
    Podcast Summary

    • Bumble Introduces New Features and Elon Musk Buys TwitterBumble updates to enhance online dating, Elon Musk purchases Twitter for $44B, sparking debates on free speech

      Bumble is introducing new features to make online dating easier, more compatible, and safer for its users. Elsewhere, Elon Musk's tweet about buying Coca-Cola became the second most liked tweet, and there's a debate about the implications of Musk's purchase of Twitter and its potential impact on free speech. Musk, known for his unconventional tweets, may have been serious about his Coca-Cola purchase, and Twitter's new ownership could lead to a more even platform for information exchange. For those who don't use Twitter regularly, it serves as a significant medium for sharing information, and the recent developments have sparked various reactions. Musk, the world's richest man, bought Twitter for $44 billion, aiming to eliminate limitations on freedom of speech. This purchase has left many wondering about the potential consequences for the platform and its users.

    • Elon Musk Buys Trump's Social Media Platform, Truth Social SurgesElon Musk purchased Truth Social from Donald Trump, reinstated controversial figures, and experienced significant growth as the number one downloaded app, despite not rivaling Twitter or Instagram's size. Some users worry about being shadowbanned on Instagram.

      Elon Musk, a tech entrepreneur, bought Truth Social, a social media platform, from former President Donald Trump, who previously had his account suspended from Twitter. Musk has reinstated controversial figures like Alex Jones, and Trump is considering a return to the platform. Truth Social has experienced significant growth as the number one downloaded app, despite not yet surpassing the size of Twitter or Instagram. Some users, including the speaker in this conversation, have expressed concerns about being shadowbanned on Instagram, limiting their reach and growth. The conversation also touched on various topics such as a fake plane crash incident, a Red Bull airplane stunt, and the speaker's dinner plans.

    • Red Bull Stratos: FAA and Public Backlash Over Safety ConcernsProper permits and clear communication are crucial for high-risk events to mitigate potential risks and maintain public trust.

      The Red Bull Stratos skydiving event, which aimed to break the record for the highest jump from a balloon, faced the wrath of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the public due to safety concerns and unclear communication. Despite the team's successful deployment of the parachute from the blue plane, the gray plane's crash and the mishap with the parachute deployment from the blue plane were met with outrage. The FAA's involvement and potential backlash against Red Bull highlighted the importance of obtaining proper permits and clear communication during high-risk events. The incident underscores the need for thorough planning, transparency, and adherence to regulations to mitigate potential risks and maintain public confidence.

    • The Importance of Trust and Communication in Partnerships and TeamsTrust and communication are vital for successful partnerships and teams, as seen in skydiving and everyday life. Not adhering to safety protocols can have serious consequences, and transparency is key. Having a reliable and easygoing companion, like a pet, can also bring benefits. Seeking professional help for complex tasks ensures quality and safety.

      Trust and communication are essential in any partnership or team, whether it's in skydiving or in everyday life. The Red Bull discussion illustrates the consequences of not adhering to safety protocols and the importance of transparency. Additionally, the conversation about roommates and the benefits of having a pet highlights the value of having a reliable and easygoing companion. On a different note, the mention of Angi emphasizes the importance of seeking professional help for home projects to ensure quality and safety. Overall, these topics emphasize the significance of trust, communication, and delegating tasks to experts.

    • Efficiently handle home projects with Angie's ListAngie's List connects you to multiple pros for quotes and manages projects from start to finish, saving time and effort.

      Angie's List can help you handle home projects efficiently by providing quotes from multiple pros and connecting you instantly. They can handle the process from start to finish, allowing you to get the most out of your home with just a few taps on your phone. Additionally, the hosts discussed the possibility of undergoing various tests, such as testosterone testing, and joked about getting free PRP treatments and even penis enlargements during a potential trip to Miami with a friend. The conversation also touched upon recognizing idols and the idea of surprising someone with a well-known figure.

    • Ken's Permanent Earrings from Hot Dog Eating CompetitionDuring a podcast, Ken got permanent earrings from a hot dog eating competition and the group joked about removing them, but ultimately let him keep them for a month. They also discussed the logic behind baby ear piercings.

      During a podcast discussion, Ken got his ears pierced as part of a hot dog eating competition, but the earrings turned out to be permanent and non-removable. The group was surprised and joked about various ways to get them out, but ultimately decided to let Ken keep them for a month. They also discussed the idea of getting bigger and more stylish earrings, but the current ones were not removable. The group expressed their disbelief that parents pierce their babies' ears at such young ages and questioned the logic behind it. Overall, the conversation was lighthearted and filled with jokes, but also touched on the topic of pranks and unexpected consequences.

    • Differences in Opinions on Life ChoicesPeople have varying perspectives on having children and piercing babies' ears, emphasizing the importance of respecting individual choices and priorities

      People have differing opinions on various life choices, such as having children or getting their babies' ears pierced at a young age. Some find the idea of getting an infant's ears pierced absurd, while others see it as a cultural tradition. Regarding having children, some individuals prefer not to have them at all or prefer having only one, while others believe having multiple children offers unique benefits, such as learning to share and fight. Ultimately, it's essential to respect individual choices and understand that everyone's circumstances and priorities are different.

