
    Podcast Summary

    • Podcast Advertising: Reaching a Large and Engaged AudiencePodcast advertising offers unique storytelling capabilities, reaching a large and engaged audience through host endorsements or reproduced ads.

      Podcast advertising from Lipson Ads offers businesses the opportunity to reach a large and engaged audience through various options, including host endorsements on top podcasts or running reproduced ads across thousands of shows. Bryce Sabol, the cohost of "Need to Know with Ross Colhart," shares an example of a profane rant about modern ufology, which showcases the unique storytelling capabilities of podcasts. This rant, performed by Ed Hall, includes strong language and provocative opinions, highlighting the potential for podcasts to entertain and engage listeners in a way that traditional media cannot. The rant also touches on the idea that despite the seemingly far-fetched nature of certain topics, such as UFOs, there may be hidden truths and implications that challenge our perceptions. Ultimately, podcast advertising provides a platform for businesses to connect with their target audience in a meaningful and memorable way.

    • Navigating the Complex Landscape of InformationIn today's world, individuals must critically evaluate information and make their own decisions, as uncertainty and skepticism towards established facts persist, especially in areas like UFOs/UAPs, science, politics, and reality.

      In today's world, there is a growing uncertainty and skepticism towards established facts and phenomena. The discussion around UFOs or UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) serves as an example, with people questioning their existence and the credibility of those reporting sightings. Some argue that people are more likely to believe in these phenomena if they are referred to as UAPs rather than UFOs. The skepticism extends to various aspects of life, including science, politics, and even reality itself. The speaker expresses frustration with the lack of clear answers and the proliferation of misinformation. The situation is further complicated by the fact that some people may profit from spreading false information or holding onto conspiracy theories. Ultimately, it seems that individuals must navigate this complex landscape of information and make their own decisions about what to believe. The speaker expresses a sense of hopelessness about the situation and the inability to find definitive answers, even to seemingly simple questions.

    • Political figures and public avoid taking UFOs seriouslyDespite numerous reports and sightings, political figures like Trump and Biden, and the public, often avoid discussing or taking UFOs seriously due to self-absorption, skepticism, or conspiracy theories.

      Despite numerous reports and sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), both political figures and the general public seem to avoid discussing or taking them seriously. This is evident in the case of former presidents Trump and Biden, who are either too self-absorbed or cunning to disclose any potential knowledge they might have about UFOs. The public's understanding of UFOs is also questionable, with some believing in conspiracy theories and others dismissing them entirely. The lack of consensus and the sensationalized coverage of UFOs in the media make it difficult to separate fact from fiction. The release of government reports on UFOs has garnered little attention and has not led to any significant advancements in understanding their origin or nature. The overall discussion surrounding UFOs is a complex and often confusing one, with a wide range of opinions and beliefs that make it challenging to arrive at a definitive conclusion.

    • US Government Takes UAP Investigation Seriously with New Task ForceThe US government is forming a team to investigate potential UFO crash sites and study health effects on witnesses, marking a significant step forward in addressing unexplained aerial phenomena

      The US government is now taking the investigation of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) more seriously following the passing of a defense budget with an amendment pushing for further research. Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Marco Rubio, who have previously shown bipartisan interest in UFOs, are leading the charge. The new initiative includes forming a team to investigate potential crash sites and studying the health effects on individuals who encounter these phenomena. While some skepticism remains, the creation of this task force marks a significant step forward in addressing the unexplained aerial sightings that have long puzzled the public.

    • Frustration and uncertainty surrounding UFOs and extraterrestrial lifeDespite the ongoing debate, many hold beliefs about imminent UFO disclosures, while others remain skeptical. The speaker expresses frustration, fear, and a desire for the truth, but also a reluctance to face potential chaos and uncertainty.

      The UFO phenomenon and the potential disclosure of extraterrestrial life remains a contentious and complex issue, with some individuals holding onto the belief that a major revelation is imminent, while others remain skeptical or indifferent. The speaker expresses frustration with the lack of concrete evidence and the seemingly endless cycle of false promises and distractions. Ultimately, the speaker expresses a desire for the truth, but also a fear of the potential consequences of such a revelation and a reluctance to face the uncertainty and potential chaos it could bring. The speaker also suggests that humans may be keeping this secret from each other, rather than an external force. Despite the frustration and uncertainty, the speaker maintains a sense of humor and a desire for knowledge, even if that knowledge may challenge our understanding of reality.

