
    Madonna/Whores and Jesus/Gigolos

    enApril 14, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring New Ways to Enhance Sexual ExperiencesThe Magic Wand vibrator, known for its powerful rumble, continues to inspire new versions, while Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel enhance pleasure and prolong experiences, making summer the sexiest season for exploring new ways to enhance sexual experiences.

      The Magic Wand vibrator, often referred to as the "Cadillac of vibrators," is a cultural icon known for its powerful rumble and ability to deliver unapologetic pleasure. Originally introduced decades ago, it has earned accolades as the vibrator of the year and has inspired various iterations, including wireless, mini, micro, and plush versions. Meanwhile, Promescent offers pleasure-enhancing products like delay spray and warming arousal gel to help enhance sexual experiences for both men and women. By using these products, individuals can prolong pleasure and intensify sensations, making summer the sexiest season yet. Whether it's through the use of iconic sex toys or pleasure-enhancing products, the focus is on exploring new ways to enhance sexual experiences and enjoy the pleasure that comes with it.

    • Candles enhance intimate connectionsCandles, especially scented massage candles, create an inviting atmosphere and transform into massage oils, enhancing intimacy in relationships. Open communication and addressing underlying issues can help maintain a healthy sex life and strengthen the connection between partners.

      Candles, specifically the fougere-scented massage candles, can help enhance intimate connections in relationships. These candles not only create an inviting atmosphere but also transform into luxurious massage oils upon lighting. The massage oil is not sticky or messy and has a woodsy, masculine scent that can be enjoyed by both partners. The Sexbox show on We TV, which features couples undergoing therapy to reconnect through sex, highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy sex life in relationships. Long-term relationships often face challenges that lead to a decline in sexual intimacy, and addressing the underlying issues can help rekindle the connection between partners. The show illustrates that even a quick intimate moment can significantly improve the relationship. Overall, the combination of candles and open communication can contribute to a stronger and more fulfilling relationship.

    • Maintaining Relationships Takes EffortRelationships require consistent effort, doing things that connected you initially, adapting to changing needs, and aligning words and actions for commitment and growth.

      Relationships require consistent effort and actions to maintain the connection and intimacy, especially as the initial excitement fades. The speaker emphasizes the importance of doing the things that connected you at the beginning, even if it's not just about sex. People's needs change over time, and it's essential to adapt to those changes and prioritize each other. However, actions should align with words, and empty promises or lack of commitment can be confusing and damaging to a relationship. The speaker also shares her personal experience of an engagement that ended quickly due to feeling rushed and not being ready for a long-term commitment. Overall, the key takeaway is that relationships require commitment, effort, and alignment of words and actions to thrive.

    • Balancing compatibility and personal growth in relationshipsBe honest about readiness for commitment and open to personal growth rather than focusing solely on checklists. Recognize past experiences may influence perception of ideal partners, but avoid creating a rigid checklist.

      Relationships involve balancing compatibility with personal growth. The speaker shares her experience of having a strong connection with a man who met most of her ideal mate criteria, but ultimately discovered issues that arose due to the pressure of their engagement. One major issue was her partner's excessive pressure for sex, which she believes may have stemmed from deeper emotional issues. The speaker learned that it's essential to be honest with oneself and one's partner about readiness for commitment and to be open to personal growth rather than focusing solely on checklists. Additionally, it's important to recognize that past relationship experiences can influence one's perception of ideal partners and to avoid using them as a basis for creating a rigid checklist.

    • Respecting boundaries in sexual relationshipsCommunication and consent are essential for a healthy sexual relationship. Respect each other's desires and boundaries, and always seek consent before trying new things.

      Communication and consent are key in maintaining a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship. The discussion highlights the experience of a woman who felt pressured and uncomfortable with her partner's persistent attempts for sex when she wasn't in the mood. This behavior, which included masturbating in front of her, made her feel guilty and disrespected. It's important to remember that everyone has different sexual desires and needs, and it's crucial to respect each other's boundaries. The woman in this discussion expressed that she enjoyed watching her partner masturbate, but only when it was consensual and not as a means of coercion. The conversation also touched on the importance of open communication and the idea that sex should be a pleasurable experience for both partners. Additionally, the woman shared her love for blowjobs and emphasized the importance of never saying no to something that brings joy and pleasure to your partner, as long as it's consensual.

    • Exploring unique experiences in sex and intimacyCommunication, understanding desires, and connection are key to enjoyable sex. Personal preferences and experiences vary, and exploring new techniques can lead to discoveries.

      Everyone's preferences and experiences when it comes to sex and intimacy are unique and varied. The speaker shared her personal experiences with giving and receiving oral sex, mentioning that she used to be a spitter but now prefers to swallow in long-term relationships. She also discussed the importance of communication and understanding each other's desires. Additionally, she emphasized that there's no right or wrong way to approach sex, and that exploring different techniques and experiences can lead to new discoveries. Ultimately, the best sex is about finding a connection, even if it's with someone you don't know very well, and enjoying the build-up and intrigue that comes before the act itself.

