
    Dealing with a Mental Health Crisis, Trauma and Meditation, and Getting Back on the Wagon: January Mailbag

    enJanuary 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Supporting a friend through a mental health crisisHelp maintain coherence, avoid triggers, offer comfort, and encourage professional help when needed.

      Supporting a friend going through a mental health crisis, particularly a psychotic break, requires understanding and patience. Psychotic breaks involve a significant disconnection from reality and can be caused by various factors. If the underlying condition is not schizophrenia, it's crucial to help the person avoid triggers and maintain coherence. Marijuana, for instance, can act as a solvent and worsen the situation. The prognosis is usually good, with individuals learning from the experience and moving forward. However, if it's a chronic condition like schizophrenia, ongoing support and understanding are necessary. As a friend, be patient, offer comfort, and avoid judgment. Encourage professional help if needed. Remember, everyone's experience is unique, and the most important thing is to be there for your friend during their time of need.

    • Supporting mental health: Be calm, loving, and non-threateningBe calm, loving, and non-threatening in supporting mental health. Use accurate language, normalize behavior, offer help respectfully, and create a therapeutic environment.

      When supporting someone going through a difficult mental health experience, it's essential to be a calm, loving, and non-threatening presence. Be mindful of the language used and ensure it's accurate, especially when discussing clinical terms. Avoid focusing too much on their struggles and instead normalize your behavior to provide a stable and supportive friendship. People experiencing mental health issues may not always want help, so offering it in a respectful and non-intrusive way is crucial. By being present, understanding, and undemanding, you can create a therapeutic environment that aids their recovery process.

    • Deep conversations vs meditation for trauma healingWhile deep conversations provide emotional support and connection, meditation focuses on the present moment. A combination of both and possibly therapy could lead to comprehensive healing.

      While normal, deep conversations and meditation practices can both contribute to healing, they serve different purposes. Normal deep conversations offer emotional support and connection, which can be crucial for those dealing with complex traumas. However, meditation alone may not be sufficient for healing from trauma as it primarily focuses on the present moment and may not directly address the consequences of past injuries. Contemplative practices, such as Tonglen and Chod, could potentially have reparative effects by helping individuals connect with positive and negative emotions simultaneously. Ultimately, a combination of both practices and possibly therapy could lead to the most comprehensive healing.

    • Meditation and therapy serve different roles in healing from traumaMeditation helps manage emotional responses to trauma, while therapy addresses the underlying injury

      Meditation and therapy serve different yet complementary roles in healing from trauma. Meditation helps shift our relationship with the trauma, making it less impactful, while therapy works on repairing the injury itself. Both approaches are valuable, and the choice between them depends on what we mean by "heal." While surgery can uninjure a physical knee, emotional injuries often require learning to cope and adapt. Meditation practices, including mindfulness and Buddhist traditions, can help manage unfulfillable wants and desires that often arise from unmet needs. However, meditation may not be as effective in directly healing emotional injuries as therapy. Skillful application of meditation, such as linking reparative practices with injured material, can facilitate healing.

    • Reassessing our commitment before starting anewTo resume an activity or goal after stumbling, evaluate if we truly care, adopt different mindsets, identify inner motivators, create external structure, and let go of external pressures that don't align with our desires.

      When we struggle to start again after stumbling, it's essential to assess if we genuinely care about the activity or goal we want to resume. If the answer is yes, we can approach starting anew with different mindsets. Sometimes, making it a big deal and having a serious conversation with ourselves can be helpful. Other times, a more casual approach may work better. It's also crucial to identify the parts of ourselves that naturally lean towards the desired behavior and open up to them. Creating external structure, such as accountability from friends or a regular routine, can also help keep us on track. Lastly, it's important to remember that external pressures to change may not always align with our true desires, and it's okay to let go of things that don't genuinely matter to us.

