
    Bridging the Divide with Representatives Phillips (D) and Fitzpatrick (R)

    enMarch 02, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Two Congressmembers Discuss Bipartisanship and Personal JourneysTwo bipartisan Congressmembers emphasized the importance of civil discourse, building relationships, and working together for the common good, despite the divisive political climate.

      Two members of Congress, Dean Phillips (D-MN) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), came together on the Sharon Says So podcast to discuss their personal journeys to Capitol Hill and their commitment to bipartisanship. They shared how they were motivated to run for office due to their concerns about the divisive political climate and their desire to restore respect and decency to Congress. They also discussed the importance of building relationships and trust through the Problem Solvers Caucus, a bipartisan group that focuses on finding common ground for the common good. By sharing their personal stories and experiences, they emphasized the importance of treating each other civilly and respectfully, and reminding themselves and their colleagues that life is short and what truly matters is working together for the greater good.

    • The Role of Caucuses in US Congress: Finding Common GroundCaucuses in the US Congress are vital for problem-solving, collaboration, and unity. Co-chairing a caucus involves leading, recruiting, and inviting guest speakers. Tony Blair's visit emphasized the need to bridge gaps and preserve our young democracy.

      The role of caucuses in the US Congress is essential for problem-solving and collaboration, despite the messiness of the political process. Co-chairing a caucus involves leading a group of members, recruiting new members, and inviting guest speakers to share insights. Tony Blair's visit to Congress underscored the importance of finding common ground and bridging gaps, not just for the US but for the entire world. As Americans, we must remember that our democracy is young and precious, and personal attacks and divisive behavior can threaten its existence. By recognizing our relative youth and the importance of unity, we can work towards preserving this extraordinary experiment for future generations.

    • Promoting Comfort and Connection in Relationships and BeyondCustomize comfort, stay informed, and prioritize dialogue for stronger relationships and a united world

      It's important to prioritize individual comfort and connection in relationships, whether it's in a romantic partnership or in maintaining peace between nations. The Sleep Number smart bed offers customized comfort for each person, promoting better sleep and stronger relationships. Meanwhile, in the ever-changing world, it's crucial to stay informed and protect ourselves from insidious forms of division, such as digital manipulation and misinformation campaigns. UnitedHealthcare TriTerm Medical plans provide budget-friendly, flexible health insurance coverage for those in between jobs or during open enrollment periods. Lastly, it's essential to recognize the power of dialogue and face-to-face communication in resolving conflicts and promoting understanding, rather than relying solely on digital platforms. Ultimately, we all have a responsibility to preserve unity and truth in our personal and global communities.

    • The Importance of Face-to-Face Communication and Addressing Social Media's Divisive ImpactEffective communication requires face-to-face interaction, while social media can lead to division. Individuals can make a difference by engaging with their representatives and being positive community leaders, and critical thinking and openness to diverse perspectives are crucial.

      Face-to-face communication is crucial for bringing people together and fostering understanding, while social media often leads to division and hardened positions. Xi Jinping identified social media as a key sphere of American influence that can be hijacked or eroded, making it a significant challenge for preserving democracy. For individuals who want to make a difference but don't hold political power, engaging with their representatives and being a positive leader in their own communities are effective ways to contribute. The power lies with the people, and by working together and appealing to the better angels of people's nature, we can make a difference in how we communicate and interact with each other. Additionally, critical thinking and an openness to different perspectives are essential in navigating complex issues and finding common ground.

    • Political Divide and the Impact on CollaborationThe rise of 24-hour news and social media reinforces existing beliefs, making it difficult for members of Congress to work with individuals outside their party. Elected officials must remember their duty to represent their districts and promote political competition through methods like ranked choice voting to foster collaboration and independent thinking.

      The deeply divided political climate in the United States has made it a liability for members of Congress to work with individuals outside their own party. This shift can be attributed to the rise of 24-hour cable news and social media, which reinforce and solidify existing beliefs rather than encouraging intellectual curiosity and diversity of thought. The lack of political competition in the US duopoly system also contributes to this problem. To address this issue, elected officials must remember their duty to represent the entirety of their districts and work towards opening the door to political competition through methods like ranked choice voting. By focusing on collaboration and independent thinking, we can move towards a more effective and representative political system.

    • Flexibility and Self-Care: UnitedHealthcare and Personal ProductsUnitedHealthcare offers flexible insurance plans, while Lume deodorant and OneSkin provide effective self-care options. Appreciate caregivers this Mother's Day and practice self-care.

      Flexibility and self-care are important, whether it's in choosing the right health insurance plan or taking care of your body with effective products. For those in transition periods or seeking more options, UnitedHealthcare Insurance Plans offer flexibility. Lume deodorant, powered by mandelic acid, provides effective odor control without heavy perfumes. And for self-care, OneSkin's products, like their eye cream with the proprietary OS One peptide, can help keep skin looking younger. In the political realm, working across the aisle can come with a cost. Brian shared an example of providing crucial votes for a bipartisan infrastructure bill, facing backlash and hardened political beliefs. The system tends to reward purists, making it challenging for centrists or moderates to ascend to leadership roles. On a personal note, let's appreciate caregivers, especially moms, this Mother's Day, and take care of ourselves as they do for others. Use code SHARON for 15% off at oneskin.co.

    • Politics of Money and AttentionVoters can demand civility and respect from candidates, and should stop electing individuals who prioritize personal profit or attention over serving the country. Candidates can choose to act differently, focusing on being workhorses rather than entertainers.

