
    Podcast Summary

    • Listening to community stories and facilitating meaningful conversationsEffective conflict resolution and societal healing require deep understanding and engagement through conversations that address root causes, focusing on trust-building and looking beyond labels.

      Effective conflict resolution and societal healing require a deep understanding of the community's issues and the ability to engage people through meaningful conversations. Shamal Idris, CEO of Search For Common Ground, and his team demonstrate this approach in their work in conflict-ridden areas like Difa, Niger. They listen to the community's stories, create performances that resonate with them, and facilitate conversations between different groups to address the root causes of societal problems. This process is crucial when addressing long-standing issues that seem insurmountable. It's essential to remember that societal progress is built on the foundation of security, dignity, and hope, which are not zero-sum products. By focusing on trust-building and looking beyond labels, we can foster interpersonal and societal relationships that lead to positive change.

    • Focusing on the problem, not the personBuild trust, find common ground, and focus on shared issues to resolve conflicts and promote peace

      When dealing with conflicts or differences between people, it's essential to focus on the problem rather than attacking the person. Building trust and finding common ground are key to bringing people together and working towards a solution. The organization Search for Common Ground has demonstrated this effectively through their work in high-risk, high-conflict zones, such as Burundi, where they used media to promote peace and understanding between ethnic groups. By focusing on shared issues and humanizing people across divides, they were able to prevent violence and build a sense of security, dignity, and hope. In today's polarized society, where everything seems to be politicized, it's crucial to remember that the essential conflicts are not necessarily rooted in deep-seated differences but are often manipulated by elites. To truly make progress, we need to focus on cooperative action in addition to dialogue.

    • Moving from Dialogue to Action in Divided CommunitiesTo build trust and cooperation in deeply divided communities, start with dialogue but quickly move towards finding common ground and engaging in joint activities, even if they seem irrelevant. This process can lead to unexpected areas of common ground and eventually open up opportunities to address core drivers of conflict.

      Building trust and cooperation in deeply divided communities requires starting with dialogue but quickly moving towards finding common ground and engaging in joint activities, even if they seem irrelevant at first. This dynamic process can lead to unexpected areas of common ground and eventually open up opportunities to address the core drivers of conflict, such as injustices and imbalances. Change at the societal level often comes in the form of institutional shifts and cultural transformations, which can be initiated through governmental and non-governmental actions. The process of healing and reconciliation in communities does not happen overnight and involves progression through various stages. The ultimate goal is to trigger enduring change that touches the lives of a large portion of the population.

    • Building lasting societal change takes time and trustLong-term commitment, empathy, and patience are essential for societal change, whether through media, market forces, or institutions.

      Creating lasting societal change, whether through media, market forces, or institutions, requires time and trust. The radio show in Burundi, which introduced the term "ekingi" for intra-ethnic solidarity, took decades for the term to become deeply ingrained in society. Similarly, a gold mining company's partnership with a community to improve security and relationships took several years to bear fruit. Peacebuilding interventions need to prioritize building relationships and trust over quick fixes. In the context of inter-ethnic or inter-party solidarity, it can be challenging to practice empathy and understanding when tensions are high and grievances seem insurmountable. However, trust takes time to build and can be easily broken, so it's essential to invest in it and be patient in the face of conflict. Ultimately, societal change is a long-term process that requires a commitment to understanding and addressing underlying issues.

    • Building Bridges: Clarify Values, Surround Yourself, and Understand MotivationsTo effectively bridge divides, clarify personal values, surround yourself with support, and strive to understand opposing motivations.

      Before attempting to bridge divides and build connections with those holding different perspectives, it's crucial to have a strong foundation within yourself and your support system. First, clarify your personal principles and values, ensuring you maintain respect and dignity for all parties involved. Second, surround yourself with a support base that understands and encourages your efforts, as the greatest opposition may come from your own community. Lastly, remember the complexity of people and their actions, striving to separate the individual from their actions and maintain an open mind towards understanding their motivations.

    • Using storytelling and trusted sources for effective communication in conflict zonesStorytelling through dramas and collaborating with young trusted sources can inspire change and provide reliable info in conflict zones. Finding and working with trusted sources in dictatorships is crucial for accurate reporting. Focusing on local issues and fostering respectful dialogue promotes understanding and rebuilds shared narratives.

      Effective communication and information dissemination in societies undergoing conflict or political instability requires a multi-faceted approach. Utilizing storytelling through dramas and trusted sources, especially young people, can inspire change and provide reliable information in such contexts. In dictatorships, finding and collaborating with trusted sources can be a challenge, but it's crucial for accurate reporting. Additionally, focusing on local community issues and fostering respectful dialogue across differences can help rebuild a shared narrative and promote understanding among diverse groups. The power of being heard and respected plays a significant role in encouraging constructive participation in diverse groups.