    • Focus on enjoyment for easier adoption of new behaviorsEnjoying new activities or sustaining old ones can help reduce feelings of shame and make the experience less daunting. Replacing enjoyable behaviors with unpleasant ones can hinder progress, while finding joy in the process can make it easier to stick to new habits and improve overall well-being. Seek reliable sources of information for informed decisions.

      When trying to start a new activity or sustain an old one, focusing on the enjoyment and authentic pleasure derived from it can help lessen feelings of shame and make the experience less daunting. Replacing an enjoyable behavior with an unpleasant one sets up a lose-lose situation, making it harder to stick to the new behavior. Instead, finding joy in the process can make it easier to sustain the activity and improve overall well-being. Additionally, seeking reliable sources of information, such as the ZOE Science and Nutrition podcast, can help make informed decisions about health and wellness.

    • Understanding the Value of Feedback for Personal GrowthFeedback, especially negative, can provide valuable insights for personal growth. Seek reliable and trustworthy sources, but remember that individual preferences and tastes vary. Approach feedback with a critical mindset.

      Feedback plays a crucial role in personal growth, especially when it comes to self-awareness and correcting behaviors or actions. However, not all types of growth require feedback, and it's essential to distinguish between good and bad sources of feedback. The value of feedback lies in its ability to provide useful information for improvement, and negative feedback can be more informative than positive feedback in helping us identify areas for growth. Good feedback is essential for rapid learning and development, but it's important to remember that individual preferences and tastes vary greatly, making it essential to seek out feedback from reliable and trustworthy sources. The challenge lies in separating the value of feedback from the opinions of others, as negative feedback does not necessarily reflect the overall quality of one's work or abilities. Ultimately, feedback is a valuable tool for personal growth, but it's essential to approach it with a critical and discerning mindset.

    • Trusting Yourself Amidst FeedbackWhen receiving feedback, distinguish constructive criticism from irrelevant suggestions, and trust your instincts. For money management, find a balance between saving for the future and not becoming overly anxious, and determine how much you need to save to live comfortably in old age.

      When receiving feedback, especially on creative work, it's essential to trust yourself and identify the constructive criticism from the irrelevant or misguided suggestions. The author's experience of being edited seven times reveals that about a third of the feedback was off-base, a third named a problem but offered an incorrect solution, and a third was spot-on. Therefore, it's crucial to distinguish between these categories and trust your instincts. Regarding money management, the speaker suggests finding a balance between saving for the future and not becoming overly anxious or preoccupied with it. One way to achieve this is by determining how much you need to save to live comfortably in old age and working backward to figure out how much you need to save monthly or weekly to reach that goal. This approach provides clarity and can help prevent the need for significant catching up in later years.

    • Delaying gratification for future selfRecognize money as an issue, educate yourself, delay gratification, ensure financial security and peace of mind

      Taking care of your future self involves delaying gratification and saving money, even if it feels like a punishment now. This can be seen as a duty to your older self, and the sense of responsibility can lead to a sense of nobility and even enjoyment. It's important to acknowledge that everyone's financial situation and capacity to save vary, and there are other ways to care for your future self, such as investing in community and building a home. The first step is to recognize money as a major issue in your life and educate yourself about it. Delaying gratification can be challenging, especially when the future feels uncertain, but it's an essential part of ensuring financial security and peace of mind.

    • Transforming personal finance into a winnable gameUnderstanding personal finance rules and concepts can lead to a sense of control and accomplishment for motivated individuals. However, unexpected events can reactivate past emotional pain. Identify the root cause and consider others' perspectives before deciding to communicate.

      Understanding the rules and concepts of personal finance can transform it from an overwhelming and spooky topic into a winnable game. For individuals with a game motivation, mastering personal finance can lead to a sense of control and accomplishment. However, even after putting in effort to heal past relationship issues, unexpected events can reactivate unresolved feelings. In such situations, it's essential to understand the root cause of the reaction and consider the perspectives of others involved. Ultimately, deciding whether to communicate openly with the person causing the pain is a personal decision, and it may be valuable to do so for one's own healing process.

