
    Bryan Caplan - Feminists, Billionaires, and Demagogues

    enOctober 20, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Focusing on meritocracy for leadership rolesMeritocracy leads to better outcomes than forced representation, but addressing concerns effectively is crucial

      Meritocracy, focusing on getting the best and brightest individuals for leadership roles, is a more effective approach than trying to force representation based on demographics. Brian Gofflin, in his book "Don't be a Feminist," argues against introducing bias to increase women's representation in leadership roles, believing that meritocracy is the best system for ensuring the best outcomes. He also warns of the slippery slope that can result from making exceptions, which can potentially lead to negative consequences. This argument can also be applied to immigration policies, where the focus should be on addressing concerns without completely stopping immigration or denying rights to immigrants. While some concerns may lessen over time, it's important to address them effectively rather than implementing restrictive measures. Ultimately, the goal should be to focus on what leads to progress and knowledge, rather than demographic representation.

    • Understanding the nuances of feminismRecognizing societal unfairness towards women and promoting gender equality are key aspects of feminism, but interpretations may vary.

      The definition of feminism and its evolution over time can be a subject of debate. While some may define it as the belief in women's political, social, economic, and cultural equality with men, others argue that it's more about recognizing and addressing the societal unfairness towards women. The speaker suggests that the latter definition is more in line with how people use the term in everyday language. However, it's important to note that these views are not mutually exclusive, and individuals may hold varying interpretations of feminism. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the nuances of the term to foster productive conversations about gender equality.

    • Examining the Evolution of FeminismThis book advocates for a balanced and objective analysis of feminism's evolution, acknowledging both its strengths and weaknesses.

      The idea of a definition aims to find necessary and sufficient conditions for a concept, but in ordinary language, it's challenging to achieve this perfection. Applying this concept to feminism, it's complex to determine if it becomes more true over time. Some aspects, like decreasing physically dangerous jobs for men, could be seen as fairer. However, other factors, such as heightened concern for women's mistreatment and the prevalence of false feminist accusations, may tip the scales against feminism. One significant issue is the decline in paternal support for children, which disproportionately affects women. This book argues for a calm and objective examination of each issue, acknowledging potential weaknesses while maintaining an overall perspective.

    • The Unfriendliness of American Feminism and Its Impact on Global ProgressAmerican feminism's radical stance and unfriendliness may hinder progress towards gender equality globally. A more inclusive and respectful approach could lead to greater progress.

      While American feminism may have some overcorrections, globally, women continue to face more unfair treatment than men. However, the focus on small or exaggerated issues in the US can distract from serious problems in other countries. The author argues that the unfriendliness of the feminist movement and cultural separation between it and other countries may hinder progress. Instead, advocating for change with candor and respect could be more effective in creating a positive impact. For instance, the argument could be made that American feminism's radical stance might make some countries more liberal towards women's rights. However, the effectiveness of this approach depends on the tone and approach of the movement. Overall, the author suggests that a more inclusive and respectful approach could lead to greater progress towards gender equality.

    • Perspective and PrioritiesFocusing on trivial issues can distract us from addressing real problems. Instead, prioritize and address serious concerns, and find common ground for solutions.

      Focusing too much on trivial issues can distract us from addressing more serious problems. Using the example of India's trash issue and the push for more female CEOs, the speaker suggests that we should keep perspective and not let our anger or passion blind us from recognizing and addressing real issues. Another point discussed was the idea of "unfairness" caused by circumstances or biology, rather than human actions. The speaker found this concept strange and instead suggested focusing on how we can improve lives for everyone, rather than dwelling on who or what is causing the unfairness. The conversation also touched on the debate about whether men or women have better lives on average, and the speaker shared his belief that most people would prefer to stay in their assigned gender due to identity and endowment effects. Ultimately, the speaker encouraged a focus on finding common ground and working towards solutions for the greater good.

    • Societal Perception of Suffering and Success for Men and WomenDespite some differences in societal perception of suffering and success for men and women, these dynamics mainly impact a small percentage of the population with significant power and influence.

