
    Dear Life Kit: My husband shuts down any time I try to talk about our finances

    en-usSeptember 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Open Communication About Money in RelationshipsDiscussing financial matters is essential for building trust and fostering a healthy relationship, but merging money habits can be challenging. Tips for hosting a budget-friendly brunch included finding wallet-friendly finds at Whole Foods Market and using Apple Card for daily cash rewards.

      Open communication about money is crucial in a romantic partnership. This was emphasized by financial therapist Lindsay Brion Podvin on today's episode of Dear Life Kit from NPR. Lindsay, who is also the host of the Mind Money Balance podcast and author of The Financial Anxiety Solution, advised that discussing financial matters is essential for building trust and fostering a healthy relationship. However, she acknowledged that merging money habits can be a challenging process. Meanwhile, in a lighter note, the show also featured tips for hosting a budget-friendly celebratory brunch. Whole Foods Market, a sponsor of the show, suggested wallet-friendly finds like whole smoked Atlantic salmon, mini quiches, organic everything bagels, and more for the occasion. Plus, the floral department offers beautiful bouquets to jazz up the table. Another sponsor message came from Apple Card, which offers daily cash rewards on purchases. The calculator on their website can help you estimate your potential earnings. Overall, the episode underscored the importance of open communication in relationships and offered practical tips for managing finances and hosting a budget-friendly brunch.

    • Open communication about money leads to deeper intimacyDiscussing finances openly can strengthen relationships and promote happiness, despite discomfort or differences in financial backgrounds.

      Open communication about money can lead to deeper intimacy and happiness in a relationship, despite any discomfort or differences in financial backgrounds. The speaker emphasizes that couples who discuss money together tend to have stronger connections and are more likely to be happier. However, the letter writer is experiencing difficulties getting her husband to collaborate on a family budget, which is causing her feelings of insecurity about their financial future. Despite his discomfort and self-consciousness, it's important for the couple to find a way to discuss finances openly and work together towards common goals. The speaker suggests that the husband's defensive reactions may stem from his upbringing and current financial situation, but the importance of open communication cannot be overstated. By actively engaging in financial discussions and finding a way to collaborate, the couple can build a stronger foundation for their relationship and future financial security.

    • Approaching spouse about family budgeting with empathyTo get a spouse involved in family budgeting, approach the conversation with empathy and understanding, uncover emotions behind reluctance, communicate openly, find a neutral space, and come prepared with goals and solutions.

      When trying to get a spouse involved in family budgeting, it's essential to approach the conversation with empathy and understanding. The reluctance to discuss finances may stem from anxiety or embarrassment, rather than negligence or unwillingness. Instead of focusing on the behavior, try to uncover the emotions behind it. Communication is key, and both parties should share their concerns, fears, and money values openly. It may be helpful to find a neutral and non-judgmental space to have the conversation, and to come prepared with specific budgeting goals and solutions. Remember that everyone's financial situation and comfort level with money is unique, and approaching the conversation with compassion and patience can lead to a more productive and successful outcome.

    • Setting the right time and place for a money talkCommunicate effectively about money in relationships by choosing a neutral setting, giving notice, and being specific about the topic to reduce tension and ensure productive discussions

      Effective communication about money in relationships starts with setting the right time and place for the conversation. Emotions can run high when discussing finances, so it's essential to give your partner a heads up and create a neutral environment. Be specific about the topic, such as discussing the food budget, and agree on a convenient time for both parties. This approach helps reduce tension and ensures both partners are fully engaged in the conversation. If one partner consistently avoids discussing money, offer them the opportunity to initiate the conversation. By following these steps, you can foster open and productive financial discussions in your relationship.

    • Expressing the importance of financial conversationsEffective communication is vital when discussing finances in a relationship. Offer support and resources to make the conversation easier. If needed, seek professional help.