    • Navigating challenging interactions and situationsFocus on defining the space we need to love and support others from a distance, practice compassion and self-reflection, and prioritize positive emotional experiences for children's mental health.

      When faced with challenging interactions or situations, it's essential to understand our own wants and needs, and recognize that sometimes, we cannot change others. Instead, we can focus on defining the space we need to love and support them from a distance, if necessary. Compassion and self-reflection are crucial in navigating these situations. Additionally, when it comes to children's mental health, particularly in the first year of life, it's important to focus on providing positive emotional experiences and nurturing ourselves as caregivers to promote healthy development. Worrying excessively about potential long-term consequences is not helpful, and simple, everyday interactions can make a significant difference.

    • Communicating Support and Recognizing Gaps in CareEffective communication and emotional support are vital for friends during mental health crises. Recognizing and addressing gaps in care can improve their recovery process.

      Providing emotional support and being present for a friend going through a mental health crisis is crucial. It's essential to communicate your availability and support, even if it feels uncomfortable. Unspoken messages and unasked questions can create a sense of isolation for your friend. Offering comfort and understanding can make a significant difference in their recovery process. Additionally, Rick emphasized the importance of recognizing and addressing potential gaps in care, such as emotional availability or lack of support from other caregivers. Lastly, Rick emphasized the power of human connection and the capacity for healing and growth, even in early childhood experiences.

    • Maintaining Balance in Communication and SupportFocus on normal interactions, enjoy present moments, meditation can help cope with trauma, avoid shame spiral, ensure high-quality feedback, and prioritize own willingness in relationship repair.

      Communication and support from others are crucial during challenging times, but it's essential to strike a balance. Repeating the same message too many times might make the person you're reaching out to feel like you're asking for something rather than offering help. Instead, focus on maintaining normal interactions and enjoying the present moment. Meditation can be an effective tool for coping with trauma symptoms, but it may not replace the need for therapy, especially when dealing with the underlying causes. When starting something new and facing setbacks, avoid the shame spiral and try to keep things simple. Feedback can be valuable for growth, but it's essential to ensure the feedback is high-quality and helpful. Lastly, when trying to repair relationships, focus on your own willingness to engage in the process and accept that change may not come as easily or in the way you desire from the other party.

    • Exploring deeper emotional needsReflect on underlying motivations for material possessions, engage with others through a Substack for a more rewarding experience

      The desire for material possessions often stems from deeper emotional needs within ourselves. It's important to reflect on these underlying motivations. I'd like to remind you of my Substack, where I've been sharing more personal insights and interacting with readers. It's a more direct way to engage and learn from each other, making the experience more rewarding. Podcasting can sometimes feel like a one-way conversation, so having a platform for feedback is valuable. Don't hesitate to check it out and share it with others to help spread the word.

    Recent Episodes from Being Well with Forrest Hanson and Dr. Rick Hanson

    Psychological Defenses: How to Understand (and change) Your Mind and Behavior

    Psychological Defenses: How to Understand (and change) Your Mind and Behavior
    Psychological defenses are subconscious strategies we use to protect ourselves from uncomfortable emotions, and they exert a hidden power over our behavior. From denial and repression to projection and rationalization, Dr. Rick and Forrest explore how these defenses shape our actions, influence our relationships, and affect our overall well-being. They start with the function and structure of most defenses, before giving a few simple examples. Rick then dives into the role of defenses in psychoanalytic theory, their role in managing self-worth and shame, and what we can do to become less defensive over time. They close with practical strategies for working with our defenses, including a brief discussion of what we can do to help other people with their defenses. You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics: 0:00: Introduction 2:30: Psychological and historical factors influencing psychological defensiveness 8:00: Some examples of unconscious anxiety bubbling up 12:00: Repression, regression, projection, reaction formation, and sublimation 16:55: An overview of Freud’s developmental model of the personality 24:10: A few examples of how our defenses manifest 33:40: Consciousness, competence, and joining the defense 44:00: Navigating shame and guilt 50:15: Distress tolerance 57:15: Social connection, and finding healthy outlets 1:00:20: When and how to approach others about their defensiveness 1:10:45: Recap I am now writing on Substack, check out my work there.  Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at shopify.com/beingwell.  Transform your health with the ZOE Science & Nutrition podcast. Find it wherever you listen to podcasts. Zocdoc helps you find expert doctors and medical professionals that specialize in the care you need, and deliver the type of experience you want. Head to zocdoc.com/being and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. OneSkin focuses on delivering more than superficial results for your skin. Get started today with 15% off using code BEINGWELL at oneskin.co.  Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website

