
    CZM Rewind: Hitler's Sex Life: The Whole Sad Story

    enSeptember 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Community and Connection in Uncertain TimesBuild meaningful social bonds, prepare for emergencies with neighbors, stay true to oneself, and debunk myths about historical figures.

      Community and connection are essential in uncertain times. Doctor Laurie Santos introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network, emphasizing the importance of building meaningful social bonds and preparing for emergencies with the people around you. Meanwhile, Amy Winehouse's biopic, "Back to Black," highlights the importance of being true to oneself and being remembered for who you are. In a lighter note, Lucky Land Casino encourages people to embrace luck and unexpected opportunities, no matter where they may occur. Lastly, Robert Evans' Behind the Bastards podcast episode on Hitler's sexuality sheds light on the importance of debunking myths and understanding historical figures as complex human beings.

    • Hitler's Personal Life and Rumors about His GenitaliaDespite extensive research, there is no definitive evidence to support rumors about Adolf Hitler's penis size or sexual prowess, but these speculations continue to intrigue historians and the public.

      The topic of Adolf Hitler's personal life, including rumors about his genitalia, has been a subject of fascination and debate among scholars and historians. These debates have included speculation about his penis size, his sexual prowess, and even theories about potential injuries or disfigurements. Some of these rumors date back to World War II, with songs and parodies circulating among the public as a form of coping mechanism during bombings. As a self-proclaimed "Hitler nerd," the speaker has delved deep into this topic, reading numerous biographies and studies on the subject. While there is no concrete evidence to support many of these rumors, they remain an intriguing aspect of historical research and popular culture.

    • Did Hitler's Sexuality Drive His Violence?German author Volker Ellis Pilgrim's book suggests Adolf Hitler may have been a sexually confused serial killer, enjoying orgasmic pleasure from watching soldiers kill and potentially murdering for gratification. However, the validity of these claims is questionable due to controversial sources.

      A new book by German author and psychiatrist Volker Ellis Pilgrim posits that Adolf Hitler may have been a sexually confused serial killer, driven by lust and violence. The book, "Hitler 1 and Hitler 2: The Sexual No Man's Land," claims that Hitler experienced orgasmic pleasure while watching soldiers massacre French troops in a film. Pilgrim suspects a connection between Hitler's sexuality and violence, and wonders if the Nazi leader could be considered a serial killer who murdered for gratification. The claims are based on accounts from Hitler's acquaintances, including an actress named Marianne Hoppe, who described Hitler's disturbing behavior during a cinema outing. However, the validity of these claims is questionable, as some of the sources are controversial figures, such as Ernst Hanshtangle, also known as "Pootsie," who was once a friend of Hitler's but later became his enemy. Overall, the book's premise is intriguing, but the reliability of its sources remains to be seen.

    • Myths and allegations about Adolf Hitler's personal lifeThe OSS report on Hitler's mind, compiled in the 1940s, has fueled many myths and allegations about Adolf Hitler's sexual preferences and habits. However, it's essential to approach this information with skepticism as the report's conclusions are based on debatable psychoanalytic theories.

      The myths and allegations surrounding Adolf Hitler's personal life, including his sexual preferences and habits, have been circulating for decades, long before the modern media reports. The infamous OSS report, "The Mind of Adolf Hitler," compiled by a doctor named Langer, has been a significant source of these allegations. However, it's crucial to approach this information with skepticism, as the report's conclusions are based on debatable psychoanalytic theories from the 1940s. These salacious stories about Hitler's sexual life are not new, and they have been circulating for much longer than many people realize.

    • Hitler's whip: A symbol of sexual inadequacy?Hitler's use of a whip during the Nazi party may have been linked to perceived sexual inadequacy, but its significance is debated due to conflicting evidence regarding his sexual history.