    • Text messaging can lead to intense emotional and physical connectionsText messaging can create intense attractions, but there can be a disconnect between online communication and real-life actions, and societal expectations can complicate romantic relationships.

      The power of communication through text messaging can lead to intense emotional and physical connections. The speaker recounts an experience where instant messaging with a coworker led to a passionate encounter in the workplace. The taboo nature of their communication, combined with the novelty of the technology, contributed to their intense attraction. However, the speaker also notes that there can be a disconnect between what people say in texts and their actions in real life. The speaker also reflects on the complex relationship between sex, love, and societal expectations, particularly the Madonna-whore complex, which can create confusion and complicate romantic relationships.

    • Experiencing objectification and typecasting as a 'whore'Despite the challenges of reconciling sex and relationships, the speaker recognizes the potential for growth and learning from each fleeting experience, while acknowledging societal pressures that complicate these issues.

      The speaker has experienced being objectified and typecast as a "whore" throughout her life, leading to a complex relationship between sex and relationships. She finds it challenging to reconcile these two aspects and often forms fleeting sexual relationships that last only a few months, only to realize the human flaws and imperfections of her partners and shut down emotionally. This pattern is likely a self-protective mechanism to avoid getting trapped in unhealthy relationships. The speaker acknowledges the efficiency of processing these experiences in a shorter timeframe compared to those in long-term relationships, but also recognizes the potential for growth and learning from each experience. The societal construct of the Madonna-whore complex further complicates these issues by perpetuating the separation of sex and love, intimacy, and relationships.

    • Effective communication is key to healthy relationshipsExpress feelings clearly, find new ways to connect, and be open-minded in relationships. Effective communication enhances intimacy and understanding, whether discussing sensitive topics or using sex toys.

      Effective communication is crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. Failure to address issues as they arise can lead to resentments and a lack of intimacy. It's important to express feelings clearly and directly, but it can be a challenge to find the right way to communicate. Some relationships may be characterized by defensive reactions and a lack of understanding, making it difficult to find common ground. It's essential to keep trying to communicate and find new ways to connect. Additionally, the use of sex toys can enhance sexual experiences and provide new ways to explore pleasure. Good communication and understanding are also essential in the context of using sex toys, as they can help partners find what works best for each other. In dating, it's essential to be open-minded and willing to try new things, even if it means stepping out of one's comfort zone. Age differences can present unique challenges, but they can also lead to meaningful connections. Ultimately, effective communication, a willingness to learn, and an open mind are key to building and maintaining fulfilling relationships.

    • The numbers game of online datingDespite potential rejections, keep sending messages to increase chances of finding a match. Seek advice on improving messaging approach and recognize that dating requires effort, resilience, and self-awareness.

      Online dating can be a challenging experience, and it's important to keep trying despite potential rejections. The man in the email has sent over 300 messages and only received a few replies, leading him to feel discouraged. However, it's crucial to remember that online dating is a numbers game and to keep sending messages to increase the chances of finding a match. Additionally, there may be issues with the man's messaging approach, and he could benefit from seeking advice on improving his online communication skills. Furthermore, the discussion touched on the idea that people often carry complex beliefs about sex and relationships, such as the Madonna-whore complex, which can impact their dating experiences and self-perception. Overall, it's essential to recognize that dating involves effort, resilience, and self-awareness, and it's important to approach it with a positive attitude and an open mind.

    • Crafting an authentic online dating profileSeek feedback, be true to yourself, avoid red flags, use humor and thoughtfulness, and stand out with unique messages to create an effective online dating profile.

      Creating an effective online dating profile requires careful consideration and authentic representation. Don't assume that you know the best pictures or messages to use. Instead, seek feedback from trusted friends or dating experts. Be mindful of red flags like including pictures with other women or excessive use of group photos. Be true to yourself and showcase your unique personality through your profile and messages. Humor and thoughtfulness can go a long way in making a memorable first impression. Avoid generic openers and try to stand out with something unique and engaging. Remember, it's not just about looks or income, but about finding a genuine connection. So, take the time to craft a profile that accurately represents who you are and what you're looking for in a partner.

    • Women are attracted to men who challenge themBe authentic, enthusiastic, and maintain a bit of mystery to attract and keep a woman's interest

      Women are attracted to men who challenge them and keep things interesting in the relationship. However, this doesn't mean being emotionally unavailable or playing games through texting. Instead, it's about being enthusiastic and showing up. At the same time, women don't want a man to give up his life for her or become too clingy. It's a delicate balance that requires independence and nuance. The speaker also mentions that women can tell when a man is bending over backwards to please them, which can lead to a lack of respect. Overall, the key takeaway is that authenticity, enthusiasm, and a bit of mystery go a long way in attracting and keeping a woman's interest.