    The Fawn Response: People Pleasing, Self-Abandonment, and Standing Up for Yourself

    The Fawn Response: People Pleasing, Self-Abandonment, and Standing Up for Yourself
    Dr. Rick and Forrest finish their series on the stress responses with the fawn response: an appeasement strategy where we manage stressful situations by giving others what they want. Rick and Forrest start by discussing common symptoms, including people pleasing, self-abandonment, difficulty saying no, weak boundaries, and chronic self-sacrifice. They talk about the roots of the fawn response and its connection to complex PTSD before exploring people pleasing in detail. In the second half of the episode they focus on practical tools for developing healthy boundaries, self-acceptance, and a stronger sense of self. You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics:  0:00: Introduction 2:15: What the fawn response looks like 9:05: Power imbalances, shame, and contempt 11:35: What personal history tends to lead to fawning? 20:00: How to work on the tendency to fawn 36:30: Shame, self-acceptance, and opening up to self-expression 41:25: The fawn response in relationship 46:40: Becoming your own source of safety 52:20: Making equitable arrangements, and acknowledging your best efforts 1:01:50: Recap I am now writing on Substack, check out my work there.  Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at shopify.com/beingwell.  Transform your health with the ZOE Science & Nutrition podcast. Find it wherever you listen to podcasts. Zocdoc helps you find expert doctors and medical professionals that specialize in the care you need, and deliver the type of experience you want. Head to zocdoc.com/being and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. OneSkin focuses on delivering more than superficial results for your skin. Get started today with 15% off using code BEINGWELL at oneskin.co.  Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website

    How to Create a Secure Relationship with Elizabeth Ferreira

    How to Create a Secure Relationship with Elizabeth Ferreira
    Somatic trauma therapist Elizabeth Ferreira joins Forrest to explore how we can create more secure relationships. They talk about the lessons they've learned from their relationship, the impact of trauma and prior relationship wounds, and how very different people can make things work. Topics include complex PTSD, how to work through disagreements, changing our model of relationships, and learning how to actually support your partner. I loved this conversation, and hope you enjoy it! You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics:  0:00: Introduction 1:10: The myth of relationships solving your problems, and self-awareness 4:25: Me, you, and us 13:45: Changing your partner by changing yourself 16:45: Embracing the challenges of vulnerability 23:25: Disagreeing well, making specific requests, and holding space 33:05: Learning how to support your partner 37:40: Five different styles of relationship 40:55: Moving from trying to please your partner to showing compassion 45:15: Love as a choice, and expressing wants and needs positively 49:30: Simply liking your partner I am now writing on Substack, check out my work there.  Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! If you’re navigating something messy, call The Dr. John Delony Show. Dr. John shares practical advice on how to connect with people, face depression, overcome anxiety, and learn what it means to be well. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.  Transform your health with the ZOE Science & Nutrition podcast. Find it wherever you listen to podcasts. OneSkin focuses on delivering more than superficial results for your skin. Get started today with 15% off using code BEINGWELL at oneskin.co.  Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website

    Becoming Self-Confident, Learning Healthy Relationship Skills, and Trusting Yourself: June Mailbag

