
    Compliments, Confidence & First Date Faux Pas

    enMarch 05, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring new pleasures with iconic sex toys and enhancersDiscover unapologetic pleasure with the culturally iconic Magic Wand vibrator, extend pleasure with Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel, and strengthen pelvic floor muscles with the Intensity device.

      The Magic Wand vibrator, often referred to as the "Cadillac of vibrators," is a culturally iconic and powerful sex toy that has been a trusted source of pleasure for many for decades. It's not just a product, but a symbol of unapologetic pleasure and a cultural icon. With various iterations available, including the Magic Wand Rechargeable, Magic Wand Mini, Magic Wand Plush, and Magic Wand Micro, all models retain the powerful rumble that made the original so popular. Additionally, Promescent's lineup of pleasure enhancing products, such as the legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help enhance your summer sex experiences by providing longer-lasting pleasure and heightened sensations. The Intensity insertable device, designed to strengthen pelvic floor muscles with gentle electro stimulation, is another game-changer for sexual performance and pleasure. Overall, these products offer various ways to enhance your sex life and explore new pleasures.

    • A memorable dinner date with Brian and a fanMenace had an enjoyable dinner date with Brian and a Loveline fan, discussing personal topics and creating a memorable experience.

      Menace has been keeping busy with various projects and experiences, including co-hosting Loveline twice a week, attending award shows, and going on dates. During a recent date, Menace met an intelligent and intriguing man named Brian, and they had a fun and deep conversation over dinner. The waitress, who was a fan of Menace's podcast, added to the memorable evening by joining their table and engaging in the conversation. Despite the potential for awkward moments, Menace and Brian had a great time and discussed personal topics like relationships and sex. Menace's podcast and Uber rides are public platforms where conversations can be overheard, and she sometimes forgets this and shares more than intended. Overall, Menace's life has been filled with exciting opportunities and meaningful connections.

    • Assumptions from first impressions can be misleadingPeople are complex and multifaceted, appearances and initial interactions may not fully reveal the depth of a connection, keep an open mind and give people a chance to show who they truly are.

      First impressions and assumptions can be misleading in both personal and professional relationships. The speaker shared an anecdote about a date with a man she knew professionally, who she assumed didn't find her attractive based on external appearances. However, they ended up kissing during the date, but he didn't invite her to his house, leading her to question the outcome of their encounter. The speaker also mentioned how she forgot about the encounter until much later, and how she was currently dealing with other dating and work-related distractions. Ultimately, the experience served as a reminder that people are complex and multifaceted, and that appearances and initial interactions may not fully reveal the depth of a connection. It's important to keep an open mind and give people a chance to show who they truly are.

    • Interactive Discussion on Love, Sex, and RelationshipsJoin experts and comedians for a candid talk on relationships, sex, and love at the Hollywood Improv on March 10th. Buy tickets at thehollywoodimprov.com or greatlovedebate.com.

      The speakers are organizing an event called "Love and Sex Live" at the Hollywood Improv, where they will discuss relationships, sex, and love in an interactive, town hall-style format. The event will feature guest appearances from experts like Doctor Drew, and will be a fun, open, and honest sharing environment with a comedy club atmosphere. The event is on March 10th at 7:30 pm, and tickets can be purchased at thehollywoodimprov.com or greatlovedebate.com. The speakers also mentioned their involvement in various podcasts and festivals, including The Woody Show, Coachella, and Stagecoach.

    • The complexities of discussing sex with an attractive therapistMeeting an attractive sex therapist can make conversations about sex uncomfortable yet intriguing, highlighting the complexities and challenges of discussing sensitive topics.