      While both men and women experience suffering and success in their lives, the ways in which these experiences are perceived and valued in society can differ significantly. Women are more likely to be sympathized with for their suffering, while men are more likely to be admired for their success. However, this dynamic only affects a small percentage of the population, namely those who experience notable suffering or success. Yet, these individuals hold significant power and influence in our civilization. For instance, becoming a woman billionaire may be more challenging due to societal and biological factors, but billionaires as a whole provide resources and shape the stories we tell ourselves about our society. Employers may hold defects in women's personalities more harshly than in men's, leading to discrepancies in hiring and firing practices. Additionally, women have reportedly become less happy than men in America since the 1960s, but it is essential to keep the magnitude of this difference in perspective. Overall, understanding these complex societal dynamics can help us work towards a more equitable and inclusive world.

    • The impact of feminism on elite women's unhappinessFeminism's focus on gender equality may contribute to unhappiness for some women, particularly those who prioritize careers over family, and the disproportionate representation of women in public protests could signal deeper issues within the feminist movement.

      The rise of single motherhood and the potential impact of feminist ideology on the unhappiness of elite feminists are potential contributing factors to the perceived gender inequality in society. The argument suggests that while feminism may have become more accurate over time, it could also be causing unhappiness for some women, particularly those who take it seriously and prioritize their careers over family. Additionally, Ananya's argument about "women's tears in the marketplace of ideas" highlights the disproportionate representation of women in public protests and cancellations, which could be a sign of deeper issues within the feminist movement. Overall, these discussions raise important questions about the role of feminism in shaping gender dynamics and the potential unintended consequences of its implementation.

    • Intergender arguments and societal issuesWomen often express complaints in intergender arguments, while men mostly listen in silence due to fear. This dynamic could contribute to societal issues like sexism, but the correct explanation for societal unfairness towards women is debatable.

      According to Henenia's argument, the dynamic of intergender arguments often results in women expressing complaints and men mostly listening in silence due to fear of confrontation and potential emotional intimidation. Henenia suggests that this dynamic may contribute to the rhetorical dominance of feminism and societal issues, such as sexism. Henenia also argues that the illusion of one's own gender being superior could arise due to the tendency for people to have more close friends of the same gender and form biases based on this. However, whether this is the correct explanation for societal unfairness towards women is left open for debate. Overall, Henenia's argument sheds light on the importance of understanding the dynamics of intergender relationships and how they may contribute to societal issues.

    • Factors outside of the job contribute to gender wage gapFocus on building relationships and understanding to address wage gap, rather than accusations and threats.

      While there may be some disparities in earnings between genders, the evidence suggests that this is largely due to factors outside of the job itself, such as mentoring opportunities. The speaker argues that feminist approaches have sometimes harmed efforts to address this issue by focusing on accusations and threats rather than building relationships and understanding. Additionally, the speaker suggests that certain professions may appear less appealing to women due to the way they are taught or presented, rather than being inherently gendered. It's important to recognize that most conflicts, including those in the workplace, are often caused by misunderstandings rather than deliberate wrongdoing. To build better relationships and make progress, it's crucial to approach conflicts with empathy, understanding, and a willingness to bend over backwards to keep friendships and working relationships.

    • Adapting to male-dominated fieldsIndividuals seeking entry to male-dominated fields should adapt to the existing culture and work from within, rather than demanding drastic changes. Gender-neutral traits like the pursuit of objective truth and use of imagination should be valued by all.

      Expecting every subject or discipline to be equally appealing and welcoming to both men and women, and demanding drastic changes to accommodate newcomers, may not be a reasonable or practical solution. Instead, individuals who want to enter male-dominated fields should adapt to the existing culture and work to expand their presence from within. This perspective was discussed in relation to the gender imbalance in math, but it can be applied to various areas of life and work. Additionally, the speaker emphasized that certain traits, such as the pursuit of objective truth or the use of imagination, are not unique to one gender and should be valued by all. The speaker's personal experience of trying stand-up comedy, which is a form of professional public speaking, further highlights the importance of adaptability and transferable skills.

