
    Denise Coates: Ultimate Gambler

    enNovember 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Effective Hiring on LinkedIn and Success Story of Bet 365's Denise CoatesSmall businesses can find potential hires on LinkedIn, even among those not actively seeking jobs. Denise Coates, Britain's richest woman, built Bet 365 from her father's investment in betting shops.

      LinkedIn is an effective platform for small businesses looking to hire professionals, as it hosts a large number of users who may not be actively seeking new jobs but could be open to the right opportunity. Meanwhile, Denise Coates, Britain's richest woman, made her fortune in the online gambling industry through her company Bet 365. She was born in Stoke on Trent and attended a local comprehensive school, and her father's success in the catering business allowed him to invest in betting shops, which eventually grew into the Bet 365 empire. However, researching her background is challenging due to her limited public appearances. Despite her massive wealth, she is not known for extravagant spending and has remained largely out of the public eye.

    • From a small betting shop to a global gambling empireFamily businesses can leverage quick decision-making and long-term planning to grow, but adaptability and innovation are crucial for capitalizing on emerging technologies

      Denise Coates, a former teacher with an exceptional memory and business acumen, transformed her family's small betting shop business, Provincial Racing, into a major player in the gambling industry through quick decision-making, customer focus, and strategic expansion during the rise of the internet. Starting as a cashier in her father's betting shops during university, Coates quickly rose through the ranks to become managing director at 22, demonstrating her head for business and numbers. She then acquired another betting shop chain with a large loan from Barclays, doubling the size of the business and creating a more professional and customer-focused environment. As gambling became more pervasive due to technology, Provincial Racing was making £1,000,000 by the late 90s, making Coates a millionaire. However, her real fortune came when she capitalized on the internet's potential, leading Bet365 to become a global online gambling powerhouse worth over £10 billion today. Coates' story highlights the advantages of family businesses, such as quick decision-making and long-term planning, while also showcasing the importance of adaptability and innovation in capitalizing on emerging technologies.

    • Recognizing the potential of the Internet for sports betting and taking calculated risks led to Bet365's successDenise Coats saw the opportunity to be a global player in sports betting online, took a risk by buying bet365.com domain, raised funds, and developed a user-friendly platform, which became a successful money-making machine despite initial skepticism and potential social harms of gambling.

      Denise Coats' success with Bet365 was largely due to her ability to recognize the potential of the Internet for sports betting and her willingness to take calculated risks. In the late 1990s, she saw the opportunity to be a global player in the industry and bought the domain name bet365.com for $25,000. Despite initial skepticism from investors, she raised the necessary funds to launch online and was able to secure a large loan just before the dotcom bust. Coats worked tirelessly, even from a portable cabin in her hometown, and developed her own software team to create a user-friendly platform. Bet365's success was also aided by the convenience of gambling from home, which became even more accessible with the invention of the iPhone. Despite the potential social harms of gambling, Coats' determination and strategic use of technology allowed Bet365 to become a formidable money-making machine.

    • UK government's abolition of betting tax in 2001The UK government's tax change in 2001 attracted betting organizations onshore, fueling online gambling's growth and Bet 365's success, while also making it addictive for some users.

      The abolition of betting tax in 2001 was a strategic move by the UK government to keep betting organizations onshore and maintain tax revenue. This change, more attractive to gamblers as they paid tax on their stakes instead of winnings, coincided perfectly with Bet 365's launch, allowing them to capitalize on the growing popularity of online gambling and football betting's explosion. The private, accessible, and vast betting opportunities provided by online gambling contributed to its success, but also made it addictive and destructive for some users. Despite the confusion over who was in charge of Bet 365 during its rise to popularity, the company's frictionless online process and vast betting markets proved to be a winning combination.

    • Denise Coates' Leadership and Bet365's SuccessDenise Coates, the founder and CEO of Bet365, transformed a small physical betting shop into a global online business, becoming Britain's largest private sector employer and biggest taxpayers, through her determination, confidence, and commitment to her community.

