
    Charlie Kirk on the Border "Invasion," Key GOP Ground Game Strategies, and Fani Willis' Rough Road | Ep. 711

    enJanuary 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Border Dispute Between Texas and Federal Government EscalatesTexas Governor Abbott refuses to remove razor wire at the border despite a Supreme Court decision, leading to a potential confrontation with the federal government and gaining support from other Republican governors and Trump.

      The border dispute between Texas and the Biden administration is escalating, with Texas refusing to remove razor wire at the border despite a recent Supreme Court decision. The dispute has gained support from other Republican governors, and former President Trump has called for them to send National Guard troops. The situation could lead to a confrontation if the federal government tries to remove the wire, but Texas Governor Greg Abbott argues that the decision does not strip Texas of its right to secure its own border. Abbott has added more razor wire in response, and if the federal government tries to remove it, Abbott plans to put it back up. The issue has become a major concern for Americans across political, racial, and income lines, and Texas is using the controversy to challenge the federal government's handling of the border crisis.

    • Texas-Federal Standoff Over Border ControlTexas officials refuse federal access to park, 25 red state governors unite against border policies, potential secession or nullification, border crisis impacts communities, serious incident with released prisoner, uncertain outcome

      The current border situation between Texas and the federal government is leading to a potential standoff, with Texas officials refusing to comply with a court order allowing federal agents access to a park along the Rio Grande to remove border barriers. The situation feels reminiscent of civil unrest, with 25 red state governors consolidating their stance against the federal government's border policies. The left is trying to frame this as an issue of secession or nullification, but Texas argues that they have the legal right to stop an invasion. The crisis is not just limited to the border, as it's affecting communities across the country, leading to issues such as drug influx, labor concerns, and even mental health issues for mayors. A chilling incident involving a recently released prisoner from Kazakhstan, who threatened that people would soon know his name, highlights the seriousness of the situation. The Biden administration's response could lead to further escalation, and the outcome remains uncertain.

    • U.S.-Mexico Border Crisis: National Security and Humanitarian ConcernsThe U.S.-Mexico border crisis poses significant challenges to national security, human trafficking, and the rule of law. Critics argue that the federal government's response has led to a humanitarian crisis and enabled criminal activities. States are taking action, but a comprehensive response from all levels of government is needed.

      The current situation at the U.S.-Mexico border is a complex and serious issue with significant implications for national security, human trafficking, and the rule of law. The Biden administration's handling of the border crisis has led to calls for action from governors and state officials, with Texas taking a firm stance against the influx of migrants. Critics argue that the federal government's inaction and misrepresentation of the situation have created a humanitarian crisis and enabled criminal activities, including sex trafficking and drug smuggling. The historical context of immigration law and the original intent of states' responsibilities in securing their borders are being revisited, and the potential for a constitutional crisis looms if the issue is not addressed. The stakes are high, and the situation requires a thoughtful and comprehensive response from all levels of government.

    • Border crisis: Humanitarian issue and national security concernCartels use tactics like baby smuggling to enter large groups, posing threats of drug trafficking, terrorism, and child exploitation. Federal inaction for decades has led to state actions and controversial language like 'invasion'.

      The current border crisis is not only a humanitarian issue but also a national security concern. The cartels are using tactics like throwing babies into the Rio Grande River to create diversions and allow large groups of people, some of whom may have malicious intentions, to enter the country undetected. This intentional opening of the borders is a serious issue, with potential consequences including drug trafficking, terrorism, and the exploitation of children. The speakers emphasized that this crisis is not just a recent phenomenon but has been building for decades, and if the federal government were addressing it effectively, state actions like those taken by Governor Abbott would not be necessary. The use of terms like "invasion" may be controversial, but the speakers argue that the situation warrants such language given the threats posed. The lack of action from the federal government, they claim, is a form of treason and a deliberate attempt to remake the country from within.

    • Border crisis with Mexico: Threats to national security and immigrationThe border crisis with Mexico poses significant threats to national security due to unidentified immigrants entering the US with dangerous substances and potential ties to foreign terrorist organizations, necessitating stronger action from the Biden administration.