    • Lessons from Stand-Up Comedy for Public SpeakingMemorize lines for comedy, precise wording matters, read audiences differently in comedy, experimentation and unusual situations in both comedy and public speaking, corporations support affirmative action for PR reasons

      Performing stand-up comedy and public speaking require different skills, with comedy placing a greater emphasis on memorizing the script, exact word choice, and reading the audience. The speaker learned these lessons during a performance at the Comedy Cellar in New York, where they shared the stage with professional comedians. They discovered the importance of memorizing their lines to avoid looking unprofessional and the significance of precise wording in comedy. Additionally, they acknowledged the challenge of reading an audience in a comedy setting, as opposed to public speaking where they are more accustomed to doing so. The speaker also touched upon the transfer of learning between the two disciplines, noting that both involve experimentation and putting ideas in unusual situations to gauge results. Lastly, they discussed the role of affirmative action in corporate hiring practices, suggesting that companies support it for public relations reasons rather than a genuine commitment to diversity.

    • Corporate philanthropy and its impact on societyCorporations support social causes for image improvement, but the impact on promoting a free market society is unclear due to peer effects and potential elite influence.

      Corporations' support for social causes like affirmative action can be seen as a form of corporate philanthropy. While they may publicly promote their philanthropic efforts, the resources spent on marketing often outweigh the actual donations. This behavior is driven by a desire to improve public image and influence within the company. However, the impact of education on making society more free market is unclear due to the phenomenon of peer effects. Peer effects can lead to individuals becoming more free market when they're surrounded by like-minded individuals in educational institutions. But at the same time, this segregation can also result in less free market influences on those outside of these institutions. The potential influence of elites, particularly those attending elite universities, is a concern as their views can reinforce and widen the gap between elite and mass opinion. This topic requires further study to fully understand its implications.

    • Elite subcultures and educationWhile education can signal superiority, it may be socially wasteful and lead to negative consequences like regressive transfers and increased tuition. Further research on elite formation and social segregation is needed.

      Elite subcultures exist in every society, but they're not the same. While some may argue for policies like student loan forgiveness to help certain elites, it's important to consider the potential negative consequences, such as regressive transfers and increased demand for education leading to higher tuition. The speaker argues that education itself may be socially wasteful and that we spend too much time in school as a way to signal superiority to employers. The complex dynamics of social segregation and elite formation are difficult to understand, and further research is encouraged. Ultimately, it's crucial to keep an open mind about the role and impact of education and elite subcultures in society.

    • The inflation of education credentials causes harmDespite the rise in college attendance, the proportion of Americans with degrees hasn't increased significantly. The author suggests education austerity as a solution to reverse credential inflation but faces resistance from university systems' prestige.

      The inflation of credentials in education, similar to the concept of printing money to make a country rich, causes harm and price increases rather than diluting the value of degrees. Contrary to the signaling theory, the proportion of Americans obtaining college degrees has not significantly risen in the last decade. Instead, attendance in traditional 4-year colleges has continued to rise, while community college attendance has fallen. The author, who has an undefeated record in bets related to education, advocates for education austerity as a solution to reverse credential inflation and make education less accessible. However, even in right-wing governments, the prestige of university systems often prevents significant education spending reductions.

    • Political strategies to address perceived biases in universitiesPoliticians may try symbolic efforts or budget changes to address perceived biases in universities, but these strategies come with challenges and potential backlash. The reported increase in neuroticism among young people might not be a genuine trend due to increased measurement and de-stigmatization of mental health services.

      While some politicians, like Florida's Governor DeSantis, may attempt symbolic efforts to address perceived left-wing biases in universities, the real change often comes down to budgets. Defunding unpopular departments or requiring schools to assume student loan debt are potential strategies, but they come with challenges and potential backlash. Additionally, the increase in reported neuroticism among young people may not be a genuine trend, but rather a result of increased measurement and the de-stigmatization of mental health services, which have replaced traditional support systems like religion. The complex history of suicide rates adds another layer to this issue, with rates falling and then rebounding since the 1970s. Overall, addressing these issues requires careful consideration and a nuanced understanding of their underlying causes.

    • Examining Time Series Data for a Nuanced UnderstandingExamining time series data can reveal complex trends in social issues, such as the impact of immigration on economic growth and human potential, and help inform more nuanced perspectives.

