
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Science of Marijuana and CBD with Dr. Stacy GruberMarijuana's negative connotation is outdated, it's more accurate to consider it a weed rather than a drug, and research into cannabinoids and CBD is revealing potential benefits.

      While marijuana legislation lags behind scientific understanding and data, research into cannabinoids and CBD is advancing. Dr. Stacy Gruber, an expert in the field, returns to StarTalk to discuss her research and answer audience questions. The conversation reveals that marijuana's negative connotation is outdated, and it's more accurate to consider it a weed rather than a drug. Dr. Gruber, affectionately known as the "pot doc," shares her experiences in the field and discusses the potential benefits of cannabis. The show's unique blend of science, pop culture, and audience participation continues to explore the cosmic curiosity surrounding this topic.

    • From Disparagement to Acceptance: The Transformative Power of CannabisDoctor Sanjay Gupta's CNN documentary changed the narrative around cannabis in the US from potential harm to medical applications, specifically CBD, leading to the rise of Charlotte's Web, a high CBD strain, and the treatment of severe seizure disorders in children.

      Sanjay Gupta, a well-known doctor, changed the narrative around cannabis in the US through a CNN documentary. Initially, the focus was on potential negative impacts on the developing brain. However, the story evolved to highlight the medical applications of non-intoxicating compounds like CBD. This shift was significant as it introduced the concept of using CBD from Charlotte's Web, a high CBD strain, to treat children with severe seizure disorders, such as Charlotte Figi, who went from having hundreds of seizures a week to being almost seizure-free. This transformation, often referred to as a "weed reverse," showcased the therapeutic potential of cannabis, turning the narrative around from disparagement to acceptance. Charlotte's Web, named after the girl, continues to be a symbol of hope and transformation in the cannabis industry.

    • Long-term effects of real-world cannabis use for medical purposes studiedA first-of-its-kind longitudinal observational study explores how people use cannabis, its impact on the brain over time, and the role of the endocannabinoid system.

      The first study of its kind is currently being conducted to observe the long-term effects of real-world cannabis use for medical purposes. This longitudinal observational study, led by a neuroscientist with a PhD, aims to understand how people use cannabis products, their constituent profiles, and the resulting impact on the brain over an extended period. Unlike cross-sectional studies that provide a snapshot of data, longitudinal studies offer valuable insights into the real-world effects of cannabis use on various conditions. The endocannabinoid system, which includes cannabinoid receptors in the brain and body, plays a crucial role in the interaction between the body and cannabis. While every mammal has this system, it does not necessarily mean that exogenous cannabinoids, such as THC, should be used indiscriminately. Instead, research like this will help shed light on the potential benefits and risks of cannabis use for medical purposes.

    • Exploring the complex effects of cannabis compoundsCannabis contains over 400 compounds, including THC and CBD. THC binds to CB1 receptors, while CBD modulates effects through other receptors. Synergistic effects (entourage effect) of multiple cannabinoids may enhance therapeutic benefits. CBD, THC, and others may reduce inflammation, potentially beneficial for COVID and long COVID management.

      The complex makeup of cannabis, with over 400 compounds including over 100 phytocannabinoids, interacts with our endocannabinoid system in various ways. THC, the primary psychoactive compound, binds strongly to CB1 receptors in the brain, while CBD, a non-intoxicating compound, modulates its effects through different receptors like 5-HT1A and TRPV1. The synergistic effects of these compounds, known as the entourage effect, suggest that using multiple cannabinoids together may yield greater therapeutic benefits. Additionally, CBD and other cannabinoids have shown potential in reducing inflammation, which could be beneficial in managing conditions like COVID and long COVID. However, it's important to note that while these compounds may alleviate symptoms, they may not fully cure underlying issues.

    • CBD: A Protective Agent for Brain InjuriesCBD, a non-psychoactive compound, shows promise in protecting against brain injuries with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. More research is needed for human subjects and be aware of potential THC content in CBD products.

      CBD, a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis, has shown promising results in preclinical studies as a protective agent for traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). CBD is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to help injured rodents recover faster with less severity when administered before the injury. However, it's important to note that while these studies are promising, more human subject data is needed. Additionally, most CBD products are derived from hemp or cannabis and may contain other cannabinoids, including THC, which could potentially result in a positive drug screen.

    • Understanding CBD's impact on injuries and THC in drug testsCBD may help reduce injury severity, but human trials and genetic profiling are necessary to determine its effectiveness and potential side effects.

      While CBD may have trace amounts of THC leading to positive urine screens, it can help limit the severity and extent of injuries, especially in vulnerable populations like athletes. However, to fully understand its effectiveness, human trials are necessary, involving a control group undergoing standard treatment versus those adding CBD. Furthermore, research on the genetic profiling of individuals is crucial in determining who may benefit or not from CBD, as some people may have a genetic liability to negatively respond to cannabis due to differences in THC metabolism. The understanding of CBD, THC, and genetic profiles is still evolving but is starting to provide valuable insights.

    • Cannabinoids' Interaction with Drugs and Psychosis RiskCannabinoids like CBD and THC can interact with liver enzymes, affecting drug metabolism. Long-term THC use may increase psychosis risk in those with a family history, but CBD may help with psychosis and treats conditions like pain, nausea, muscle spasticity, and seizures.