      Denise Coates, the founder and CEO of Bet365, asserted her leadership role and business acumen despite media misconceptions about her involvement and her father's role in the company. Coates expressed confidence in her ability to run the business and grow it from a small physical betting shop operation to a global online business, which allowed them to expand and acquire other companies. Bet365 stayed rooted in their community in Stoke-on-Trent, UK, despite the trend of other companies moving to lower tax jurisdictions. This decision led to the company becoming the city's largest private sector employer and making the Coats family Britain's biggest taxpayers for several years. Coates' determination, confidence, and commitment to her community contributed significantly to Bet365's success.

    • Bet365's Success: Mobile Internet Revolution and Minimal OverheadsBet365 grew from £300m to £800m in just 3 years, thanks to the mobile internet revolution and low overheads, surpassing competitors despite regulatory challenges and operating in restricted markets.

      Bet365's success can be attributed to the mobile internet revolution and the minimal overheads of running an online gambling business. Starting with a combined wealth of £300,000,000 in 2008, they grew to £800,000,000 in 2011, becoming the most profitable company in the UK. The launch of the iPhone in 2007 and its successor in 2012 significantly increased access to the internet and online commerce, allowing Bet365 to surpass competitors like William Hill and Ladbrokes. However, this success brought increased scrutiny, particularly regarding their operations in highly regulated industries and countries where online gambling is outlawed, such as China. Despite the risks and complex regulatory environment, Bet365 continued to cater to these markets, using complex payment systems and call centers to maintain a strong presence. The company's digital nature made it difficult to tax and regulate, providing an advantage for its growth.

    • Gambling Industry's Complex Tax Situation and Social ChallengesThe gambling industry, including Bet365, faces criticism for its addictive nature and potential harms to individuals and society. Despite efforts to regulate and promote 'safer gambling,' social challenges persist, and more robust regulations and support systems are needed.

      While some of the world's largest companies have found ways to minimize their tax liabilities in low tax jurisdictions, it's a complex issue with many gray areas. Meanwhile, the gambling industry, represented by Bet365 and Denise Coates, faces criticism for its addictive nature and potential harms to individuals and society. Gambling, particularly online gambling, can lead to significant social issues, including addiction, financial ruin, and even suicide. The industry's move online has made it harder to regulate and protect vulnerable individuals, especially children. Despite efforts to promote "safer gambling," some people struggle to resist their addiction, leading to the need for more robust regulations and support systems. Bet365, which pays substantial taxes in the UK, is just one example of a successful gambling company, but its profits come from an industry that poses significant social challenges.

    • The Complex Relationship Between Wealth, Privacy, and PowerBillionaires like Sandra can maintain privacy despite immense wealth, while others rise to power amidst chaos. LinkedIn is a valuable tool for businesses seeking professionals, and wealth can provide a buffer against unwanted attention.

      Wealth and privacy can coexist in unusual ways. Sandra, a billionaire from the betting industry, keeps a low profile despite her immense fortune. Meanwhile, in a different context, the Burger Bar Boys from Birmingham rose to power amidst violence and chaos. Sandra's decision to remain out of the public eye could be due to the controversial nature of her industry and her desire to protect her family. On the other hand, LinkedIn is a valuable resource for businesses looking to hire professionals, including those not actively seeking new opportunities. Lastly, the concept of creating a buffer around oneself with wealth was exemplified by Sandra's purchase of surrounding farmland, which she bought from locals with offers they couldn't refuse. Overall, these stories illustrate the complex relationship between wealth, privacy, and power.

    • From betting shop to international gambling empireElaine Wynter, the highest paid woman in the world, made her fortune in the gambling industry, transforming her father's business into a global phenomenon, but her wealth's source raises ethical concerns.

      Elaine Wynter, the highest paid woman in the world, has amassed an impressive fortune through her involvement in the gambling industry, which has been both a source of significant wealth and potential harm. Her journey from taking over her father's betting shop business to turning it into an international gambling phenomenon is a testament to her business acumen. However, the morality of her wealth, derived from an industry known for addiction and social harm, raises questions about the separation of the activity, the company, and the individual. Despite the controversies, Wynter's impact on the industry and her business success cannot be ignored, making her an intriguing figure in the world of business and wealth.

