
    Taking a Hit with Dr. Staci Gruber and Ricky Williams

    en-usJuly 22, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Ricky Williams' Advocacy for CBD in SportsFormer NFL star Ricky Williams, now an advocate for CBD, shares his experiences using cannabis for therapeutic benefits during his career and promotes CBD's acceptance in sports and beyond.

      Former NFL running back and Heisman Trophy winner, Ricky Williams, who openly used cannabis during his professional sports career despite facing numerous fines and suspensions, is now using his experiences to promote the medical benefits of CBD. Williams, who is now known as Eric Myron and is studying traditional oriental medicine, is the force behind the Heismann brand, which supplies a range of CBD products. During his sports career, Williams used cannabis for its therapeutic effects, but he was not aware of the medical community's perspective on its benefits at the time. Now, he is advocating for the acceptance and use of CBD in sports and beyond. His story highlights the evolving understanding of cannabis and its potential medicinal value.

    • Former NFL player Ricky Williams' journey of self-discoveryRicky Williams, a former NFL player, traveled the world, discovered a passion for making people feel good, and pursued a career in stand-up comedy, challenging societal norms and seeking fulfillment beyond traditional expectations.

      Ricky Williams, a former NFL player, made a conscious decision to change his name and pursue a new path in life based on personal beliefs and values. He questioned traditional norms, such as women taking their husband's surname, and sought to extend the feminine line. After retiring from football, he traveled the world, discovered a passion for making people feel good, and pursued a career in stand-up comedy. Williams also shared his exploration of alternative medical systems, specifically Ayurveda, which emphasizes providing qualities to keep individuals in balance rather than just taking pills for symptoms. Overall, Williams' story highlights the importance of self-discovery, challenging societal norms, and seeking fulfillment in life beyond traditional expectations.

    • Understanding the impact of food, experiences, and seasons on our bodies and mindsSelf-awareness, living in harmony with seasons, and staying true to oneself are crucial for maintaining balance and overall well-being.

      Our bodies and minds respond differently to various foods, experiences, and seasons. Eric's journey in Ayurveda helped him understand this concept, which resonated with him after his football career. He learned that it's essential to adapt and live in harmony with these changes to maintain balance. Eric's decision to be true to himself, despite the financial consequences, showed that valuing authenticity is priceless. Looking back, he feels satisfied knowing that his stance and lifestyle have contributed to a shift in the NFL's approach to cannabis use. Eric's story highlights the importance of self-awareness, living in accordance with the seasons, and staying true to oneself.

    • Cannabis use and unequal treatment in sportsHistorical stigma against cannabis use disproportionately affects people of color in sports, but recent conversations and shifts in perception are challenging unequal treatment and promoting wellness

      The historical stigma surrounding cannabis use, particularly for people of color, has led to unequal treatment and punishment in various contexts, including in sports. The cases of Sha'Carri Richardson and Brittney Griner serve as recent examples of this issue. However, public conversations around these incidents and the growing acknowledgement of cannabis as a wellness tool rather than a substance abuse issue have started to shift the narrative. The NFL players union is one example of this shift, recognizing cannabis as a wellness issue and removing it as a negotiating point. As the societal perception of cannabis continues to evolve, it's important to consider the historical context and strive for more equitable treatment and understanding.

    • Eric Goode's Heisman Brand Challenges Negative Perceptions of MarijuanaEntrepreneur Eric Goode launched Heisman to promote positive aspects of marijuana, categorizing products for pregame, halftime, and postgame effects.

      Eric Goode, a "blippy" and "blurb," broke into the marijuana business with the brand Heisman, aiming to challenge negative perceptions and highlight the wellness benefits of cannabis. He previously launched Real Wellness, focusing on CBD, but saw potential in the THC space. Goode's definition of mental health revolves around feeling good from the inside, and he noticed that cannabis helped him address his mental health issues. He categorizes his products into three groups - pregame, halftime, and postgame - to help consumers understand the effects of cannabis and what they do after use. For those interested in entering the weed business, Goode emphasizes the potential benefits and positive aspects of cannabis compared to alcohol. He encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to consider their role in changing perceptions and contributing to the industry's growth.

    • Exploring the Universe: Traditional and Modern ApproachesThe universe inspires intellectual curiosity and fascination, with individuals drawn to traditional and modern methods to explore its mysteries.

      No matter what your skills or interests are, there's a place for you in the large and growing cannabis industry. Our conversation revealed that even when high, people can have intellectual ambitions and be fascinated by the universe and its order. Neil expressed a longing for the traditional way of finding stars and planets in the night sky, despite the convenience of modern apps. Eric, an academic, sees the universe as a primary driver in his life and is building an app for personal use to better understand its intricacies. The discussion also touched upon the interconnectedness of time and space, and the complexity of orbital dynamics in space travel. Ultimately, the conversation showcased the various ways in which people are drawn to the universe and the unique perspectives it offers, whether through traditional methods or modern technology.

    • Trusting the Laws of Physics and Building a Foundation for Understanding CannabisThe success of scientific discoveries relies on accuracy and double-checking, while the unknown factors in nature are represented by Maxwell's demons. In cannabis business, starting with a foundation of three products sparks conversation and community building for further exploration.

