
    Podcast Summary

    • Squarespace Insights Analytics and Ferguson Expert Assistance for Home ProjectsSquarespace's Insights analytics provide valuable data for businesses to optimize websites and marketing strategies. Ferguson offers expert advice and coordination for successful home projects.

      Squarespace offers valuable analytics tools for businesses to grow and improve their websites, while Ferguson provides expert assistance for home projects from start to finish. Meanwhile, the potential of underwater energy production continues to be explored, with France leading the way in ocean energy innovation. For businesses using Squarespace, access to Insights analytics allows for tracking site visits, sales origins, and effective marketing channels. This data can inform website improvements and marketing strategies based on top keywords, popular products, and content. Start your free trial at squarespace.com/stuff and save 10% with offer code STUFF. Ferguson prioritizes project success for homeowners, builders, designers, and remodelers by providing expert advice on product selection, order facilitation, and delivery coordination. Begin your project at Ferguson.com/build. Regarding underwater energy production, France has been a pioneer in ocean energy innovation, and though challenges persist, the potential of harnessing this vast resource remains significant. Tune in later for updates on underwater turbine projects.

    • Exploring the vast untapped energy potential of the oceanThe ocean's energy potential comes from tides, waves, and heat differential, with the most successful project being a tidal river power station in Britain. Sun plays a role through wind and waves. Ocean energy is a promising renewable source, but challenges include cost-effectiveness.

      The ocean holds vast untapped energy potential, which has been explored throughout history through various means such as harnessing the mechanical energy of wave motion, the heat differential, and tidal currents. The most successful ocean energy project to date is the 240-megawatt tidal river power station in Britain, which generates electricity from the energy of the tides. The sun plays a crucial role in ocean energy production, as it heats the earth unevenly, leading to wind and waves. Waves are formed when the ocean is pushed by wind, and their kinetic energy can be harnessed to generate electricity. Ocean energy holds great promise as a renewable energy source, though challenges such as cost-effectiveness remain.

    • Ocean Waves and Tides: A Source of Energy and Gravitational PhenomenonThe ocean's waves carry energy, tides are caused by the moon's gravitational pull, and technology can harness these natural phenomena while ensuring a safe online environment for children.

      The ocean's waves are not just moving water, but rather a conveyor belt of energy. This energy, driven by the circular motion of the waves, can be harnessed if one has the right equipment. Additionally, the tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon, a fact that was incorrectly disputed by Bill O'Reilly during an interview. Regarding the interview, Bill O'Reilly, a popular media personality, expressed ignorance about the cause of tides during a discussion. He claimed that no one knows why tides occur and that it's a mystery. However, the interviewee, an expert in the field, corrected him, explaining that the tides are indeed caused by the gravitational pull of the moon. Unfortunately, no one intervened to clarify this misinformation during the interview, leaving Bill O'Reilly's incorrect statement unchallenged. Furthermore, the conversation touched upon the importance of technology in harnessing the energy of the ocean's waves and the safety and benefits of using social media platforms like Zigazoo for children. The discussion also introduced Squarespace's Fluid Engine, a website design system that makes it easier for anyone to create and customize websites. In summary, the key takeaway is that the ocean's waves are a source of energy, tides are caused by the moon's gravitational pull, and technology can be used to harness these natural phenomena while ensuring a safe online environment for children.

    • Harnessing the Power of Tides and Thermal EnergyThe world's tides and thermal energy from the ocean have the potential to generate significant renewable energy through methods like dams, turbines, and thermal energy extraction.

      The world's coastlines experience consistent tides, with two highs and two lows every day. However, only approximately 40 locations around the world, such as the Bay of Fundy, have a significant enough difference between high and low tide to generate electricity. This is done through methods like building a dam with turbines that spin when the water level on opposite sides is sufficient. Tidal energy, including tidal currents, is another method, utilizing underwater turbines. The ocean holds a vast amount of thermal energy, providing the equivalent of 250 billion barrels of oil per day. These various forms of renewable energy, including tidal and thermal, offer great potential for future energy production.