    • Platforms prioritizing being heard and respected lead to constructive interactionsEffective facilitation is crucial in small group dialogues for diverse communities to build understanding and trust, despite potential disagreements or offensive statements.

      Creating platforms or interventions that prioritize the experience of being heard and respected can lead to more constructive and peaceful interactions, even in diverse and potentially contentious communities. This approach, which was developed in response to the 9/11 attacks and has been used in virtual exchanges for decades, involves connecting individuals from different backgrounds for small group dialogue facilitated by highly trained professionals. While the technology can be automated to some extent, the art of effective facilitation is difficult to mechanize, making it a critical component of the process. Through this approach, individuals are encouraged to share aspects of their identity and engage in meaningful dialogue, leading to a better understanding of the complexities and intersections of different identities and perspectives. Despite potential disagreements or offensive statements, the focus on respectful dialogue allows for open and productive conversations that can help bridge divides and build trust.

    • Exploring the power of technology to bridge dividesSocial media can deepen divisions, but it also offers opportunities for meaningful connections and understanding. Programs like 1st year connect show promise, but creating genuine interaction in the social media space is a challenge.

      Technology, particularly social media, can be used to manipulate views and deepen divisions, but it can also be harnessed to facilitate meaningful connections and understanding across dividing lines. The 1st year connect program in colleges, which brings students together in facilitated sessions across political and racial divides, has shown the potential for deep, transformative conversations. However, creating such opportunities for genuine interaction in the social media space, with its focus on quick fixes and reducing discomfort, poses a challenge. The most profound learning and connection often come from navigating discomfort and cognitive dissonance, but these experiences may not easily translate to text-based or low bandwidth mediums. Nevertheless, the potential benefits are significant, and the desire for deeper connections and understanding remains strong.

    • Understanding power dynamics in peace buildingSuccessful peace building initiatives require deep contextual understanding and creating safe, respectful spaces for all parties to engage.

      Peace building is a complex process that requires careful consideration of power dynamics and the potential risks involved. It's not a quick fix, but the rewards can be significant in terms of creating safer and more meaningful spaces for engagement. Power plays a crucial role in peace building efforts, and ignoring it can lead to counterintuitive failures. For instance, asking people to empathize across a divide without ensuring that their side is heard can backfire. Similarly, attempting to bring people together without understanding the power dynamics at play can be disastrous. Successful peace building initiatives require a deep understanding of the context and the ability to create venues of engagement where all parties feel safe and respected. The Iran-US wrestling tournament is a great example of this, as it allowed both sides to come together on equal footing and paved the way for political dialogue. Ultimately, peace building requires a long-term commitment and a willingness to work within the complexities of power dynamics.

    • Involving communities in conflict resolution and collaborationBuilding trust through dialogue and relationship-building is essential for successful conflict resolution and collaboration. Involve communities in planning and strategizing for effective solutions.

      Building trust between communities and law enforcement or any groups in conflict requires active consultation and leadership from within those communities. When communities are involved in the planning and strategizing of initiatives, they can identify what will and won't work, establish no-go zones, and ultimately come up with better solutions than outsiders or mediators. However, establishing these relationships can be challenging when there are no existing relationships across dividing lines. In such cases, opening up dialogue and allowing both parties to build relationships is crucial for honest and productive conversations. Trust is the foundation for effective collaboration, and it can lead to innovative ideas and improved security situations. An example of this is the work done in Nigeria, where bringing together communities and police forces led to better security outcomes. In summary, involving communities in the process and fostering trust through dialogue and relationship-building is essential for successful conflict resolution and collaboration.

    • Building relationships and fostering dialogue in conflict-ridden communitiesEffective interventions involve open communication, local leadership, and engagement within complex systems. Get involved and allow opportunities to arise to promote understanding and bridge divides.

      Building meaningful relationships and fostering dialogue in conflict-ridden communities, whether online or offline, leads to more profound positive experiences and problem-solving. The process of determining the most effective interventions involves open communication, local leadership, and engagement within the complex system. The key is not to wait for a perfect plan but to get involved and allow opportunities to arise. As we navigate through polarized times, such as the current situation in the US, there is a growing need for initiatives that promote understanding and bridge divides. These efforts, whether established or new, have the potential to bring about significant changes in institutions, social norms, and markets. At Search for Common Ground, we are committed to contributing to this work both locally and globally.