      Having an attractive sex therapist can make for an uncomfortable yet intriguing conversation about sex. The speaker shared a story about meeting Paul, a sex therapist, at a barbecue where they brought different gifts - Paul brought cookies and the speaker brought sex toys. The conversation eventually led to discussing anal sex, which the speaker found hard to engage in due to Paul's attractiveness. They also discussed the challenges of being a sex therapist while being attractive and how it can make conversations more difficult but also more engaging. The speaker also shared an experience of living with a phone sex operator and how hearing her calls was unbearable, making the conversation with Emily, a lovely woman, all the more enjoyable despite the sensitive topic. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and challenges of discussing sex, especially with an attractive person, but also the excitement and intrigue it can bring.

    • Unexpected opportunities and quick thinkingBe prepared to seize opportunities, even without a clear plan, to make the most of unexpected encounters.

      Sometimes opportunities present themselves unexpectedly, and seizing them requires quick thinking and confidence. The speaker shared an experience of encountering Paul McCartney alone and managing to secure an interview for his podcast. He was initially nervous and unsure of how to approach the iconic musician, but he mustered up the courage to ask, despite not having a clear plan. McCartney agreed, and the interview took place. This story illustrates the importance of being prepared to act on opportunities when they arise, even if the circumstances are not ideal. Additionally, the conversation touched on the use of toys in relationships and the various ways to create atmosphere, such as candles or muted TV shows.

    • An Unexpected Call from Paul McCartneyCelebrities, including Paul McCartney, can be open to new opportunities and have genuine conversations

      Even the most famous and influential people, like Paul McCartney, can make their own decisions and be approachable. During a podcast interview setup, the interviewer shared an unexpected and surreal experience where he received a call from Paul McCartney himself, leaving a voice mail. Despite the initial shock, they eventually connected for an interview. This encounter showcases that even top-tier celebrities can be open to new opportunities and have genuine conversations. To listen to more of the interviewer's podcast conversations, visit AdamCorolla.com or Mercurio.com. The podcast covers a wide range of topics, from music and art to comedy and science, offering insights into the creative processes of various guests.

    • Exploring intimacy and communicationEmbrace vulnerability, explore intimacy, and communicate openly in relationships. Open-mindedness and acceptance are crucial when discussing sex toys and dating experiences. The Rave vibrator by We-Vibe offers precise g-spot stimulation and long-distance control through the We-Connect app.

      Effective communication and understanding are key elements in navigating relationships and intimacy. During a conversation about sex toys and dating experiences, the speaker shared an embarrassing encounter with introducing a toy to her partner's family. However, she also highlighted the importance of open-mindedness and acceptance, especially when it comes to exploring one's sexuality. Furthermore, the speaker introduced the Rave vibrator by We-Vibe, emphasizing its unique design and features, such as precise g-spot stimulation and long-distance control through the We-Connect app. The conversation also touched on the importance of balance in conversations during first dates and how nervousness can affect communication. Overall, the conversation showcased the importance of embracing vulnerability, exploring intimacy, and communicating openly in relationships.

    • Men and Women's Different Dating PreferencesMen often prefer morning sex and seek validation early, while women enjoy the process of getting to know someone and value potential friendship.

      Understanding the complexities of dating, especially in the context of gender differences, can be confusing. Men and women have different preferences and expectations when it comes to dating, and these differences can lead to misunderstandings. For instance, men tend to enjoy morning sex more than women, who prefer evening sex. These preferences can be rooted in emotional and biological factors. Additionally, men seek validation early on in relationships and can be sensitive to signs of interest or disinterest from their partners. Women, on the other hand, enjoy the process of getting to know someone and value the potential friendship that can come from dating. It's important to remember that everyone has unique experiences and perspectives, and keeping open lines of communication can help navigate the complexities of dating. In the end, having good friends and building a supportive community can be invaluable in the dating journey.

    • Societal Pressures on Dating and RelationshipsSocietal expectations and personal priorities can impact the focus on dating. Being true to oneself and owning answers in the dating scene is important.

