
    Chef Iliana Regan Is A Boss: Thoughts On Sobriety, Literary Acclaim & Foraging

    enFebruary 03, 2020
    What challenges did Ileana Regan face in her life?
    How did Ileana's passion for cooking impact her recovery?
    What is the significance of Milkweed Inn in Ileana's journey?
    How did the speaker's family influence their identity?
    What lessons about perseverance does Ileana's story convey?

    Podcast Summary

    • From Addiction to Michelin Star: Ileana Regan's Inspiring JourneyDespite personal struggles, Ileana Regan found success through passion for cooking, self-awareness, and commitment to local, sustainable ingredients.

      Ileana Regan's life story is a testament to overcoming personal struggles and finding success through passion and determination. Growing up surrounded by alcoholism, Ileana was drawn to the allure of cooking despite the potential dangers. Her brain's lack of ability to regulate her drinking led her to a tumultuous relationship with alcohol throughout her twenties. However, moments of sobriety gave her perspective and allowed her to focus on her passion for cooking and eventually open her own restaurant, Elizabeth, earning her a Michelin star. After battling addiction for a decade, Ileana found a new passion in creating a remote inn, Milkweed Inn, where she serves small groups with her unique gatherer deep nature cuisine. Ileana's story is inspiring and a reminder that everyone has the potential to overcome obstacles and find success through their passions. Additionally, Ileana's journey highlights the importance of mindfulness and self-awareness, which helped her regain control of her life and make positive changes. Furthermore, her commitment to using locally sourced and foraged ingredients reflects the growing trend towards sustainable and eco-friendly practices in the culinary world. Lastly, the podcast episode also emphasizes the importance of technology, specifically apparel, in enhancing performance and achieving goals, as demonstrated by Ileana's partnership with On.

    • Exploring Personal Growth with Meditation Apps and Thought-Provoking ContentDiscover Waking Up app for daily meditations and in-depth resources on topics like stoicism, CBT, time management, and procrastination. Try Voicing Change Media for thought-provoking shows and inspiring guests.

      Waking Up, a meditation app, offers more than just daily meditations with an extensive library of resources on various topics like stoicism, cognitive behavioral therapy, time management, and procrastination. The app also features insightful conversations with scholars on various subjects. For those interested, they can try the app for free for 30 days with a discount. Voicing Change Media, a new venture, is a platform for thought-provoking content with shows on various topics. Ileana, a guest on the podcast, is an award-winning chef, author, and pioneer in new gatherer cuisine. Her book was recently longlisted for a National Book Award, a surprise to her. Ileana's calm demeanor belies her inner strength, making her a force to be reckoned with. Overall, these platforms and individuals offer valuable resources and inspiration for personal growth and development.

    • Authentic storytelling and unconventional approachesThe power of honesty and non-linear narrative in a food memoir resulted in a successful book, showcasing the value of authentic storytelling and publisher support.

      The author's unique voice and unconventional storytelling style brought a fresh perspective to a food-oriented memoir, making it stand out among the crowd. The author's honesty and refusal to romanticize her experiences resonated with readers, allowing them to relate to her story and become fully engaged. The publisher's support and trust in the author's creative process resulted in a non-linear, sensory-rich narrative that transports readers through the author's coming-of-age, addiction recovery, and culinary journey. The book's success is a testament to the power of authentic storytelling and the value of embracing unconventional approaches.

    • The contrast between creativity and business in the culinary worldLong hours, managing staff, unexpected issues, and business aspects challenge chefs, but their passion keeps them in the industry despite mental health concerns.

      The culinary world, while glamorized, can be far from it on a daily basis for chefs. The reality involves long hours, managing staff, dealing with unexpected issues, and handling business aspects that have nothing to do with cooking. This contrast between the creative passion for food and the demanding business side can lead to a complex and sometimes challenging career. Despite the hardships, many chefs, including the speaker, are drawn to the industry and would not have heeded advice against opening a restaurant even if given the chance. The mental health implications of this industry are also acknowledged, as the creative and demanding nature of the work can push individuals to their limits. Ultimately, the speaker's journey highlights the dichotomy of the culinary world and the personal growth that comes from navigating its complexities.

    • The speaker's personal experiences with addiction and their professional career as a chef have been intertwined.Addiction and creativity can coexist, leading to unique experiences and challenges in both personal and professional life.

