
    David O Doherty

    enDecember 10, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Sharing an enjoyable past performance with comedian David O'DohertyListeners encouraged to check out David O'Doherty's comedy gigs and support the podcast through Patreon. Upcoming gigs in various locations and the host's book's continued success.

      The host of The Blind By Podcast, who often performs live and has a back catalog of episodes, discovered an enjoyable past performance with comedian David O'Doherty and decided to share it with his listeners. The podcast was recorded at Ivy Gardens Comedy Festival and the host had an unforgettable experience, despite not being a fan of festivals. He encourages listeners to check out David O'Doherty's comedy gigs and supports the podcast through Patreon. Additionally, the host mentions upcoming gigs in Dublin, Cork, Scotland, England, and Australia/New Zealand, and his book's continued success in the charts.

    • A Place of Love and Care: 1800flowers.com1800flowers.com goes beyond gifting, focusing on love and care in every product and service. Perseverance and dedication are key to achieving success, as seen in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and unexpected connections.

      1800flowers.com is not just a destination for gifting during special occasions, but a place where love and care are put into every product and service offered. The company's dedication to delivering smiles is reflected in the work of their farmers, bakers, florists, and makers. Meanwhile, the speaker shares his personal connection to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, revealing the intense pressure and commitment required to perform in it. He also reminisces about their shared comedy history and a peculiar incident involving a cycling jacket with a spine pocket. The conversation highlights the importance of perseverance, dedication, and the unexpected connections that can be made in life.

    • Woody Harrelson's Father's Criminal Past and His Own Unique StyleActor Woody Harrelson's father was a notorious criminal, while he's known for marijuana advocacy, unique fashion sense with hemp pants, and an embarrassing incident at Wimbledon.

      Woody Harrelson's father, Charles Voyde Harrelson, was a notorious criminal and contract killer who spent time in the highest security prison in America, Supermax, for his numerous murders. Meanwhile, Woody Harrelson, an actor known for his advocacy for marijuana legalization, had an embarrassing incident at the Wimbledon ladies final where he was denied re-entry to his seat while intoxicated. The conversation also touched upon Woody Harrelson's unique fashion sense, with him being famous for wearing pants made of hemp. Additionally, there was a discussion about the ugliness of cyclist sunglasses and the confusion surrounding the term "snood."

    • The origin of polo necks might be linked to the horseback sport of poloPolo is a historic sport with a connection to polo necks, debunking common stereotypes about its violent nature or colonialist origins, while also exploring the impact of horses on human societies and breeding.

      Polo is a horseback sport that involves hitting a small ball with a mallet, originating from ancient Persian and European traditions. The term "polo necks" might have derived from the sport due to its name or the collared neckwear often worn during play. Polo is often associated with wealth and the aristocracy, leading to misconceptions about its violent nature or connection to colonialism. The conversation also touched upon the history of horses and their impact on human societies, including the breeding of bulldogs and pugs for specific purposes. Overall, the discussion highlighted the intriguing history and cultural significance of polo, challenging common stereotypes and shedding light on its rich heritage.

    • Different meanings of the word 'predator',Historically, dogs were bred for specific purposes, including protection. The term 'predator' has various meanings, leading to semantic differences in its usage.

      Throughout history, there have been periods of intense breeding and specific purposes for dogs, such as protection. The speaker's grandmother had eight miniature wire-haired dachshunds, which were protective of the speaker as a baby. Craig Johnson, a former Liverpool winger, is famous for inventing the "Predator" football boot and a hotel room charge system. The term "predator" had different meanings for different people - for some, it brought to mind an alien from a film, while for others, it was associated with pedophiles. The speaker also shared his knowledge of mid-eighties cycling teams and their sponsors. The conversation touched on various topics, but the shared semantic differences in the use of the word "predator" stood out.

    • Exploring Creativity and Resourcefulness in Everyday LifeDiscover unexpected connections by staying open-minded and exploring new ideas, even if they initially seem strange or unusual.

      Our conversations can lead to unexpected and humorous connections between seemingly unrelated topics. During our discussion, we touched upon product placement, Hodgkin's lymphoma, making cheese from body parts, and composting, all in a series of seemingly unrelated thoughts. While the topics may have appeared disparate, the underlying theme revolved around the idea of finding creativity and resourcefulness in everyday life, whether it be through naming appliances after bodily functions or turning kitchen waste into compost or even consuming insects as a sustainable protein source. The conversation also highlighted the importance of being open-minded and willing to explore new ideas, even if they initially seem strange or unusual.

    • The Complex History of Performance-Enhancing Substances in CyclingFrom ancient myths to modern drugs, the line between legal and illegal in cycling has often been blurred, with a focus on improving endurance and recovery.