      The experience of dating can vary greatly depending on personal circumstances and societal pressures. The speaker shares her own experience of being asked about her marital status and relationship history on every first date, and how society perceives single women in their thirties and beyond. She also touches upon the impact of weather and quality of life on the motivation to date in different cities. Ultimately, she emphasizes the importance of owning one's answers and being true to oneself in the dating scene. The speaker also notes that societal expectations and personal priorities can impact the focus on dating, with some people prioritizing other aspects of their lives over relationships. The weather and overall quality of life in a city can also influence the importance placed on dating, with some people in warmer climates viewing it as less of a priority compared to those in colder areas.

    • Shift in Dating Culture: Group Activities and Effective CommunicationIn cities with favorable climates and transportation, dating culture has evolved to group activities and less formal settings. Effective communication during the first date is crucial for securing a second one.

      The definition and experience of dating has changed in various cities, with more emphasis on group activities and less formal dates. This shift can be attributed to factors like climate and transportation, leading to less pressure on men to pick up women and take them home. However, this change also means that effective communication during the first date becomes crucial for securing a second one. Despite the challenges, some cities, like Charlotte, North Carolina, are seen as vibrant and easygoing, offering promising opportunities for forming connections. On the first date, women often look for red flags, while men look for green lights. If a man puts in effort but doesn't receive clear signals, he may not follow up. Effective communication is key to ensuring a successful first date and a potential second one.

    • Effective Communication and Interest: Keys to Keeping a Man EngagedClear and consistent communication, along with genuine interest and compliments, help build a strong connection and keep a man engaged in a relationship or potential relationship.

      Effective communication and showing interest are key factors in keeping a man engaged and wanting to continue a relationship or pursue a second date. Men often seek reassurance that a woman is interested, and constant signals of disinterest, such as using a phone during a date or refusing sex, can be perceived as a lack of attraction or interest. Compliments are also important as they make a person feel valued and appreciated. While some people may believe that being too aggressive or giving too many compliments can be off-putting, a balance is necessary to ensure that the person feels affirmed and desired. Overall, clear and consistent communication, along with genuine interest and compliments, can help build a strong connection and keep a relationship or potential relationship moving forward.

    • Giving Meaningful ComplimentsVary compliments, make them creative, genuine, unexpected, boost confidence, appreciate unique qualities, encourage improvement, not just ego, focus on positives, acknowledge efforts.

      Giving compliments is an essential part of building and maintaining healthy relationships, but it's important to vary them and make them creative and meaningful. The number of compliments per day or week doesn't matter as long as they are genuine and unexpected. Compliments can help boost someone's confidence and make them feel seen and appreciated. Men also benefit from receiving compliments, but they may not express their appreciation as openly as women. The way we give compliments can make a significant difference in how they are received. Instead of criticizing or focusing on what someone did wrong, try to acknowledge their positive qualities and encourage them to improve. Remember, a compliment is not just about boosting someone's ego, but also about expressing your appreciation and noticing the unique qualities that make them special.

    • Misunderstandings from lack of communicationClear and open communication and respecting each other's needs are essential for healthy relationships.

      Effective communication and transparency are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. The discussion highlights an instance where a partner's failure to introduce their significant other to their friend led to misunderstandings and feelings of being left out. This situation could have been avoided if there was clear and open communication between the partners. Additionally, the conversation underscores the importance of understanding and respecting each other's needs and boundaries in a relationship. While some people may find constant entertainment engaging, others may find it exhausting. It's essential to recognize and accommodate these differences to foster a healthy and lasting connection.

    • Starting Over in Dating: It's Never Too LateDespite past experiences, age, or relationship patterns, it's essential to engage in new connections and dating. Healing from past pain and open communication can help navigate challenging situations in new relationships.