      The current border situation in the United States, particularly with Mexico, is a significant concern due to the large number of unidentified immigrants entering the country, many of whom are from countries like China, Russia, and Iran. These individuals are entering the country with official government-issued IDs, and some are even claiming asylum. The consequences of this border crisis extend beyond just immigration issues, as it also poses a potential threat to national security. The cartels are intentionally putting dangerous substances like Fentanyl in pills, leading to a record number of drug overdoses and deaths. The Biden administration's approach to dealing with Mexico has been criticized for being weak, with some Republican lawmakers saying that Mexico gets angry when the issue is brought up. Contrastingly, during the Trump administration, the border was more secure, and Mexico responded to threats of tariffs and border patrol deployment by sending their own border patrol agents. The situation calls for stronger action and designation of cartels as foreign terrorist organizations.

    • Mexico's cartel problem and US involvementThe Mexican govt's relationship with cartels poses a significant issue for Mexico & US, but help from US is hindered by lack of political will & leadership.

      The Mexican government's relationship with cartels presents a significant problem for both Mexico and the United States, with an estimated $25-30 billion in remittances flowing from America to Mexico. However, there are concerned individuals within the Mexican government seeking help from the US to address this issue. The problem is not insolvable, but lacks the necessary political will and leadership from the US. Meanwhile, there's a noticeable discrepancy in security measures at US airports, with illegal immigrants not required to show IDs or have their pictures taken, while American citizens face stringent identification procedures. This situation, referred to as "anarcho-tyranny," is part of a larger philosophy that prioritizes special privileges for foreigners over American citizens, who are subjected to extensive surveillance and tracking. The ruling class's disregard for native-born Americans is evident in their open border policies and contempt for the native population. This mindset, once considered controversial, is increasingly becoming part of the narrative, with figures like Joe Biden and the Castro brothers openly advocating for open borders to benefit the Democratic party.

    • Perceived Democratic Agenda Against American ProjectSome critics argue that the Democratic elite's policy decisions, like immigration and currency devaluation, reflect an ideological agenda against the American project, leading to concerns about an unsustainable number of foreigners in the country.

      Some individuals and entities, particularly from certain third world countries, have a strong political affiliation with the Democratic Party in the United States. However, there is a growing perception that the Democratic elite or ruling class holds a philosophical or ideological agenda against the American project, which is reflected in their policy decisions. This includes issues like immigration and currency devaluation. The ongoing border bill negotiations are a prime example of this perceived agenda, with concerns that the deal may result in work permits for illegals, making them permanently reside in the country. Critics argue that this could lead to an unsustainable number of foreigners in the country, undermining its status as a nation. Despite these concerns, there is ongoing debate about the specifics of the deal and the motivations behind it.

    • Border Crisis Contrasts with Trump EraUnder Biden, border crossings surged to record highs, negotiations lack substance, and political blame ensues, with Democrats focusing on legal immigration and a monthly cap on illegal crossings, and Republicans criticizing the lack of action.

      The current border crisis situation is a significant contrast to the situation during the Trump administration. The numbers of illegal crossings have skyrocketed, with over 300,000 crossings in December 2021 alone, compared to around 60,000 under Trump. The Democrats, led by Chuck Schumer, are reportedly not making substantial concessions in negotiations, instead focusing on increasing legal immigration and offering a monthly cap of 3,000 illegal crossings instead of daily. The lack of meaningful action and the continued surge in crossings have led to criticism from Republicans and concerns about the future of the Republican party's stance on border security. The situation has become a major political issue, with Democrats and Republicans blaming each other for the crisis. The speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, was advised to take a more aggressive stance, such as physically moving to the border and negotiating in person, but instead opted for a bipartisan deal that some believe has given the Democrats the moral high ground. The situation highlights the political divide over border security and the potential consequences of inaction.