      The debate surrounding various social issues often oversimplifies complex data. For instance, the impact of unsupervised play in the 1950s versus the present day, or the effects of immigration on economic growth and human potential. The speaker emphasizes the importance of examining time series data to gain a more nuanced understanding of these issues. In the case of immigration, the speaker argues that moving a poor worker from a developing country to a rich one significantly increases their earnings due to higher productivity. While some may debate the scalability of this solution, the speaker contends that it presents a massive opportunity to lift billions out of poverty and potentially discover untapped human talent. Ultimately, the decision on the value of open borders depends on one's perspective - whether it's seen as a minor concern on a million-year timescale or a crucial step towards improving the lives of billions within the next century.

    • Filtering through potential candidatesEmployers can't rely solely on interviews and essays to assess talent. Signaling through education or other means can help identify qualified candidates, but a combination of signaling and hands-on evaluation is most effective.

      While some employers may be able to assess the talent of their workers within a few months, the process of hiring and evaluating a large pool of applicants is time-consuming, expensive, and often results in overlooked diamonds in the rough. Signaling through education or other means can help employers filter through the undifferentiated mass of potential candidates and identify those with the desired qualities, even if the process is imperfect and subject to manipulation. The idea that a Zoom call and a written essay are sufficient for identifying talent is not feasible, as these methods can be easily manipulated and do not provide a comprehensive understanding of a candidate's abilities. Ultimately, a combination of signaling and hands-on evaluation is likely the most effective approach for employers to identify and hire top talent.

    • Acknowledging the importance of credentials in hiring practicesCredentials remain a significant factor in hiring decisions, but skills and a welcoming attitude towards newcomers can also facilitate successful integration into a workforce or society.

      While it's important to consider demonstrable skills when hiring, credentials still hold significant weight in the business world. This was evident in a conversation about hiring practices, where it was acknowledged that while some firms may hire contest winners without traditional credentials, the number of such hires is relatively small compared to the number of standardly credentialed employees. Furthermore, during a trip to Eastern Europe in the aftermath of the Ukraine war, it was observed that Poland's ability to absorb a large influx of refugees was impressive, as they were allowed to work legally upon arrival, contributing to their integration into society. This effective policy, coupled with a welcoming attitude towards refugees, demonstrates the importance of both skills and credentials in various contexts.

    • Perspective plays a crucial role in acceptance of refugees and immigrantsA positive and proactive attitude, coupled with a well-planned and executed transition, can lead to successful integration and positive outcomes.

      The attitude towards accepting refugees and immigrants largely depends on one's perspective. If one believes in a can-do attitude and gets out of the way, the integration process can be successful. However, skepticism and resistance can lead to negative outcomes. The author's experience in Poland showed him that seeing the happiness and adjustment of refugees firsthand was more convincing than theoretical arguments. Decolonization could have been done more effectively with a long-term plan, high credibility, and a peaceful transition of power to reasonable leaders. The successful denazification and US occupation of Japan serve as examples of this approach. Overall, the key takeaway is that a positive and proactive attitude, coupled with a well-planned and executed transition, can lead to successful integration and positive outcomes.

    • Crushing old regimes and promoting democracyEffective post-war occupation and decolonization require a strong approach, including crushing old regimes, promoting democracy, and gradually giving power to those committed to denazification or similar processes.

      Effective post-war occupation and decolonization require a strong and decisive approach. This approach involves crushing the old regime completely, while promoting democracy and human rights. However, democracy may not be a priority initially, and those who demonstrate commitment to denazification or denazification-like processes can be given power gradually. This approach was seen in the occupation of Germany and Japan after World War II. While there were war criminals who received light sentences, the majority of ethnic Germans cooperated with the occupying forces. It's crucial to establish a plan for decolonization during peaceful times and avoid letting fanatics gain the upper hand. Additionally, moral heroes in an ordinary context may not make the best politicians, as effective political leadership often requires a clear-headed and strategic approach.

    • Effective leadership balances compassion and logicEffective leaders balance kindness and honesty, under-promise and over-deliver, and value integrity. Meaningful change often requires a combination of compassion, logic, and commitment.

      Effective leadership involves a balance between compassion and logic. Kindness towards strangers and honesty are important virtues, but their correlation to effective leadership is not straightforward. Kindness towards strangers may not always be the best use of resources, while honesty is crucial for building credibility and trust. Effective leaders under-promise and over-deliver, and they value integrity. As for revolutions, the best one depends on the definition. Some argue that the end of slavery in Britain, which spread to the colonies, was a key factor. Ultimately, effective leadership and meaningful change often require a combination of compassion, logic, and a strong commitment to doing what is right.