      No matter what age or past experiences, it's never too late to start dating and connecting with others. The dating landscape has changed significantly over the years, but getting out of your comfort zone and engaging with people is key. For those coming out of abusive relationships, it's essential to process past pain and be aware of patterns before entering new relationships. Additionally, dealing with a partner's involvement in the sex industry can be challenging, but open communication and understanding can help manage feelings without hurting or angering your partner. Remember, everyone is scared to start dating again, but the important thing is to take small steps and be open to new experiences.

    • Handling a partner's job in the sex industryCommunication, trust, and acceptance are crucial when dealing with a partner's job in the sex industry. Focus on building a strong foundation to overcome challenges.

      Dealing with a partner's job in the sex industry can present unique challenges, but it's essential to establish open communication, trust, and acceptance. The nature of the job does not necessarily equate to a sexual relationship between the partners. However, it may require navigating uncomfortable conversations and potential judgment from others. Ultimately, it takes a confident, secure, and strong individual to handle such situations. While it may not be possible to change someone's career, focusing on building a strong foundation of trust and communication can help overcome any obstacles. As Emily emphasizes, "if you can't handle it, you can't handle it."

    • Try Texture for a free trial - Access a vast library of magazines and newspapers in one placeTexture offers a free trial and allows users to access a large collection of magazines and newspapers in a convenient and personalized way

      Texture is a smart and effective app that offers a free trial for Emily's listeners. This app is worth trying due to its ability to understand user preferences and deliver content accordingly. Instead of wasting time, money, and resources on traditional methods of reading, such as flipping through physical pages or buying multiple subscriptions, Texture allows users to access a vast library of magazines and newspapers in one place. Its intuitive interface and personalized recommendations make it an excellent choice for those who value convenience and efficiency. So, if you're looking to streamline your reading experience and discover new content, give Texture a try by visiting texture.com/emily and taking advantage of the free trial offer.

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    Help support the podcast so it can continue to give you quality content. Donations of support can be made via Zelle to thinklovewife_donations@neloeffect.com. Contributions will go towards things like equipment, studio time, and operational costs to keep this podcast going.

    This episode is sponsored by Nelo Effect, a coaching and consulting service that helps people turn mindfulness into action as they navigate the dating world as well as in their relationships. Learn more at https://neloeffect.com/dating-relationship-advising/ 

    We are on all major platforms. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, GooglePlay Music, TuneIn, Castbox, and many others. Don’t forget to subscribe and share with your friends.

    Follow @ThinkLoveWife on Instagram and Facebook. Send questions or topics you’d like us to discuss.


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    S02.E03 - How do I out serve her

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    We are on all major platforms. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Soundcloud, Castbox, and many others. Don’t forget to subscribe and share with your friends.

    Follow @ThinkLoveWife on Instagram and send any questions and topics that you’d like me to discuss.

    Email me at feedback@thinklovewife.com with any feedback!

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    Hi Everyone, Happy Holidays!

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    Attitude of Gratitude (00:00-08:30):

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    Our Girl Talk Includes (24:30-01:07:15):

    • What is breadcrumbing?
    • What are the warning signs?
    • How to overcome it?

    We also share our recommendations for the week (01:07:15-01:18:55)

    Interested? Grab a Cup and Join the Talk!!!!!Follow @celebtalkgirltalkpod@natasha_fig @jayrosexoxo on Instagram @celebtgirltalk on Twitter and don't forget to Rate, Review, and Subscribe!Music by WordSmithCover Art by Ria

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    We talk about falling in love with your best friend and the importance of having a partner that is self-sufficient. We discuss navigating the digital era as well as how it’s changed the way people date and interact. We uncover some valuable lessons learned from being friend zoned. We highlight the value of getting dating experience and the growth that can come from that. We go deep on how a man can be in love but not be ready for marriage as well as how to navigate those feelings.

    Help support the podcast so it can continue to give you quality content. Donations of support can be made via Zelle to thinklovewife_donations@neloeffect.com. Contributions will go towards things like equipment, studio time, and operational costs to keep this podcast going.

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    Email me at feedback@thinklovewife.com with any feedback!