    Becoming Self-Confident, Learning Healthy Relationship Skills, and Trusting Yourself: June Mailbag
    Dr. Rick and Forrest open up the mailbag and answer questions from listeners. They explore how to deal with chronically negative people, managing avoidant tendencies that get in the way of us finding a great relationship, and separating normal desires for support from more problematic ones. They then talk about how we can build self-confidence and become more internally referenced, before closing the episode with a sticky situation involving supporting an aging parent.  If you’d like to send in a question to be answered on the podcast, join our Patreon or email us at contact@beingwellpodcast.com. You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics:  0:00: Introduction 1:00: My friend is chronically negative, what can I do? 13:05: How can I move past a cycle of avoidance that’s inhibiting my ability to find a good relationship? 26:05: I want to be supported by my partner, but I’m worried about becoming enmeshed. How can I seek help in a healthy way? 39:30: How do I stop seeking validation from others? 45:20: How do I react to ongoing criticism from an aging parent? 58:15: Recap I am now writing on Substack, check out my work there.  Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! If you’re navigating something messy, call The Dr. John Delony Show. Dr. John shares practical advice on how to connect with people, face depression, overcome anxiety, and learn what it means to be well. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.  Transform your health with the ZOE Science & Nutrition podcast. Find it wherever you listen to podcasts. OneSkin focuses on delivering more than superficial results for your skin. Get started today with 15% off using code BEINGWELL at oneskin.co.  Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website

    The Psychology of Manifesting: How to Create the Life You Want

    The Psychology of Manifesting: How to Create the Life You Want
    Forrest and Dr. Rick explore “manifesting:” the idea that our thoughts impact the world around us, and by changing those thoughts we can change our lives. Talking about manifesting is complicated, because on the one hand our thoughts really do matter. On the other, manifesting is closely tied to a small mountain of problematic pseudoscience. They discuss and debate some of the issues with manifesting and the law of attraction before focusing on how to apply key psychological principles to create the life you want.  Rick and Forrest talk about creating clarity around our goals, setting intentions, improving self-worth and self-efficacy, and overcoming some of the negative unconscious beliefs that can get in our way, before exploring authenticity, consistent effort, and working with fear and inhibition. Then Rick closes the episode by walking us through a practical example of how to change a belief. You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics: 0:00: Introduction 3:00: Defining manifestation, and separating psychological and supernatural mechanisms of action 6:55: The mind-body connection, and the psychological aspects of manifesting 15:50: Charlatanism, preying on uncertainty, and the problems with the law of attraction 25:20: Changing behavior vs. changing thoughts, and the lure of the supernatural 32:10: If you want to skip the context, start here. 32:35: Getting what we subconsciously believe we are worthy of, and “don’t know” mind 38:50: Identifying wants, surrendering to the best within us, and using pain as a guide 48:55: Embracing the reality of consistent effort 54:55: How to change a negative belief 1:08:10: Recap I am now writing on Substack, check out my work there.  Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! If you’re navigating something messy, call The Dr. John Delony Show. Dr. John shares practical advice on how to connect with people, face depression, overcome anxiety, and learn what it means to be well. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.  Transform your health with the ZOE Science & Nutrition podcast. Find it wherever you listen to podcasts. OneSkin focuses on delivering more than superficial results for your skin. Get started today with 15% off using code BEINGWELL at oneskin.co.  Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website

    Understanding the “Flight” Response: Anxiety, Avoidance, and Feeling Safe

    Understanding the “Flight” Response: Anxiety, Avoidance, and Feeling Safe
    Dr. Rick and Forrest discuss the “flight” response to stress, which includes feelings of anxiety and fear, avoidant behavior, and an underlying sense of insecurity. They explore the emotions and behaviors associated with the flight response, and how we can build up a stronger, more secure sense of who we are. Rick shares some practical tools that will help you change your self-concept, safely apply principles from graduated exposure, and feel safer from the inside-out. I’ve loved this series on the stress responses, and think you’ll get a lot out of this episode. You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics: 0:00: Introduction 1:00: The purpose of the flight response, and when it is and isn’t useful 5:35: Social withdrawal, conflict avoidance, and preserving safety vs. comfort 12:15: The trouble with low likelihood, high-cost risks 16:35: Exploring our capacity for stress, and identifying the risks worth taking 26:30: Feeling “sturdy,” and why we choose the flight response vs. other stress responses 33:30: Graduated exposure  39:05: Learning to trust our new capabilities as we change 44:50: Overdoing a change as a form of self-sabotage, and reserving the power to flee 54:25: Responding to anxiety 1:01:40: Being present with painful situations we can’t escape 1:08:40: Recap I am now writing on Substack, check out my work there.  Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! If you’re navigating something messy, call The Dr. John Delony Show. Dr. John shares practical advice on how to connect with people, face depression, overcome anxiety, and learn what it means to be well. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.  Transform your health with the ZOE Science & Nutrition podcast. Find it wherever you listen to podcasts. OneSkin focuses on delivering more than superficial results for your skin. Get started today with 15% off using code BEINGWELL at oneskin.co.  Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website

