
    Conversations with Tom | Genetic Expert Reveals Genetic Engineering Has Gone Farther Than You Think

    enSeptember 03, 2020
    What abilities do we have regarding the code of life?
    How might future humans differ from present humans?
    What ethical questions arise from genetic manipulation?
    How does evolution relate to our current genetic capabilities?
    What relevance does bodybuilding have on societal views of enhancement?

    Podcast Summary

    • At the precipice of a new era in human evolutionWe now have the power to change and extend life in ways once thought possible only for gods, impacting healthcare, making babies, and our evolutionary trajectory.

      We are now at the precipice of a new era in human evolution, where we have the ability to read, write, and hack the code of life. This is no longer just science fiction, but science fact. Our ancestors once believed that biology was something that just happened, but now, we find ourselves with the power to change and extend life in ways that were once thought possible only for gods. This transformation will impact various aspects of our lives, from healthcare to the way we make babies, and ultimately, our evolutionary trajectory as a species. If we were to reach back into our past and bring an infant from a thousand years ago into the modern world, they would be indistinguishable from us. However, if we were to bring someone from a thousand years into the future back to us, they would be superhuman compared to us. They would likely live longer, healthier lives, and be the result of embryo selection and genome editing. This is a reality that is already in progress, and it will fundamentally transform the human experience.

    • Manipulating Genetics on a Massive ScaleWe can prevent bad outcomes and increase desirable traits through genetic manipulation, but ethical considerations are necessary as we navigate this new frontier in biology.

      We are on the brink of a new era in biology where we will be able to manipulate genetics on a massive scale, building on the natural processes of selective breeding and evolution. This will allow us to prevent bad outcomes and increase the likelihood of desirable traits, much like how we have selectively bred animals from wolves to dogs over generations. However, this also raises ethical questions about "playing God" and what traits we may choose to prioritize. It's important to remember that we are not the first species to undergo changes, as evolution has always been a process of random mutation and natural selection. But now, with human consciousness and intention guiding the process, the possibilities are vast and the implications significant. As we move forward, it will be crucial to consider the potential consequences of our actions and approach this new frontier with care and thoughtfulness.

    • Understanding Complex Biology Beyond GeneticsAdvancements in technology allow us to explore and manipulate the epigenome, metabolome, and proteome, leading to smarter decisions and ethical dilemmas in the complex world of biology

      While simple single gene mutations can lead to clear-cut disorders like sickle cell disease or Tay Sachs, our complex biology involves more than just genetics. The epigenome, metabolome, and proteome are also crucial parts of who we are. As our tools for understanding and manipulating these aspects of biology become more sophisticated, we can make smarter decisions in this complex world. For instance, CRISPR genome editing, which started as a simple lab experiment in 2012, led to the birth of the world's first genetically edited babies in 2018. However, the rapid advancement of this technology raises ethical concerns, and it's essential to proceed with caution. New techniques like base editing, which can change genetic letters without cutting, are becoming more accurate and accessible every day. This intersection of science and complexity is a fascinating and rapidly evolving field.

    • Impact of technology on our understanding of what's naturalAs technology advances, societal norms regarding natural abilities shift, leading to acceptance of enhanced abilities despite initial beliefs.

      As technology advances exponentially, our brains, which have developed for practical thinking, struggle to keep up and fully comprehend the implications. We may not fully realize the impact of scientific advancements until they become the norm, such as genetically modified athletes. The concept of what is natural is constantly shifting, and society may end up valuing and embracing enhanced abilities, even if it goes against initial beliefs. The example of bodybuilding in the seventies, where natural bodybuilders were overshadowed by those using performance-enhancing drugs, illustrates this phenomenon. Ultimately, it's essential to encourage open discussions about these advancements and their ethical implications before they become widely accepted.

    • The Complexity of Defining Human Genetic EnhancementThe definition of human genetic enhancement is debated, with some advocating for naturalness and others for potential benefits, particularly in therapeutic applications. Guidelines and societal consensus are crucial to ensure safety and equity in decision-making.

