
    Campus Antisemitism Chaos, Trump Trial Kicks Off, and Biden's Anti-Woman Title IX Rules, with Emily Jashinsky and Eliana Johnson | Ep. 772

    enApril 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • New York Trial: Juror's Toothache Causes Early Adjournment, Trump's Character on TrialJuror's toothache halts New York trial, Trump can't testify due to character focus, anti-Semitic attacks at Columbia and Yale universities condemned but downplayed in media

      Former President Donald Trump's trial in New York is underway, with opening statements and the potential for the first witness. However, a juror's toothache has caused an early adjournment. Trump faces a green light for prosecutors to confront him about various alleged past bad acts, including a civil fraud case and defamation lawsuits. The judge's ruling effectively prevents Trump from testifying due to the expected focus on his character. Meanwhile, there have been reports of anti-Semitic attacks on Jewish students at Columbia and Yale universities, which have been met with condemnation but downplayed by some in the media. The EJ's, Emily Jasinski and Eliannis Johnson, discussed these topics on The Megyn Kelly Show.

    • Testimonies at Trump's impeachment trial reveal hush money deals and election interferenceFormer AMI head David Pecker testifies about Trump's involvement in hush money payments to women during the 2016 campaign, adding to allegations of election interference and character concerns.

      The ongoing impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump is not just about his actions leading up to the Capitol insurrection, but also about the tactics of the left and the character of Trump himself. During the trial, key figures like David Pecker, former head of American Media Inc. (AMI), are testifying about their involvement in hush money payments to women during Trump's 2016 campaign. The prosecution alleges that Trump, Michael Cohen, and David Pecker conspired to suppress negative stories about Trump and help him win the election. Pecker is expected to testify that Trump was aware of these payments. The trial also includes an audio recording of Trump discussing the Karen McDougal deal with Cohen. These allegations add to the broader narrative of election interference and character concerns surrounding Trump. The trial continues with more witnesses and evidence being presented.

    • Donald Trump's payment to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal: Election interference or legal expenses?Prosecutors allege Trump's payment to cover up affairs could be election interference, while defense argues for legal expenses. The trial focuses on the legality of NDAs and falsified records.

      The ongoing trial against Donald Trump revolves around the payment made to Stormy Daniels and the potential implication of this payment in the context of election interference. Prosecutors are using the pattern of paying off women, specifically Karen McDougal, as evidence to suggest Trump's involvement in the Daniels payment. The prosecution's theory is that covering up an affair could be considered election interference. Trump's team, on the other hand, is focusing on the legality of signing an NDA and the falsification of business records. They argue that Trump did not personally order the falsification and that the payment to Cohen was for legal expenses. The defense is also disputing that the payment to Daniels was a campaign finance violation, as it had dual purposes. The trial is complex, with both sides presenting vastly different interpretations of the events.

    • Michael Cohen trial: Defense questions Cohen's credibility and legality of campaign finance violationsThe Michael Cohen trial against Donald Trump over hush money payments to Stormy Daniels raises doubts about Cohen's credibility and the legality of campaign finance violations. The defense argues payments had multiple purposes, but Cohen's credibility is already in question. The legality of 'catch and kill' arrangements is also under scrutiny.

      The Michael Cohen trial against Donald Trump regarding hush money payments to Stormy Daniels raises questions about the credibility of Cohen's testimony and the legality of campaign finance violations. The defense is attempting to argue that the payments had multiple purposes and were not solely intended to influence the election. The jury may not be swayed by the defense's efforts to undermine Cohen's credibility, as he has already been established as a liar. Additionally, the defense has compared the National Enquirer's "catch and kill" practices to ordinary editorial decisions, raising questions about the legality of such arrangements. Overall, the case appears weak due to the complex nature of campaign finance laws and the questionable credibility of key witnesses.

    • Michael Cohen's payment to Stormy Daniels: Campaign expense or hush money?The trial's outcome could impact future campaign finance cases, as the jury decides if a $130,000 payment was a legitimate campaign expense or an attempt to cover up a violation.

      The legality of a $130,000 payment made by Michael Cohen on behalf of Donald Trump to Stormy Daniels during the 2016 campaign hinges on whether it was a legitimate campaign expense or an attempt to cover up a campaign finance violation. The distinction between campaign expenses and personal expenses can be blurry, and the jury's impartiality will be crucial in determining the outcome of the trial. An NDA signed with Stormy Daniels could have been a valid reason for the payment, but it would need to be proven that the payment was intended to influence the election. The defense's challenge is to convince the jury to view the case on its merits, despite the potentially hostile jury pool in Manhattan. The law regarding campaign finance is clear, but the application to this specific case may be complex. The outcome of the trial could have significant implications for future campaign finance cases.

    • Questions raised over hush money payments in Trump trial and campaign finance lawsThe ongoing trial of Donald Trump over hush money payments to Stormy Daniels raises questions about campaign finance laws and implications for future cases.