    Managing The “Fight” Response: Anger, Repression, and Self-Regulation

    Managing The “Fight” Response: Anger, Repression, and Self-Regulation
    Dr. Rick and Forrest continue their series on the stress responses with the “fight” response to stress. They explore anger, repression, and the balance of self-expression and self-regulation before talking about how we can claim the adaptive aspects of the fight response without falling prey to its more problematic aspects. A major focus of the episode is resentment and repression, alongside related topics like empowering yourself, managing expectations, and “experiencing out.” You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics: 0:00: Introduction 1:15: The useful aspects of anger 5:40: Specific behaviors associated with the fight response 8:35: Giving yourself permission to express anger 13:40: Navigating resentment 21:40: Thwarted expectations as a source of unhealthy anger 32:05: Claiming your anger, and being wary of its seductive nature 35:45: Developing an authentic sense of empowerment 39:45: Going from complaint to request 43:30: Antidotes to unhealthy anger 52:40: Challenging authority without feeling intimidated or shamed 54:20: When we’re angry at ourselves 59:00: Recap I am now writing on Substack, check out my work there.  Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! If you’re navigating something messy, call The Dr. John Delony Show. Dr. John shares practical advice on how to connect with people, face depression, overcome anxiety, and learn what it means to be well. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.  Transform your health with the ZOE Science & Nutrition podcast. Find it wherever you listen to podcasts. OneSkin focuses on delivering more than superficial results for your skin. Get started today with 15% off using code BEINGWELL at oneskin.co. Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website

    Everything You Need to Know About Therapy

    Everything You Need to Know About Therapy
    In this mega-episode, clinical psychologist Dr. Rick Hanson and Forrest Hanson explore everything you need to know about therapy. They share how you can get more from therapy, finding the approach that’s right for you, and some perspectives on why therapy is so expensive. They then run through the five major schools of Western psychotherapy before discussing a few alternative modalities. You’ll learn how long to stick with a therapist before looking for alternatives, questions to ask a prospective therapist, and how to maximize your results. You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics: 0:00: Introduction 1:40: The biggest factors that contribute to therapy going well 7:25: Finding the therapeutic modality that works for you 14:00: The cost of therapy, and the problem created by insurance companies 20:35: The five major schools of western psychotherapy 21:20: Psychodynamic therapy, and investigating the unconscious 23:20: Behavioral therapy, and variable reinforcement 25:55: Humanistic psychology, and seeing the good in yourself 29:05: Cognitive therapy, why insurance companies like CBT, and exploring our beliefs 36:15: Mindfulness-based therapies, and being with our experiences 41:15: Family systems therapy, social justice, somatic therapy, and non-Western thinking 46:20: The differences (and similarities) between therapy and coaching 52:40: How long therapy should take, and how to evaluate if it’s working 1:02:15: The role of client motivation  1:04:55: Questions to ask a prospective therapist 1:10:15: The importance of the therapist’s engagement 1:12:50: Common qualities Rick found challenging with past clients 1:16:05: The importance of internalizing change, and recognizing what’s really shifting 1:21:20: Recap Forrest is now writing on Substack, check out his work there.  Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! If you’re navigating something messy, call The Dr. John Delony Show. Dr. John shares practical advice on how to connect with people, face depression, overcome anxiety, and learn what it means to be well. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.  Transform your health with the ZOE Science & Nutrition podcast. Find it wherever you listen to podcasts. OneSkin focuses on delivering more than superficial results for your skin. Get started today with 15% off using code BEINGWELL at oneskin.co.  Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website