      Effective communication is crucial when discussing financial matters in a romantic relationship. If bringing up a money-related issue proves challenging, it's important to express the significance of the conversation and offer support and resources to help make the conversation easier. If the issue persists, involving a professional may be necessary. Additionally, focusing on the potential benefits that managing finances together can bring, rather than the numbers themselves, can help alleviate intimidation and make the conversation more approachable.

    • It's never too late to improve your financial situationFocus on positive momentum and rewarding feedback loops, every step towards financial wellness is progress worth celebrating

      It's never too late to work on improving your financial situation. While starting early has its advantages, every step taken towards financial wellness is valuable. Focusing solely on cutting costs and reducing debt can create a negative association with money discussions. Instead, aim for positive momentum and rewarding feedback loops. Whether you're just starting or have been saving for years, every dollar saved or credit score point increased is progress worth celebrating. And remember, the best advice for financial health can come from unexpected sources – like the simple act of getting outside for a fresh perspective.

    • Reconnect with nature for mental and emotional well-beingTaking a short break to touch grass or breathe in fresh air can improve focus and reset your nervous system.

      Taking a short break to connect with nature can help reset your nervous system and improve your focus. As discussed in the podcast, taking a few minutes to touch grass or breathe in fresh air can have a positive impact on your mental and emotional well-being. If you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed, consider stepping away from your work or daily routine for a brief moment to reconnect with the natural world. This simple practice can help you return to your tasks with renewed energy and clarity. Additionally, the podcast episode was produced by NPR and sponsored by Charles Schwab's original podcast, Choiceology. The show explores the psychology and economics behind people's decisions, featuring stories from Nobel laureates, authors, athletes, and more. If you're interested in retirement planning, Jackson Financial Inc and Jackson National Life Insurance Company also offer resources and information on their websites.

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    Living a healthy lifestyle encompasses physical and nutritional activities. But the one exercise missing in your daily routine might surprise you with health benefits that go beyond the gym.

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    Now all of that is important. But is it really the only area of focus?


    In fact, there is another way you can impact your health that takes less work, no sweat, but full of benefits.

    Sign me up! If I don't need an extra shower and can sleep a few minutes longer, I'm all in!!!

    This one exercise missing in your daily routine has benefits like:

    • Reduces stress
    • Improves our happiness or outlook on life.
    • Promotes self-awareness and mindfulness.
    • Improves memory.
    • Improves physical health.
    • Fosters self-discipline.
    • Enhances creativity.
    • Improves problem-solving skills.

    Some might question, "What about weight loss?"

    If you combine all of that goodness together, you will have your body on track to be relaxed where you can enjoy the journey of healthy living. You won't feel stressed out in the process of getting healthy or maintaining it. You will just do it!

    So what is this one exercise missing in your daily routine?

    It's journaling!

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Write your way to better health!

    Already the grumbling begins. You were hoping for a different magic pill.

    However, you will be amazed at how journaling can change your health for the better.

    Most people are concerned about how to start writing? Where do you begin?

    So here are some prompts to get you started.

    1. What are you grateful for?
    2. How did this day make you feel?
    3. How is your body reacting to your objective, goal, or purpose?
    4. What is working really well?
    5. What can you learn from this situation?
    6. What can you change for the better?
    7. What obstacle is most pressing?
    8. What is your intention/declaration for the day?

    As your pen moves rapidly across the paper, don't judge or critique yourself. This is not the time for edits.

    Just write with an open heart and an open mind.

    You can always come back at another time to reflect on what you wrote.

    Give yourself permission to experience a therapeutic revival. You're tapping in on all levels when you allow yourself to write freely and expressively.

    "Journaling bridges the gap between our thoughts and actions, illuminating our emotions with expressive words which convey our deepest feelings." ~ Kristianne Wargo

    "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"


    #WellnessWednesday #CreateYourNow #HealthAndWellness

    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT! 

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"


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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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    Help support the podcast so it can continue to give you quality content. Donations of support can be made via Zelle to thinklovewife_donations@neloeffect.com. Contributions will go towards things like equipment, studio time, and operational costs to keep this podcast going.

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