    • Individual factors and circumstances shape historical eventsUnderstanding the complexities of historical events and recognizing the role of individual factors and circumstances can lead to peace through negotiation or compromise, but not all leaders are open to such solutions

      Throughout history, the outcome of events, particularly revolutions and conflicts, can be significantly influenced by individual factors and circumstances. The speaker emphasizes that while some historical developments may have been inevitable, many major conflicts could have been avoided through negotiation or compromise. For instance, the Russian Revolution might not have occurred without Lenin's influence, and some wars could have been prevented if one side had given in to the other's demands. The speaker also highlights that leaders often seek symbolic victories, and giving in to their demands might lead to peace in the long run. However, it's important to note that not all leaders are open to negotiation, and some, like Hitler, are truly unreasonable and cannot be appeased. Overall, the speaker stresses the importance of understanding the complexities of historical events and recognizing the role of contingency in shaping the course of history.

    • Factors contributing to peaceful, prosperous societiesThroughout history, peaceful, prosperous societies are exceptions, influenced by suppression of violence, effective leadership, constructive interest groups, and less fanatical ideologies.

      The relative peace, freedom, and prosperity we experience in some societies is not the norm throughout history. While there are exceptions, factors contributing to these exceptions include the suppression of atavistic desires for violence, a less fanatical political ideology, a leadership class that is effective and constructive, and the presence of constructive interest groups. The norm throughout history has been impoverished and war-prone societies, so it's important to remember that and appreciate the progress we've made. Additionally, even in societies with less extreme political views, proposing something truly awful will be met with resistance, unlike in some other societies where such ideas may be celebrated. Ultimately, the quality of a society is influenced by various factors, and understanding these factors can help us appreciate the progress we've made and work towards continued improvement.

    • Public Opinion's Influence on Policy-MakingDespite interest groups' influence, public opinion often plays a bigger role in shaping policies. Farm subsidies, for example, are popular among the public despite criticism. Some issues, like water shortages, may require non-market solutions to meet basic human needs.

      Developers and interest groups play a significant role in shaping policies, particularly in areas like housing and immigration. However, contrary to the common perception that interest groups wield too much power, public opinion often plays a more influential role in policy-making. For instance, farm subsidies, which are often criticized as being unpopular, are actually quite popular among the general public. Additionally, in some cases, there may not be a viable free-market solution to certain issues, such as water shortages, due to their importance in ensuring basic human needs are met. Ultimately, understanding the complex interplay between public opinion, interest groups, and policy-making is crucial for making informed decisions on various social and economic issues.

    • Personal struggles with rudeness and advocacy for integral capitalismThe speaker values good manners and friendliness but struggles to react to personal rudeness. They advocate for integral capitalism, believing it could solve root causes of human problems and reduce international conflict, and support taxing billionaires more.

      Despite recognizing that certain irrational systems or behaviors may not be important in the grand scheme of things, some individuals, like the speaker, may still find them deeply bothersome and struggle to react. For the speaker, this issue is personal rudeness and unpleasantness from others, which they instinctively want to respond to with anger but hold back due to discomfort and fear of losing control. On a positive note, the speaker values good manners and friendliness greatly. Regarding government, the speaker advocates for integral capitalism with competing systems, believing it could solve many root causes of human problems and reduce international conflict. Despite the radical nature of this idea, the speaker aims to convince others that it's not crazy, though they may still disagree. The speaker also supports the idea of taxing billionaires more, acknowledging that while they have created consumer surplus, the rewards do not have to be so high for innovation to occur.

    • The impact of billionaires on societyBillionaires' large earnings can inspire entrepreneurship and foster a culture of innovation, but their success is influenced by their ability to assemble talented teams and the economic environment of their country.

      The existence and large earnings of billionaires, such as Jeff Bezos, can have a positive impact on society beyond just inspiring individuals to become entrepreneurs. This concept is supported by tournament theory, which suggests that large rewards can incentivize a larger pool of potential winners. Furthermore, the quality of entrepreneurship and management can vary greatly from country to country, making it uncertain if large businesses would have emerged in their current form otherwise. It's important to note that the second best alternative to Amazon may not have been as successful, and the company's success can be attributed to Bezos' ability to assemble a talented team. Overall, the presence of billionaires and their significant earnings can foster a culture of entrepreneurship and inspire a generation of movers and shakers.