      The ongoing trial of former President Donald Trump in New York City over hush money payments to Stormy Daniels raises significant questions about the potential implications for campaign finance laws and precedents. Brad Smith pointed out that if Trump had classified these payments as campaign expenses, the outcome could have been different. The debate continues on whether these payments were solely related to the campaign or not. Some argue that Trump's presidential run led to the need for the payments, but this argument is not foolproof. The media coverage of the trial has been a subject of criticism, with some feeling that resources could be better spent on other cases. A surprising revelation from the courtroom, reported by Bob Mysiles of The Midas Touch, is that Trump is allegedly passing gas in the courtroom, causing discomfort for his own lawyers. The media's focus on seemingly insignificant details, such as yawns and flatulence, has sparked criticism and debate.

    • Media focus on Trump trials distracts from important issuesMedia sensationalism and tabloid journalism keep Trump in the news cycle, distracting from pressing issues like anti-Semitism on college campuses

      The ongoing legal cases against Donald Trump keep him in the spotlight of media coverage, distracting from his campaign against Joe Biden. The media's focus on these trials, driven by the sensationalism of tabloid journalism, keeps Trump at the center of the news cycle, even as important issues like rampant anti-Semitism on college campuses go unaddressed. This dynamic, where highbrow news organizations also engage in buying stories and lowbrow tabloids thrive on sensationalism, creates a disturbing trend in journalistic ethics. Meanwhile, at Columbia University, an encampment of protesters has formed, expressing anti-Semitic sentiments and disrupting the learning environment for Jewish students. The situation highlights the need for open dialogue and respect for all communities, while also emphasizing the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions and words.

    • Antisemitic protests create dangerous environment for Jewish studentsUniversities must protect students from hate speech and intolerance, ensuring a safe and inclusive learning environment

      The current situation at Columbia University and other campuses involves a small yet vocal group of students engaging in hateful and antisemitic protests, leading to a dangerous and hostile environment for Jewish students. These protests, which include calls for the elimination of the Jewish state and the death of Jews, have disrupted the campus and prevented in-person classes. University leaders have downplayed the situation as mere political disagreements, but the students' actions speak louder than words. The situation has escalated to the point where armed escorts are being offered to help Jewish students feel safe on campus. The protesters' behavior clearly crosses the line into hate speech and intolerance, and it is essential for universities to enforce their codes of conduct and protect the safety and well-being of all students. The free exchange of ideas is crucial, but it should not come at the expense of creating a hostile and unsafe environment for any group of students.

    • Columbia and Yale incidents not just about free speech, call for death of JewsCollege administrators must protect students, uphold laws, and involve law enforcement to prevent threatening actions and ensure safety

      The recent incidents at Columbia and Yale Universities, where Jewish students were prevented from attending classes and American flags were torn down, are not just about free speech. These actions are threatening and call for the death of Jews, and they cannot be tolerated on college campuses. College administrators have a responsibility to protect their students and uphold federal civil rights laws. The prolonged protests and desecration of property, which resulted in students being hurt, require more than just warnings. It's time for administrators to take action and involve law enforcement to remove the protesters and ensure the safety and well-being of all students. These incidents are alarming and go against the values of inclusivity and respect that universities should uphold.

    • Discussion on hate speech at Columbia UniversityWhile free speech is protected, hate speech and incitement have limits. Clear guidelines on acceptable behavior and responsibility from protest organizers are necessary to maintain a peaceful and respectful environment.

      While free speech is a fundamental right in the US, there are limits to where and what can be expressed, especially when it comes to hate speech and incitement. The discussion centered around the ongoing protests at Columbia University, where some students have been using hateful language towards Jewish students. While some argue that this is protected free speech, others believe that it crosses a line and becomes illegal when it creates a hostile environment. The university's response to the situation has been criticized, with some arguing that it should do more to stop the protests and others claiming that it is exacerbating the situation by allowing such arguments to be made in class. Ultimately, there is a need for clear guidelines on acceptable behavior and for those organizing protests to take responsibility for maintaining a peaceful and respectful environment.

    • Ilhan Omar's Daughter's Controversial Protest at Barnard CollegeIlhan Omar's daughter, Isra Hirsi, falsely claimed targeted treatment and hypocrisy during her suspension from Barnard College for protesting against Israel's actions towards Palestinians, while the truth was that students who allegedly used a harmless fart spray during the protests were suspended and suing the university.

      Ilhan Omar's daughter, Isra Hirsi, who was suspended from Barnard College for protesting against Israel's actions towards Palestinians, painted a dramatic picture of being evicted from the campus with no resources, while the truth was that students who allegedly sprayed a harmless fart spray during the protests were suspended and suing the university. Hirsi went on MSNBC to discuss her experience and claimed that she and her fellow protesters were being targeted and that those who sprayed the chemical weapon went unpunished. However, it was revealed that the chemical weapon was actually a $26 fart spray purchased on Amazon, and the students who used it were suspended immediately. The university president, Lee C. Bollinger, testified before the Columbia University Senate that these students had used chemical weapons, but the students later sued the university for wrongful suspension. Hirsi's mother, Representative Ilhan Omar, questioned the university president about anti-Jewish protests on campus, but failed to disclose that her daughter was one of the protesters. The university president initially denied the existence of anti-Jewish protests, but later admitted that they had occurred. Hirsi's claims of targeted treatment and hypocrisy were therefore misleading.