    • Navigating Relationships: Balancing Independence and AvailabilityFind a reliable partner willing to work on the relationship when issues arise. Pay attention to their behavior and communication during the beginning of the relationship, and maintain open and honest communication about sexual needs and desires.

      While navigating relationships, it's essential to find a balance between being independent and available. However, the early stages of a relationship can be unpredictable, and there's no foolproof way to determine long-term sexual compatibility. The key lies in being with a partner who is reliable and willing to work on the relationship when issues arise. Paying attention to their behavior and communication during the beginning of the relationship can also provide insights into their character and potential compatibility. Ultimately, open and honest communication about sexual needs and desires is crucial for maintaining a healthy and satisfying relationship.

    • Communication and Compatibility in Sexual RelationshipsExpress needs, try new things, be aware of red flags, and maintain open communication for a fulfilling sexual relationship.

      Communication and compatibility in sexual relationships go beyond the initial stages. It's important for both partners to express their needs and desires early on, and to be open to trying new things to keep the relationship exciting. However, some people may have inherent traits that can't be changed, such as being a "bedroom whore" in the beginning or having certain sexual fetishes. It's crucial to be aware of these signs and to find a partner who is genuinely interested in pleasing you and committed to your sexual satisfaction. Additionally, small gestures like helping around the house or planning dates can also add excitement to the relationship. Ultimately, the key is to maintain open communication and a willingness to adapt and grow together. Danielle Stewart, a writer at After Party Magazine, emphasizes the importance of having these conversations early on to ensure a fulfilling and long-lasting sexual relationship.

    • A unique approach to addiction recovery with 'That's Fun'That's Fun offers engaging and funny content on addiction recovery through various platforms, encouraging audience interaction and feedback.

      "That's Fun" is an online addiction and recovery resource with a unique approach to tackling a serious topic. They make the content engaging and funny, making it a great place for those who want to get sober. You can find them on various social media platforms like Twitter (@DaniStu), Facebook (@DannyStew), and Instagram under the name "sex with Emily." They also send out informative newsletters and have a mailing list. Listeners are encouraged to leave reviews on iTunes, download the podcast app, and even apply for internships. The team behind "That's Fun" values their audience deeply and strives to create content that is not only informative but also enjoyable. So, if you're interested, sign up for their mailing list, follow them on social media, and don't hesitate to send them feedback.

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    Help support the podcast so it can continue to give you quality content. Donations of support can be made via Zelle to thinklovewife_donations@neloeffect.com. Contributions will go towards things like equipment, studio time, and operational costs to keep this podcast going.

    This episode is sponsored by Nelo Effect, a coaching and consulting service that helps people turn mindfulness into action as they navigate the dating world as well as in their relationships. Learn more at https://neloeffect.com/dating-relationship-advising/ 

    We are on all major platforms. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, GooglePlay Music, TuneIn, Castbox, and many others. Don’t forget to subscribe and share with your friends.

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    S02.E03 - How do I out serve her

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    We are on all major platforms. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Soundcloud, Castbox, and many others. Don’t forget to subscribe and share with your friends.

    Follow @ThinkLoveWife on Instagram and send any questions and topics that you’d like me to discuss.

    Email me at feedback@thinklovewife.com with any feedback!

    Let's Talk Breadcrumbing

    Let's Talk Breadcrumbing

    Hi Everyone, Happy Holidays!

    In today's episode, we talk about the dating term 'breadcrumbing'!

    Attitude of Gratitude (00:00-08:30):

    Our Celeb Talk Includes (08:30-24:30):

    • Mariah Carey teams up with Ariana Grande and Jennifer Hudson for new 'Oh Santa' single
    • Larsa Pippin exposes the Kardashians 

    Our Girl Talk Includes (24:30-01:07:15):

    • What is breadcrumbing?
    • What are the warning signs?
    • How to overcome it?

    We also share our recommendations for the week (01:07:15-01:18:55)

    Interested? Grab a Cup and Join the Talk!!!!!Follow @celebtalkgirltalkpod@natasha_fig @jayrosexoxo on Instagram @celebtgirltalk on Twitter and don't forget to Rate, Review, and Subscribe!Music by WordSmithCover Art by Ria

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    Help support the podcast so it can continue to give you quality content. Donations of support can be made via Zelle to thinklovewife_donations@neloeffect.com. Contributions will go towards things like equipment, studio time, and operational costs to keep this podcast going.

    We are on all major platforms. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Castbox, and many others. Don’t forget to subscribe and share with your friends.

    Follow @ThinkLoveWife on Instagram and send any questions and topics that you’d like me to discuss.

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    Email me at feedback@thinklovewife.com with any feedback!