      For the speaker, addiction and the highs and lows that come with it have been a driving force in their life, both in their personal experiences and in their professional career as a chef and business owner. They are attracted to the polarities and have found themselves in situations where they have had to deal with the consequences, such as employees not showing up due to legal issues. Cooking and writing are equally creative outlets for them, with menus providing an opportunity for artistic expression and fulfillment. Despite an unconventional path to becoming a chef, they have found a way to balance both careers and draw from the same creative energy.

    • A chef's upbringing shaped by food and cookingThe author's rural childhood, filled with love for food and cooking, laid the foundation for her culinary career, instilling valuable skills and experiences.

      The author's upbringing in a rural Indiana farmhouse, centered around food and cooking, played a significant role in shaping her identity and eventual career as a chef. The author expresses a sense of not fully belonging but cherishing the unique experiences and love for the way of life instilled in her from a young age. The author's family's appreciation for food and cooking created a magical atmosphere, with every family activity centered around meals. The author's early experiences in the kitchen, learning from her father and mother, provided her with valuable training that prepared her for her culinary career without the need for formal education. The author's story is reminiscent of a fable, with a sense of fate and connection to her family's culinary heritage that spans generations. The author's new book explores the idea of inherited traits and experiences, including those related to the food industry.

    • Exploring identity through family history and personal experiencesUnderstanding our past experiences and influences can help shape our identity. Family stories and acceptance play a crucial role in self-acceptance.

      Our identities are shaped by various experiences and influences from our past, some of which we may not fully understand until much later in life. The speaker's great-grandmother's history of running an inn added a surprising layer to their own story of opening an inn and exploring their gender identity. The speaker's early memories of wanting to be a boy and feeling a sense of competition with men date back to their childhood. The speaker's father's affirmation of their masculinity, despite his past sexist and homophobic views, may have played a role in their self-perception. The speaker's parents' acceptance of their identity was crucial in allowing them to be true to themselves. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the complex and multifaceted nature of identity and the importance of understanding and accepting ourselves and our past.

    • Growing up with non-binary icons and family influencesRepresentation and acceptance play crucial roles in shaping one's understanding and acceptance of their identity. Seek out knowledge and resources for clarity and understanding.

      Our upbringing and experiences shape our perspectives on gender and identity. The speaker shares how growing up, they felt a connection to non-binary figures like Boy George and Billy Lennox, who challenged the binary notion of gender. These icons provided a sense of not feeling alone and empowered the speaker to embrace their identity. The speaker also mentions how their family's attitudes towards gender influenced them, with their father expressing concerns about their well-being without a man's presence, while their mother expressed disdain for men. This complex interplay of influences highlights the importance of representation and acceptance in shaping one's understanding and acceptance of their identity. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of seeking out knowledge and resources, such as podcasts and books, to gain clarity and understanding.

    • Exploring Identity and Personal GrowthRealizing one's identity is a complex process influenced by experiences and societal norms. Access to resources and societal context can significantly impact identity formation.

      Self-discovery and understanding one's identity is a complex and ongoing process that can be influenced by various experiences and societal norms. The speaker shares her experiences of realizing she was gay during her teenage years, which included moments of self-affirmation and recognition. She also reflects on how the societal context and access to resources may have impacted her experience had she been born in a different time. The speaker also touches upon the topic of substance use, which she relates to her experiences of curiosity and fascination with alcohol despite witnessing its negative effects in her family. Overall, the conversation highlights the intricacies of personal growth and identity formation, as well as the impact of external factors on these processes.

    • Alcohol's Allure: Comfort and Normalcy for SomeAlcohol can offer comfort and normalcy for those with trauma or shyness, but can lead to dependence and require relearning social skills in recovery

      Alcoholism can manifest differently for different people, and for some, it may be present from the very beginning. For these individuals, alcohol can provide a sense of comfort and normalcy, allowing them to feel more at ease in their bodies and minds. This feeling can be particularly appealing for those who have experienced trauma or have always felt introverted or shy. However, the use of alcohol can also lead to a dependence that is not easily recognized or controlled. The ability to communicate and interact socially, which is crucial in various aspects of life, can be learned through the use of alcohol. But in recovery, these skills must be relearned through alternative means, such as support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous. It's important to remember that addiction is a complex issue and that everyone's experience is unique. The initial relief and sense of normalcy that alcohol provides can be alluring, but the long-term consequences can be detrimental.

    • Learning Effective Communication and Vulnerability through AASharing personal stories, developing empathy, and communicating honestly are crucial skills for those recovering from addiction. AA provides a safe space to practice these skills and be vulnerable, leading to personal growth and authenticity in writing and public speaking.

