
    Crabs Eat Everything Around Me, Part 1

    enNovember 16, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The future of AI and its impact on various industriesAI is transforming industries like healthcare, retail, entertainment, and personal computing. Be aware of information sources and their potential biases when searching online.

      Artificial intelligence is expected to play a significant role in shaping the future, and various industries like health care, retail, entertainment, and personal computing are already leveraging AI for transformation. Meanwhile, podcasts like Technically Speaking and Conversations with UNK offer insights into diverse topics and provide encouragement and advice. Interestingly, when searching for information about crabs online, the search results are quite intriguing. Instead of the expected Wikipedia page for crabs, the first few results are seafood restaurants trying to sell crab legs and drawn butter, followed by health nodes about pubic lice. It's only after several results that the actual information about crabs as decapod crustaceans appears. This unusual search result sequence highlights the importance of being aware of the information sources and their potential biases. Overall, the future holds exciting possibilities with AI at the forefront, and there's always something new to learn from podcasts and online searches. So, whether you're exploring the latest technology, seeking life advice, or learning about crabs, there's always something new and interesting to discover.

    • Google's algorithms serve users with content related to past searches and interestsGoogle prioritizes personalized content, serving users with crab-related material despite unusual interests, and recent discoveries in paleontology challenge our understanding of Earth's history, revealing that dinosaurs and crabs may have coexisted.

      Google's algorithms seem to prioritize serving users with content related to their past searches and interests, even if those interests might seem unusual or unrelated to others. This was illustrated through a discussion about the speaker's apparent obsession with crabs and how Google kept serving him crab-related content. Additionally, the conversation touched upon fascinating discoveries in the field of paleontology, including a well-preserved crab fossil found in amber and studies suggesting that dinosaurs and crabs may have coexisted. These findings challenge our understanding of the Earth's history and offer intriguing insights into the lives of ancient creatures. Furthermore, a coprolite study revealed that some megaherbivorous dinosaurs may have consumed crustaceans, adding to the complexity of their diets and behaviors. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of continued exploration and discovery in various fields, as well as the seemingly limitless mysteries that the natural world holds.

    • Dinosaur Feces Reveal Crustacean ConsumptionNew evidence suggests that some dinosaurs may have eaten crustaceans intentionally for nutritional benefits or pleasure.

      Giant herbivorous dinosaurs like hadrosaurs may have supplemented their vegetable diets with the consumption of crustaceans or crab-like animals based on the evidence found in fossilized dinosaur feces. The size of the crustacean shells suggests that these animals were not accidentally ingested, but rather intentionally eaten. The implications of this discovery raise intriguing questions about the digestive systems of these dinosaurs, their potential motivations for consuming crustaceans, and even the possibility of crabs eating dinosaurs. Despite the lack of definitive evidence, it is reasonable to assume that crabs would have consumed dinosaur meat if they had the opportunity, given their omnivorous tendencies. As we continue our exploration of crabs and their diets throughout the series, we will delve deeper into these fascinating discoveries and the mysteries they reveal about the ancient world.

    • Crabs' Diverse Feeding and Digestive AdaptationsCrabs have unique digestive systems with a gastric mill and 'gut teeth' to efficiently extract nutrients from diverse foods, including vegetation and meat.

      Crabs, as diverse members of the decapod crustaceans order, exhibit various feeding habits and possess unique digestive systems. Crabs, which live in various environments, consume a wide range of food, from vegetation to meat. Some crabs are omnivorous, while others are specialized hunters. Crabs use their claws to tear food into manageable pieces and employ various mouthparts to shred the food further. Once swallowed, crabs' digestive systems, including a gastric mill with "gut teeth," enable them to chew and extract maximum nutritional value from their food. This meticulous disassembly process is a testament to crabs' impressive feeding and digestive adaptations.

    • Crabs' natural food disassembly processCrabs have complex anatomy for food prep and communication, inspiring human tool innovation; Astepro offers fast-acting allergy relief

      Crabs have an impressive ability to disassemble their food both externally with their claws and internally with their gastric mill. This natural disassembly process is a reminder of how humans have historically devoted significant technological energy into creating tools for food preparation and consumption. The ghost crab even goes beyond the typical use of body parts for communication, as it can produce aggressive sounds using its gastric mill, freeing up its claws for display and attack. This discovery showcases the adaptability and complexity of crustacean anatomy. Additionally, Astepro, a sponsor of this discussion, offers a fast-acting, steroid-free nasal allergy spray, providing relief within 30 minutes, unlike other allergy sprays that take hours to start working.