      The definition of what it means to be natural and human is not clear-cut and has evolved throughout history. While some may argue for the importance of maintaining a "natural" line, others may see the potential benefits of enhancement, particularly in therapeutic applications. However, the implications of genetic enhancement are far-reaching and societal, and require thoughtful consideration and guidelines to ensure safety and equity. Cost-benefit analysis and societal consensus are crucial in making decisions about human genetic manipulation. The WHO International Advisory Committee on Human Genome Editing is working to establish basic guidelines and parameters for this complex issue. Ultimately, the goal should be to move forward in a thoughtful and inclusive way, balancing the potential benefits and risks of human genetic enhancement.

    • Discussing the societal impact of genetic engineeringWe need open and inclusive discussions about the moral and societal implications of genetic engineering, considering both benefits and potential harm, and implementing regulations and guardrails to ensure wise decision-making.

      While the moral and societal implications of genetic engineering are complex and multifaceted, it is essential that we have open and inclusive discussions about these issues. The speaker acknowledges the potential benefits of genetic engineering, but also raises concerns about the societal impact of introducing mutations that could make certain individuals obsolete. They argue that we need to consider the moral implications of playing God and the potential suffering of individuals if we get it wrong. However, they also believe that the discussion should not be solely focused on moral implications, but also on the societal impact of genetic engineering and the need for collective decision-making. The speaker advocates for a balanced approach, where individual decisions are made with consideration for the potential impact on society as a whole. They suggest that regulations and guardrails are necessary to ensure that the science is good and that the decisions are made wisely. If given the power to make decisions regarding genetic engineering, the speaker would implement limitations on both self-experimentation and germline engineering to ensure the safety and ethical considerations are met.

    • Balancing individual autonomy and societal responsibilityIndividuals should have autonomy in personal choices, but society must ensure safety and well-being. Regulation of certain interventions is necessary, but careful consideration and scientific evidence should guide decisions.

      Individuals should have some autonomy in their personal choices, but society also has a responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of its members. The speaker supports regulation of certain interventions, such as drugs and medical procedures, to prevent harm. However, they are open to the idea of expanding the list of acceptable interventions over time, especially those related to genetic modifications. The speaker emphasizes the importance of careful consideration and scientific evidence before making significant changes to the human body. They also acknowledge the complexity of human biology and the potential risks involved in experimental interventions. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for a balanced approach that respects individual autonomy while also prioritizing the collective good.

    • Understanding the complexities of genetic engineeringApproach genetic engineering with caution and regulation, balancing safety with progress, while recognizing potential unintended consequences and respecting natural evolution.

      We are still in the early stages of understanding human biology and there are many complexities, particularly when it comes to enhancing human abilities through genetic engineering. While some may be tempted to push the boundaries, it's important to approach this area with caution and regulation. The speaker shares his personal experience with the complexities of end-of-life decisions and applies the same thinking to genetic engineering. He advocates for a balanced approach, with regulation to ensure safety and education, while also pushing the boundaries of what is considered safe. However, when it comes to germline editing, which involves making changes to the genes that are passed down to future generations, the speaker expresses greater trepidation, recognizing the potential for unintended consequences and the importance of respecting the natural process of evolution.

    • The risks and ethical considerations of gene editing shouldn't be ignoredCaution is necessary for gene editing, but ignoring its development could lead to detrimental consequences. Inclusive discussions and solutions are crucial to prevent competition and potential extinction.

      While we should be cautious about interventions like gene editing due to their potential risks and ethical considerations, ignoring these advancements entirely could lead to detrimental consequences. The reality is that technologies, including gene editing, are being developed and used, and nations or individuals who adopt them could gain significant advantages. However, the use of these technologies could also exacerbate existing cultural and geopolitical divisions. It's crucial to have thoughtful and inclusive discussions about the implications of these advancements and work towards finding solutions that benefit everyone. As the speaker mentioned, if we don't address the global "tragedy of the commons" and the competition for resources and advantages, we risk tearing ourselves apart and potentially competing ourselves into extinction.

    • Recognizing interdependence and adapting institutions for global challengesTo address shared global challenges like COVID-19, climate change, and ocean ecosystem protection, we need to adapt our institutions to reflect our interdependence and consider both core constituencies and humanity and the planet.