      Effective communication and emotional vulnerability are crucial skills, especially for those who have struggled with addiction. The speaker shares their personal experience of learning these skills through the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) program. They emphasize the importance of owning one's story, developing empathy, and learning to communicate honestly and effectively. The speaker also reflects on how their experiences in AA helped them to be more vulnerable and authentic in their writing and public speaking. They acknowledge the challenge of sharing personal stories in a world that often values sensationalism, but emphasize the importance of being true to one's own experience. Overall, the speaker's reflections highlight the transformative power of vulnerability and effective communication in the context of personal growth and recovery from addiction.

    • Unexpected consequences of sharing personal storiesSharing personal stories can lead to unexpected outcomes, including helping others and inspiring change.

      Sharing personal stories, even if they are sensitive or private, can have unexpected consequences. The speaker in this discussion shared her experience of being outed as a recovering alcoholic in a magazine article, which ultimately led to her writing a memoir. While she initially didn't want to be seen as a spokesperson for sobriety, she recognized that her story could help others who were struggling. The experience taught her that there's a fine line between maintaining privacy and using one's story to help others. Ultimately, she came to accept that her story was no longer just her own, but could be a source of inspiration and support for others in similar situations.

    • Mental health struggles and addiction in the restaurant industryThe restaurant industry's unique culture and demands can contribute to mental health issues and addiction, particularly with alcohol. Alternative business models, like farmer's markets, can provide a supportive environment for personal growth.

      The restaurant industry, with its unique culture and demands, can contribute to mental health struggles and addiction, particularly with alcohol. The speaker shared their personal experience of feeling isolated and renewed after attending a mental health conference for the industry. They noted that the industry may attract certain personalities and that the long hours and demands can make it difficult for those struggling with addiction to keep up. The speaker also shared their own journey of self-discovery and sobriety, which began with selling food at farmer's markets and eventually leading to the creation of their own business. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of addressing mental health and addiction issues in the restaurant industry and the potential for alternative business models, such as farmer's markets, to provide a supportive environment for personal growth.

    • Staying true to one's vision and taking risksPerseverance and trusting instincts can lead to unexpected success. Keeping a business small and authentic can resonate with customers and allow for long-term growth.

      Perseverance and trusting one's instincts can lead to unexpected success. The speaker started selling pierogis at farmer's markets and was overwhelmed by the demand. Despite initial reservations about the labor-intensive process, she continued and eventually supplied grocery stores and even started an underground restaurant. Her story is a testament to the importance of staying true to one's vision and not being afraid to take risks. The speaker could have scaled her business and turned it into a large food company, but she chose to keep it small and authentic. This approach resonated with her customers and allowed her to thrive for years without the need for external employment.

    • Passionate pursuits may not guarantee financial successFollowing creative passions can lead to personal fulfillment but may not result in financial success or a scalable business due to undercapitalization and prioritizing quality over scalability.

      Following your creative passions and muse can lead to personal fulfillment, but may not necessarily result in financial success or a scalable business. The speaker's experiences opening and running multiple restaurants, despite receiving critical acclaim, were marked by financial struggles due to undercapitalization and trying to do everything herself. She also shared that her focus was on honoring ingredients and techniques, rather than recreating specific cuisines, even if that wasn't what the public expected or desired. Ultimately, she realized that her approach to food and business wasn't scalable due to her prioritization of quality and control.

    • Chef reevaluates career and lifestyle, focuses on local and foraged ingredientsChef shifts to 'gatherer cuisine' for more sustainable, intentional approach, reducing carbon footprint and prioritizing mental health and personal life

      The chef in this conversation is reevaluating her career and lifestyle choices, moving towards a more sustainable and intentional approach. This shift includes downsizing her business, Milkweed, which is located in a remote area, and focusing on local and foraged ingredients. The chef is inspired by the idea of "gatherer cuisine," where the dining experience extends beyond the meal itself, and the guests become part of the community. This change allows her to reduce her carbon footprint, connect more deeply with her surroundings, and prioritize her mental health and personal life. The chef's decision to embrace this new approach is driven by her concerns about the environmental impact of her previous restaurant and the desire to create a more authentic and fulfilling experience for herself and her customers.

    • Creating an intimate environment through foodSharing a meal can foster meaningful connections and build a sense of community, regardless of backgrounds and beliefs

      Creating an intimate environment where people can come together and enjoy food can help bridge the communication divide and foster meaningful connections. The speaker's experience of running a bed and breakfast and cooking for guests has allowed her to connect with a diverse group of people, despite her introverted nature. These communal experiences have led to lasting friendships and a sense of community, even among individuals with different backgrounds and beliefs. Additionally, the speaker's commitment to being a responsible steward of the land has helped alleviate concerns from neighbors and create a welcoming atmosphere for all. Overall, the act of sharing a meal and creating a communal experience can be an important step towards healing and understanding in a fractured world.

