
    Brooklyn & Bailey on Signing Prenups, Getting a Restraining Order & Keeping Their Last Name

    enDecember 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Protecting Personal Assets and PrivacyBe proactive in safeguarding identity and possessions, especially in the social media era. Long journey of YouTube creators from humble beginnings to successful entrepreneurs. Importance of being cautious about children's online presence.

      Protecting personal assets and privacy is crucial, especially in the era of social media. The speakers shared their experiences of signing prenups and dealing with stalkers, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding one's identity and possessions. They also reflected on their long journey as YouTube creators, starting from humble beginnings with a simple hair tutorial channel to becoming successful entrepreneurs with multiple businesses. They highlighted how the landscape of social media has evolved, making it essential for parents to be cautious about their children's online presence. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of being proactive in protecting personal and professional interests.

    • From innocent teenagers to successful YouTubers, the twins' channel serves as a time capsule of their lives.The twins' channel grew rapidly due to viral videos and showcases their evolution from innocent teenagers to successful YouTubers, emphasizing their individual differences despite being twins.

      The twin YouTubers' channel grew rapidly from the success of their parents' channel, with over 300,000 subscribers on their first night. They started out posting innocent and fun videos without taking it seriously, but some of them have become embarrassing over time. Their first "twin swap" video, where they tricked viewers into thinking they were each other, went viral due to a mistake by one of their partners in a relationship at the time. Despite being twins, they emphasized that there are differences between them that are not immediately apparent. The channel serves as a time capsule of their lives, showcasing their evolution from innocent teenagers to successful YouTubers. They never scripted their videos and always aimed to keep things real for their audience. Regarding relationships, they acknowledged that being married to a twin might be strange for some people, but they emphasized the individual differences that make each twin unique.

    • Personalities Matter in Romantic Attraction for Identical TwinsIdentical twins may share the same body, but unique personalities are what truly attract in romantic relationships.

      Personalities play a significant role in romantic attraction, even when twins have identical bodies. The discussion revolves around a couple, Dakota and Abby, who were married and appeared in a video where Dakota accidentally grabbed the wrong sister's butt. Although they have the same body, Abby's unique personality was the reason Dakota fell in love with her. The conversation also touched upon the experience of growing up as twins and sharing similar bodies, as well as the importance of observing subtle differences and personalities in relationships. Another anecdote was shared about a misunderstanding between a man and his mother-in-law due to their similar appearances. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of individual personalities in romantic relationships, even when physical appearances may be identical.

    • Discomforts and joys of family and new businessSpeakers discussed uncomfortable experiences with family, unique experiences as twins, challenges of launching a new business, and unexpected misunderstandings.

      Families can bring both joy and awkwardness. The discussion revealed that seeing certain family members naked would be an uncomfortable experience for the speakers, particularly their fathers-in-law. The speakers also shared their unique experiences as twins, dealing with intrusive questions from people who see them as direct comparisons. On a lighter note, the conversation turned to their new business venture, Sip City, a drink drive-through company they recently launched. They discussed the challenges they faced in finding property and the excitement of creating something new and different from their previous businesses. The speakers also shared their love for creating unique drinks and their preference for picking out their own food at the grocery store. An unexpected topic emerged when they discussed their Instacart order of 50 bananas, which turned out to be a misunderstanding. The conversation ended with a revelation about their personal grooming habits, with one speaker admitting that she waxes her partner while the other does not. Overall, the conversation showcased the range of experiences and topics that can arise when discussing family dynamics and new business ventures.

    • Sharing personal experiences and acknowledging challengesThe speakers prioritize making the most of their current stage in life, despite the challenges, and find joy in traveling and building their businesses. They also find humor in the shared experience of waxing and admire each other's multitasking abilities.

      The speakers in this conversation are open about their personal lives and experiences, including their beauty routines and busy schedules. They share that they prioritize making the most of their current stage in life, which includes traveling and building their businesses, while acknowledging the challenges that come with it. The conversation also touches on the topic of waxing, specifically the experience of having their cheeks waxed, which they find less painful than other areas due to the "juicy juice" on the cheeks. The speakers also mention their admiration for each other's multitasking abilities and the fast-paced nature of their lives. Overall, the conversation showcases the speakers' willingness to be vulnerable and share their experiences while also highlighting the importance of making the most of life's opportunities.

    • Couple maintains independence during anniversary celebrationsOpen communication, respecting each other's independence, and embracing challenges together are crucial in a relationship.

      Bailey and Ace, who have been married for just over a year each, planned their anniversaries one day apart to maintain their independence while still enjoying shared experiences. They met on a dating show and kept their relationship private for a while due to past relationship complications and age differences. People often assumed they were hiding information due to the perceived quick progression of their relationship. Despite this, they managed to clarify misunderstandings and maintain transparency. Bailey's mother's goal was to hike to the base camp of Mount Everest before turning 50, and although Bailey won't be joining the trip, she and Ace support her family's adventure. The couple's experiences illustrate the importance of open communication, respecting each other's independence, and embracing challenges together.

    • Exploring hiking plans and family backgroundsIdentical twins discuss their contrasting hiking plans, their lack of experience, and the unique implications of their family background on potential offspring.

      The speakers in this conversation are planning an adventurous hike, but one is choosing to stay home instead. They discuss the possibility of finding accommodations along the way, their lack of hiking experience, and the training they are doing to prepare. They also share their family background, including being fraternal twins and the possibility of having identical twins. A fascinating revelation is that as identical twins, they would share the same DNA, making their children half-siblings, not cousins, if they were to have children with different partners. Despite the differences in their plans, they express respect and admiration for each other's choices. The conversation also touches on the unpredictability of identical twins and the possibility of having multiple children naturally.

    • Challenges and benefits of raising twinsRaising twins brings unique challenges and benefits, including carrying and birthing two babies, and deciding whether to share their identities online.

      Having twins comes with unique challenges, particularly during the infant stage, but also has benefits that resemble having a second sibling. However, the thought of birthing and carrying two babies at once is a major concern for some. The decision of whether or not to share their children's identities on social media is another complicated issue for those whose online presence revolves around their personal lives. Ultimately, the experience of raising twins and sharing it with an audience is a complex and evolving situation that may require flexibility and adaptation.

    • Parenting in the Digital Age: Balancing Children's Online Presence and Offline LifeRespect children's boundaries, maintain a balance between online and offline life, and prioritize their well-being in the digital age.

      Navigating the use of social media for children requires respecting boundaries and finding a balance between their online presence and offline life. The speakers in this discussion, who grew up with social media, share their experiences of having parents who respected their wishes about being in videos and allowed them to maintain a normal childhood. They also mention the evolution of making money from social media content and the lack of clear guidelines during their time, contrasted with the current protective laws for child actors on social media. Overall, they emphasize the importance of parents being involved and making decisions that prioritize their children's well-being in the digital age.

    • Reflecting on the significance of starting youngStarting young can lead to incredible opportunities, but the significance of certain milestones may not be fully understood at the time.

      Starting a business or creating content at a young age can lead to amazing opportunities, but there may be moments that are not fully appreciated in the moment. The speakers in this conversation started their YouTube channel and business ventures when they were young teenagers, and while they are glad they started when they did, they acknowledge that there were pivotal moments they didn't fully comprehend at the time. For example, they didn't fully understand the significance of reaching one million subscribers or launching a successful product at a young age. However, they are grateful for the experiences and have since launched a skincare line with great success. As entrepreneurs, they both struggle with maintaining a work-life balance and find themselves toggling between working long hours and taking breaks. They have learned to set boundaries and try to maintain a strict schedule, but the nature of their work often requires flexibility and availability. Overall, their passion for entrepreneurship and building businesses drives them to constantly strive for more and to find joy in the journey.

    • Balancing Multiple Businesses and Personal LifePassionate entrepreneurs share their experiences of managing multiple businesses and personal life, emphasizing the importance of a flexible schedule, prioritization, and self-care.

      Running multiple businesses while balancing personal life, especially as a parent, can be challenging and requires a flexible schedule and prioritization. The speakers in this conversation, who run a fashion and mascara brand, a skincare line, and a social media company, express their passion for their work and the rewards they receive from each business. They acknowledge the difficulties of managing their time and finding balance between their professional and personal lives, especially with the addition of children. They also highlight the importance of self-care and giving oneself credit for the hard work put into both personal and professional endeavors. Ultimately, they express the importance of finding a routine and prioritizing tasks to effectively manage multiple businesses and personal responsibilities.

    • TikTok's Impact on a Small Makeup Brand's GrowthTikTok's algorithm allows creators to go viral and monetize content, boosting sales for a small makeup brand to over 11,000 units in two months, while the team remains small. Personal asset protection is crucial even in business partnerships.

      TikTok has significantly impacted a small makeup brand's growth and success. The mascara product has seen remarkable sales through TikTok Shop, reaching over 11,000 units in just two months. This unexpected surge in demand came from the brand's TikTok presence, which in turn helped boost their YouTube channel as well. Despite the rapid growth, the team behind the brand remains relatively small, with only six or seven people handling all aspects of the business. TikTok's algorithm allows creators from anywhere to go viral and monetize their content, regardless of their follower count. The brand's founder emphasized the importance of protecting personal assets, having both parties sign a prenuptial agreement when they got married, even though they own multiple businesses together. Overall, TikTok has opened up opportunities for individuals to start businesses and grow their audience, even in niche markets.

    • Discussing a prenup early in a relationshipA prenup can provide financial security and protection for both parties, especially when entering a marriage with significant assets. It's crucial to discuss it early and customize it to fit the couple's needs, despite societal stigmas.

      While trust and love are essential in a relationship, having a prenup can provide financial security and protection for both parties, especially when entering a marriage with significant assets. The speaker shared her experience of discussing a prenup early in her relationship and her partner's understanding and acceptance of it. She emphasized that a prenup can be customized to fit the couple's needs and that there's a stigma around the concept, but it's crucial for protecting individual assets. The couple's story highlights that they were young and had minimal income when they got married, but they valued the importance of financial security and kept their expenses low to achieve their goal of getting married young. They also had the support of their families, which allowed them to live comfortably even when they faced unexpected expenses. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of financial planning and protection in a marriage, regardless of income levels or assets.

    • Personal Decisions: Prenups and Last NamesIndividuals make personal decisions based on unique circumstances and values. Prenups are a protective measure, not a precursor to divorce, and keeping one's last name is a matter of identity and family unity. Societal stigmas can influence reactions, but openness and flexibility are key.

      Personal decisions, such as getting a prenup or keeping one's last name, depend on individual circumstances and values. The speakers in the conversation shared their experiences of making these decisions based on their unique situations. Regarding prenups, they emphasized that it's a protective measure, not a sign of impending divorce. As for keeping their last names, they wanted to maintain their identity and family unity. The conversation also touched on the societal stigma surrounding these topics and how people's reactions can vary. Overall, the speakers encouraged openness and flexibility in making personal decisions that suit their lives.

    • Challenging Traditional Marriage NormsCouples have the freedom to make unconventional decisions in marriage, such as keeping last names, and should value their personal beliefs over external opinions. Strong role models and self-expression can inspire younger generations to question traditions.

      Every couple has the freedom to make their own decisions regarding marriage traditions, such as prenups and last names, without being swayed by external opinions. The speaker's decision to keep her last name was met with surprise and resistance from some family members, but she remained firm in her beliefs. Her upbringing, influenced by strong and supportive female role models, played a significant role in shattering traditional norms and valuing her own opinions. The speaker and her husband, Dakota, compromised on keeping their last names, and the speaker's father supported her decision wholeheartedly. This unconventional approach to marriage inspired younger women and demonstrated the importance of questioning traditions and making choices that align with personal values. The couple's commitment to authenticity and self-expression extended to their wedding ceremony, where they wrote their own script and officiated each other's wedding. Ultimately, the most essential factor is finding fulfillment and happiness in the choices made within a marriage.

    • Growing up with strong women shapes men's attitudes towards womenGrowing up surrounded by powerful women can foster tenderhearted and understanding attitudes towards women. Strong bonds between sisters can transcend potential conflicts, and love and understanding are crucial in navigating relationship complexities.

      Growing up in a family with a predominantly female presence can shape the way a man perceives and interacts with women. The speaker's father, who grew up surrounded by sisters and powerful women, exhibits a tenderhearted and understanding attitude towards women. The speaker and her sisters, who have lived close to each other and spent a significant amount of time together, have developed a strong bond that transcends any potential conflicts. Marriage, according to the speaker, is not inherently difficult, but the challenges that come with shared experiences, such as raising children and managing finances, can make it demanding. The speaker's perspective emphasizes the importance of love and understanding in navigating the complexities of relationships.

    • Navigating Marital Challenges: Love and CommitmentEffective communication and listening are essential to overcoming marital challenges. Everyone defines 'hard' differently, but focusing on love and compromise can lead to a rewarding marriage experience.

      While marriage may present challenges, the love and commitment between two people can make it a rewarding experience. The speakers in the discussion agree that loving each other is not difficult, but navigating life's challenges and finding compromise can be. They emphasize that communication and listening are key to overcoming these challenges. The speakers also acknowledge that everyone defines "hard" differently and that it's important to focus on the pros of marriage and the love shared between partners. Ultimately, they believe that the joys of marriage outweigh the difficulties. Additionally, they mention that raising children together can present unique challenges, but surviving those challenges can strengthen the marriage.

    • Dealing with intense life experiencesDocument and report unwanted experiences like stalking to the authorities as soon as possible.

      Life experiences, whether it's dealing with a crying child or a stalker, can feel much longer or more intense than they actually are in the moment. For parents, it's important to give children space to express their emotions, even if it feels like an eternity. For victims of stalking, it's crucial to document any instances of unwanted contact and report them to the authorities as soon as possible. The speaker shared her personal experience of dealing with a stalker in high school, which lasted for years and involved multiple encounters. She emphasized the importance of recording any instances of stalking and directly stating that it is unwanted and against one's will. Although she and her twin sister have been fortunate enough to avoid such situations for the most part, they have had two major stalking experiences. The speaker also mentioned that the process of reporting and getting help was challenging, and she encouraged anyone in a similar situation to document any instances and report them to the authorities as soon as possible.

    • Online safety and trusting instinctsReport online threats, protect personal info, and trust your gut feelings for online and offline safety. Listen to others and connect over shared experiences.

      Online safety and trusting your instincts are crucial, especially during teenage years when perception and reality can be blurred. A person shared their experience of being stalked online and in person, emphasizing the importance of reporting threats, not sharing personal information, and trusting gut feelings. Even if it seems like a minor discomfort or inconvenience, prioritizing safety is essential. Additionally, the conversation touched on the importance of listening to each other and connecting over shared experiences, like playing games such as Catan.

    • Find Brooklyn and Bailey's products online and in-personBrooklyn and Bailey offer their clothing, mascara, and skin care products online through nextdoor.com and itk@walmart, and in-person at Sib City in the DFW area.

      Brooklyn and Bailey have a strong online presence with various social media handles where you can find their clothing, mascara, and skin care products. Their clothing and mascara can be found on nextdoor.com, while their skin care line is available at itk@walmart. If you're in the DFW area, you can also visit Sib City to check out their offerings in person. Overall, Brooklyn and Bailey have a wide reach and provide multiple ways for customers to access their products. Additionally, they encourage visitors to stop by Sib City for a personal shopping experience.

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