    • Relief for allergies, hiring reliable employees, and protecting identityAstepro alleviates allergy symptoms, Snagajob connects to 6M hourly workers for hiring, and LifeLock safeguards against identity theft

      Astepro provides effective relief for indoor and outdoor allergy symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny and itchy nose, and sneezing. Meanwhile, in a different context, Straightforward with JB Smoove discusses practical solutions for dealing with challenging situations, like hiring reliable employees through Snagajob, which has access to over 6 million hourly workers. Additionally, protecting oneself from identity theft is crucial, with LifeLock offering identity theft protection and alerting users to potential threats. Lastly, crabs, while capable of eating humans, exhibit varying behaviors, from wanting to consume humans to simply scavenging on their remains. It's essential to be aware of these realities and take appropriate measures to address them. For more information, visit asteproallergy.com, snagajob.com, or lifelock.com/iheart.

    • Folklore belief of cannibalistic crabs after hurricanesWhile there's no scientific evidence supporting the belief that crabs consume human flesh after hurricanes, the idea persists in folklore and can impact crabbing as a human enterprise.

      Crabs, particularly after a hurricane, have been linked to folk wisdom warning against consuming them due to the possibility of them having previously fed on human flesh. This belief stems from the idea of cannibalism by proxy. While there are no definitive scientific studies on this topic, it is known that hurricanes can lead to an increase in dead sea life, including crabs, due to various environmental factors. This can impact crabbing as a human enterprise and potentially pose risks to consumers, although these risks are not unique to crabs. The notion of corpse-eating crabs has been explored in various films, adding to the popular belief. However, it's important to remember that this is a folklore belief and not based on solid scientific evidence.

    • Crabs aid in decomposing human bodies in waterCrabs help speed up the decomposition process in water environments by feeding on human remains, particularly open orifices and facial flesh. While they don't transmit cholera, they can carry it and pass it on if contaminated crab meat is consumed. Proper handling and cooking is necessary to prevent foodborne illnesses.

      Crabs play a significant role in the decomposition process of human bodies in water environments. They are particularly drawn to open orifices and facial flesh. Some crab species, like blue crabs and coconut crabs, are known to deflesh a body rapidly. While the idea of consuming crabs that have fed on human flesh may be off-putting to some due to cultural or superstitious reasons, it's important to note that crabs themselves do not transmit cholera. However, they can carry the bacteria and pass it on to humans if the contaminated crab meat is consumed. Therefore, proper handling and cooking of crabs and other shellfish is crucial to prevent the spread of cholera and other foodborne illnesses.

    • Crabs and Cholera: A Food Safety ConcernProperly cook and store crabs to prevent cholera infection, as the bacteria can attach to their shells from contaminated water sources.

      Consuming undercooked or improperly stored crabs can put individuals at risk for cholera infection. This is due to the cholera bacteria attaching itself to the shells of crabs and other shellfish, making them a potential source for human infections. Outbreaks linked to infected crabs have occurred due to contaminated water sources, often from sewage issues or runoff. It's essential to properly cook and store seafood to prevent the risk of cholera and other foodborne illnesses. While there is no evidence that a crab can directly contract cholera from a human, the bacteria can survive in the water and attach to the crab's shell, posing a risk when consumed by humans. The origins of this advice may have roots in folklore or historical outbreaks, but the importance of proper food handling remains relevant today.

    • Crabs are unlikely to intentionally harm or kill humansWhile crabs may pose a risk through contaminated food, they do not intentionally harm or kill humans

      While crabs, including the powerful coconut crab, may pose a threat to humans, it is unlikely that they would intentionally kill and eat us. The idea that Amelia Earhart was consumed by crabs is largely discredited and based on speculation. Crabs do not have the capacity to size up humans or figure out which part of the body to attack to finish us off. Instead, if a crab attacks a human, it is most likely just randomly pinching at whatever parts it can reach. However, crabs do pose a risk to humans, but not through intentional attacks. The greatest threat comes from consuming crabs that have eaten toxins and passing those toxins on to humans. It is important to ensure that seafood, including crabs, is properly cooked and stored to avoid foodborne illnesses.

    • Discoveries in the Ocean and Straightforward SolutionsThe ocean hides fascinating discoveries and straightforward solutions for everyday problems exist, like dealing with misbehaving kids or buying custom window treatments.