    • Turning conflicts into friendships and discovering unique benefitsBuilding relationships with neighbors and the local community can lead to unexpected friendships, opportunities, and new perspectives. Embrace challenges and be open to learning from others.

      Building relationships with neighbors and the local community can lead to unexpected benefits and opportunities. In this case, the speakers were able to turn potential conflicts into friendships and even offer help and support to each other. Additionally, the remote location of their property, while challenging to access, offers unique beauty and a sense of seclusion that attracts visitors. The speakers also shared their experiences of being impressed by the innovative and extensive operations of renowned restaurants like Noma, and how they gained new insights and appreciation for the chefs' abilities to build teams and create exceptional dining experiences. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of community, collaboration, and continuous learning in both personal and professional pursuits.

    • Noma's Commitment to Locally-Sourced, Intimate MealsRenowned chefs Noma face challenges serving intimate meals, but their commitment to local ingredients and innovative cooking inspires many.

      The chefs at Noma, despite their renowned status, face the same challenges as smaller restaurants when it comes to serving intimate, locally-sourced meals. The speaker admires their commitment to being stewards of the land and their innovative approach to cooking, which has inspired many other chefs. During a recent visit, the speaker was impressed by their vegan menu, which went above and beyond to accommodate his dietary needs. The speaker was fascinated by Noma's experimentation with food, such as their egg yolk mold pies, and was intrigued by their scientific approach to growing molds on vegetables. The speaker's own experiences with running a restaurant and making sacrifices for the quality of the food resonated with him, and he felt a strong connection to Noma's philosophy. Overall, the speaker was inspired by Noma's dedication to creating exceptional, locally-sourced meals and their willingness to push the boundaries of traditional cooking techniques.

    • Exploring new fermentations and pushing culinary boundariesPioneers like Zilbert are discovering new fermentations and expanding culinary innovation, but safety and experience are crucial. Chefs' curiosity and drive to learn keeps them innovative, making once exclusive experiences more accessible.

      The world of fermentation and creating new flavors through traditional methods is constantly evolving, with pioneers like Zilbert leading the way. His lab at Noma is dedicated to discovering new fermentations and pushing the boundaries of culinary innovation. However, the importance of safety and experience should not be overlooked. The curiosity and excitement of learning new techniques can drive chefs to experiment, but it's essential to consider whether every dish needs an extensive fermentation process. The impact of these trends eventually filters down to a wider audience, making once privileged experiences more accessible. The curiosity and drive to learn new techniques, instilled in many chefs from a young age, keeps them sharp and innovative in their craft.

    • Navigating the balance between ego and authenticityStay true to yourself and follow your passion, even when the path may be uncertain or challenging. Root yourself in your childlike state and create from a place of purity and innocence.

      Finding and staying true to one's authentic self and creative vision, even in the face of challenges and doubts, is essential for personal growth and fulfillment. Chef Sean Brock shares his experiences of navigating the balance between ego and authenticity in his culinary creations, and how his childhood memories and longing for innocence have influenced his work. He also discusses the importance of taking risks and having faith in one's vision, even when it seems impractical or difficult to achieve. Through these experiences, Brock has learned to root himself in his childlike state and create from a place of purity and innocence, leading him to open Milkweed, a remote restaurant that embodies his unique vision and connects him to his past. Ultimately, Brock's journey illustrates the power of staying true to oneself and following one's passion, even when the path may be uncertain or challenging.

    • A story of perseverance, individuality, survival, and identityDespite rejections and obstacles, never give up on your dreams and keep trying to make them a reality

      No matter what circumstances you find yourself in or what dreams you have, you have the power to make them a reality. This was a guiding principle for the speaker in her journey from starting a restaurant to writing a book. She faced numerous rejections and obstacles but persisted, eventually achieving her goals. Her story is one of perseverance, individuality, survival, and identity. It's a reminder that you don't need permission to pursue your passions, and even if you face setbacks, it's important to keep trying. The speaker's book, "Burn the Place," is a testament to this philosophy and has been met with critical acclaim. Whether you're looking for inspiration to start your own business, write a book, or simply live a more authentic life, this story is a must-read.

    • Embrace your uniqueness and write your own storyStay true to yourself, even if it means going against conventions, and make conscious choices for your health and the environment.