    • A heartfelt letter to his daughter about feminism and personal growthBrian Klemmer, an authentic and kind-hearted author, aims to help and engage readers with his low-priced yet insightful books, fostering understanding and positivity.

      Brian Klemmer, the author, offers thoughtful and insightful essays in his books, "Preparing for Power: The 7 Biggest Business Decisions You'll Ever Make" and "Don't Be a Feminist: A Letter to My Daughter." Despite keeping the price of his books low, Klemmer aims to help and engage readers with his authentic and kind-hearted approach. In "Don't Be a Feminist," he writes a heartfelt letter to his daughter, sharing his thoughts on feminism and personal growth. Klemmer's goal is not to upset readers but to turn enemies into friends, fostering understanding and positivity. His dream is for everyone to read his work and feel happy and grateful. Overall, Klemmer's books are a testament to his genuine desire to connect with people and help them navigate life's challenges.

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    Francois Chollet, Mike Knoop - LLMs won’t lead to AGI - $1,000,000 Prize to find true solution

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    I did a bunch of socratic grilling throughout, but Francois’s arguments about why LLMs won’t lead to AGI are very interesting and worth thinking through.

    It was really fun discussing/debating the cruxes. Enjoy!

    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Read the full transcript here.


    (00:00:00) – The ARC benchmark

    (00:11:10) – Why LLMs struggle with ARC

    (00:19:00) – Skill vs intelligence

    (00:27:55) - Do we need “AGI” to automate most jobs?

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    (01:00:40) – How Mike Knoop got nerd-sniped by ARC

    (01:08:37) – Million $ ARC Prize

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    (01:26:19) – Possible solutions to ARC Prize

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe
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    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Read the full transcript here.

    Follow me on Twitter for updates on future episodes. Follow Leopold on Twitter.


    (00:00:00) – The trillion-dollar cluster and unhobbling

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    (03:41:26) – On Germany, and understanding foreign perspectives

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    (04:19:14) – Lessons from WWII

    (04:29:08) – Coda: Frederick the Great

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe
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    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Read the full transcript here. Follow me on Twitter for updates on future episodes.


    (00:00:00) - Pre-training, post-training, and future capabilities

    (00:16:57) - Plan for AGI 2025

    (00:29:19) - Teaching models to reason

    (00:40:50) - The Road to ChatGPT

    (00:52:13) - What makes for a good RL researcher?

    (01:00:58) - Keeping humans in the loop

    (01:15:15) - State of research, plateaus, and moats


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    * CommandBar is an AI user assistant that any software product can embed to non-annoyingly assist, support, and unleash their users. Used by forward-thinking CX, product, growth, and marketing teams. Learn more at commandbar.com.

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe
    Dwarkesh Podcast
    enMay 15, 2024

    Mark Zuckerberg - Llama 3, Open Sourcing $10b Models, & Caesar Augustus

    Mark Zuckerberg - Llama 3, Open Sourcing $10b Models, & Caesar Augustus

    Mark Zuckerberg on:

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    - open sourcing towards AGI

    - custom silicon, synthetic data, & energy constraints on scaling

    - Caesar Augustus, intelligence explosion, bioweapons, $10b models, & much more


    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Human edited transcript with helpful links here.


    (00:00:00) - Llama 3

    (00:08:32) - Coding on path to AGI

    (00:25:24) - Energy bottlenecks

    (00:33:20) - Is AI the most important technology ever?

    (00:37:21) - Dangers of open source

    (00:53:57) - Caesar Augustus and metaverse

    (01:04:53) - Open sourcing the $10b model & custom silicon

    (01:15:19) - Zuck as CEO of Google+


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    * This episode is brought to you by Stripe, financial infrastructure for the internet. Millions of companies from Anthropic to Amazon use Stripe to accept payments, automate financial processes and grow their revenue. Learn more at stripe.com.

    * V7 Go is a tool to automate multimodal tasks using GenAI, reliably and at scale. Use code DWARKESH20 for 20% off on the pro plan. Learn more here.