    Healing After Trauma with Dr. Peter Levine

    Healing After Trauma with Dr. Peter Levine
    Somatic psychology legend Dr. Peter Levine joins Dr. Rick and Forrest to explore how we can use body-based approaches to recover from traumatic experiences. Peter uses his personal history with trauma to illustrate the practices he’s taught to thousands of people through his work. They discuss the importance of resourcing experiences, creating safety, developing interoception, abandonment wounds, bringing a diverse perspective to somatic work, and working with shame.  Please be aware that this episode includes a description of sexual assault. About our Guest: Dr. Peter Levine is the creator of Somatic Experiencing and the Founder and President of the Ergos Institute for Somatic Education. He’s taught at a number of universities, has received Lifetime Achievement awards from numerous organizations, and is the best-selling author of several books, including Waking the Tiger, Healing Trauma, and his most recent book An Autobiography of Trauma: A Healing Journey. You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics: 0:00: Introduction 2:15: Peter’s dream about publishing his recent book 6:40: Themes connecting the personal and professional for Peter 10:15: Physicalization, pendulation, and decontextualization of trauma 16:15: Presence with others, and moving gently into shame to move through it 20:55: The fundamental view that we our innately healthy, and completing the arc 23:05: When the prompt “feel it in your body” doesn’t work 28:15: Advice for when you don’t have access to therapy or a SEP practitioner 30:35: Tenderness 34:30: Anchoring in the here and now when accessing past memories 39:35: Conceiving of yourself as a source of safety 43:30: Generating your own internal wellbeing 46:20: Acknowledging the reality of your history, patience, and completion 49:45: Living by dying 52:15: Recap Offer from Dr. Rick: If you'd like to improve your self-worth, check out Rick's new 4-hour, live online workshop. You'll learn methods and practices that can actually change your brain and your habits, so you start nurturing your sense of worth and belonging. Our listeners can get 20% off with coupon code BeingWell20: https://selfworthworkshop.com/ Forrest is now writing on Substack, check out his work there.  Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors If you’re navigating something messy, call The Dr. John Delony Show. Dr. John shares practical advice on how to connect with people, face depression, overcome anxiety, and learn what it means to be well. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.  Transform your health with the ZOE Science & Nutrition podcast. Find it wherever you listen to podcasts. Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! OneSkin focuses on delivering more than superficial results for your skin. Get started today with 15% off using code BEINGWELL at oneskin.co. Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website

    Recovering from a Challenging Childhood: Reclaim, Resupply, and Repair

    Recovering from a Challenging Childhood: Reclaim, Resupply, and Repair
    Dr. Rick and Forrest explore a huge topic: what can we do to recover from a difficult childhood as an adult? Rick introduces a three step process that can help us reclaim our past, identify the key needs we have these days, and internalize related positive experiences. They discuss related tools from psychology like releasing repressed emotions, claiming agency where we can, and changing what we emphasize in the story of our lives. If you had a hard time growing up, this one’s for you. You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics: 0:00: Introduction 1:40: Recovering from childhood wounds - Reclaim, Resupply, and Repair 7:00: Clarifying your personal narrative, and the importance of agency 12:25: How the unmet needs from your past impacts your present 18:25: Changing what we emphasize in the story we tell ourselves 28:50: Letting the fizz out of the bottle 32:20: Identifying the right medicine for your unresolved wounds  38:00: How developing competency helps you break free from your past 41:50: Self-soothing through envisioning positive experiences 45:00: The process of letting go of the childhood you wish you had 57:50: Naming what you want from life, and the universal ground of being 1:02:00: Recap  Offer from Dr. Rick: If you'd like to improve your self-worth, check out Rick's new 4-hour, live online workshop. You'll learn methods and practices that can actually change your brain and your habits, so you start nurturing your sense of worth and belonging. Our listeners can get 20% off with coupon code BeingWell20: https://selfworthworkshop.com/ Forrest is now writing on Substack, check out his work there.  Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! Trust your gut with Seed’s DS-01 Daily Synbiotic. Go to Seed.com/BEINGWELL and use code 25BEINGWELL to get 25% off your first month.  Zocdoc helps you find expert doctors and medical professionals that specialize in the care you need, and deliver the type of experience you want. Head to zocdoc.com/being and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. Visit airdoctorpro.com and use promo code BEING to receive up to $300 off air purifiers! When you use our code, you’ll also receive a free 3-year warranty on any unit, an $84 value Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website