    • Using Technology for Peace or DivisionEmpower community builders and peace builders with tools to facilitate dialogue and bridge divides. Mobilize and support young people to lead change and harness the power of social media for peace.

      Technology, particularly social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, have the potential to bring people together or deepen divisions, depending on how they are used. The early days of Facebook, for instance, showed promise with initiatives like Peace Dot, which aimed to promote peace by highlighting new friend connections between people from conflict zones. However, without the right parameters in place, these platforms can instead fuel division and conflict. A potential solution is to empower and equip community builders and peace builders with tools to facilitate dialogue and bridge divides. Additionally, young people, who are the largest youth cohort in history and often more optimistic about peace, can be mobilized and supported to lead change. By providing resources, training, and opportunities for young people to organize and collaborate, we can harness the power of social media to foster peace and understanding rather than division.

    • Addressing division and conflict onlineTrain moderators, facilitate dialogue, and create opportunities for public service to build security, dignity, and hope, reducing emotional drivers of conflict and promoting understanding and empathy.

      To address the issues of division and conflict in society, particularly in the online space, we need to focus on rewarding positive behaviors, celebrating models, and enforcing standards. This can be achieved by training moderators to facilitate constructive conversations, pairing individuals from different backgrounds for dialogue, and creating opportunities for public service within social media platforms. The ultimate goal is to build a sense of security, dignity, and hope for all, which can help reduce the emotional drivers of conflict and promote understanding and empathy. While there's no clear formula for achieving this, the fact that we are more connected than ever and have access to more knowledge about peace-building provides a strong foundation for progress.

    • Security and feeling safe go beyond objective indicators, include subjective experiences and psychological constructsInvesting in local solutions, getting people together, and supporting trust-building are key to peacebuilding, while technology can either help or hinder efforts depending on its use

      Security and feeling safe are not just about objective indicators like employment or economic well-being, but also about subjective experiences and psychological constructs. People's sense of dignity, respect, and hope for the future are crucial for building trust and peace in societies. The Gallup Happiness Index, which asks about these subjective experiences, has proven to be a better indicator of societal well-being and stability than objective indicators like GDP per capita. Peacebuilding is not just about holding hands and singing songs, but about investing in local solutions, getting people together across dividing lines, and supporting them to build trust. Technology, including social media and intermediation technologies, can tilt the playing field and make it harder for peacebuilding efforts to succeed if it encourages hate and conflict. The approach to peacebuilding has evolved over the last 40 years, and it's essential to recognize its importance in addressing the root causes of instability and conflict.

    • Effective communication and empathetic listening bridge dividesEmpathic listening is crucial in reducing conflict online. Acknowledge divisive issues, set them aside, find common ground, or expose people to human impact. Listen more than broadcast.

      Effective communication and empathetic listening are crucial in bridging divides and reducing conflict in online spaces. The challenge lies in creating a safe and welcoming environment where people feel heard and respected, particularly when they express vulnerabilities or offensive views. Listening is more important than broadcasting, and skilled facilitators can help offended individuals move into a listening mode. The current social media landscape, characterized by high ego debt and a culture of victimhood, makes it difficult for people to operate with generous assumptions. To build trust and equity, it's essential to acknowledge divisive issues and set them aside for later, find common ground, or expose people to the human impact of conflicts. Ultimately, the goal is to create opportunities for constructive dialogue and healing interactions.

    • Effective communication and storytelling can bridge dividesEffective communication and storytelling can humanize experiences, foster empathy, and inspire change, especially for leaders and the next generation.

      Effective communication and storytelling can help bridge the divide in communities experiencing hurt and pain, without placing blame or resorting to self-pity. The example of the community memorialization project in Sri Lanka demonstrates this, as it allowed Sinhalese and Tamils to share their experiences of the war's impact in a human and accessible way. It's crucial to recognize that everyone is losing out in these situations, and leaders, even those in tech companies, can be influenced by the stories of real human experiences to drive positive change. The next generation, who are naturally inclined towards change, can be empowered to lead the way. Books like Rebecca Henderson's "Reimagining Capitalism for a World on Fire" offer insights into how industry leaders can step out of the competitive race to the bottom and create a better future for everyone. Encouraging young people to channel their desire for change and raising awareness about the need for it can lead to significant progress. Historical figures like Gandhi, Mandela, and Martin Luther King Jr. all started their movements at a young age, demonstrating the power of youth in driving transformative change.

    • Learning from Peace Builders to Make Tech More CompassionateThe Center for Humane Technology is calling for a community effort to apply peace building insights to technology, hosting podcast conversations to facilitate connections and real change.