    • Jewish students targeted on college campusesUniversities must uphold principles of free speech and inquiry, protect Jewish students from bias and hate speech, and ensure consistent application of rules.

      The treatment of Jewish students on college campuses and during protests, particularly those with pro-Palestine sentiments, has become a significant concern. The speaker argues that these students are being targeted for their beliefs or ethnicity, which goes against the principles of free speech and inquiry that universities are supposed to uphold. The speaker also criticizes the inconsistent application of rules and the ideological bias that seems to be driving some of these incidents. The situation is seen as particularly concerning given the rise of hate speech and incitement to violence, which can have lasting damaging effects on individuals and society as a whole. The speaker calls for stronger action to protect Jewish students and ensure that universities remain places of open inquiry and respect for all.

    • College Protests: A Warning Sign for Escalating IntoleranceThe lack of leadership and clear boundaries around acceptable behavior on college campuses could lead to dangerous and hateful acts, as seen in Europe. The recent lackluster response from the Biden administration underscores the importance of strong leadership to address this issue.

      The current climate on college campuses, marked by intolerance and divisive protests, is a warning sign for potential escalation into workplaces and other public spaces. The ideology behind these protests, which was seen in Europe leading to dangerous and hateful acts, could potentially lead to similar incidents in the US. The lack of leadership and clear boundaries around acceptable behavior on college campuses is concerning, as it sets a precedent for other areas of society. The events in Charlottesville serve as a stark reminder of the potential danger of hate speech and actions, and the need for strong leadership to address it. The recent lackluster response from the Biden administration to address the issue on college campuses highlights the importance of having a national figure who can calmly and effectively address such issues. The absence of such leadership could allow the situation to continue spiraling out of control.

    • Biden's Israel and Title 9 Policies: Caught Between Progressive and Conservative WingsBiden faces pressure from both progressive and conservative wings over Israel and Title 9 policies, making it difficult to navigate the political landscape effectively.

      Joe Biden finds himself in a challenging position regarding Israel and the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. While he needs to maintain support from liberal Jewish voters, he risks losing the core Democratic voters, including suburban moms, by catering too much to the far-left. Biden's strident criticism of Israel and his call for conditioning aid have put pressure on Israel but are not enough for the progressive wing. At the same time, his statements and actions regarding Title 9 and bathroom policies are inflaming conservative voters and causing chaos, hurting his image. Biden is in a difficult situation, as he cannot appease both sides without alienating the other. The ideological reality created by the Democratic Party on issues like Israel and Title 9 is making it challenging for Biden to navigate the political landscape effectively.

    • Bathroom Policies and Balancing Privacy and IdentityOngoing debate surrounds bathroom policies, balancing respect for individual identity and privacy with ensuring safety and comfort for all students. Criticism of Title 9 policy for infringing on school autonomy.

      There is ongoing debate and controversy surrounding bathroom policies in educational institutions, particularly regarding transgender and nonbinary individuals using facilities that align with their gender identity. This discussion revolves around the balance between respecting individual privacy and identity, and ensuring the safety and comfort of all students. The speaker expresses concern over the potential for intrusion and discomfort, citing specific instances of individuals using women's bathrooms and the subsequent reactions. The speaker also criticizes the Biden administration's Title 9 policy, which they argue infringes on the autonomy of schools and institutions to address these issues. The speaker's perspective emphasizes the importance of respecting privacy and individual identity while also acknowledging the need for safety and consideration for all students.

    • Recognizing and addressing reality is crucialFailing to acknowledge and address discrimination or dangerous situations can lead to confusion, fear, and violence. Validating and addressing the experiences of all individuals is essential for creating a safe and inclusive environment.

      The failure to acknowledge and address the reality of situations, such as a boy attacking a girl at school, can lead to confusion, fear, and even violence. The speaker in this discussion emphasized the importance of calling things what they are and not being afraid to speak out against discrimination or dangerous situations. She also drew parallels between the experiences of Jewish students facing discrimination on college campuses and the debate over trans individuals using women's bathrooms. Both situations involve a hierarchy of oppressions and a double standard, where the voices and concerns of certain groups are discounted or silenced. The speaker's reaction to a sign that dismissed her concerns was a reminder of the importance of validating and addressing the experiences and discomforts of all individuals.

    • Biden's Transgender Policies and Women's PrivacyThe Biden administration's policies on transgender rights in bathrooms and locker rooms raise concerns for privacy and safety of women and children, and the lack of media coverage and political response to this issue highlights the need for a balanced approach to protecting the rights of all individuals.

      The Biden administration's policies regarding transgender rights in bathrooms and locker rooms have raised significant concerns among parents and critics, who argue that these policies prioritize the needs and identities of men who identify as women over the privacy and safety of actual women and children. The discussion highlighted the potential danger of allowing men to enter women's spaces based on their self-identified gender, and the lack of media coverage and political response to this issue. The conversation also touched upon the broader implications of these policies on college campuses and the redefinition of Title IX. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of acknowledging the potential risks and logical consequences of identity politics and the need for a nuanced and balanced approach to protecting the rights and privacy of all individuals.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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