      Cannabinoids, particularly CBD and THC, interact with the cytochrome p450 enzyme system in our livers, affecting how drugs are metabolized. This interaction can be significant and potentially harmful, depending on what other substances one may be using. Long-term use of cannabis, especially THC, may increase the likelihood of psychotic behaviors in individuals with a family history of schizophrenia. However, CBD has been shown to potentially help with psychosis and has been successfully used to treat conditions such as chronic pain, nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy, muscle spasticity from MS, and intractable pediatric onset seizure disorders. It's essential to treat these constituents as individual substances and not as one thing. And finally, the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine found evidence for the effectiveness of cannabis and cannabinoids in treating the "big three" conditions: chronic pain, nausea and vomiting, and muscle spasticity, as well as intractable pediatric onset seizure disorders.

    • The Use of Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Sports and HealthCannabis and cannabinoids like CBD and CBC have shown potential benefits for anxiety, muscle recovery, and inflammation. However, more empirical data is needed. Myths about cannabis being a gateway drug or causing jazz music-loving states are not supported by science.

      While there is promising evidence for the use of cannabis and cannabinoids in areas such as anxiety and muscle recovery, there is not yet conclusive empirically sound data. However, some constituents like CBD and CBC have shown anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects, which can help the body recover faster from injuries or inflammation. This is why athletes use CBD and other cannabinoids. Another common myth about cannabis is that it turns users into jazz music-loving, drug-induced fugue states, but in fact, this is not supported by science. Another myth is that cannabis is a gateway drug, but research suggests that the correlation between cannabis use and other drug use is not causation. Overall, the use of cannabis and cannabinoids should be approached with an informed perspective, taking into account both the potential benefits and risks.

    • Factors driving cannabis use may lead to trying other drugsCannabis use doesn't directly cause addiction or trying other drugs, but common factors may contribute to both.

      While cannabis use can increase the likelihood of trying other drugs, it's not the cannabis itself that's causing this effect. Instead, the common factors driving cannabis use may be leading people to explore other substances. Regarding addiction, while some people can develop a problem with cannabis, the percentage is relatively small compared to other substances. However, it's important to note that today's cannabis is more potent than in the past, which may increase the difficulty for some users. The distinction between biochemical dependence and enjoyment-based use is not always clear-cut, as both can lead to similar neural responses. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to get a ticket for speeding while under the influence of marijuana. The type of high (sativa, indica, or hybrid) depends on the specific strain and its chemical composition, not on the growing conditions or lights used.

    • Differences Between Cannabis Species and Chemical PropertiesCannabis species and chemovars are all hybrids, with unique chemical properties. Growing techniques optimize growth and flowering, but plants don't live 24-hour days. Drugs that normalize users can lead to addiction, and more research is needed on cannabis' impact on the developing brain.

      While there are different species and chemical varieties (chemovars) of cannabis, such as indica and sativa, most experts agree that there are no pure strains left and they are all hybrids. The distinction between them lies in their unique chemical properties, not how they are grown. Growers use specialized lights and schedules to optimize growth and flowering, but the plants do not live 24-hour days. Regarding the question of a drug keeping one in an altered state indefinitely, the answer is that such a state would not be considered altered anymore, as it would become the new normal. It's important to remember that contrast and balance are essential, and drugs that normalize users can lead to addiction. As for the effects of cannabis on the developing brain, more research is needed to fully understand the risks and potential dangers.

    • Adolescence is a critical time for brain development and cannabis use can impact it negativelyDuring adolescence, cannabis use can negatively affect the development of the frontal cortex, leading to daily living difficulties, but it may help manage chronic pain and reduce the use of conventional pain meds.

      The brain is still developing during adolescence and is vulnerable to substances like cannabis. The frontal cortex, which is responsible for executive functions, is the last part of the brain to fully develop. Exposure to cannabis during adolescence, especially frequent and heavy use, can negatively impact the development of the frontal cortex and lead to difficulties with tasks important for daily living. However, there is evidence that cannabis, particularly THC and CBD, can help manage chronic pain. The NASEM report identified chronic pain as one of the three conditions for which medical cannabis may be effective. Additionally, studies have shown a reduction in the use of conventional pain medications like opioids and Benzodiazepines in people using medical cannabis.

    • Historical misconceptions and legal restrictions have limited doctors' use of cannabis and other botanicals for medicinal purposesDoctors need to increase their knowledge and openness towards the medicinal benefits of cannabis and other botanicals to improve patient care.

      There's a significant lack of knowledge and willingness among doctors to utilize cannabis and other botanicals for medicinal purposes due to misconceptions and misunderstandings. This issue dates back to ancient times when cannabis was part of the pharmacopeia, but its use was later restricted due to legislation. However, with growing interest in the therapeutic applications of hallucinogenic substances, there's potential for rediscovering the medicinal benefits of various plants, including cannabis. Doctor Stacy Gruber emphasizes the importance of healthcare professionals gaining a better understanding of cannabis and its uses to improve patient care. Overall, there's a need for more research and open-mindedness towards the potential benefits of botanical medicines.

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