      We are in a critical time where societal shifts are being triggered by the challenges we face, and the tech world, which dominates our communications, needs to learn from the practices of peace builders to promote compassionate and empathetic relationships. Young people, like Malala and Greta Thunberg, have shown that even in difficult times, new ideas and initiatives can emerge. The Center for Humane Technology is calling for a community effort to apply these insights to technology, with a focus on peace building initiatives and metrics. They believe that by engaging with experts and each other, we can make a difference. The Center is hosting podcast conversations with guests and their allies to facilitate connections and real change. For instance, there will be conversations with John Wood Junior from Braver Angels on April 2nd and Shamal Idris on April 9th. To get involved, visit humaintech.com/getdashinvolved. The Center For Humane Technology is dedicated to producing podcasts that lead to real change and is supported by generous lead supporters, including the Omidyar Network, Craig Moonmark Philanthropies, the Ball Foundation, and the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation.

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    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

    War is a Laboratory for AI with Paul Scharre

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    Right now, militaries around the globe are investing heavily in the use of AI weapons and drones.  From Ukraine to Gaza, weapons systems with increasing levels of autonomy are being used to kill people and destroy infrastructure and the development of fully autonomous weapons shows little signs of slowing down. What does this mean for the future of warfare? What safeguards can we put up around these systems? And is this runaway trend toward autonomous warfare inevitable or will nations come together and choose a different path? In this episode, Tristan and Daniel sit down with Paul Scharre to try to answer some of these questions. Paul is a former Army Ranger, the author of two books on autonomous weapons and he helped the Department of Defense write a lot of its policy on the use of AI in weaponry. 


    Four Battlegrounds: Power in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Paul’s book on the future of AI in war, which came out in 2023.

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    AlphaDogfight Trials Final Event: The full simulated dogfight between an AI and human pilot. The AI pilot swept, 5-0.


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    3. Big Food, Big Tech and Big AI with Michael Moss
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    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

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    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

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    This episode was recorded live at the San Francisco Commonwealth Club.  

    Correction: Tristan mentions that 40 Attorneys General have filed a lawsuit against Meta for allegedly fostering addiction among children and teens through their products. However, the actual number is 42 Attorneys General who are taking legal action against Meta.

    Clarification: Jonathan refers to the Wait Until 8th pledge. By signing the pledge, a parent  promises not to give their child a smartphone until at least the end of 8th grade. The pledge becomes active once at least ten other families from their child’s grade pledge the same.

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    Correction: The latest available Nvidia chip is the Hopper H100 GPU, which has 80 billion transistors. Since the first commercially available chip had four transistors, the Hopper actually has 20 billion times that number. Nvidia recently announced the Blackwell, which boasts 208 billion transistors - but it won’t ship until later this year.


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    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_



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    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

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    Clarification: Julie says that shortly after the hearing, Meta’s stock price had the biggest increase of any company in the stock market’s history. It was the biggest one-day gain by any company in Wall Street history.

    Correction: Frances says it takes Snap three or four minutes to take down exploitative content. In Snap's most recent transparency report, they list six minutes as the median turnaround time to remove exploitative content.


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    Social Media Victims Lawyer Up with Laura Marquez-Garrett

    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_



    Taylor Swift is Not Alone: The Deepfake Nightmare Sweeping the Internet

    Taylor Swift is Not Alone: The Deepfake Nightmare Sweeping the Internet

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    Correction: Laurie refers to the app 'Clothes Off.' It’s actually named Clothoff. There are many clothes remover apps in this category.


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    Social Media Victims Lawyer Up

    The AI Dilemma

    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

    Can Myth Teach Us Anything About the Race to Build Artificial General Intelligence? With Josh Schrei

    Can Myth Teach Us Anything About the Race to Build Artificial General Intelligence? With Josh Schrei

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    Correction: Josh says the first telling of "The Sorcerer’s Apprentice" myth dates back to ancient Egypt, but it actually dates back to ancient Greece.


    The Emerald podcast

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    Nature Nurture: Children Can Become Stewards of Our Delicate Planet

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    The New Fire

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    How Will AI Affect the 2024 Elections?

    The AI Dilemma

    The Three Rules of Humane Tech

    AI Myths and Misconceptions


    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

    Related Episodes

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    07-The Post-Conflict Politics of Migration and Refugee Return


    Stephanie Schwartz is an Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Southern California.

    Anne C. Richard served as the Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration in the Obama Administration (2012-2017). She is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Walsh School of Foreign Service’s Institute for the Study of International Migration at Georgetown University.