      Hitler's use of a whip during his association with the Nazi party may have been rooted in a complex related to his perceived sexual inadequacy. According to Hans Sedgwick's analysis, Hitler may have been in the stage of puberty or still a virgin, leading him to use the whip as a substitute or auxiliary symbol for his missing sexual potency. However, this theory is debated, as Hitler was likely not a virgin during his time in World War 1. Additionally, whips were common weapons among German fascists during street fights, and Hitler used his whip in both fights and flirtations. Despite the controversy surrounding Sedgwick's analysis, it's essential to understand the context of Hitler's sexual history to comprehend the rumors and investigations that surrounded his rise to power. Hitler was reportedly frightened that his family history, including rumors of a Jewish background, would be exposed, leading him to order the obliteration of the town where his grandmother was born.

    • Hitler's Father's Scandalous Love LifeHitler's father, Alois, had a controversial personal life with multiple marriages and relationships, which may have influenced Hitler's own actions and ultimately, his rise to power

      The origins and personal life of Adolf Hitler, the notorious German dictator, are subjects of ongoing debate among historians. One intriguing question is whether Hitler's last name, which was originally Heidler, might have hindered his rise to power. The name change is believed to have occurred due to his father's adoption of it from another man. Historians also debate the nature of Hitler's genealogy further back than his father. Hitler's father, Alois, was a mid-level customs official in Braunau, Austria, who was respected in the local community but had a troubled personal life. He was a repeated child bridegroom, having married a much older woman and a 16-year-old girl while his first wife was still alive. The latter was his niece, Clara. Alois's affections were not limited to Clara, as he also pursued a relationship with the kitchen maid, Francisca. When Alois's first wife died, he married Francisca and soon after got rid of Clara. However, his second marriage was short-lived as Francisca died from cancer. Alois then sought and received papal dispensation to marry his teenage niece. Despite the scandalous nature of his relationships, Alois's fatherly actions raise questions about the impact of family dynamics on Hitler's life and the course of history.

    • Hitler's upbringing and family dynamicsExploring Hitler's personal history sheds light on his character and the complex factors that may have contributed to his rise as a dictator, despite ongoing debates among historians.

      The upbringing and family dynamics of Adolf Hitler, including his father's unconventional relationships and authoritarian behavior, may have contributed to his psychological development and eventual rise as a dictator. However, it is important to note that there is ongoing debate among historians about the extent of these influences and the complex interplay of various factors in Hitler's life. The discussion also touched upon the controversial topic of the Catholic Church's role in granting a dispensation for Hitler's father to marry his niece, and the potential impact of this family situation on Hitler's psyche. Ultimately, while it is impossible to definitively answer the question of what caused Hitler's actions, exploring the intricacies of his personal history can provide valuable insights into his character and the historical context of his rise to power.

    • Hitler as a potential podcaster and his romantic lifeDespite being a controversial figure, Hitler's strong persuasive abilities and affinity for the human voice could have made him a popular podcaster. His romantic life during his young years, mainly based on a debated source, involved a deep love for a girl named Stephanie who was unaware of his identity post-war.

      Adolf Hitler, if he had lived in today's world, likely would have been a popular podcaster due to his strong persuasive abilities and affinity for the human voice. Meanwhile, evidence for Hitler's romantic life during his young years comes mainly from a debated figure named August Kubicak, whose book provides valuable insights into Hitler's childhood. The most notable romantic interest for Hitler was a girl named Stephanie, whom he was deeply in love with but who knew nothing about him. The revelation of this information to Stephanie after the war caused shock and distress. It's important to approach such sources critically and with context from reputable historians.

    • Hitler's Obsession with StephanieHitler's unrequited love for Stephanie drove him to desperation, including suicide attempts, and potentially influenced his later actions and beliefs.

      Adolf Hitler's fixation on a woman named Stephanie led him to make desperate attempts to win her affection, including refusing to dance and even contemplating suicide. Kubiszak, a friend of Hitler's, tried to reason with him, suggesting that learning to dance could be a way to connect with Stephanie. However, Hitler was adamant that he would never dance and believed that Stephanie only danced due to societal pressure. As Hitler's infatuation with Stephanie deepened, he became increasingly desperate and contemplated taking drastic measures, including suicide. This obsession with Stephanie, coupled with his authoritarian upbringing and sense of entitlement, may have contributed to his later actions and beliefs. It's a chilling reminder that unrequited love and feelings of rejection can lead to dangerous and destructive outcomes.