    Recent Episodes from Need To Know with Coulthart and Zabel

    Zero Doubt

    Zero Doubt
    In this episode, Ross Coulthart reports from an undisclosed location in the U.S., sharing insights from the SCU conference in Huntsville, which concentrated on scientific approaches to UAPs. He reflects on a recent interview with Colonel Karl Nell, discussing Nell’s remarks about long-standing interactions between non-human intelligence (NHI) and humanity. Meanwhile, Bryce Zabel in Los Angeles connects the 80th anniversary of D-Day to contemporary secrecy around UAPs, emphasizing the impact of such secrecy on public trust and innovation. They explore the skepticism about governmental transparency on UAPs and consider how the political landscape might influence the push for disclosure, especially with the upcoming elections. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Swagger and Secrets

    Swagger and Secrets
    In this episode, hosts Bryce Zabel and Ross Coulthart delve into the complexities of UAP investigations, spotlighting the AARO's dubious reporting and the Pentagon's evasion in acknowledging UAP incidents. They explore the recent Eglin Air Force Base encounter and the broader implications of drone sightings that challenge national security. The hosts critique the media's failure to engage deeply with these issues, emphasizing the need for greater transparency and investigative rigor in covering UAP and drone encounters. Featuring pilot testimonies and expert analysis, this episode uncovers the ongoing secrecy and the quest for truth in the increasingly convoluted field of ufology. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    UAP Burnout

    UAP Burnout
    It's an issue that's touched many in the UAP community, and worthy of a long discussion: fatigue from covering UAP, interacting with the community, fending off the flamers and trying to stay grounded. Bryce shares the tale of his ten-year hiatus while Ross commends Curt Jaimungal's recent decision to 'step away' for a while. But there's also hope, says Ross, citing three members of Congress and their attempts to interview an Air Force pilot over his 2023 sighting - and the video he captured. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    More UFO Lies & Coverup

    More UFO Lies & Coverup
    Ross and Bryce take turns teeing off on the Defense Department's report that was supposed to chronicle the US government's history of dealing with the UFO/UAP issue. Among their conclusions about the reports "conclusions:" It's more Pentagon obfuscation to deter public attention; a kneejerk polemic against former AARO head Sean Kirkpatrick's critics; not a hint of historical review; and from a couple of lawmakers who talked to Ross: Congress is NOT letting this issue go. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Adios, Voldemort

    Adios, Voldemort
    "Voldemort," in this podcast, is Bryce's new name for Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the now-former head of AARO, the Defense Department's "All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office." Bryce and Ross rip Kirkpatrick's exit statements, including his assertion that a soon to be released Pentagon report will say it's found no evidence of aliens, only allegations circulated repeatedly by UFO claim advocates. The other big event in the episode: "Need to Know," the song! Bryce explains the history of the song he co-composed - and we play it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Is This the Year?

    Is This the Year?
    Bryce and Ross begin 2024 with a quick look back at the big events of last year: David Grusch's revelations and the gutting of the Schumer Amendment to the Defense bill. Then they look ahead to this year and an upcoming House Oversight Committee hearing, Lue Elizondo's book and Grusch's op-ed piece on the heels of the US government slightly loosening what he's able to reveal. And Ross drops a big hint about what could be a very big story: new data from the James Webb Space Telescope. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    UFO Gatekeepers Strike Back

    UFO Gatekeepers Strike Back
    Disappointment and some disagreements in this episode, as Ross and Bryce review the amended version of Sen. Chuck Schumer's disclosure language in the new Defense bill. Ross blames "lickspittle Congressmen" in the pockets of the aerospace companies for turning Schumer's disclosure proposals into a "flaccid limp lettuce leaf." The two set the table for a future discussion on what both believe would be a very bad idea: "catastrophic disclosure." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    JFK and UFOs?