    * CommandBar is an AI user assistant that any software product can embed to non-annoyingly assist, support, and unleash their users. Used by forward-thinking CX, product, growth, and marketing teams. Learn more at commandbar.com.

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe

    Sholto Douglas & Trenton Bricken - How to Build & Understand GPT-7's Mind

    Sholto Douglas & Trenton Bricken - How to Build & Understand GPT-7's Mind

    Had so much fun chatting with my good friends Trenton Bricken and Sholto Douglas on the podcast.

    No way to summarize it, except: 

    This is the best context dump out there on how LLMs are trained, what capabilities they're likely to soon have, and what exactly is going on inside them.

    You would be shocked how much of what I know about this field, I've learned just from talking with them.

    To the extent that you've enjoyed my other AI interviews, now you know why.

    So excited to put this out. Enjoy! I certainly did :)

    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. 

    There's a transcript with links to all the papers the boys were throwing down - may help you follow along.

    Follow Trenton and Sholto on Twitter.


    (00:00:00) - Long contexts

    (00:16:12) - Intelligence is just associations

    (00:32:35) - Intelligence explosion & great researchers

    (01:06:52) - Superposition & secret communication

    (01:22:34) - Agents & true reasoning

    (01:34:40) - How Sholto & Trenton got into AI research

    (02:07:16) - Are feature spaces the wrong way to think about intelligence?

    (02:21:12) - Will interp actually work on superhuman models

    (02:45:05) - Sholto’s technical challenge for the audience

    (03:03:57) - Rapid fire

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe

    Demis Hassabis - Scaling, Superhuman AIs, AlphaZero atop LLMs, Rogue Nations Threat

    Demis Hassabis - Scaling, Superhuman AIs, AlphaZero atop LLMs, Rogue Nations Threat

    Here is my episode with Demis Hassabis, CEO of Google DeepMind

    We discuss:

    * Why scaling is an artform

    * Adding search, planning, & AlphaZero type training atop LLMs

    * Making sure rogue nations can't steal weights

    * The right way to align superhuman AIs and do an intelligence explosion

    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Read the full transcript here.


    (0:00:00) - Nature of intelligence

    (0:05:56) - RL atop LLMs

    (0:16:31) - Scaling and alignment

    (0:24:13) - Timelines and intelligence explosion

    (0:28:42) - Gemini training

    (0:35:30) - Governance of superhuman AIs

    (0:40:42) - Safety, open source, and security of weights

    (0:47:00) - Multimodal and further progress

    (0:54:18) - Inside Google DeepMind

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe

    Patrick Collison (Stripe CEO) - Craft, Beauty, & The Future of Payments

    Patrick Collison (Stripe CEO) - Craft, Beauty, & The Future of Payments

    We discuss:

    * what it takes to process $1 trillion/year

    * how to build multi-decade APIs, companies, and relationships

    * what's next for Stripe (increasing the GDP of the internet is quite an open ended prompt, and the Collison brothers are just getting started).

    Plus the amazing stuff they're doing at Arc Institute, the financial infrastructure for AI agents, playing devil's advocate against progress studies, and much more.

    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Read the full transcript here. Follow me on Twitter for updates on future episodes.


    (00:00:00) - Advice for 20-30 year olds

    (00:12:12) - Progress studies

    (00:22:21) - Arc Institute

    (00:34:27) - AI & Fast Grants

    (00:43:46) - Stripe history

    (00:55:44) - Stripe Climate

    (01:01:39) - Beauty & APIs

    (01:11:51) - Financial innards

    (01:28:16) - Stripe culture & future

    (01:41:56) - Virtues of big businesses

    (01:51:41) - John

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe

    Tyler Cowen - Hayek, Keynes, & Smith on AI, Animal Spirits, Anarchy, & Growth

    Tyler Cowen - Hayek, Keynes, & Smith on AI, Animal Spirits, Anarchy, & Growth

    It was a great pleasure speaking with Tyler Cowen for the 3rd time.

    We discussed GOAT: Who is the Greatest Economist of all Time and Why Does it Matter?, especially in the context of how the insights of Hayek, Keynes, Smith, and other great economists help us make sense of AI, growth, animal spirits, prediction markets, alignment, central planning, and much more.

    The topics covered in this episode are too many to summarize. Hope you enjoy!