    • Hitler's conflicting views towards sex during his youthHitler, during his youth, held strong conflicting views towards sex, desiring purity while harboring intense hatred towards sex workers, and struggling with his own lack of success with women.

      Adolf Hitler, during his youth in Vienna, was celibate and held strong, conflicting views towards sex. He was obsessed with maintaining purity, yet he harbored intense hatred towards sex workers and prostitution. His mother's death and his own failure to get into art school led him to live in a homeless shelter, where his lack of success with women continued. Despite his austere ideas about relationships, he was unable to maintain a healthy, respectful attitude towards women, as shown by his veiled references to his past encounters and his idealization of a naive, cuddly woman. His extreme views and experiences during this period likely influenced his later attitudes towards women and sexuality.

    • Hitler's Sexual Frustrations in ViennaHitler's puritanical views on sexuality, including his fear of venereal disease and discomfort with women's sexual liberation, influenced his political beliefs and actions.

      Adolf Hitler, during his time in turn-of-the-century Vienna, was an awkward and sexually frustrated young man who struggled to fit in with the changing social norms of the era. He was deeply uncomfortable with the increasing sexual liberation of women and was repulsed by both homosexuality and prostitution. His obsession with sexual purity extended to a deep-seated fear of venereal disease. However, it's important to note that much of what we know about Hitler's sexuality comes from controversial and unreliable sources, making it difficult to draw definitive conclusions. Despite this, it's clear that his puritanical views on sexuality played a role in shaping his political beliefs and actions. Additionally, the myth that Hitler was gay is a persistent conspiracy theory with no concrete evidence to support it.

    • German journalists acknowledged the presence of gay members in the Nazi party due to shared experiences during WW1German journalists recognized gay members in the Nazi party, possibly due to wartime camaraderie and intimacy, but Hitler's sexuality remains a topic of debate

      Despite the negative attitudes of the Nazi party towards homosexuality, some German journalists from the 1920s showed a more nuanced perspective, acknowledging the presence of gay members within the party. This can be explained by the shared experiences of soldiers during World War 1, where camaraderie and intimacy may have contributed to the softening of attitudes towards homosexuality. Hitler, who served in the war, is known to have had rumored relationships and potential offspring, but there is little concrete evidence to support these claims. Hitler's speeches and writings suggest that he may have held a complex view of women and their role in society, seeing them as emotional and in need of strong, decisive leadership. His own romantic relationships, if any, are largely unknown, but it is believed that he became more successful with women as he gained power and fame. Ultimately, the question of Hitler's sexuality remains a topic of debate and speculation.

    • Hitler's early signs of aggressive behavior towards womenBefore rising to power, Hitler displayed signs of narcissism and aggression towards women, attempting to impress them with exaggerated masculinity and harboring unrequited feelings. Despite rejections, he continued to crave validation.

      Adolf Hitler, even before rising to power, displayed signs of narcissistic and aggressive behavior towards women. During a visit to Berchtesgaden, he attempted to impress a hotel manager's wife, Frau Buckner, through exaggerated displays of masculinity. His actions were met with indifference, and he also harbored unrequited feelings for his friend's wife, Helena. Despite these rejections, Hitler continued to crave validation from women and would later pursue relationships, including one with Mimi Reiter, which will be discussed in the next episode. This early behavior suggests a pattern of entitlement and frustration, which may have contributed to his later actions as a political leader.