      Attempting to eat a live crab whole can be dangerous and potentially require a hospital visit. Instead, consider straightforward methods for dealing with misbehaving kids, such as ending the time for misconduct and requiring them to start paying bills. JB Smoove shares this advice on his podcast, Straightforward, which is inspired by the straightforward pricing from AT&T Fiber. Meanwhile, in the business world, Snagajob offers an all-in-one solution for hiring high-quality hourly workers with access to over 6 million active workers. Picasso simplifies the process of co-owning a luxury vacation home, while Blinds.com makes custom window treatments a minor project with major impact. During an ocean expedition in 2011, the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute discovered an intriguing phenomenon: methane hydrates. These are solid icy materials containing large amounts of methane alongside regular water molecules. Methane is a naturally forming hydrocarbon and the primary constituent of natural gas. It's also a byproduct of bacterial decomposition of organic matter buried in the sediment at the bottom of the ocean. This discovery, shared in a field recording on MBARI's YouTube channel, has captured the imagination of many, including the speaker in this discussion.

    • Methane hydrates: Ice trapping methane gas beneath the ocean floorAbundant methane hydrates beneath the ocean floor could release large amounts of methane gas, impacting climate change. Crabs can't grasp methane hydrates, highlighting their unpredictable behavior.

      Methane hydrates are a form of ice that can trap methane gas within its structure. This "fire ice" is believed to be abundant beneath the ocean floor, with estimates suggesting there could be up to 700,000,000,000,000 cubic feet of methane hydrates around the world. When disrupted, these hydrates can release a large amount of methane gas, which is a significant concern for climate change. Methane hydrates can form spontaneously when methane and very cold water mix under high pressure, like at the bottom of the ocean. In a 2011 video by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, a crab was observed attempting to grab methane bubbles at a depth of about 1260 meters. However, as the methane bubbles turned into methane hydrates upon contact with the crab's forelimbs, the crab was unable to grasp them. This unusual behavior highlights the potential for methane hydrates to form and release methane gas in unexpected ways.

    • Crabs Encountering Methane Hydrate: A Frozen SurpriseCrabs can inadvertently consume methane hydrate, a solid methane gas found in ocean sediments, which freezes their mouthparts. Some marine organisms, like methane ice worms, have adapted to thrive in methane-rich environments.

      Crabs may accidentally encounter and try to consume methane hydrate, a solid form of methane gas found in ocean sediments, which can freeze their mouth parts upon contact. This bizarre interaction is due to the high hardness of methane hydrate compared to regular water ice. Despite the challenges, crabs have been observed scraping off the frozen hydrate with their claws. This intriguing phenomenon highlights the unexpected ways animals can interact with naturally occurring hydrocarbons and the potential impact on their survival. Additionally, some marine organisms, such as methane ice worms, have evolved to thrive in environments where methane hydrates are abundant. This discovery sheds light on the complex relationships between marine life and the deep-sea environment.

    • New species of polychaete worm discovered near gas hydrateA new worm species, Cirso methanochola, was found near a gas hydrate, feeding on chemosynthetic bacteria that survive by metabolizing chemicals within the hydrate. The worms' grazing activities and oxygen supply aid in hydrate dissolution.

      Scientists discovered a large gas hydrate, a chunk of "fire ice," recently exposed on the ocean floor, which was inhabited by a new species of polychaete worm, Cirso methanochola. These worms survive by consuming chemosynthetic bacteria that colonize the surface of the gas hydrates. The bacteria metabolize chemicals within the hydrates to survive, and the worms feed on the bacterial mats. The worms' grazing activities and the oxygen they supply appear to contribute to the dissolution of hydrates in surface sediments. The discovery raises questions about the ecosystem around gas hydrates and the unique ways organisms can survive in extreme environments. The worms' appearance is also quite terrifying, with a bristling fuzziness and an enormous mouth, reminiscent of various terrifying creatures from popular culture.

    • Exploring diverse podcasts on social issues, pop culture, politics, and bedtime storiesListen to TMI, Sleep Tight Stories, and A Cross Generations podcasts for insightful discussions on social issues, pop culture, politics, and calming bedtime stories respectively. Subscribe on Black Effect Network, Iheartradio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

      There are various podcasts available on different platforms that aim to educate, entertain, and provide comfort to listeners. Tamika D. Mallory and The General host TMI, a podcast discussing social and civil rights issues, pop culture, and politics. Visible is their sponsor, offering a transparent wireless plan with unlimited 5G data for $25 a month. Sleep Tight Stories is another podcast, providing calming bedtime stories for children to help them fall asleep and stay asleep. Lastly, A Cross Generations, hosted by Tiffany Cross, brings together black women from different generations for intergenerational conversations. These podcasts offer a wide range of perspectives and topics, making it essential to explore and engage with them to broaden our horizons and make the world a better place. Listen to these podcasts on the Black Effect Network, Iheartradio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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