    • Denise Coats's Villainy Score and PhilanthropyDenise Coats, Bet365's founder, scores a 7 on the villainy scale due to embracing online gambling but pays high taxes and scores low on philanthropy

      Denise Coats, the founder and CEO of Bet365, holds a 7 out of 10 on the villainy scale due to her decision to fully embrace online gambling, despite its potential negative social implications. However, she scores highly in paying her taxes, with her family and Bet365 collectively paying over £1 billion in taxes in the last two years. In terms of philanthropy, she receives a low score of 2 out of 10, as her charitable foundation does not currently support gambling addiction charities, and her support for Stoke City Football Club does not equate to significant philanthropic efforts. Regarding power, Denise Coats is assessed to have minimal influence over the online gambling industry, as she prefers to maintain a low profile and let her company thrive without excessive involvement.

    • The Low-Key Billionaire from Stoke on TrentDenise Coates, the highest paid woman in the world, is known for her attachment to her hometown, reclusiveness, and involvement in gambling. Her legacy may include being a pub quiz question or an option on a cuisine machine, with opinions on her being a villain or just another billionaire.

      Denise Coates, the highest paid woman in the world and richest person from Stoke on Trent, will be remembered as an anomalous billionaire known for her low-key persona, reclusiveness, and strong attachment to her hometown. Despite her vast wealth, she is not expected to be a public player or philanthropist, and her legacy may include being a pub quiz question or an option on a cuisine machine. Some may view her as a villain due to her involvement in gambling, while others see her as just another billionaire. Ultimately, her unique blend of wealth, hometown loyalty, and low-key demeanor sets her apart from other billionaires.

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    Episode Highlights

    [03:57] Defining Growth

    • Our life journey is about change and growth in some way. It's about living life to the fullest and finding meaning and purpose. 
    • Business growth is different for every entrepreneur. It can be about revenue growth, audience growth, sales growth, etc. 
    • You can't have business growth without personal growth - figure out what's holding you back. 

    [06:53] Growth Stunt No.1: Time

    • People usually don't realize how they're spending their time. 
    • Listen to the full episode to hear Jamie's story about how emails were limiting growth for one of her clients.
    • Our time is a metric of success and growth. 

    Jamie: “If you feel blocked, if you feel stuck in whatever growth that you're looking for, it's a good and important moment to take a look at how you're spending your time.”

    [08:15] Effective Time Management

    • Define your money-making tasks, or MMT, in your own words. 
    • MMTs help move the needle, leading to earnings or even to the best version of yourself. 
    • Jamie's MMTs include making sure her clients are happy and expressing her creativity. These not only help her earn money but also energize her. 
    • After assessing herself, Jamie realized that instead of meeting people and exercising, she was limiting growth by spending too much time on TikTok. 
    • Remember, you can create time by scheduling and prioritizing things. You also control how intentional you are when tackling tasks.  

    [12:32] Growth Stunt No.2: Environment 

    • The environment includes where you work, your city, and your relationships. 
    • Look at your relationships and determine if they inspire you to be the best version of yourself. 
    • It's essential to find a community of like-minded people to know you are not alone. 
    • Keep in mind that you are the product of the five people you spend your time with. 

    [14:40] Creating a Better Environment 

    • Consider how many people you've met or reached out to this month. 
    •  If you're not part of a community, join one! Jamie recommends the Sprinter community and the Sixth Degree Society. 
    • A good environment is when the people are as invested in your success as you are. 

    Jamie: “Motivation can absolutely fall off, but the energy of a room—of people who are invested in you, that [motivation] gets to be renewed every single day.”

    [16:13] Growth Stunt No.3: Playing Small 

    • Playing small means doing what everyone else is doing, like blindly following gurus and their advice.
    • Creating rebellious growth means owning your voice, style, and approach.
    • People often want to be someone else. Remember, you are unique, and trying to be someone else can hinder your growth. 

    Jamie: “Your voice, your movement, your impact is unique. The way in which you approach life, the way in which you've decided to build a business, what inspires you to continue to build that business every day is like nobody else's. You are fucking bold because you are an entrepreneur, and you're pursuing your purpose through your business every day.”