    • Being well-rounded adds depth to one's lifeLearn new skills, engage with community, be mindful of expenses, and find joy in new experiences to add substance to your life

      Having hobbies and being a well-rounded person can make you more interesting to others. This was a recurring theme in the discussion about Adolf Hitler's lack of depth beyond his opinions and actions. The speakers suggested learning a new skill, like dancing, as a way to add substance to one's life. Additionally, engaging with one's community and volunteering, as promoted by Neighbor to Neighbor, can help build meaningful social bonds. Another takeaway was the importance of being mindful of expenses, as highlighted by the Mint Mobile ad, which encourages switching to more affordable wireless plans. Finally, the discussion about Monopoly Go emphasized the value of finding enjoyment in new experiences and constantly seeking out new challenges and rewards.

    • Hitler's personal life: From rumors of small size to romantic pursuitsHitler's private life included rumors of his sexual abilities and romantic pursuits of younger women, including a 16-year-old girl named Mimi, despite his infamous reputation as a ruthless dictator.

      Adolf Hitler, despite being a historical figure of immense infamy, was also a complex and intriguing individual with human desires and experiences. According to the discussion, Hitler's sexual life was a topic of interest among his acquaintances, with some speculating about his supposed low energy and small size. The podcast also revealed that Hitler found solace in the quiet mountain town of Berchtesgaden, where he would retreat to plot and relax. During one such visit in 1926, he met a grieving 16-year-old girl named Mimi, whom he pursued romantically. Although the age difference was significant, this was a pattern for Hitler as he tended to flirt with younger women as he grew older. These revelations offer a glimpse into the personal side of a man often portrayed solely as a ruthless dictator.

    • Hitler's charisma drew young women like Mimi ReiterHitler used his public status and charisma to win over young women, including Mimi Reiter, despite ethical concerns.

      Adolf Hitler, despite being a notorious figure, employed subtle tactics to win over young women, including Mimi Reiter, whom he met in a park in 1922. Hitler, who was known for his dominating personality and preference for younger women, waited until he saw Mimi outside of work before approaching her. He used his public status and charisma to captivate her, even if she was just a teenager. Mimi recalled their first encounter as a positive experience, though she was initially starstruck and later realized the historical significance of her encounter with the future dictator. Despite the ethical concerns, it's essential to understand the context of the time and the power dynamics at play.

    • Hitler's Manipulation of a Young GirlManipulation of power and charisma can be dangerous, especially when used by individuals with harmful intentions. Recognize manipulative behaviors to avoid potential harm.

      Power and charisma can be manipulative and dangerous, especially when wielded by individuals with disturbing intentions. The discussion highlights Hitler's manipulation of a young girl, using his fame and charm to pursue her. He used various tactics, such as feeding her like a child, discussing dead mothers, and making sexual advances, to make her feel special and attracted to him. This manipulation continued even during a dinner with other Nazis, where he made her feel like the center of attention. The girl, being a teenager and attracted to his power, was intoxicated by the attention and didn't realize the dangerous intentions behind it. This example illustrates the importance of recognizing manipulative behaviors and the potential harm they can cause.

    • Hitler's cruelty towards animals and Mimi revealedHitler's violent behavior towards animals and Mimi raises concerns about his emotional stability and kindness.

      Hitler's treatment of animals and his behavior towards Mimi Reeder show a disturbing disregard for kindness and compassion. During their first encounter, Hitler brutally attacked one of his dogs in front of Mimi, which left her shocked and repulsed. Despite this, Hitler persisted in pursuing her, even going as far as asking her to call him "Wolf," a nickname he favored. His erratic and violent behavior towards both animals and people raises serious concerns about his character and emotional stability. The story underscores the importance of respecting all forms of life and treating others with kindness and compassion. Additionally, the lack of proper parental guidance and intervention in Mimi's relationship with Hitler highlights the need for better communication and boundaries between adults and teenagers.

    • Hitler's manipulative love lifeHitler's romantic deceit reveals his disregard for others' feelings, reflecting his character as a leader and individual

      Adolf Hitler's romantic pursuits, as depicted in the anecdotal account, reveal his manipulative and deceitful nature even during his personal relationships. Despite promising commitment and love to Mimi Reeder, he ignored her for months and made advances towards other women, including his friends' wives. These actions demonstrate his disregard for the feelings and wellbeing of those around him, reflecting his character as a leader and individual. The account also sheds light on the dramatic and chaotic dynamics within the Nazi party, further emphasizing the morally questionable nature of Hitler and his associates.

