
    Podcast Summary

    • Democratizing Performance Art and the Power of Grassroots ActivismThe importance of accessible and understandable resources for art education and the impact of grassroots activism on societal change.

      Art is an essential component of society, yet many people feel disconnected from it due to a lack of accessible and understandable resources. Last week's podcast about democratizing performance art sparked a positive response, highlighting the need for more education and explanation about high art. Churchill's quote, "then what the fuck are we fighting for?" emphasizes the importance of art and culture, even during challenging times. In Ireland, the repeal of the 8th Amendment is a significant step forward for reproductive rights and compassionate healthcare. It's a reminder of the power of grassroots activism and the importance of using our platforms to support important causes.

    • Young voters want more than just a yes voteYoung voters seek comprehensive policies on healthcare, education, housing, workers' rights, and privatization, not just a repeal of the 8th amendment.

      The repeal of the 8th amendment in Ireland is a significant victory for women's rights, but it's important for politicians to recognize that this vote does not automatically grant them the support of young, socially conscious voters. These voters are looking for more than just a yes vote on this issue. They want to see where political parties stand on other important issues like universal access to healthcare, education, and housing, as well as workers' rights and privatization. Additionally, some activists who worked tirelessly for the repeal may be feeling a sense of emptiness or frustration now that the amendment has been repealed, and it's important for them to take care of their mental health during this transitional period.

    • Feeling empty or anxious after achieving a goal? You're not alone.Understand that it's normal to feel a range of emotions after reaching a goal, including emptiness or anxiety. Remember that the journey and sense of purpose it brings can bring lasting happiness.

      Achieving a goal, whether it's repealing a law, building a shed, or completing a degree, can leave people feeling unexpected emotions, such as emptiness or anxiety, despite the accomplishment. This phenomenon, known as existential anxiety, occurs when our sense of self and identity becomes tied to the goal we've been working towards. When the goal is reached, we may feel a sense of loss and struggle to find a new purpose. However, it's essential to remember that the happiness we seek often comes from the journey itself and the sense of meaning and purpose it brings, rather than the specific goal. It's normal to experience a range of emotions after achieving a goal, but with self-awareness and compassion, we can navigate these feelings and find new sources of purpose and happiness.

    • The illusion of finding happiness through external eventsTrue happiness comes from within and can't be achieved through external accomplishments alone. Reflect on feelings and find meaning in the present moment for lasting happiness.

      External events, no matter how significant or noble, do not guarantee lasting happiness. The repeal of the 8th amendment, while bringing about important changes, may leave some individuals feeling empty or anxious due to the human condition's inherent desire for meaning and purpose. These feelings are normal and should not be cause for guilt or shame. Instead, it's essential to recognize that true happiness comes from within and is not something that can be achieved through external accomplishments alone. The illusion of finding happiness through external events is a common human confusion. It's essential to reflect on these feelings and understand that happiness is a present experience, not something that can be reached through a specific goal or achievement. Ultimately, the key to lasting happiness is finding meaning and purpose in the present moment, rather than chasing after fleeting external accomplishments.

    • The journey towards happiness is more important than the destinationHappiness isn't about achieving goals or removing stress, it's a state of being that comes from having a sense of meaning and purpose in life. Look inward for fulfillment, not outward.

      Happiness is not something that can be achieved through external means such as achieving goals or removing sources of stress. Instead, it is a state of being that comes from having a sense of meaning and purpose in life. This was a realization of the speaker who had technically achieved a dream but felt empty and guilty. They drew an analogy between happiness and the rainbow, explaining that it's not a pot of gold at the end, but rather the journey towards it. The speaker encouraged listeners, especially those who had given so much to a cause or project, to have self-compassion if they were feeling drained or empty. They recommended looking into the work of Viktor Frankl, a psychologist who wrote "Man's Search for Meaning," which asserts that life is a quest for meaning rather than power. Frankl's theory was based on his experiences as a Jewish doctor in Vienna during World War II, and his insights provide a profound perspective on the human search for meaning and purpose.

    • Finding meaning in sufferingFinding purpose and meaning in suffering can help one endure even the most unimaginable conditions. Without hope and meaning, suffering becomes unbearable.

      Key takeaway from Viktor Frankl's experience in a concentration camp is that finding meaning in suffering can help one endure even the most unimaginable conditions. Frankl observed that prisoners who lost hope and meaning succumbed more quickly to their suffering, while those who found purpose and meaning, despite the horrific circumstances, survived. Frankl believed that suffering ceases to be suffering when it finds meaning, and he used this philosophy to focus on his eventual freedom and the love for his wife to keep going. He saw human suffering as a challenge to search for meaning, rather than merely complaining about it. Frankl's theory, as summarized by Friedrich Nietzsche's quote "if you have a why to live for, you can bear any how," emphasizes the importance of finding purpose and meaning in life, even in the face of extreme adversity.

    • Choosing our response in challenging circumstancesDespite uncontrollable external events, we can control our attitude and response, leading to positive emotions and actions. Cognitive behavioral therapy teaches this principle, and it's essential for finding meaning and moving forward after achieving goals.

      Despite the most challenging circumstances, we have the power to choose our response and find meaning in our experiences. Viktor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor, discovered this profound insight while enduring unimaginable suffering in a concentration camp. He emphasized that we cannot control external events but can control our attitude towards them. Cognitive behavioral therapy, inspired by Frankl's theory, teaches that negative thoughts lead to negative emotions and behaviors, but changing our thoughts can lead to positive emotions and actions. Even in the darkest moments, the human spirit seeks life and happiness. After achieving a goal, we may feel an existential vacuum, but self-compassion and finding meaning in our accomplishments can help us move forward.