      Our current organizational structures, rooted in nationalism, are ill-equipped to address the shared and global challenges we face as a species, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and ocean ecosystem protection. We need to recognize and articulate our interdependence and adapt our institutions to reflect this reality. This means every organization, business, government, and civil society group must consider both their core constituencies and our collective constituency of humanity and the planet. We must change consciousness and use it to transform institutions, but it's a challenge as humans are driven by basic desires programmed through evolution, such as pleasure and pain. To change the outcome, we need to change the incentive structure. The pandemic could have been mitigated if we had a global health organization with the power to coordinate a collective response. Instead, we're left grappling with the consequences of our fragmented global structure. To avoid self-destruction, we must adapt and create a new infrastructure for global cooperation.

    • The 'us and other' problem shapes our sense of identityOur sense of identity is not inherent, but rather formed by how we categorize the world and perceive 'us' vs 'other'

      Our sense of identity, whether it be national or otherwise, is not inherent but rather a result of the "us and other" problem. This problem, which can be leveraged to bring people together, is malleable and can be applied to various categories, from tribes to countries to even abstract concepts like humanity versus destructive forces. However, creating a compelling and tangible "other" is crucial for bonding people together at a neurochemical level. The current global crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, could potentially serve as a learning opportunity for us to come together and find new ways to handle future crises, including potential synthetic biology threats. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that our sense of identity is not fixed, but rather shaped by the way we perceive and categorize the world around us.

    • Values and open public conversation for gene editingLimit gene editing to Mendelian interventions, prioritize future generations' quality of life, ensure inclusive democratic structures, and continuously explore with a cost-benefit analysis.

      Instead of focusing on strict rules regarding gene editing, we should prioritize values and a broad, open public conversation to make informed decisions. The speaker suggests limiting gene editing to Mendelian interventions for now due to unknown consequences, but encourages continuous exploration and improvement using a cost-benefit analysis. He emphasizes the importance of ensuring future generations have a better quality of life and the need for inclusive, democratic structures to balance these advancements. The speaker also acknowledges that the world is complex and rules may become obsolete, advocating for principles and structures that can adapt to new information. Ultimately, the goal is to move forward carefully and thoughtfully, rather than imposing unnecessary restrictions on ourselves for uncertain futures.

    • Emphasizing the importance of defining values and guidelines for scientific advancementsThe need for a formal structure to document values and systems guiding scientific advancements, promoting an open environment, inclusivity, transparency, and regulatory infrastructures. Society should define red lines and establish guidelines through open debate and democratic vote.

      The values and systems that guide our actions, particularly in the context of scientific advancements, must be clearly defined and documented. This was emphasized by drawing parallels to the US Constitution and the importance of putting ideals into a formal structure. The speaker highlighted the need for an open environment for science, the importance of an inclusive, transparent process, and the necessity of regulatory infrastructures. The UK's approach to regulating genetic engineering and human fertilization was cited as an example of a thoughtful, cost-benefit analysis-driven system. Ultimately, society should define red lines beyond which we don't go, but these lines may change over time. The process of establishing these guidelines should involve open debate and a democratic vote.

    • Ethical Boundaries for Genetic Engineering and Embryo SelectionAs societies advance in genetic engineering and embryo selection, they will need to collectively decide on ethical boundaries to ensure individual freedom and diversity, while avoiding societal competition and potential eugenics.

      As we advance in technology, particularly in the realm of genetic engineering and embryo selection, there will be a growing debate about what standards we should set for acceptable societal practices. The Nuremberg trials after World War II set international standards against human experimentation, but similar considerations may arise in the future regarding genetic engineering and embryo selection. Societies may compete with each other in how they organize and select their population based on various criteria. Some may prioritize genetic enhancements for intelligence, athletic prowess, or other desirable traits. Others may resist such practices and value individual freedom and diversity. As we move forward, we will need to collectively decide on the ethical boundaries for genetic engineering and embryo selection, and the consequences of these decisions will shape the future of our societies.

    • Navigating the Pressures of Uniformity and Diversity in Human DevelopmentSociety may face a choice between uniformity and diversity in genetic enhancements and human development. Social pressures could push us towards uniformity, but diversity also holds value. The outcome is uncertain, and it will be intriguing to observe how society handles these complex issues.