      The world of cycling, much like other high-performance sports, has a complex history with performance-enhancing substances. From the early days of the Tour de France, where myths around food and rest abounded, to the more modern use of drugs like Claritin and ketones, the line between legal and illegal has often been blurred. The discussion also touched on the unique digestive system of certain animals, like the Pam Civetz, and the idea of consuming and selling coffee that has been digested by these animals. Despite the intrigue, it seems that the digestive system of humans and these animals may not be similar enough for this to be a viable product or experience. The conversation also highlighted the evolution of cycling jackets and the use of pockets for carrying energy gels. Overall, the podcast delved into the fascinating history and complexities of cycling, shedding light on both its myths and realities.

    • Unusual practices in sports: greyhounds, cycling, and caffeineAthletes and their supporters employ unconventional methods to gain an edge in their sports, from replacing greyhounds with other breeds and using Botox, to extreme weight loss measures and high-tech cycling gear.

      The discussion touched upon various unusual practices and changes in different sports, including greyhound racing, cycling, and even greyhound's caffeine intake. Greyhounds, known for their speed, have been replaced by other breeds in some races, and Botox has become a common practice. Cycling shorts have evolved from padded gussets to more sophisticated designs, and cyclists have adopted extreme measures to reduce their weight and improve performance, such as shaving their legs and avoiding food during races. An intriguing anecdote involved Bernard Hinault, a French cyclist, who reportedly used a steak as padding. The conversation also highlighted the importance of cleanliness and avoiding scabs in cycling to maintain optimal performance. Overall, the discussion showcased the lengths athletes and their supporters go to gain an edge in their respective sports.

    • From bananas to Twitter users: An unexpected conversationBananas are a herb, not a fruit, and pineapples contain bromelain which can tenderize meat or aid swallowing. Twitter users called 'daas' target football players and comedians with derogatory comments.

      The conversation touched on various topics including the evolution of energy sources for athletes, the botanical classification of fruits, and the behavior of certain Twitter users. The speaker expressed his surprise at the replacement of bananas with gel tubes and questioned their origin. He also shared some interesting facts about bananas being a herb and not a fruit, as well as other foods being misclassified. The conversation then shifted to pineapples and their unique properties, including the chemical bromelain which can be used to tenderize meat or help those who have difficulty swallowing. The speaker also shared some insights about Twitter users, specifically those known as "daas," who are known for targeting football players and comedians with derogatory comments. The speaker concluded by acknowledging that everyone has their unique preferences, especially when it comes to comedy, and that it's important to respect that. Overall, the conversation was a fun and informative exploration of various topics, showcasing the speaker's knowledge and sense of humor.

    • A father's love for jazz shapes his son's perspectiveGrowing up, the speaker found his father's jazz music annoying. However, as he grew older, he began to appreciate the genre due to his father's dedication and the complexity of jazz conversations between musicians.

      Our personal experiences and perspectives shape our opinions about music, and sometimes it takes time and exposure to truly appreciate a genre that initially seemed unappealing. The speaker grew up thinking his father's jazz music was annoying, but as he grew older, he began to understand the complexity and conversation between musicians in jazz that he had previously missed. This shift in perspective was influenced by his father's dedication to jazz during a time when it was socially controversial in Ireland. The speaker's father, born in 1939, set up a jazz band called the Memphis 5 in the late 1950s and continued to gig into his old age, inspiring the speaker's newfound appreciation for the genre. Despite the challenges faced by jazz musicians during that era, they found ways to share their music, often disguising it as dance or show band music to avoid backlash. The speaker's father's love for jazz was a subversive act in a time when it was seen as a moral threat, and it ultimately influenced the speaker's musical tastes and appreciation for the genre.

    • Discovering Jazz: A Father's Influence and the Power of InspirationMusic can inspire and shape lives, as seen through George Benson's journey, influenced by his father's jazz records and the talent of Brad Mehldau.

      Music, no matter the genre or form, can have a profound impact on people's lives. The discussion highlights George Benson's father, who was an accomplished jazz musician but found his true sound after being inspired by a Jack McDuff live album. This discovery led him to make jazz sound funky and eventually move to London to produce music. George Benson's father played on various genres of music, including those of famous artists like Fred Astaire and Bob Marley, without favoring one over the other. The period in Ireland during the 1960s, as described, was marked by challenges and censorship, but also by the emergence of jazz music and its dedicated followers. George Benson's own journey as a musician began when he asked his father for piano lessons at the age of 16. His unique teaching style, which involved playing different versions of songs on the radio, sparked George Benson's curiosity and passion for music. Another influential figure in George Benson's musical journey was Brad Mehldau, a genius piano player who struggled with health issues and drug problems. Despite these challenges, Brad Mehldau's talent and dedication to jazz music left a lasting impression on George Benson. Overall, this discussion emphasizes the power of music to inspire, connect, and shape people's lives, regardless of the genre or form.