    • Border crisis: Political motivations or real issue?Political leaders' lack of transparency and clear communication on crucial issues, such as the border crisis, is a significant problem. Social media and influencers are changing the way public opinion is formed.

      The border crisis is not being addressed solely due to political motivations, but it's a real issue that affects communities and requires action. The Republicans have put forth a border plan, but it hasn't been voted on in the Senate. Governors are mobilizing National Guards, and Elon Musk's influence on social media is helping to expose the truth and shift public opinion. Joe Biden's communication skills have been a concern, making it difficult for Americans to understand his policies clearly. The lack of transparency and clear communication from political leaders on crucial issues is a significant issue that needs to be addressed. The power of social media and influencers to bypass traditional gatekeepers and shape public opinion is a game-changer.

    • Discussion on Kamala Harris and Great Lakes beerSome see Kamala Harris as a strong figure, while others criticize her for focusing too much on her gender. Democrats face challenges in key states and need to address infrastructure and machinery issues to win in November. An unidentified person claims to have the ability to turn Great Lakes water into beer.

      During the discussion, there were two main topics: Kamala Harris and a potential superhuman ability to turn the Great Lakes water into beer by an unidentified person. Regarding Kamala Harris, there were contrasting opinions about her. Some perceived her as a strong and inspiring figure, while others criticized her for her height and her apparent focus on her identity as a woman. The latter group argued that Harris's emphasis on her gender was a turnoff and a form of identity politics. On the other hand, the discussion also touched upon the potential political challenges for Democrats, with some expressing concerns about Harris's popularity and her suitability as a potential future president. The conversation also mentioned some trouble for Trump in key states like Arizona, Wisconsin, and Georgia, and the need for Democrats to address infrastructure and machinery issues to prevent losing in November.

    • Poll Shows Biden Leading Trump by 7 Points in PennsylvaniaTrump underperforming with Republicans, losing support within his own party, needs to focus on winning over more Republican votes, and key states like Arizona, Wisconsin, and Georgia could decide the election.

      According to the latest polls, Democratic candidate Joe Biden is currently leading Republican candidate Donald Trump by 7 points in Pennsylvania. This is a significant shift from earlier polls that showed Trump leading. The pollster, James Lee from Susquehanna Polling, attributes this shift to Trump underperforming with Republicans, specifically losing support within his own party. This loss of Republican support is a major concern for Trump, as he needs nearly 100% of his party's votes to win the presidency, given the large number of Democrats and independents in the country. Trump is also facing competition from Nikki Haley for the Republican nomination, which may be contributing to his loss of support among Republicans. To address these issues, Trump needs to focus on winning over a larger share of Republican votes and addressing the concerns of those who are currently leaving the party. The outcome of the election could come down to a handful of key states, including Arizona, Wisconsin, and Georgia, where Trump fell short in the 2020 election. It's important for Republicans to focus on these issues and get to work rather than speculating about invitations to the White House Christmas party.

    • Republicans focus on ground game efforts to reach low-propensity votersRepublicans aim to persuade low-propensity voters to vote via full-time ballot chasers, while Democrats have already deployed thousands. Trust in mail-in voting is a concern for the GOP, requiring high-profile support and clear communication.

      The upcoming election could result in a winner with less than a majority of votes due to third-party candidates and mail-in voting. The Republicans are focusing on ground game efforts, such as hiring full-time ballot chasers to reach out to low-propensity voters and persuade them to vote. Ballot chasers cannot touch or assume custody of the ballots but can build relationships and persuade voters to fill them out and mail them in. Democrats have been successful in deploying thousands of full-time ballot chasers, particularly targeting specific demographics and issues. Republicans are concerned about voter trust in mail-in voting due to past election integrity concerns raised by former President Trump. To counteract this, the GOP needs high-profile support from Trump and clear communication that mail-in voting is necessary and secure. Low-propensity voters are crucial, and addressing their concerns and skepticism will be a significant challenge for ballot chasers.

    • Maximizing Votes Through Early VotingDemocrats have effectively utilized mail-in and early voting, changing the electoral landscape. Republicans need to adapt and invest in their infrastructure to keep up.