      As society advances, we may face the question of whether to prioritize uniformity or diversity in genetic enhancements and other aspects of human development. The speaker suggests that social pressures could lead us towards uniformity, as people tend to want what is rewarded in society. However, there could also be value in diversity, and some may choose to optimize for specific traits, leading to oscillation between the two. Additionally, the possibility of funnels, where certain groups of humans colonize new environments and develop distinct traits, could lead to the emergence of new species or subspecies. Ultimately, the outcome of these competing pressures is uncertain, and it will be interesting to see how society navigates these complex issues.

    • The pursuit of immortality: a natural human desirePeople have long sought immortality, with ongoing debate on feasibility and ethics, while the jellyfish offers an intriguing example, but human complexity poses challenges.

      The pursuit of immortality is a natural human desire that has been a part of our evolution since the emergence of Homo sapiens. These ancient beings, whom we now refer to as homoblians, would likely look at us with awe as we strive for immortality in this new reality. However, the feasibility and ethical implications of achieving immortality are subjects of ongoing debate. Some argue that the finitude of life gives it meaning, while others believe that the advancement of science, particularly in the field of human life extension, can lead to a longer, healthier existence. The jellyfish, an immortal species, provides an intriguing example, but its biology is vastly different from ours. The complexity of the human body, with its numerous systems and parts, poses significant challenges to the prospect of living forever. Despite these challenges, the pursuit of immortality continues to inspire scientists, entrepreneurs, and dreamers alike.

    • Exploring the concept of transferring consciousnessThe complexity of consciousness and identity makes the idea of uploading ourselves into synthetic organisms a philosophical and ethical challenge. Biology significantly contributes to our consciousness, and extending life in a healthy way is a more achievable goal.

      The possibility of transferring consciousness into synthetic organisms or other forms is an intriguing concept, but we are far from understanding the brain's workings well enough to achieve it. Our biology significantly contributes to our consciousness and identity, and the idea of uploading ourselves into the cloud raises questions about what we're truly trying to preserve. The speaker advocates for extending life in a healthy way and striving for immortality, but acknowledges the complexity of the issue. He also emphasizes the importance of challenging our beliefs and renewing ourselves, as nature has optimized for. Ultimately, the question of what we're trying to preserve and how we define ourselves raises complex philosophical and ethical questions that require further exploration.

    • Nature's Indifference to Our LongevityNature doesn't prioritize our longevity after reproduction, but we can explore ways to extend life, like freezing eggs or sperm, with potential risks and unknown consequences.

      Nature doesn't have a strong incentive for keeping us alive beyond our reproductive years. We are biologically driven to procreate, but once that need is met, nature doesn't care much about our longevity. This creates an opportunity for us to explore ways to extend our lives, such as slowing down our metabolism or freezing our eggs or sperm. The good news is that our bodies have some malleability, but we need to be cautious and consider the potential risks and unknown consequences of interventions. If you're planning to have children, freezing your eggs or sperm is a simple and relatively low-risk way to ensure you have the option to do so in the future. It's a small investment with the potential for a huge payoff.

    • The optimal ages for preserving eggs and sperm for reproductive purposesConsider freezing reproductive materials during estimated peak ages of 20 for men and 25 for women to potentially improve chances of successful reproduction and reduce potential passing of mutations to offspring.

      There are optimal ages for preserving eggs and sperm for reproductive purposes due to the body's natural aging process and the potential passing on of mutations to offspring. These peak ages are estimated to be around 20 for men and 25 for women. If one is considering freezing their reproductive materials, it may be beneficial to do so during these peak ages. Jamie Metzel, the author of "Hacking Darwin," discussed this topic in depth during the interview. To learn more about the book, visit jamiemetzel.com or hackingdarwin.com. For those who prefer a physical copy, local bookstores can be an option, with proper safety measures in place. To learn more about One Shared World, visit 1shared.world. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review to help build this community and deliver value to as many people as possible.