      Unique voices matter, and staying true to yourself is essential, even if it means going against conventions or advice from others. Elizabeth's experience with her book and her business illustrates this idea. She shared how her publisher initially wanted her to be ghostwritten or have someone else write her book, but she refused and wrote it herself, resulting in a huge accomplishment. Additionally, Elizabeth emphasized the importance of living a clean lifestyle and avoiding harmful chemicals in everyday products. She encouraged listeners to make small changes, such as washing floors with water and vinegar, taking shoes off at the door, and avoiding nonstick pans. Overall, Elizabeth's message encourages listeners to embrace their uniqueness and make conscious choices for their health and the environment. To connect with Elizabeth, follow her on Instagram (@elizabethrestaurant_and_co) or Twitter (@ElizabethRest). Don't forget to check out her memoir, "Burn the Place," and support the show by subscribing, rating, and sharing.

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    Dr. Ted Schaeffer: All Things Prostate Cancer, Urology, & Men’s Health

    Dr. Ted Schaeffer: All Things Prostate Cancer, Urology, & Men’s Health
    Dr. Edward Schaeffer is a world-renowned urologist, pioneering robotic surgeon, and Chair of Urology at Northwestern University. This conversation explores the complexities of prostate health and cancer care. We discuss the latest advancements in early detection and treatment and the importance of proactive health management for men. Dr. Schaeffer shares insights on interpreting PSA tests, the role of genetics in prostate cancer risk, and the revolutionary impact of robotic surgery. Along the way, we debunk common myths about prostate health, address the controversies surrounding mass screening, and examine the interplay between lifestyle choices and cancer risk. Dr. Schaeffer is a pioneer in his field. The conversation is enlightening and potentially life-saving. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  AG1: Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs  👉drinkAG1.com/richroll Peak Design: 20% OFF sleek carry solutions 👉PeakDesign.com/RICHROLL Squarespace: Save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain 👉 Squarespace.com/RichRoll  On: Enter RichRoll10 at the checkout to get 10% OFF your first order 👉on.com/richroll Meal Planner: For customized plant-based recipes 👉meals.richroll.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉 richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enAugust 08, 2024

    Tom Shadyac: The A-List Filmmaker Who Gave Away Millions & Found Fulfillment Through Service

    Tom Shadyac: The A-List Filmmaker Who Gave Away Millions & Found Fulfillment Through Service
    Tom Shadyac is the acclaimed director of hit comedies like “Ace Ventura,” “Bruce Almighty,” and “The Nutty Professor,” who walked away from Hollywood success to pursue a life of greater meaning. This conversation explores Tom’s spiritual journey from materialism to service, his life-changing work with Memphis Rox, and his iconoclastic views on consciousness and human interconnectedness. We discuss the illusion of separation, finding purpose through community, and how embracing uncertainty can lead to profound personal growth. Along the way, Tom turns the tables and becomes the interviewer—probing my relationship with ego and uncertainty. Tom’s wisdom and humor are such a treasure. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  Seed: Use code RICHROLL25 for 25% OFF your first order  👉seed.com/RichRoll Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉boncharge.com On: Enter RichRoll10 at the checkout to get 10% OFF your first order 👉on.com/richroll Go Brewing: Use the code Rich Roll for 15% OFF 👉gobrewing.com  Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine + 20% OFF all of my favorite products 👉livemomentous.com/richroll  Meal Planner: For customized plant-based recipes 👉meals.richroll.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉 richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enAugust 05, 2024

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    Dr. Jody Adewale is a Psychologist based in LA ~

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    Find Dr. Jody Adewale on the Psychology Today database. 

    Email any reflections on this show to selfiereflective@gmail.com. Share the episode on Twitter and tag @SelfieReflect, or on Instagram stories and tag @lucyohello

    Don't forget, you can now also support Selfie Reflective on Pateron! Thanks so much in advance.

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    Unintended Consequences - with Nadja Streiter

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    Nadja Streiter is a psychotherapist and parent-coach based outside of New York. Nadja has expertise in treating adults and adolescents who struggle with Video Game Addiction - though as you’ll learn in this episode, she cares deeply about all facets of technology and the ways it’s impacting our modern world from both a personal and professional perspective.

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    Find Nadja in all the places - Instagram, Twitter Facebook and LinkedIn on her personal or business profile. 

    Email any reflections on this show to selfiereflective@gmail.com. Share the episode on Twitter and tag @SelfieReflect, or on Instagram stories and tag @lucyohello

    Don't forget, you can now also support Selfie Reflective on Pateron! Thanks so much.

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