    International Security Article:

    This podcast is based on Stephanie Schwartz, “Home, Again: Refugee Return and Post-Conflict Violence in Burundi,” International Security, Vol. 44, No. 2 (Fall 2019), pp. 110-145.

    Additional Related Reading:

    Stephanie Schwartz, “Sending Refugees Back Makes the World More Dangerous,” Foreign Policy, November 27, 2019.

    Anne C. Richard, “US Diplomacy on Refugees and Migrants: Inside Recent History,” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 20 (Fall 2019), pp. 42-50.

    Megan Bradley, “Rethinking Return: Defining Success in Refugee Repatriation,” World Politics Review, December 3, 2013.

    Kevin Sieff, “‘What Other Choice Do I have?’: How Debt-Ridden Refugees Are Being Forced to Return to a War Zone,” Washington Post, December 15, 2017.

    Kathleen Newland and Brian Salant, “Increased Focus on Forced Return of Migrants and Asylum Seekers Puts Many in Peril,” Migration Policy Institute, December 12, 2017.

    “Tanzania: Burundians Pressured into Leaving,” Human Rights Watch, December 12, 2019.

    Louisa Loveluck, “Assad Urged Syrian Refugees to Come Home. Many Are Being Welcomed with Arrest and Interrogation,” Washington Post, June 2, 2019.

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    Hero of Hotel Rwanda Arrested

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    Episode Photo by Adam Jones on Wikimedia Commons

    Further Reading:

    1. Rwanda arrests the man who shielded people from genocide
    2. ‘Hotel Rwanda’ Hero, Paul Rusesabagina, Is Held on Terrorism Charge
    3. Rebooting Rwanda

    Also, follow and like us on the social medias, or drop us a question via email!

    Against the tide: tech for social cohesion

    Against the tide: tech for social cohesion

    It’s no secret that digital technology, in particular social media, stokes division in society and sometimes provokes violent conflict. Toxic polarization prevents us from solving problems, from making decisions together, from being constructive in our approach. 

    In In this episode, we’ll explore the dangers of social media, but we’ll also talk about ways technology can be used to build bridges and promote social cohesion., we’ll explore the In this episode, we’ll explore the dangers of social media, but we’ll also talk about ways technology can be used to build bridges and promote social cohesion. 

    Guest Shamil Idriss, is the CEO of Search for Common Ground. SFCG is the largest peacebuilding organization in the world, and has a long history of using media in reconciliation efforts. Almost fifteen years ago, Shamil established a virtual exchange program connecting young adults in Europe and North America to their peers in the Middle East, and he’s been working at the intersection of peacebuilding and tech ever since. In February, Shamil helped launch the Council on Technology and Social Cohesion to foster collaboration between peacebuilders and tech workers.  Shamil says it’s crucial for the peacebuilding field to understand technology’s dangers AND to harness its potential for good.

    Follow Shamil Idriss on Twitter @ShamilIdriss.


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    Making Peace Visible is a project of War Stories Peace Stories. Our mission is to bring journalists and peacebuilders together to re-imagine the way the news media covers peace and conflict, and to facilitate expanded coverage of global peace and reconciliation efforts. Join the conversation on Twitter: @warstoriespeace. Write to us at jsimon@warstoriespeacestories.org

    Making Peace Visible is hosted by Jamil Simon, and produced by Andrea Muraskin, with help from Faith McClure. Music in this episode is by Blue Dot Sessions, Meavy Boy, and Bill Vortex. 


    Making Peace Visible is a project of War Stories Peace Stories. Making Peace Visible is hosted by Jamil Simon and produced by Andrea Muraskin, with help from Faith McClure. Learn more at warstoriespeacestories.org. 

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    The Courage to Connect — with Ciaran O’Connor and John Wood, Jr.

    The Courage to Connect — with Ciaran O’Connor and John Wood, Jr.

    It’s no revelation that Americans aren’t getting along. But it’s easier to diagnose the problem than come up with solutions. The organization Braver Angels runs workshops that convince Republicans and Democrats to meet, but not necessarily in the middle. “Conflict can actually be a pathway to intimacy and connection rather than division, if you have the right structure for bringing people together,” says Ciaran O’Connor, the organization’s Chief Marketing Officer. We’re delighted to have Ciaran and the Braver Angels National Ambassador John Wood, Jr. on the show to describe their methods, largely based on marriage counseling techniques, and talk about where to go next. “How do you scale that up and apply that to the digital space, given that that is the key battlefield?” asks John. Technology companies play a role here, and the wisdom of the people doing the work on the ground is a valuable guide.