      Participating in the democratic process, especially through early voting, is crucial for ensuring a fair and effective election outcome. The Democrats have been successful in maximizing their votes through various methods, including mail-in and early voting, which has significantly changed the electoral landscape. Republicans need to adapt and invest in building up their infrastructure and machinery to keep up with the Democrats in these areas. The current situation leaves Republicans at a disadvantage, and neglecting these efforts could lead to losses in future elections. The speaker also touched upon the ongoing case against Fani Willis in Georgia, where she is under investigation for an alleged affair with her special prosecutor and the associated financial and travel implications.

    • Fulton County DA Fannie Willis Faces Allegations of Corruption and MisconductFulton County DA Fannie Willis is under investigation for an affair with a key investigator, racially charged comments, and potential misconduct in Trump case. Hearing on Feb 15th may include live testimony from Willis and investigator Nathan Wade. Allegations of affair could lead to her dismissal.

      Fannie Willis, the Fulton County District Attorney, is facing serious allegations of corruption and potential misconduct in her handling of the case against former President Trump. She is expected to be subpoenaed for a hearing regarding her affair with a key investigator, Nathan Wade, and her controversial speech at the Big Bethel AME Church where she made racially charged comments. Trump's legal team has filed a motion accusing Willis of fomenting racial bias and violating Georgia's rules of professional conduct. The hearing on February 15th could include live testimony from both Willis and Wade. Additionally, Willis' hiring of Wade and his billing of hours to the White House Counsel's office raises questions and deserves explanation. If the allegations of an affair are true, it could lead to her dismissal from the case due to ethical and political concerns. The controversy surrounding Willis' conduct adds complexity to the already high-profile case against Trump.

    • Georgia DA's Trump Prosecution Faces Scrutiny Over Conflicts of InterestGeorgia DA Fani Willis's handling of Trump case faces scrutiny due to potential conflicts of interest and coordination with White House counsel's office, raising questions about legitimacy.

      The ongoing legal proceedings against former President Donald Trump in Georgia, led by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, are being scrutinized due to potential conflicts of interest and misconduct. The revelation of multiple billable hours by prosecutor Nathan Wade to the Biden White House counsel's office has raised questions about coordination and potential tip-offs. The Georgia Republican-controlled state senate is responding by creating a committee to investigate Willis, and Fulton County Supervisor Bridget Thorne has spoken out about transparency concerns and potential conflicts of interest. Willis's handling of the case and her relationship with the White House counsel's office could significantly impact the legitimacy of the prosecution. The potential for misconduct and coordination adds a new layer of complexity to the already contentious legal proceedings.

    • Allegations of corruption against Fulton County DA Fannie WillisFulton County DA Fannie Willis faces allegations of a conflict of interest and potential kickback scheme with a $650,000 government hire, which could impact the investigation into former President Trump and sway public opinion in his favor, if true.

      The Fulton County District Attorney, Fannie Willis, is facing allegations of public corruption involving a potential conflict of interest in her handling of the investigation into former President Donald Trump. The relationship between Willis and a $650,000 government hire, Nathan Wade, has raised concerns of a kickback scheme. Elie Mystal, a critic of Willis and an MSNBC commentator, has called for her removal from the case due to these allegations. If true, this could significantly impact the investigation against Trump and potentially sway public opinion in his favor, especially in the battleground state of Georgia. The potential fallout from this situation could be significant, and it remains to be seen how it will unfold.

    • Debate over diversity quotas in industriesOveremphasis on diversity quotas can lead to divisive thinking and unwholesome lens, hindering genuine progress towards diversity and inclusion.

      The focus on diversity quotas in various industries, as seen in the United Airlines example, can lead to unintended consequences and unwholesome thinking. The insistence on meeting these quotas can create a hyper-racialized lens through which people view hiring and qualifications, leading to backlash and misunderstandings. The United CEO's comments about diversity targets in aviation sparked controversy when Charlie Kirk expressed concerns about qualifications, but the larger issue is the potential for divisive thinking that can arise from this kind of quotas-driven approach. The debate highlights the need for a more nuanced conversation about diversity and qualifications, rather than an overemphasis on quotas.