    • Hitler's Relationships with Women: Superficial and ControversialHitler's relationships with women were mostly for personal gain, with his infatuation with his half-niece, Geli Raubal, causing controversy due to her affair with his chauffeur.

      Adolf Hitler's relationships with women were largely superficial and used for his own gain, with his environment being overwhelmingly male. His infatuation with his half-niece, Geli Raubal, was significant and caused controversy within his inner circle. Despite the rumors, the extent of Hitler's awareness of his familial relationships is unclear. Geli's affair with Hitler's chauffeur, Emile Maurice, led to her dismissal and Hitler's forgiveness. The controversial nature of Geli's relationship with Hitler is a significant piece of his backstory, and among other debated topics, is second only to the question of his involvement in the Holocaust.

    • Allegations of Hitler's explicit letter and unusual tendenciesReports of Hitler's supposed letter and sexual acts with his niece are unverified and may originate from biased sources. Approach such claims with skepticism.

      There are conflicting reports about a supposed letter or drawings that Hitler had, which allegedly contained explicit content related to his niece and his supposed coprophile and urophile tendencies. These reports come from anti-Hitler sources, so their accuracy is questionable. The most direct evidence comes from Otto Strasser, a former Nazi, who claimed that Geli was frustrated with Hitler's public image as a bachelor and that during a Mardi Gras party, she performed an act of urination on him for his sexual pleasure. However, the veracity of these claims is uncertain, and it's important to approach such allegations with a critical perspective.

    • Hitler's Relationships and Geli Raubal's SuicideHitler's relationships, particularly with his niece Geli Raubal, are shrouded in controversy. Some theories suggest Raubal's suicide was due to jealousy, emotional abuse, or even murder. The Nazi party suppressed any investigation into her death, and the exact nature of their relationship remains unclear.

      Adolf Hitler's relationships, particularly in the early 1930s, are shrouded in controversy and speculation. While living with his niece Geli Raubal, he reportedly had a sexual encounter with Mimi Reeder, who had returned to Munich for a rendezvvous. Shortly after, Raubal committed suicide, and the circumstances surrounding her death are still debated. Some theories suggest she was driven to suicide due to jealousy or Hitler's emotional abuse, while others claim she was murdered. The Nazi party quickly suppressed any investigation into her death. Psychologist Robert Waite, in his biography of Hitler, suggested that the high number of suicides or suicide attempts among women who had intimate relations with Hitler could indicate some form of emotional manipulation or abuse. The exact nature of these relationships and their impact on Raubal's death remain unclear.

    • Hitler's Unusual Sexual Preferences and Their Impact on His LoversHitler's reportedly unusual sexual demands led some of his lovers to commit suicide or end their lives in mysterious circumstances, underscoring the dangers of being in a relationship with him.

      Being in a relationship with Adolf Hitler was not only dangerous due to his power as the leader of the German Reich, but also due to his reportedly unusual sexual preferences. Eva Braun, one of Hitler's wives, attempted suicide multiple times before ultimately committing suicide with him in 1945. Other women believed to be his lovers, such as Renate Muller, also ended their lives in mysterious circumstances. One account suggests that Hitler demanded degrading sexual acts from his partners, which may have contributed to their despair and potential suicides or murders. This dark aspect of Hitler's personal life further highlights the terrifying nature of his rule and the risks faced by those close to him.

    • Hitler's Sexuality and Relationships: A Controversial TopicDespite debates among historians, evidence suggests that Hitler's sexuality and relationships were not fundamentally different from other men's.