    JFK and UFOs?
    Approaching the 60th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Bryce and Ross examine the similarities between the efforts to conceal the truth about the President's death and concealing the truth about UFO/UAP. Also: as predicted in the last episode, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick is, indeed, leading AARO. So who will succeed him? And will that person bring a different opinion about whistleblower David Grusch? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Same Old UFO Song

    Same Old UFO Song
    Ross and Bryce catch up on several developments of the past few weeks, including the latest report from AARO. Ross calls out what he labels "completely disingenuous" statements by the agency's head, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, downplaying the UAP reports the agency reviewed in the 2023 US Government fiscal year. Ross calls the report "The Big Yawn." Ross and Bryce disagree on whether private aerospace firms, who've spent millions of their own dollars on crash retrieval, should be forced to turn any physical evidence over to the government. And Bryce reviews the high points of 1948, a banner year that saw dozens of credible UFO/UAP sightings. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    UFO Word Games

    UFO Word Games
    Ross and Bryce are back with tough words for what they call the "word games" being played by the Department of Defense, NASA and others in the US government about the evidence - or lack of evidence - regarding what we know about UAP and the possibility of non-human intelligence. Bryce scorches NASA Director Bill Nelson over his "lack of evidence" comments, and Ross takes an AP reporter to task for apparently not even reading a government report before questioning officials about that very report. And the hosts do a "lighting round" of comments on several other recent UAP developments. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Episode 13: Triskaidekaphobia and Porn

    Episode 13: Triskaidekaphobia and Porn
    This Podcast is for the Week of September 12 through September 19, 2011. Stroies this time: The number 13. UFO’s: General’s, Pilots and Government Officials go on the record. Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann are fatalistic. Bachmann and the HPV vaccine. Rick Perry and the death penalty. Ron Paul talks about motivations for 9/11. Tea Party debates and healthcare. Paul Ryan wants to increase payroll taxes. Christians against Porn. Little People pornstar and Gordon Ramsey lookalike dies. Clips: David Cross on Terrorism, Jesus Camp, Onion News Network - Supreme Court Rules Death Penalty Is 'Totally Badass', CNN Tea Party Debate, A Few Good Men.

    Episode 22: Attack of the Theocrats!

    Episode 22: Attack of the Theocrats!
    Sean’s 10 point plan. Sean’s book:  Reviews: Shocking! Will keep you on the edge of your seat! Sean Faircloth is doing such important work. There’s not a doubt in my mind that if he was (suddenly, inexplicably) zapped back in time to meet Thomas Jefferson, that the Founding Father would clap him on the shoulder and say ‘Thanks.’” –Adam Savage, MythBusters co-host and executive producer. “Faircloth paints a sobering picture, but fortunately, as anyone who has heard his speeches knows, he also has an inspiring and invigorating vision to offer. . . . Readers will finish the book exercised, energized, and eager to join Faircloth in a bold rediscovery of the secular dream of the European Enlightenment and America’s enlightened Fathers.” – Richard Dawkins, from the foreword to Attack of the Theocrats! “I’ve devoted the last twenty years of my professional life to pointing out unscientific assertions that harm or swindle innocent people. It becomes particularly insidious when unsound reasoning is used to justify and apply unjust laws. This book describes this very real problem in American today, then offers a bold plan to do something about it.” –James Randi, Founder of the James Randi Educational Foundation “What does the erosion of America’s noble separation of church and state the basis of the first secular government in the world have to do with your everyday life? In this lively and historically grounded survey of the way we live now, the author explains why the thirty-year-old assault on church-state separation affects all of us from children who are not getting a world-class education in science because of fundamentalist interference with the teaching of biology to soldiers subjected to evangelical proselytizing on military bases. Nothing could be more timely than this reminder that the founders left God out of the Constitution to provide citizens of every faith and no faith the freedom to act on their consciences. We ignore this historic liberty, the gift of America’s founding generation, at our peril.” –Susan Jacoby, Author of Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism and The Age of American Unreason “Faircloth makes a compelling case for people everywhere to steadily reestablish Thomas Jefferson’s fundamental idea and keep religions out of politics. Read this, and you’ll become a Constitution thumper.” –Bill Nye the Science Guy

    Episode 13: Triskaidekaphobia and Porn

    Episode 13: Triskaidekaphobia and Porn
    This Podcast is for the Week of September 12 through September 19, 2011. Stroies this time: The number 13. UFO’s: General’s, Pilots and Government Officials go on the record. Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann are fatalistic. Bachmann and the HPV vaccine. Rick Perry and the death penalty. Ron Paul talks about motivations for 9/11. Tea Party debates and healthcare. Paul Ryan wants to increase payroll taxes. Christians against Porn. Little People pornstar and Gordon Ramsey lookalike dies. Clips: David Cross on Terrorism, Jesus Camp, Onion News Network - Supreme Court Rules Death Penalty Is 'Totally Badass', CNN Tea Party Debate, A Few Good Men.