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    The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Hyperinflation (Do This NOW!) | Peter Schiff - PT 2

    The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Hyperinflation (Do This NOW!) | Peter Schiff - PT 2
    On this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, we welcome renowned economist and financial commentator Peter Schiff. Dive into an eye-opening discussion as Peter lays out his predictions for the U.S. political landscape, including the potential influence of Robert Kennedy Jr.'s support for Trump and the future of Kamala Harris amidst economic turmoil. Schiff critically analyzes the nation's economic policies, tackling inflation, Social Security, government's role, and the controversial impact of illegal immigrant votes on elections. He warns about the looming economic crises, discussing hyperinflation, the devaluation of the U.S. dollar, and the shift towards a gold standard. Peter also shares investment strategies to safeguard assets during turbulent times, emphasizing the importance of owning physical gold and foreign investments. This episode is packed with insights on the potential collapse of the service sector, the dangers of endless government deficits, and the historical context of voting rights. Tom Bilyeu challenges Schiff's viewpoints, making for a spirited and thought-provoking dialogue. Don't miss out on this in-depth analysis of the current economic and political climate as Peter Schiff sheds light on what lies ahead for America. SHOWNOTES Qualifications for voting and impact of government. Government regulation leads to higher consumer prices. Prepare for future expenses by buying strategically. Dollar crash leads to global consumption shift. More pressure to delay catastrophe, dollar weaponized. Seeking companies with strong investment and growth potential. Belief in fiat without intrinsic value. CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS Netsuite: Download the CFO’s Guide to AI and Machine Learning for free at https://impacttheory.co/netsuiteITsept  Range Rover: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://impacttheory.co/rangeroverITpodsept  Navage: Get a cleaning kit as a FREE gift with your order, but only by going to https://impacttheory.co/navageITpodsept24  Shopify: Sign up for a $1/month trial period at https://impacttheory.co/shopifyITpodsept  ZBiotics: Head to https://impacttheory.co/zbioticsITseptpod  and use the code IMPACT at checkout for 15% off. Found Banking: Sign up for Found for FREE today at https://impacttheory.co/foundITpodSept  Betterhelp: This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory and get 10% off your first month. AG1: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://www.drinkag1.com/impact  Aura: Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/impact to start your free two-week trial. FOLLOW TOM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tombilyeu?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/tombilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBilyeu What's up, everybody? It's Tom Bilyeu here. If you're serious about leveling up your life, I urge you to check out my new podcast, Tom Bilyeu’s Mindset Playbook —a goldmine of my most impactful episodes on mindset, business, and health. Trust me, your future self will thank you. LISTEN AD FREE + BONUS EPISODES on APPLE PODCASTS: apple.co/impacttheory FOLLOW TOM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tombilyeu?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/tombilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBilyeu What's up, everybody? It's Tom Bilyeu here. If you're serious about leveling up your life, I urge you to check out my new podcast, Tom Bilyeu’s Mindset Playbook —a goldmine of my most impactful episodes on mindset, business, and health. Trust me, your future self will thank you. LISTEN AD FREE + BONUS EPISODES on APPLE PODCASTS: apple.co/impacttheory Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
    enSeptember 11, 2024

    The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Hyperinflation (Do This NOW!) | Peter Schiff - PT 1

    The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Hyperinflation (Do This NOW!) | Peter Schiff - PT 1
    On this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, we welcome renowned economist and financial commentator Peter Schiff. Dive into an eye-opening discussion as Peter lays out his predictions for the U.S. political landscape, including the potential influence of Robert Kennedy Jr.'s support for Trump and the future of Kamala Harris amidst economic turmoil. Schiff critically analyzes the nation's economic policies, tackling inflation, Social Security, government's role, and the controversial impact of illegal immigrant votes on elections. He warns about the looming economic crises, discussing hyperinflation, the devaluation of the U.S. dollar, and the shift towards a gold standard. Peter also shares investment strategies to safeguard assets during turbulent times, emphasizing the importance of owning physical gold and foreign investments. This episode is packed with insights on the potential collapse of the service sector, the dangers of endless government deficits, and the historical context of voting rights. Tom Bilyeu challenges Schiff's viewpoints, making for a spirited and thought-provoking dialogue. Don't miss out on this in-depth analysis of the current economic and political climate as Peter Schiff sheds light on what lies ahead for America. SHOWNOTES 00:00 Government manipulates inflation numbers to increase spending. 17:40 Politicians use inflation to avoid honest default. 30:14 Analyzing argument by mapping human flourishing. 33:26 Honesty, debt reduction, enhanced productivity through AI. 44:42 Public treasuries burden current expenses, dollar outlook. 53:13 Harris claims success, promises change, questions arise. 01:07:48 Voter ID laws and eligibility for voting. CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS Netsuite: Download the CFO’s Guide to AI and Machine Learning for free at https://impacttheory.co/netsuiteITsept  Range Rover: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://impacttheory.co/rangeroverITpodsept  Navage: Get a cleaning kit as a FREE gift with your order, but only by going to https://impacttheory.co/navageITpodsept24  Shopify: Sign up for a $1/month trial period at https://impacttheory.co/shopifyITpodsept  ZBiotics: Head to https://impacttheory.co/zbioticsITseptpod  and use the code IMPACT at checkout for 15% off. Found Banking: Sign up for Found for FREE today at https://impacttheory.co/foundITpodSept  Betterhelp: This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory and get 10% off your first month. AG1: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://www.drinkag1.com/impact  Aura: Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/impact to start your free two-week trial. FOLLOW TOM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tombilyeu?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/tombilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBilyeu What's up, everybody? It's Tom Bilyeu here. If you're serious about leveling up your life, I urge you to check out my new podcast, Tom Bilyeu’s Mindset Playbook —a goldmine of my most impactful episodes on mindset, business, and health. Trust me, your future self will thank you. LISTEN AD FREE + BONUS EPISODES on APPLE PODCASTS: apple.co/impacttheory Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
    enSeptember 10, 2024

    AI Revolution: Prepare for the Biggest Economic Threat! | Raoul Pal (Replay)

    AI Revolution: Prepare for the Biggest Economic Threat! | Raoul Pal (Replay)
    The best part of this episode is considering a range of possibilities across a spectrum of the implications of artificial intelligence. Raoul Pal joins Tom this time to deep dive on what kind of economic threat A.I. could be to the global economy. Raoul Pal is a retired hedge fund manager who co-founded Real Vision, a financial media company that offers interviews and publications from the world’s best investors. A few reason this conversation will get you thinking even deeper on AI and the economy: To get informed now and decide how you respond to the arrival of the next level of AI. AI also allows us to do things we weren’t able to because we either lacked the talent or the skill This recession has been miserable but it’s still a natural cycle for us to go through Raoul shares his insights on if we’ve hit the bottom and are bouncing back or if we should proceed with even greater caution than before [Original air date: 3-21-23]. Follow Raoul Paul: Website: https://www.realvision.com/  Twitter: https://twitter.com/RaoulGMI  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raoulgmi/  YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@RealVisionFinance CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS Netsuite: Download the CFO’s Guide to AI and Machine Learning for free at https://impacttheory.co/netsuiteITsept  Range Rover: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://impacttheory.co/rangeroverITpodsept  Navage: Get a cleaning kit as a FREE gift with your order, but only by going to https://impacttheory.co/navageITpodsept24  Shopify: Sign up for a $1/month trial period at https://impacttheory.co/shopifyITpodsept  ZBiotics: Head to https://impacttheory.co/zbioticsITseptpod  and use the code IMPACT at checkout for 15% off. Found Banking: Sign up for Found for FREE today at https://impacttheory.co/foundITpodSept  Betterhelp: This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory and get 10% off your first month. AG1: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://www.drinkag1.com/impact  Aura: Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/impact to start your free two-week trial. FOLLOW TOM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tombilyeu?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/tombilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBilyeu What's up, everybody? It's Tom Bilyeu here. If you're serious about leveling up your life, I urge you to check out my new podcast, Tom Bilyeu’s Mindset Playbook —a goldmine of my most impactful episodes on mindset, business, and health. Trust me, your future self will thank you. LISTEN AD FREE + BONUS EPISODES on APPLE PODCASTS: apple.co/impacttheory Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
    enSeptember 09, 2024

    Tom Bilyeu Q&A: Simulation Theory and Silencing the Monkey Mind (Replay)

    Tom Bilyeu Q&A: Simulation Theory and Silencing the Monkey Mind (Replay)
    Dr. Finesse (@mrchristopherMD) and Tom Bilyeu answer question from the community. Including: Simulation Theory Silencing the "Monkey Mind" Mantras for when you're feeling down Tackling identity and more... Tom Bilyeu is the co-founder of 2014 Inc. 500 company Quest Nutrition — a unicorn startup valued at over $1 billion — and the co-founder and host of Impact Theory. Impact Theory is a first-of-its-kind company designed to facilitate global change through the incubation of mission-based businesses and the cultivation of empowering content. Every piece of content Impact Theory creates is meant to underscore the company mission to free people from The Matrix and help them unlock their true potential. Impact Theory exists to inspire the next generation of game-changing companies and creators that will make a true and lasting impact on the world. [Original air date: 5-14-17]. CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS Netsuite: Download the CFO’s Guide to AI and Machine Learning for free at https://impacttheory.co/netsuiteITsept  Range Rover: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://impacttheory.co/rangeroverITpodsept  Navage: Get a cleaning kit as a FREE gift with your order, but only by going to https://impacttheory.co/navageITpodsept24  Shopify: Sign up for a $1/month trial period at https://impacttheory.co/shopifyITpodsept  ZBiotics: Head to https://impacttheory.co/zbioticsITseptpod  and use the code IMPACT at checkout for 15% off. Found Banking: Sign up for Found for FREE today at https://impacttheory.co/foundITpodSept  Betterhelp: This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory and get 10% off your first month. AG1: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://www.drinkag1.com/impact  Aura: Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/impact to start your free two-week trial. FOLLOW TOM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tombilyeu?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/tombilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBilyeu What's up, everybody? It's Tom Bilyeu here. If you're serious about leveling up your life, I urge you to check out my new podcast, Tom Bilyeu’s Mindset Playbook —a goldmine of my most impactful episodes on mindset, business, and health. Trust me, your future self will thank you. LISTEN AD FREE + BONUS EPISODES on APPLE PODCASTS: apple.co/impacttheory Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
    enSeptember 07, 2024

    Is America Declining Like the Roman Empire? | Bret Weinstein - PT 2

    Is America Declining Like the Roman Empire? | Bret Weinstein - PT 2
    In this compelling episode of Impact Theory, join host Tom Bilyeu and guest Dr. Bret Weinstein for a thought-provoking exploration of societal issues, personal empowerment, and intellectual growth. Tom recounts a powerful story of someone who secured a high-paying job through goal-setting and belief, emphasizing the importance of actionable skills and a growth mindset. Dr. Bret Weinstein delves into controversial topics, from the evolution of human bonding mechanisms to the dismissal of logic and science as exclusively "white." They discuss the dangerous implications of cancel culture, the attack on public truth-seeking institutions, and the potential manipulation by powerful elites. The episode also examines the interplay between empathy and personal responsibility, the friction between big ideas and practical execution, and the crucial balance of mutual respect in political discourse. Tune in as they navigate these intricate subjects, aiming to inspire informed debate and a deeper understanding of our complex world. SHOWNOTES 00:00 Feeling the momentum towards disunity and conflict. 13:06 Living by your principles limits societal influence. 21:36 Preserve opportunities, liberate people, enable individual advancement. 40:27 Climate science lacks open, countervailing evidence. 43:58 Elite collusion, control, and agendas in society. 59:36 Dynamic tension between polite society and radicals. 01:03:51 Honest exploration on both sides; no responsibility. 01:16:41 Fear of enlightenment and resistance to change. 01:30:52 Rejecting and celebrating people based on beliefs. 01:44:50 Data analysis uncovers surprising and fascinating insights. 01:50:21 Democratic party aligning with Black Lives Matter dangerously. 02:00:18 Eliminate abuse, promote freedom, improve education system. 02:16:24 Understanding and preventing rape and genocide. 02:23:33 Market drives exploration of suspect motives in erotica. 02:30:11 Distinctions between populations not based in genes. 02:41:04 Belief in conspiracy involving Gates and vaccines. 02:49:01 Inappropriate and offensive comments about son and Jews. CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS Shopify: Sign up for a $1/month trial period at https://impacttheory.co/shopifyITpodsept  Range Rover: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://impacttheory.co/rangeroverITpodsept  Butcherbox: Go to https://impacttheory.co/butcherboxpodSept24  and use code IMPACT at checkout to earn a free protein in every box for a YEAR, plus an exclusive discount off on your first box. Navage: Get a cleaning kit as a FREE gift with your order, but only by going to https://impacttheory.co/navageITpodsept24  Netsuite: Download the CFO’s Guide to AI and Machine Learning for free at https://impacttheory.co/netsuiteITsept  AG1: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://www.drinkag1.com/impact  Aura: Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/impact to start your free two-week trial. FOLLOW TOM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tombilyeu?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/tombilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBilyeu What's up, everybody? It's Tom Bilyeu here. If you're serious about leveling up your life, I urge you to check out my new podcast, Tom Bilyeu’s Mindset Playbook —a goldmine of my most impactful episodes on mindset, business, and health. Trust me, your future self will thank you. LISTEN AD FREE + BONUS EPISODES on APPLE PODCASTS: apple.co/impacttheory Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
    enSeptember 06, 2024