      The success of scientific discoveries and calculations relies heavily on the accuracy of the underlying principles and formulas, as well as the diligent double-checking of results. The confidence in these discoveries comes from the trust in the laws of physics and the certainty that they will consistently apply. However, there is always the possibility of unexpected variables or errors, such as the infamous Mars probe incident caused by unit conversion errors. Maxwell's demons, a concept from the late 19th century, represent the unknown factors in nature that we don't yet fully understand. In the context of Heisman's cannabis business, the goal is to start a conversation and build a community around the use and understanding of cannabis and its effects on internal emotions. The initial focus on three products serves as a foundation for further exploration and expansion in the future.

    • Heisman Winner Eric Myron's Journey in Cannabis IndustryHeisman winner Eric Myron emphasizes the importance of using cannabis for healing rather than just selling, and encourages considering data from countries with legal cannabis to gain valuable insights.

      The Heisman Trophy winner, Eric Myron, is using his experiences and expertise to move forward in the cannabis industry, focusing on healing rather than just selling. This discussion brought up the importance of considering data from countries where cannabis is more legally accepted, which can provide valuable insights into usage patterns and potential benefits. Additionally, the stereotype of cannabis users being demotivated was questioned, with factors such as frequency, developmental stage, and quality of the cannabis being important considerations. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and potential positive impacts of cannabis use, especially when approached from a healing perspective.

    • Understanding Cannabis Strains and EffectsCannabis strains have unique constituents affecting individuals differently based on metabolism and genetics. THC, CBD, terpenes, and terpenoids play significant roles. Explore different strains for optimal effects, and destigmatize medicinal use.

      Cannabis, like other plants, has various strains or cultivars with unique constituents that can produce different effects on individuals due to their unique metabolism and genetic profiles. THC and CBD are not the only compounds to consider; terpenes and terpenoids, the essential oils in cannabis, also play a significant role in determining the effects. Some people may experience productivity and creativity, while others may feel more sedated. It's essential to understand that cannabis use is not a one-size-fits-all solution and that individuals should explore different strains and combinations to find what works best for them. Additionally, destigmatizing the conversation around cannabis use for medicinal purposes is crucial, as people use it for various reasons beyond just recreational use. Eric's range of products, focusing on pregame alertness, halftime anti-inflammatory and calming, and postgame pain relief and relaxation, highlights the potential of cannabis for addressing specific ailments and conditions. The ongoing research and conversation around cannabis are essential for understanding its full potential and benefits.

    • NFL invests in marijuana research for pain management and concussion treatmentsThe NFL is investing in marijuana research for potential pain management and concussion treatments, while WADA reviews its ban on marijuana, considering its therapeutic effects are similar to substances like aspirin and ibuprofen.

      Mental health is a significant focus area in 2022, with organizations like the NFL investing in research on marijuana and its components for pain management and concussion treatments. Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Gruber, emphasizes the importance of understanding real-world experiences to guide best practices. The NFL's $1,000,000 grant for studies on marijuana's efficacy is a testament to the growing interest in this field. WADA, the World Anti Doping Agency, is also reviewing its ban on marijuana. Dr. Gruber expects a holistic approach from WADA, considering that substances with similar therapeutic effects to cannabis, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, are not banned. The endocannabinoid system in the body, which produces chemicals that bind to cannabinoid receptors, has made significant progress in research. While we may be wired for weed, the primary function of the endocannabinoid system is not for getting high but for maintaining homeostasis in the body.

    • Understanding the Endocannabinoid SystemThe endocannabinoid system is a natural part of our bodies, responsible for regulating various functions. It interacts with cannabinoids from both our bodies and plants, and research is ongoing to understand these interactions.

      Our bodies have an endogenous system called the endocannabinoid system, which is made up of receptors and chemicals that interact with cannabinoids from both our bodies and plants like cannabis. This system is not for smoking weed, but rather for regulating various functions in our bodies. The endocannabinoids, such as anandamide and 2-AG, bind to their respective receptors and get broken down by enzymes. The plant cannabis contains over 120 phytocannabinoids that can interact with our endocannabinoid system, and researchers are still studying how these interactions occur. The endocannabinoid system is not designed for the use of heroin or other drugs, but these substances can exploit it. Indigenous tribes believed that altered states were necessary for healing, but it's unclear if healing in a non-altered state is less effective or not. Healing can be mental or physical, and sometimes allowing oneself to be in an altered state may facilitate a more thorough and comprehensive healing process. However, it's important to note that being altered is not always necessary for healing.

    • Exploring potential benefits of psychedelicsSome people report positive shifts in consciousness and even addiction recovery after using substances like Ayahuasca, but more research is needed to understand their full potential benefits

      Some people report experiencing positive shifts in consciousness and even overcoming addictions after using substances like marijuana or hallucinogens, such as Ayahuasca. While the altered state may be necessary for these experiences, further research is being conducted to understand the potential benefits and applications in everyday life. For instance, Ayahuasca is being studied for its effectiveness in curing addiction. It's important to remember that everyone's experience is unique, and this discussion aims to explore these possibilities in a judgment-free zone.

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    Welcome back! Thank you for joining us, and if you haven’t already; please click that like or subscribe button…it helps us more than you know!

    We love our terpenes! If you’re not new, you know this. 

    If you’re new, know that the terpenes that you have in your cannabis will ultimately direct your high, similar to a road map. 

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    Today’s Show: 

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    Disclaimer: The content provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only and should Not be considered medical advice. The hosts and guests are not medical professionals, and their opinions are based on personal research and experiences. It is always recommended to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any medical decisions or changes to your treatment plan. This podcast does not endorse or promote the use of cannabis for medical purposes without the supervision of a licensed healthcare provider.”

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