    • Having Children: Resources, Time, and EnergyLimiting oneself to two children, preferably later in life, and acknowledging personal energy levels and mood influences can contribute to a more fulfilling family experience.

      Having children requires more resources, time, and energy than one might initially anticipate. The speaker expresses that he would limit himself to having two children, and that he would prefer to have them later in life, around his thirties. The speaker also shares an observation about the mood of people in his community being particularly positive on Fridays. Additionally, the conversation touched upon how the weather can impact mood, with the consensus being that good weather generally makes for better vibes. The speaker also reflects on his own energy levels and admits to being addicted to stimulus, which can manifest as restlessness and a preference for working under pressure.

    • People's need for adrenaline changes over timePeople may need to seek out new experiences or methods to maintain the same level of excitement as they grow accustomed to previous activities

      People's need for adrenaline and stimulation can change over time. Some activities that once provided a rush may no longer do so, leading individuals to seek out new experiences or methods to achieve the same level of excitement. This can be compared to the concept of tolerance with drugs, where the body becomes accustomed to a substance and requires more of it to achieve the same effect. The speaker in this conversation mentioned that they used to get a lot of adrenaline from activities like riding dirt bikes, but now find that they need to engage in more dangerous or expensive activities to feel the same level of excitement. Additionally, people can become addicted to other forms of stimulation, such as social media, in place of physical activities that once provided adrenaline. Overall, it's important to be aware of the potential for developing a tolerance to experiences and to seek out new challenges in a safe and responsible manner.

    • Learning from experiences outside comfort zoneBe aware of habits, make deliberate choices to limit usage of potentially addictive activities

      Experiences that push us out of our comfort zones, whether it's running out of gas in a Lamborghini or getting addicted to social media, can be exhilarating but also draining. These experiences can make us appreciate normalcy and help us reflect on our habits. The speaker shares how he learned to hide his Instagram app to limit his usage and avoid getting irritable from constant scrolling. However, even with conscious efforts, he found himself still drawn to the app, demonstrating the addictive nature of technology. The key takeaway is to be aware of our habits and make deliberate choices to limit our usage of potentially addictive activities when they interfere with our productivity and well-being.

    • The Dangers of TikTok Before BedBeing mindful of TikTok usage and avoiding it before bed can improve sleep patterns. Consider listening to podcasts or documentaries instead for relaxation.

      Social media platforms like TikTok can be addictive and detrimental to our sleep patterns if we're not mindful of our usage. The speaker shares how easily they get sucked into TikTok and end up spending hours scrolling when they meant to only watch for a short time. They also mention how watching TikTok before bed can keep them stimulated and make it difficult to fall asleep. The speaker suggests that listening to podcasts or documentaries can be a better option for winding down before bed. Additionally, the speaker mentions that they often check their phone first thing in the morning, which can also impact the start of their day negatively. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of being aware of our media consumption habits and making intentional choices to promote healthy sleep patterns and productive use of technology.

    • Discussing Technology Usage, Spam Bots, Cryptocurrency, and New FavoritesExploring the impact of technology usage, dealing with online challenges, and discovering new favorites - a weekly discussion.

      Technology usage, specifically smartphones, has become an integral part of our daily lives, leading to significant time spent on them. Ken, for instance, spends around 6.5 hours per week on his phone. This discussion also touched upon the challenges of managing online spaces, such as dealing with spam bots and scams. The group also explored the world of cryptocurrency and shared their perspectives on its volatility. One interesting idea was proposed to engage the audience by creating a poll using the Versus app regarding Bitcoin's price movement in the upcoming week. Lastly, a light-hearted anecdote was shared about becoming a regular at a local salad place, illustrating the power of consistency and the joy of discovering new favorites.

    • The Impact of Anticipation on ExperiencesClear communication is crucial to avoid misunderstandings, and the excitement of anticipation can significantly influence our experiences and reactions.

      The power of expectation and anticipation can significantly impact our experiences and reactions. The speaker in this conversation was so excited about the prospect of getting a fresh Krispy Kreme donut that he overlooked the fact that his friend had actually meant to take her to a different place called Crispy Green, which served salads. The disappointment was immense when he realized his mistake, but the experience of finally getting a long-awaited Krispy Kreme donut was worth the wait for him. The conversation also revealed that the speaker has fond memories of Krispy Kreme donuts from his childhood and still gets excited about them to this day. The discussion ended with a comparison of different types of donuts and the speaker's preference for Krispy Kreme over Walmart donuts. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of clear communication and the impact of anticipation on our experiences.

    • Discussing ways to improve health and fitness, the speakers touched upon alcohol consumption and face fat.Limit alcohol consumption and add cardio workouts to reduce face fat and improve overall health.

      While trying to discuss ways to improve their health and fitness, the speakers touched upon various topics including overeating, face fat, and alcohol consumption. The speaker expressed his concern about their increasing weight gain, specifically in the face area, and attributed it to excessive drinking of beer. He suggested limiting alcohol consumption and adding cardio workouts to their routine as potential solutions. The conversation also included a humorous discussion about using adrenaline rushes to make a date more exciting and potentially increase attraction between two people. However, they ultimately agreed that there are better ways to lose face fat and improve overall health. The conversation showcased the speakers' honesty and light-heartedness in addressing their health concerns and seeking potential solutions together.