    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Read the full transcript here. Follow me on Twitter for updates on future episodes.


    (0:00:00) - John Maynard Keynes

    (00:17:16) - Controversy

    (00:25:02) - Fredrick von Hayek

    (00:47:41) - John Stuart Mill

    (00:52:41) - Adam Smith

    (00:58:31) - Coase, Schelling, & George

    (01:08:07) - Anarchy

    (01:13:16) - Cheap WMDs

    (01:23:18) - Technocracy & political philosophy

    (01:34:16) - AI & Scaling

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe

    Lessons from The Years of Lyndon Johnson by Robert Caro [Narration]

    Lessons from The Years of Lyndon Johnson by Robert Caro [Narration]

    This is a narration of my blog post, Lessons from The Years of Lyndon Johnson by Robert Caro.

    You read the full post here: https://www.dwarkeshpatel.com/p/lyndon-johnson

    Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or any other podcast platform. Follow me on Twitter for updates on future posts and episodes.

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe

    Related Episodes

    Elizabeth Cobbs - From Abigail Adams to Beyoncé: The Evolution of Feminism | STM Podcast #163

    Elizabeth Cobbs - From Abigail Adams to Beyoncé: The Evolution of Feminism | STM Podcast #163

    On episode 163, we welcome Elizabeth Cobbs to discuss the history and necessity of feminist thought, the contrasting lives of Abigail Adams and Abigail Bailey, the nefarious reason feminism became a dirty word, the historical and modern examples of sexist laws, the widespread adoption of feminism as a means of signaling safety for women wanting to report abuse, the beginnings of Me Too, the divisiveness and self-defeatism of labeling people bad feminists, Beyoncé’s adoption and adaptation of feminism to include traditional femininity, female competition and the envy of “mean girls,” the mindsets of women struggling with eating disorders and body dysmorphia and why they deserve our sympathy, Gretchen Carlson’s decision to challenge the misogynistic culture of Fox News, and how feminist activism can continue to foster progress.

    Elizabeth Cobbs holds the Melbern Glasscock Chair in American History at Texas A&M University. A prizewinning historian, novelist, and documentary filmmaker, she is the author of The Hello Girls: America’s First Women Soldiers, American Umpire, The Hamilton Affair (a New York Times bestseller), and The Tubman Command.Her newest book, available now, is called Fearless Women: Feminist Patriots from Abigail Adams to Beyoncé.


    | Elizabeth Cobbs |

    ► Website | http://elizabethcobbs.com

    ► Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/ElizabethCobbsAuthor

    ► Twitter | https://twitter.com/Elizabeth_Cobbs

    ► Fearless Women | https://amzn.to/3JfoFxr


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    Leadership Strategies & Using Sports to Teach Business

    Leadership Strategies & Using Sports to Teach Business
    More senior-level women are leaving the workforce than ever before, and just 2% of venture capital funding goes to female-led start-ups. That said, there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic about the future of female leadership and entrepreneurship. Julia Boorstin is CNBC’s Senior Media & Tech Correspondent and the author of “When Women Lead: What They Achieve, Why They Succeed, and How We Can Learn from Them.” Deidre Woollard caught up with Boorstin to discuss:  - Closing the funding gap for female-led companies - Shifting power dynamics in healthcare - What sports can teach kids about business - Why female leadership strategies are valuable for any business Companies mentioned: RENT, REAL, SFIX Host: Deidre Woollard Guest: Julia Boorstin Producer: Ricky Mulvey Engineer: Dan Boyd Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    'PROPHETIC WOMEN' - A sermon by Rev. Barbara Prose

    'PROPHETIC WOMEN' - A sermon by Rev. Barbara Prose
    The sermon was delivered on Sunday, May 14, 2017, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Barbara Prose, Executive Director of Ministry. SERMON DESCRIPTION As we at All Souls consider what we can do to protect and advance the rights and freedoms of women in the 21st century, it’s time to remember the 21 women who fought hard to forge a way forward for themselves and liberal religion in the American heartland between 1870 and 1925. Come and be inspired by their courage and enlightened by their vision. For the fight continues, and it is our turn today. SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: WATCH THIS SERMON ON YOUTUBE: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: or text LOVEBB to 73256 LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Twitter: All Souls Church Website: