
    Brutally Honest Advice About Your Family NOT Supporting Your Dreams

    enMay 14, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Communication is key in supporting entrepreneurial goalsEffective communication is essential for partners to understand and support each other's entrepreneurial aspirations. Involve your partner in the process and explain why your goals are important.

      Effective communication is crucial in maintaining a strong partnership, especially when one person has entrepreneurial goals. The speaker in this discussion shares his experience of feeling unsupported by his wife in his entrepreneurial pursuits, which he attributes to a lack of communication. He suggests that instead of telling one's partner how they feel, it's important to explain why the goals are important and involve them in the process. The speaker also reflects on the role he played in their dynamic, acknowledging that he had taken on most of the responsibilities in their family, leaving his wife feeling disconnected and possibly entitled or burnt out. By opening up the lines of communication and acknowledging each other's contributions and feelings, couples can work together to support each other's dreams while maintaining a healthy balance in their relationship.

    • Supporting children's needs and desiresEffective parenting involves respecting children's individual aspirations while providing for their needs. Offer resources and guidance, but allow them to make informed decisions for their future.

      Effective parenting involves providing for your children's needs while also respecting their individual desires and aspirations. The speaker shares his experience of supporting his kids in various ways, from managing household chores to encouraging entrepreneurship. However, he also acknowledges the importance of allowing them to make their own decisions, even if it means not going to college or pursuing unconventional paths. The speaker emphasizes the importance of open communication and being present to help guide them when needed. He also shares an instance where he encouraged his daughter to learn Spanish, but she was not interested. Ultimately, he believes that being supportive and offering resources does not mean forcing his children to follow a particular path. Instead, it's about fostering self-awareness and empowering them to make informed decisions for their future.

    • Balancing Ambition and Children's Well-BeingAvoid placing expectations on children, focus on hard work and determination, effective communication, and separating personal issues from children's lives for their well-being.

      Ambition and the drive to succeed are important, but it's essential to remember that expectations should not be placed on others, especially children. The speaker shares his own experiences and the lessons he's learned, emphasizing the importance of hard work and determination. He encourages the listener to keep learning and growing, even if it's not always fun or easy. Additionally, effective communication and separating personal issues from those of children are crucial to avoid passing on unnecessary angst. The speaker acknowledges the challenges of balancing these responsibilities and encourages taking a step back and reflecting on the long-term impact of actions on children's lives. Ultimately, the goal is to deploy ambition thoughtfully and with consideration for the well-being of loved ones.

    • Letting children experience consequencesEffective parenting allows kids to learn from failures, develop work ethic, and grow through experiences.

      Effective parenting involves planting seeds and allowing children to experience the consequences of their actions, even if it means letting them fail. Parents should not be overly involved in reminding their children to start new habits or projects, as the drive to succeed often comes from within. Additionally, providing children with opportunities to earn money through work can help them develop a strong work ethic and reduce entitlement. The speaker emphasizes that falling down, or experiencing failure, is a crucial part of growth and learning, and that modern parents may need to reconsider their perspective on what constitutes a "skinned knee" versus a more significant setback.

    • Learning from ConsequencesAllowing others to face natural consequences fosters growth and independence, preventing a cycle of dependency.

      Enabling children or teammates to avoid consequences of their actions can hinder their growth and lead to a cycle of dependency. The speaker shares an experience of constantly cleaning and fixing things for his family members, which he realizes has been enabling their lack of responsibility. He also applies this concept to team dynamics, emphasizing that if a teammate isn't doing their part, it's important to let them face the natural consequences and learn from their mistakes instead of taking over. The speaker's wife serves as an example of someone who successfully applied this approach, preventing an argument from ruining their night by insisting they enjoy a movie instead of getting caught up in a problem. Overall, the lesson is to allow others to experience the natural consequences of their actions and learn from them, rather than taking over and perpetuating a cycle of dependency.

    • Getting stuck in patterns of control and complainingRecognize unproductive patterns, communicate clearly, and respect each other's choices for a healthier dynamic.

      Individuals, in this case, the speaker and Jose, can get stuck in patterns of control and complaining, leading to unnecessary tension and frustration. The speaker in the conversation threatens Jose with violence and attempts to control him, while also expressing dissatisfaction with the state of the bathroom. Instead of continuing this cycle, the speaker ultimately decides to give Jose two options: either clean the bathroom and keep quiet, or never do it again. This demonstrates a more effective approach to communication and problem-solving, which could lead to a healthier and more productive dynamic between the two individuals. It's important to recognize when we're getting stuck in unproductive patterns and make a conscious effort to communicate clearly and respectfully, giving each other the freedom to make choices that work best for them.

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    I hope and trust you’ll gain something from this episode, including - I estimate - a bunch of further questions. If so - good. Questions, when followed with curiosity, allow answers. Answers allow options.

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    Ryan’s Bio

    Ryan Pope is a chiropractor, breathwork instructor and holistic health and lifestyle coach. He is the CEO of Powerhouse Mind Body Chiro, a multidisciplinary wellness centre on the Gold Coast in Australia and Becoming The Mountain, a mentoring and events business focused on preparing men physically, mentally and emotionally for their rite of passage into fatherhood.

    Ryan facilitates mindfulness, and men's work and co-facilitates at Alchemy, a multi-modality healing and transformational retreat for men and women. His focus is on creating balance and harmony in self, life and relationships through nervous system regulation, acceptance and commitment therapy, self-reflection and mastering daily practices.

    Find him here: 

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