    • Approaching a woman with confidence and subtletyConfidently observe her interest, approach directly and honestly, and give her space after initial interaction

      Approaching a woman and asking her out requires confidence and subtlety. Don't wait too long or overthink it, but also don't come on too strong. Observe her body language and gauge her interest before making a move. Be friendly and approachable, and if she seems receptive, ask her out directly. If she's not, respect her space and move on. The key is to be confident and authentic in your approach. Additionally, using a direct and honest method, such as asking her out in person or via a direct message, can be effective. Lastly, give her some space after the initial interaction before making further moves. Overall, the goal is to make the woman feel comfortable and appreciated while also expressing your interest.

    • Approaching someone new: Read the vibe and adjust your approachBe respectful, genuine, and sensitive when approaching someone new, and adjust your approach based on their signals to ensure a positive interaction

      Approaching someone new, whether online or in person, requires sensitivity and understanding of the situation. If someone is clearly expressing interest, being straightforward is the best approach. However, if the person is not showing clear signs of interest, it's important to tread carefully and respect their space. Accidentally liking old social media photos or bumping into someone at a bar can be seen as creepy if done excessively. Ultimately, it's essential to read the vibe and adjust your approach accordingly. Be respectful, be genuine, and be yourself. Remember, everyone deserves to be approached in a way that makes them feel comfortable and valued.

    • Finding common ground and having genuine conversations can lead to deeper connectionsIdentify shared interests, invite for personal conversations, exchange contact info, and adapt approach for deeper connections

      When it comes to making a connection with someone new, finding common ground and having a genuine conversation can help lead to deeper interactions. Ken, who is skilled at holding conversations, suggests that once you've identified a shared interest, you can invite the person for a more intimate and personal conversation, either one-on-one or in a smaller group setting. After this interaction, exchanging contact information can be a natural next step, leading to further communication and potentially a deeper connection. It's important to remember that every situation is unique, and it's essential to read the room and adapt your approach accordingly. Additionally, starting fresh with someone new can be an exciting opportunity to build a new connection without any preconceived expectations.

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    SPOILER POLICY:  We take a “fly on the wall” approach to our listeners.  As such, some of what we discuss falls into the realm of SPOILERS.  Consider yourself warned.



    • Man From Earth (watch it FREE on Hulu), 2007, dir. by Richard Schenkman
    • Fantastic Four, 2005, dir. by Tim Story 



    If you enjoyed BUSY DADDIES DO SCI-FI, please take the time to rate and review us on iTunes, Stitcher, Tune In, Google Play or wherever you may find your podcasts.  You can follow us on Twitter or Instagram at BDDSCiFi.

    Thanks for listening and keep coming back.  See you in two weeks.

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    W. Kamau Bell is a comedian and a writer. But you probably know him from one of his podcasts(Denzel Washington Is The Greatest Actor Of All Time Period and Politically Re-Active) or his CNN show The United Shades of America.In this conversation, Bell and I go wide. We begin with an inquiry into the nature of health food, transition into a discussion of how future historians will view our present (and, particularly, a discussion of which stories we're ignoring that they'll see as central), move into the lessons Bell has learned from parenthood and fame, dig into his decision to move to Northern California from New York, examine his path to comedy, talk through the opportunities presented by podcasting, and more. There's also a damn good Eddie Murphy story in here.Here's how good this conversation is: I spoke with Bell just a few days after getting my wisdom teeth out, and I still had a great time. You will too. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Episode 1: AV Trends and Sound Control, Plus a Tech Tip on CRMs

    Episode 1: AV Trends and Sound Control, Plus a Tech Tip on CRMs

    TECHxploration has arrived!! For our very first discovery on the inaugural episode of TECHxploration, we speak to Clinton Muntean, the founder of Mainline Marketing, about the latest AV trends. We also dive into the most effective microphones that emerged in conferences across the country during the pandemic. Plus, some Coinbase NFT news and a handy-dandy Tech Tip on CRMs. Come discover with us!

    Hosts: Craig Brooks (CEO) and David Forman (COO) of Clarity Creative Group in Orlando, FL

    Executive Producer: Jaime (“Jemmy”) Legagneur, Chief Enthusiasm Officer

    Producer: Amber Amortegui, Lead Content Producer at Flint Stone Media

    Guest: Clinton Muntean from Mainline Marketing in Orlando

    News Link: Coinbase is launching a competitor to Shopify & Opensea for NFT Sales

    Tech Tip: Glenn "the Geek" Hebert from Horse Radio Network in Ocala (soon appearing on Episode 3!)

    Tech Tip Link: Less Annoying CRM

    Voice Over Artist: Jorge Hernandez

    Visit the TECHxploration Website: TECHxplorationPodcast.com

    Follow Craig and David on Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Pinterest |  YouTube

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    Additional Support Provided by: Listeners Like You and Flint Stone Media


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2022.

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