      The perception of Adolf Hitler's sexuality and relationships has been a subject of much debate among historians and biographers. Some believe he was asexual or perverted based on certain claims and reports, while others argue for his normalcy based on accounts from those who knew him before his rise to power. Martin Amis, an English author, is among those who have proposed the theory of Hitler's unusual sexual practices. However, accounts from people like Mimi Reeder, who allegedly had a relationship with him, and those who were close to him before his political career suggest that he was not fundamentally different from other men in his attraction to women. Carl Wilhelm Krauss, who worked with Hitler for five years, reported that Hitler did not hate women and was known to be enchanted by beautiful women. Emile Maurice, Hitler's long-time chauffeur, also described Hitler's interest in women and his attempts to pursue them. These accounts challenge the notion that Hitler was irredeemably weird and incapable of attracting women naturally.

    • Hitler's Love Life: More Complex Than MythsHitler's relationships with women were complex, involving multiple partners and emotional manipulation, contradicting myths of his sexual avoidance.

      Adolf Hitler's love life was not as extraordinary as often portrayed. He had relationships with multiple women, including Eva Braun, while being involved with others. Eva, a sensitive artistic young woman, was reportedly abused and manipulated by Hitler, leading to her suicide attempts. The myth of Hitler's sexual avoidance due to obsession with hygiene is contradicted by contemporary accounts of him sharing a bed with Eva. These behaviors align more with a rich and powerful man's lifestyle rather than anything particularly unusual or sinister.

    • Hitler's volatile temperament and rejectionHitler was an average, selfish man who rose to power, committing unimaginable atrocities through anger, frustration, and a desire for destruction, not a supernatural evil figure.

      Adolf Hitler was not a supernatural evil figure, but rather an average, selfish, and abusive man who managed to seize power and commit unimaginable atrocities. The story of his encounter with Mimi Reeder in 1934, when he was already in power, illustrates his volatile temperament and his inability to handle rejection. Despite his anger towards women for their desire to have children, he himself was not interested in having a committed relationship or starting a family. This behavior, combined with his habitual lying, emotional abuse, and gaslighting, paints a picture of a man who was far from extraordinary but rather a typical piece of shit who, unfortunately, rose to unimaginable power. The comparison of Hitler to incels and mass shooters is more accurate than comparing him to a serial killer, as his actions were driven by anger, frustration, and a desire for destruction rather than a twisted sexual or sadistic impulse.

    • Understanding the destructive mindset of individuals with deep-seated anger and entitlementRecognize the potential dangers of unchecked anger, resentment, and entitlement, and promote healthy communication, empathy, and understanding to prevent toxic ideologies from taking root.

      The discussion reveals the dangerous and destructive mindset of an individual who harbors deep-seated anger, resentment, and a sense of entitlement. This individual, who is reminiscent of figures like Hitler, believes in pure allegiance, power trips, and the devaluation of women and others. He is raised with a skewed sense of self-importance and becomes enraged when his expectations are not met. The conversation also highlights the potential consequences of allowing such individuals access to power and influence, as well as the importance of open communication, empathy, and understanding in relationships. It's crucial to teach children to navigate complex emotions and relationships, promote healthy and respectful interactions, and be vigilant about the signs of toxic and harmful ideologies.

    • Exploring the Intersection of Comedy, Art, and CommunityComedy shows like Picture This combine humor and art to broaden perspectives, Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes community bonds, Chumba Casino offers free games and prizes, and Boar's Head Sweet Bee's Honey Barbecue Chicken is a tasty treat.

      Comedy and art can be powerful tools for opening minds and fostering connections. Robert Evans hosts a monthly comedy show in Los Angeles called Picture This, where comedians perform while animators bring their jokes to life in real-time. The show has featured notable names from the animation industry, and Evans encourages audiences to expose young people to such progressive content to broaden their perspectives. Additionally, Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of building community bonds and supporting each other, especially during challenging times. To add some excitement, Chumba Casino offers over 100 casino-style games for free with the chance to win prizes. Lastly, Boar's Head Sweet Bee's Honey Barbecue Glazed Chicken, available at local delis, is a delicious and slow-roasted barbecue treat inspired by the legends of barbecue.

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
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    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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