    • From Randy Newman to Musical ComedyThe speaker's love for storytelling and comedy was sparked by various influences, including Randy Newman, singer-songwriters, classic BBC comedies, and comedy gigs. Despite lacking musical skills, he found success in musical comedy by intentionally making mistakes for comedic effect.

      The speaker discovered his passion for musical comedy through various influences, including a friend's introduction to Randy Newman and observing singer-songwriters' storytelling abilities. However, he acknowledged that he didn't have the musical skills to be a traditional jazz musician and instead found success in using deliberate mistakes for comedic effect. The speaker also mentioned his exposure to classic BBC comedies and attending comedy gigs growing up, but it wasn't until he heard Randy Newman live that he was inspired to pursue musical comedy. Ultimately, the speaker's unique perspective and ability to subvert audience expectations through his comedy have contributed to his success.

    • Exploring the Power of Comedy in MusicIncorporating comedy into music can enhance engagement and does not diminish quality. Novelty and sincerity are key to resonating with audiences.

      Incorporating comedy into music can be a powerful tool for engaging audiences, but it is often perceived as creatively devaluing. The speaker shared his personal experience of doubt and inspiration from observing musical comedy acts like Flight of the Conchords. He emphasized that all acts have novelty and that comedy does not diminish the quality of the music. The speaker also defended the value of stupidity in comedy and shared his appreciation for acts like Mitch Hedberg. He concluded by acknowledging the enduring power of YouTube in keeping musical comedy alive and the importance of sincerity and beauty in resonating with audiences.

    • Creating Unexpected ExperiencesEngaging and intriguing others through creativity, even with seemingly absurd or nonsensical experiences, can leave a profound impact.

      Creating unexpected and thought-provoking experiences, even if they are seemingly absurd or nonsensical, can leave a profound impact on others. Whether it's leaving a Gabriel Byrne puppet at home as a deterrent to burglars or writing a bizarre story featuring Sam Neill as a spiritual guide, the goal is to make people wonder and question. This approach, as demonstrated in the examples given, can be seen in various forms of art, from comedy to literature. It's not about attacking or harming individuals but rather using creativity to engage and intrigue. The speakers in the discussion, Chrome and the interviewee, have employed this technique in their work, inviting curiosity and encouraging reflection.

    • The Internet's Impact on Society and CultureThe Internet has changed communication, leading to endless debates and the loss of meaning, while also enabling quick spread of information and potential consumption of its own content.

      The Internet has changed the way we communicate and create content, with some individuals finding entertainment in anonymous online debates rather than producing original works. The discussion also touched upon the loss of meaning and irony in society, drawing parallels to past events such as the election of a dog as student union president. The Internet's ability to spread information quickly has led to a global situation where people are embracing absurdity and losing touch with reality. The hope is that this trend doesn't continue, but it's important to recognize the impact the Internet has on our interactions and the potential for it to consume its own content. The debate about public displays of affection, inspired by an anonymous letter to the Irish Times, was mentioned as an example of how the Internet has enabled endless arguments and discussions that may not lead to any significant progress. Overall, the conversation highlighted the significance of the Internet in our lives and the potential consequences of its influence on our society and culture.

    • A man's journey without his phone leads to unexpected discoveriesStepping away from technology can lead to meaningful connections and a deeper appreciation for life's simple pleasures

      Sometimes stepping out of our comfort zones and engaging with the world around us can lead to unexpected and beautiful experiences. The text describes a man's journey through the streets of his town without his phone, where he encounters various situations and people that remind him of the joy and chaos of life. He discovers the power of connection through shared experiences, even with strangers, and learns to appreciate the simple things in life. The man also realizes the importance of being present in the moment and not being overly reliant on technology. Ultimately, his adventure leads him to a deeper understanding of himself and the world around him.

    • Balancing social life and personal spaceFind a balance between enjoying nights out with friends and ensuring personal time for overall well-being. Explore supplemental health insurance plans to manage healthcare costs and prioritize your health.

      While nights out with friends can bring joy and nostalgia, living with them full-time can present a mixed experience. It's important to find a balance between socializing and personal time. Regarding a different topic, being "a little extra" is appreciated, especially when it comes to healthcare. UnitedHealthcare's Health ProtectorGuard fixed indemnity insurance plans, underwritten by Golden Rule Insurance Company, serve as a supplement to primary plans and help manage out-of-pocket costs. It's essential to prioritize health care and explore options to mitigate financial burdens. For more information, visit uhone.com.

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    Talk to ya next week!



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