    • Debate on Diversity Quotas in IndustriesThe debate around diversity quotas raises complex questions about merit, standards, and potential consequences, with some arguing for meritocracy and others for affirmative action, while acknowledging the potential harm of systemic racial preferences and the importance of individual achievement.

      The debate around diversity quotas in various industries, including aviation and medicine, raises complex questions about merit, standards, and potential consequences. Some argue that affirmative action programs can lead to lower standards and a focus on diversity over excellence. Others believe that merit should be the sole determining factor for selection, regardless of race or ethnicity. The conversation also touches on the potential negative effects of racial preferences and the importance of individual achievement. The speaker, Charlie Kirk, emphasizes the importance of honoring one's ancestors through untainted achievements and the potential harm of systemic racial preferences. The controversy surrounding TJ Holmes and Amy Robach's firing from Good Morning America served as a backdrop to the discussion, highlighting the importance of personal responsibility and the evolving standards for public figures.

    • Impact of Controversial Behavior on High-Profile Figures' Public ImageHigh-profile figures' behavior that goes against societal norms and expectations can negatively impact their public image and success, especially in the highly competitive podcasting industry.

      The public's perception and acceptance of high-profile figures, such as Michael and Meghan, can drastically change when they engage in behavior that goes against societal norms and expectations, like having affairs and launching a podcast during a contentious relationship. Their actions led to their termination from their respective jobs and created a PR nightmare for their employer. Despite their attempts to make their affairs and podcast appealing, they came across as unlikable and self-important, which may negatively impact the success of their new venture. Additionally, their complaints about the challenges of creating a podcast, while being millionaires, were perceived as tone-deaf and insensitive to those who truly have to work hard for a living. Ultimately, their actions and attitudes may not resonate with audiences, and their podcast may not be successful in the highly competitive podcasting industry.

    • Portrayal of heated argument between black man and white woman raises concernsBe mindful of potential impact of actions and words, particularly on sensitive issues like race. Consider seeking therapy and healing for unhealthy relationships.

      During a podcast discussion, a concern was raised about the portrayal of a heated argument between two individuals, where one was a black man and a white woman. The speaker expressed shock and concern that the argument could be perceived as reinforcing racial stereotypes, despite the fact that it was a disagreement between a couple. The speaker suggested that the individuals involved may benefit from intensive therapy and healing, rather than being viewed as role models. The podcast in question was criticized for its potentially harmful portrayal, and it was noted that the relationship did not seem healthy or promising. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being mindful of the potential impact of our actions and words, particularly when it comes to sensitive issues like race.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 25, 2024

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Victor Davis Hanson, author of "The End of Everything,” to discuss the major stakes in Thursday's debate between Trump and Biden, what is on the line for both candidates, how Trump should handle the moment, the latest on the 2024 polling, black voters still supporting Trump in record numbers, Trump saying he's made his VP pick already but not revealing who it is, why J.D. Vance is a frontrunner despite his previous criticisms of Trump, the positives Marco Rubio and Doug Burgum could bring to the ticket, the surge of violent crimes against young girls by illegal immigrants, the left and media playing down the severity of the crisis and MSNBC laughing about one of the cases, one MSNBC host refusing to use the term "illegal" to describe a criminal, and more. Then Jonathan Turley, author of "The Indispensable Right," joins to discuss Jack Smith pushing to put a gag order on Trump in the Florida case, the way a gag order of Trump is akin to election interference, the unconstitutionality of gag orders in the first place, the absurdity of the New York business records trial, the ongoing attacks on the Florida Trump case Judge Aileen Cannon, whether Jack Smith could get booted from the case, how the attacks on free speech relate to January 6, a newly revealed video showing Nancy Pelosi admitting responsibility for the January 6 riot, whether the video was suppressed for so long, the attacks on free speech in America, and more.



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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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