    • Finding happiness in the face of sufferingHappiness comes from finding meaning and purpose in life, not avoiding suffering. Mindfulness and focusing on the present moment can lead to spiritual satisfaction.

      Happiness is not inherently linked to external circumstances, but rather to how individuals respond to the inevitable suffering of life. The human condition includes suffering, such as death, disappointment, rejection, and unfairness, and everyone experiences it differently. Happiness comes from finding meaning and purpose in life, which can be unique to each person. Rather than being told that one is inherently unhappy, individuals should focus on responding to life's suffering with mindfulness and finding meaning in the present moment. This can lead to a sense of spiritual satisfaction, even in seemingly mundane activities. In summary, the key to happiness is not avoiding suffering, but rather finding meaning and purpose in the face of it.

    • Finding meaning in difficult experiencesInstead of focusing on negatives during tough times, try to find meaning and purpose to improve your mindset and make the experience more bearable. Empathy and understanding towards others' experiences is crucial.

      Even during difficult or unpleasant experiences, it's important to try and find meaning and purpose instead of focusing solely on the negatives. This mindset shift can lead to contentment and make the experience more bearable. The speaker acknowledges that this advice comes from a male perspective and encourages empathy and understanding towards those who may have different experiences. Additionally, the podcast is supported by listeners through Patreon, and the speaker encourages those who enjoy the content to consider supporting financially. Other topics briefly touched upon include digital adverts in podcasts and short-term health insurance plans.

    • The line between free speech and hate speechEach case of potential hate speech should be evaluated based on context and intent, considering limits to free speech and the potential for double standards, as well as non-platforming as a response.

      The line between free speech and hate speech is not clear-cut and requires careful consideration of context and intent. The case of Spanish rapper Valtanic, who was jailed for lyrics perceived as threatening, raises questions about artistic license and the potential for double standards. Comparisons can be drawn to historical figures like Ice T and NWA, who faced similar challenges with their music. However, there are limits to free speech, particularly when it comes to direct threats against individuals or groups that incite violence or hate. Non-platforming, or refusing to give a platform to certain views, can also be an effective response in certain situations. Ultimately, each case should be evaluated on its own merits, taking into account the specific context and intent of the speech in question.

    • Standing Against Hate Speech and IntoleranceAdvocate for free speech, but reject hate speech and intolerance. Desire socialized services, but reject authoritarian communism. Music follows mathematical patterns, providing pleasure through predictable patterns from chaotic sounds.

      The speaker passionately advocates for standing against hate speech and intolerance, drawing parallels between historical genocides and modern-day attempts to erase certain ethnicities. He supports nonplatforming and protesting as expressions of free speech. The speaker also expresses a desire for socialized services like healthcare, education, and housing, but rejects authoritarian communism. Regarding music, the speaker believes that our response to it is rooted in our innate desire for pattern recognition, as music, like visual patterns, follows mathematical symmetries that our brains find pleasurable. Music, in essence, is the rationalization of chaotic sounds, such as birdsong, into predictable patterns.

    • Enjoy your week, take care of yourself, and show compassion towards othersPractice self-care, invest in a good night's sleep, and live in the present moment for greater happiness

      Despite discussing various aspects of achieving happiness and living in the moment, this week's podcast was not filled with many jokes. However, it's essential to take the information on board and apply it to our lives. The presenter encourages listeners to enjoy their week, take care of themselves, and show compassion towards others. He also introduced Boll and Branch's organic cotton sheets, which get softer with every wash, ensuring a great night's sleep for years to come. Try them out with a 30-night guarantee and a 15% discount using the code "buttery" at bolandbranch.com. Remember, living in the present moment and investing in self-care are crucial steps towards happiness.

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    Desire to be supported and encourage by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACT. http://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact

    "God is an indescribable and incredible planner."

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    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

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    Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or need someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Stop trying to do it by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.

    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







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    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer



    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    Episode 71 - Letting Go of Attachment

    Episode 71 - Letting Go of Attachment

    Attachment is defined as a mental affliction, which is a habit that robs causes us suffering. Attachment arises like this:


    We encounter something pleasant + inappropriate attention/exaggerating its good qualities = attachment arises (the feeling we can not be happy without it)


    Sometimes we are attached to people being different than they are, to being right, drugs, alcohol, or unhealthy food. In all these cases, it is not the person or object that makes us unhappy, but our attachment that causes us to suffer.


    What attachment is not:

    Letting go of attachment does not mean that we don’t own things, but that those things don’t own us. 


    Letting go of attachment doesn’t mean that we don’t have love others, but that we love them without attachment. 


    Longing gives rise to grief; 

    Longing gives rise to fear. 

    For someone released from longing 

    There is no grief; 

    And from where would come fear? (212) 


    Affection gives rise to grief; 

    Affection gives rise to fear. 

    For someone released from affection 

    There is no grief; 

    And from where would come fear? (213) 


    Infatuation gives rise to grief; 

    Infatuation gives rise to fear. 

    For someone released from infatuation

    There is no grief; And from where would come fear? (214) 


    Sensual craving gives rise to grief; 

    Sensual craving gives rise to fear. 

    For someone released from sensual craving There is no grief; 

    And from where would come fear? (215) 


    Craving gives rise to grief; 

    Craving gives rise to fear. 

    For someone released from craving 

    There is no grief; 

    And from where would come fear?

    —Buddha, The Dhammapada




    Buddha. The Dhammapada, translated by Gil Fronsdale. (2011). Shambala, pp. 56-57

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