      The current state of politics in the United States is heavily influenced by money and the pursuit of attention, leading many politicians to resort to mean-spirited, aggressive condemnation and fear mongering to raise funds and gain social media following. This behavior, while effective, disconnects people and further divides the country, putting democracy at risk. The solution, according to the speakers, is for voters to demand civility and respect from their candidates and to stop electing individuals who prioritize personal profit or attention over serving the country. Changing the campaign finance laws is a complicated issue, but that doesn't mean candidates can't choose to act differently. Ultimately, the speakers believe that legislators should focus on being workhorses, dedicated to policy and serving their constituents, rather than entertainers seeking personal gain.

    • Using your voice effectivelyEngage with reps, form a chorus, and amplify voices, especially young people's, to influence policy and preserve the future.

      While the law may allow for certain behaviors, such as negative political advertising or lobbying, it doesn't mean they are in the best interest of the nation or an effective way for citizens to advocate for change. Engaging with representatives and forming a chorus of voices are more impactful ways to influence policy. Even one voice matters, but it can be amplified when joined by others. Young people, in particular, have the power to make a difference through their passion and determination to preserve the future for generations to come. Ultimately, representatives serve the people, and it's essential for citizens to make their voices heard.

    • Understanding rules and systems is key to effective engagement and participationNavigate opportunities by knowing rules, express gratitude, use AI models, find deals, and practice ethical manufacturing.

      Understanding the rules and systems in place is crucial for effective engagement and participation. Whether it's in politics or business, knowing the rules allows us to navigate and make the most of opportunities. This was emphasized during the discussion about the importance of attending community gatherings and engaging with elected officials, as well as in the context of using AI models for enterprise solutions. Additionally, the value of expressing gratitude and appreciation was highlighted as a simple yet impactful way to make a difference. As was emphasized, positive feedback can have a significant effect on individuals and organizations, making it an essential component of effective communication. Moreover, the discussion also touched on the importance of ethical and responsible manufacturing, as exemplified by Quince's commitment to safe and ethical practices. Lastly, the importance of finding deals and savings, especially on high-quality items, was emphasized through the mention of Boll and Branch's organic cotton sheets and 1800flowers.com's celebrations passport.

    • The value of appreciation and recognition in politicsKind words and expressions of appreciation make a difference in politics, reducing mean-spiritedness and validating efforts. Term limits for members of Congress could also lead to positive change.

      Appreciation and recognition go a long way, not just in our personal lives but also in politics. Members of Congress, despite their political disagreements, value kind words and expressions of appreciation for their hard work. Such gestures not only make a difference but also serve as validation that their efforts are making a positive impact. The speakers also emphasized the importance of term limits for members of Congress and suggested amending the constitution to install them. They believe that returning Congress to a citizen legislature would lead to positive change and reduce the mean-spiritedness in politics. Overall, the conversation highlighted the power of kindness and the potential impact of small actions in creating a more positive political landscape.

    • Preventing new voices and ideas from making an impact in US politicsThe negative campaigning and long tenures in US politics prevent new leaders and ideas from emerging, leading to a dysfunctional political climate. To bring change, we need to focus on decency, common ground, and addressing power dynamics and money in politics.

      The current system of politics in the United States, with its focus on negative campaigning and long tenures in office, is preventing new voices and ideas from making a meaningful impact. This is leading to the loss of promising future leaders and a dysfunctional political climate. To bring about change, we need to address the power dynamics and the stranglehold of money in politics. Instead of attacking opponents, candidates should focus on their own platforms and running on a basis of decency and common ground. The political system in Jamaica, with its prohibition on negative campaigning, provides an intriguing example of how things could be done differently. Ultimately, it's up to voters to reward candidates who run on positive platforms and move away from the destructive use of fear as a political weapon. As for why someone should become a Republican, according to Brian, it's because of the unifying and bridge-building qualities of figures like Ronald Reagan.

    • Respect and civility in political discourse and daily lifeRegardless of political affiliations, respect and civility are essential for productive dialogue and unity. Hubert Humphrey's advocacy for human rights and Ronald Reagan's speeches on immigrants remind us of the power of unity and respect for diversity.

      Respect and civility are essential in political discourse and in our daily lives, regardless of political affiliations. Both conservatives and progressives have valuable ideas, and we should strive to find common ground and work together. Hubert Humphrey's advocacy for human rights and equality in the late 1940s serves as an inspiration to treat everyone with respect and compassion. Ronald Reagan's speeches on the importance of immigrants and what makes America great also remind us of the power of unity and respect for diversity. So, let's be nice to each other, keep the faith, and remember that words matter. These messages are not only relevant to our domestic challenges but also to the global stage as we navigate international conflicts and nuclear tensions. Ultimately, we all want safety, security, and opportunities, and respecting each other is the key to achieving these goals.

    • The power of our words and actionsChoose words carefully as they can resonate for decades, and pairing them with actions amplifies their impact.

      The words we speak and write leave a lasting impact, acting as our personal legacy. During the discussion, the importance of choosing words carefully was emphasized, as they can resonate for decades. Words paired with actions carry even more power. The speakers expressed their gratitude for the conversation and hoped for future meetings. If you enjoyed this episode of the Sharon Says So podcast, please consider following, subscribing, rating, or reviewing it. Sharing it on social media also helps podcasters. This podcast was brought to you by Sharon McMahon, Heather Jackson, Heather Jackson (for production), Jenny Snyder (for audio production), and Sharon McMahon (as your host). Thank you for listening.

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