challenges in LouisianaDespite unique challenges in Louisiana, staying engaged and finding opportunities for activism can make a difference in politics. Holding elected officials accountable and staying involved is key.

      The political landscape in certain states, like Louisiana, can present unique challenges for Democrats looking to make an impact. The low turnout in off-year elections and the presence of conservative Democrats can make it difficult to gain ground. However, there are opportunities for engagement and activism through various organizations and groups. The importance of staying involved and finding ways to make a difference, even in areas that may seem challenging, was emphasized. The discussion also touched on the importance of holding elected officials accountable for their actions and beliefs, even if it means unconventional methods or methods that may not align with traditional political norms. Ultimately, the message was one of perseverance and the importance of staying engaged in the political process, regardless of the challenges that may arise.

    • A lively conversation between Tim, Tyler, Dan, and Tommy about John's supposed interests and controversial topicsThrough open dialogue, the group discovered John's interest in a controversial blog post and acknowledged their differing viewpoints, highlighting the importance of accountability and respectful discussions.

      During a conversation between Tim, Tyler, Dan, and Tommy, they discussed various blog posts and topics, revealing their differing opinions and perspectives. One topic involved debating which blog post John, a hypothetical person, would be most interested in reading based on his supposed interests. The discussion also touched on various controversial subjects, such as homosexuality, masturbation, and political beliefs. Another topic involved speculating about which item on Mike Johnson's resume was more concerning to Tommy. Throughout the conversation, there were instances of misunderstandings, disagreements, and light-hearted banter. In the end, it was revealed that John was most interested in reading a blog post about masturbation, and Tommy found both of Mike Johnson's controversial actions (trying to make taxpayers pay for a creationist theme park and overturning the 2020 election) equally concerning. The conversation showcased the group's dynamic, revealing their differing viewpoints and the importance of open dialogue and accountability.

    • Discussing Technology and PrivacyStay informed and protect your privacy in a digital world by being aware of data sharing and demanding transparency from tech companies.

      Learning from this episode of Pod Save America is the discussion about technology and privacy. Tim Miller shared an anecdote about being reminded that Covenant Eyes, a service that monitors internet activity, is always watching. This led to a broader conversation about the role of technology in our lives and the importance of being aware of the data we share. Mandy Landry and Davonte Lewis also touched on related topics, including the potential consequences of data collection and the need for transparency and accountability from tech companies. The episode emphasized the importance of being informed consumers and taking steps to protect our privacy in an increasingly digital world. The team also discussed current events, including the ongoing impeachment trial and the latest developments in the 2020 presidential race. They provided their unique perspectives and analysis, offering valuable insights for listeners looking to stay informed and engaged in the political process. Pod Save America is a Crooked Media production, and the team included Olivia Martinez and David Toledo as producers, Farrah Safari as associate producer, Halley Kiefer for writing support, Reed Chirlin as executive producer, and many others contributing to the production and sound engineering. If you're interested in ad-free episodes, exclusive content, and engaging in discussions with like-minded individuals, consider joining the Friends of the Pod subscription community at crooked.com/friends.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Lots to Do, so let’s go!

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    “Change The Conversation”

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    “Change The Conversation”

    Outro Song: “The World Is On Fire” by American Aquarium 


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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Happy New Year to you and yours. 

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.