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    Ep20 - Sarah Peyton: Words to Love By

    My grandmother used to say, “be sure to taste your words before you spit them out”.

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    When I first read Sarah Peyton’s book Your Resonant Self, I was shocked at some of the sabotaging self-talk I was using. Bullying myself came with ease due to my own traumas and upsets. To be honest, we’re all guilty of it…being hard on ourselves is nothing new.

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    On this week’s HIListically Speaking Podcast, get to know your resonant self and what it takes to be kind to your mind.

    You can learn more about Sarah Peyton, her book Your Resonant Self, and her beautiful work by visiting her website empathybrain.com

    If you're interested in learning more about how Havening Techniques can help you put the power of emotional well-being in your own hands and be kind to your mind, just visit my website at hilaryrusso.com/havening. I’d love to support you on your journey.

    Never miss an episode and be the first to hear about everything from upcoming guests and giveaways to speaking engagements and events by subscribing to my email list: www.hilaryrusso.com/podcast

    HIListically Speaking with Hilary Russo

    • Created/Hosted by Hilary Russo.
    • Produced by Alan Seales
    • Music by Lipbone Redding

    Connect with Hilary

    Connect with Alan Seales

    Listen to Lipbone

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    Welcome back to Angels Don’t Lie!

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    Want to learn how to create a morning ritual that you’ll never snooze your alarm for (even if you hate getting up in the morning and have littles who won’t leave you alone?!)

    Download the free guide at Sarahjenks.com/sacredstart for a party every day. 


    Hang out with Sarah daily @SarahJenks on instagram!

    I hope that you enjoy listening to this amazing conversation!

    You are unconditionally loved!




    During my in-person Heaven Now Group Medium Reading events, I use my God-based method to deliver profound messages from your departed loved ones and channel healing guidance from God and the heavenly realm.

    Heaven Now Events are intimate experiences where each person attending will receive a personal reading with me plus the offering from anyone whom I am co-hosting with! You will be held in love at each of the events that are calling you! 

    April 20th | 6:00pm - 7:30pm | Virtual Heaven Now on Zoom with special guest, Jessica McKay

    April 27th | 6:30pm - 8:30pm | Heaven Now at Skin + Tonic in New Milford, CT

    May 11th | 6:30pm - 8:30pm | Heaven Now at The Angel Cooperative in Ridgefield, CT

    May 30th | 6:00pm - 8:00pm | Heaven Now at Haute Healing Oasis in Stamford, CT

    Reserve your spot at the event(s) of your choice at 💫https://jeannestreet.com/events/



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    • (00:32:28) - Growth from experiences, not self-importance. Openness to new ideas, meaningful interactions, and listening yield joy.
    • (00:38:02) - Find happiness in basic needs, curiosity, understanding, and mindful interest.
    • (00:46:02) - Prioritize service, love, not seeking validation. Appreciate ethos and interconnectedness.
    • (00:55:43) - Learning thrives in pivots, flexibility, and authentic engagement. Words matter, strong bonds turn problems to joys. Trusted partners prevent bad decisions.
    • (01:02:40) - Learned a life-changing lesson from our meeting.
    • (01:04:49) - Concluding sentiments and statements. 

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