    • Using temperature difference between warm and cold seawater for electricity and water productionOTEC systems can generate significant amounts of electricity and desalinated water through the temperature difference between warm surface and cold deep seawater, with a single 2 MW plant producing around 4,300 cubic meters of water daily

      Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) is a promising renewable energy source that can produce significant amounts of electricity and desalinated water. OTEC systems work by utilizing the temperature difference between warm surface seawater and cold deep seawater. There are two main types of OTEC systems: closed and open. In a closed system, a low boiling point liquid like ammonia is used to generate steam, which drives a turbine and then returns to its liquid state. Open systems, on the other hand, use seawater directly to produce steam, which also drives a turbine and creates fresh water as a byproduct. Both closed and open systems have the potential to generate large amounts of desalinated water, with a single 2 MW plant producing around 4,300 cubic meters per day. While OTEC is not currently producing a large amount of electricity, its potential is seen as great, and investments are being made to develop and improve the technology.

    • Innovations in Ocean Energy and Children's Social MediaCompanies like Verdant Power are making strides in ocean energy production, while new social media platforms prioritize safety for kids

      Ocean energy, specifically the work of companies like Verdant Power, is currently attracting significant investment due to the potential for high energy production, despite challenges and costs. Verdant Power, which is currently in the process of making their system real after successful demonstrations, has produced 70 megawatt hours of energy and is waiting for permits to expand. The UK is leading the way in title turbine research, and safety is a priority for new social media platforms for kids, like Zigazoo, which allows them to create content and engage in activities with built-in privacy protections. These advancements in ocean energy and children's social media demonstrate innovation and progress in their respective fields.

    • Harnessing Ocean Waves for PowerOcean waves could power the planet with environmental benefits, but care for marine life is crucial

      Harnessing a small percentage of the vast energy from ocean waves could potentially power the entire planet, offering environmental advantages such as three times the energy density compared to wind farms and the ability to run silently underwater. However, it's important to consider the potential impact on marine life and take steps to minimize it through careful planning and implementation. In the meantime, make your Easter celebrations more convenient and eco-friendly by utilizing free in-store pickups at CVS for your Easter basket essentials.

    • Exploring Ocean Power and MigrainesOcean power offers renewable energy potential but faces high costs and environmental concerns. Migraines impact daily life, requiring awareness and support.

      Ocean power, specifically tidal dams and wave converters, hold great potential for renewable energy but face challenges such as high costs during the R&D phase and environmental concerns. Tidal dams can hinder the natural filtering process of water in bays, leading to decreased water purity and negative impacts on local environments. Wave energy converters like Salter's Duck show promise but are still in development. Despite these challenges, it's essential to continue researching and investing in these technologies for a sustainable energy future. Migraines, a common health issue, can significantly impact daily life and vision, with symptoms varying from person to person. While some may experience tunnel vision, others might struggle with extreme dizziness and nausea. It's crucial to raise awareness and understanding of these conditions to provide support and resources for those affected.

    • Ocular migraines: A visual experienceOcular migraines can cause temporary visual disturbances, such as disappearing faces or distorted vision, along with mild headaches and eye strain.

      The discussion revolved around personal experiences with ocular migraines, during which certain visual elements can disappear or appear distorted. The speaker described a peculiar experience where looking directly at someone's face from a distance caused their head to disappear, but it didn't seem odd until later reflection. Other symptoms mentioned included a mild headache, eye strain, and an empty feeling in the head. The speaker made a reference to an actor with twitching eyes, and asked for help identifying a movie where this actor appeared with Mickey Rourke. The conversation also touched on the existence of special skills listed on actors' headshots. Additionally, there was a mention of the Zigazoo app, a social network for kids with moderated content, and a promotion for CVS's early Easter shopping with free in-store pickup.

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    SAMATA, CEO of Red Carpet Green Dress

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    The below 3 pillars represent this new standard approach —

    • Education → accountability 

    • Equitable partnerships → opportunity 

    • Action → responsibility 

    After listening to this entire project, we welcome you to join us in asking difficult questions that fall within or across The New Standard pillars. Begin asking the hard questions in your personal life, in your work, in your community, in your corporation, because after this project — The Root — one of the most important things we can all do is go into a self assessment stage, so we can understand what we need to work on, and we can get ACTIVE!

    Thanks to this week's sponsor - Red Carpet Green Dress™ (RCGD), a women-led global change-making organization working from ‘moment’ to movement, bringing sustainability to the forefront of conversation and action within the fashion and apparel industry. 

    Learn more at RCGDglobal.com.

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