    Is America Declining Like the Roman Empire? | Bret Weinstein - PT 1

    Is America Declining Like the Roman Empire? | Bret Weinstein - PT 1
    In this compelling episode of Impact Theory, join host Tom Bilyeu and guest Dr. Bret Weinstein for a thought-provoking exploration of societal issues, personal empowerment, and intellectual growth. Tom recounts a powerful story of someone who secured a high-paying job through goal-setting and belief, emphasizing the importance of actionable skills and a growth mindset. Dr. Bret Weinstein delves into controversial topics, from the evolution of human bonding mechanisms to the dismissal of logic and science as exclusively "white." They discuss the dangerous implications of cancel culture, the attack on public truth-seeking institutions, and the potential manipulation by powerful elites. The episode also examines the interplay between empathy and personal responsibility, the friction between big ideas and practical execution, and the crucial balance of mutual respect in political discourse. Tune in as they navigate these intricate subjects, aiming to inspire informed debate and a deeper understanding of our complex world. SHOWNOTES 00:00 Feeling the momentum towards disunity and conflict. 13:06 Living by your principles limits societal influence. 21:36 Preserve opportunities, liberate people, enable individual advancement. 40:27 Climate science lacks open, countervailing evidence. 43:58 Elite collusion, control, and agendas in society. 59:36 Dynamic tension between polite society and radicals. 01:03:51 Honest exploration on both sides; no responsibility. 01:16:41 Fear of enlightenment and resistance to change. 01:30:52 Rejecting and celebrating people based on beliefs. 01:44:50 Data analysis uncovers surprising and fascinating insights. 01:50:21 Democratic party aligning with Black Lives Matter dangerously. 02:00:18 Eliminate abuse, promote freedom, improve education system. 02:16:24 Understanding and preventing rape and genocide. 02:23:33 Market drives exploration of suspect motives in erotica. 02:30:11 Distinctions between populations not based in genes. 02:41:04 Belief in conspiracy involving Gates and vaccines. 02:49:01 Inappropriate and offensive comments about son and Jews. CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS Shopify: Sign up for a $1/month trial period at https://impacttheory.co/shopifyITpodsept  Range Rover: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://impacttheory.co/rangeroverITpodsept  Butcherbox: Go to https://impacttheory.co/butcherboxpodSept24  and use code IMPACT at checkout to earn a free protein in every box for a YEAR, plus an exclusive discount off on your first box. Navage: Get a cleaning kit as a FREE gift with your order, but only by going to https://impacttheory.co/navageITpodsept24  Netsuite: Download the CFO’s Guide to AI and Machine Learning for free at https://impacttheory.co/netsuiteITsept  AG1: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://www.drinkag1.com/impact  Aura: Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/impact to start your free two-week trial. FOLLOW TOM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tombilyeu?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/tombilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBilyeu What's up, everybody? It's Tom Bilyeu here. If you're serious about leveling up your life, I urge you to check out my new podcast, Tom Bilyeu’s Mindset Playbook —a goldmine of my most impactful episodes on mindset, business, and health. Trust me, your future self will thank you. LISTEN AD FREE + BONUS EPISODES on APPLE PODCASTS: apple.co/impacttheory Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
    enSeptember 05, 2024

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    ➡️ https://moolecscience.com/

    ➡️ https://rosspalmer.com/gaston-paladini

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