    [18:05] Owning Your Voice 

    • Knowing and owning your voice includes knowing your social media style. 
    • It's easy to follow trends and jump on bandwagons. However, you need to figure out your way of sharing stories. 
    • The more you can be yourself, the more likely you'll attract people and communities who love you.  
    • Think about how you can own your voice today. It can be a small act.

    [21:50] Growth Stunt No.4: Playing Victim to the Algorithm

    • If you believe that social media or specific platforms are unnecessary, you are playing the victim.
    • It's now so easy to find people who need your help, build a community, and share your experiences. 
    • The algorithms are 75% based on your behavior. If you're blaming the algorithm, you're blaming your behavior. 
    • Social media platforms are consistently growing and changing. You should never apologize for making changes and optimizations with your business.   

    [24:10] Adapting to Changing Environments 

    • You need to ask yourself whether you're growing as the internet and business environment grow. 
    • We all adapt in different ways. If you don't like certain things, share your truth and unfollow people you don't enjoy. 
    • Identify what you can do to adjust to the change around you. Jamie shares a few ideas in the full episode, so tune in! 
    • Since we have little to no control over our environments, adapting will make growth more manageable.

    [27:54] Growth Stunt No.5: Vision

    • Vision is knowing where you want to go. If you don't have one, you are stunting your growth. 
    • Understanding your vision will help you know how to show up every day to get you where you want to be.

    [28:36] Visualizing Your Ideal Future

    • If you want to know your vision, start with visualization. 
    • It can be as simple as picturing the average ideal Monday. 
    • Listen to the full episode for Jamie's guide on this process!
    • Visualization should include minor details. You need the know-how to reach your goals.
    • You are in the making of your limitless self. Learn to match your potential energy to your current one.

    [34:02] Creating Rebellious Growth in Summary

    • Know that time comes from you, and you can prioritize tasks that will move the needle for you. 
    • Make sure you're in an inspiring environment that helps you grow and reach your biggest desires. 
    • The social media landscape is for bold people who own their voices. 
    • Adapt to the changing environment and society. 
    • Get to know your limitless self and have a clear vision.  

    Enjoyed this Podcast on The 5 Growth Stunters Stopping You From Rebellious Growth? 

    Everyone gets stuck at some point. It’s okay to fall into a rut, as long as you get unstuck! Keep in mind that business growth goes hand-in-hand with personal development. If you can overcome what’s limiting growth in your life, you will become unstoppable! If you learned a lot from this episode, subscribe and help us spread the word by sharing it!

    Leave a review and share it! If you enjoyed tuning in to this podcast, we'd appreciate it if you wrote us a review. You can also share it to help other entrepreneurs expand their network and create faster business growth. 

    Have any questions or want to leave a suggestion? Come say hi on the 'gram. Have questions about my coaching or takeaways from the episode: DM me @jamieratermann or contact me on my website!

    Also, you can connect with me on Twitter, @jamieratermann, and Linkedin: Jamie Ratermann.

    Thanks for listening! Stay tuned to my website for more episode updates and other exciting programs and resources.

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    Mary is a Transformational Leader and an internationally recognized Personal Branding & Online Business Specialist.

    Episode Links:
    Web: https://www.maryhendersoncoaching.com/
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    Leveraging LinkedIn for Business Growth with Daniel Alfon | Episode #80


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    In this episode we talk about:

    - LinkedIn best practices to grow your business

    - Optimising your LinkedIn profile for conversion

    - Growing a high-quality professional network



    Daniel Alfon is a LinkedIn author, expert, and trainer. Daniel was one of the first to open a LinkedIn account in early 2004.
    Since then, he published his book "Build a LinkedIn Profile for Business Success", spoke across virtual and physical stages on 3 continents, and helped thousands of entrepreneurs and consultants grow their businesses.


    You can learn more here:






    Our profile headline is the single most important real estate on LinkedIn. This cheat sheet contains examples, formulas, and how-tos. All of those enable you to improve yours.


    Music credit: Vittoro by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue)
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    Turned off by aspects of Sales that are sleazy, she is passionate about empathetic and relational sales, and helping people gain the confidence they need to sell in the first place!

    Here to set you on the path to mastering the sales process whatever you do, Darleen shared a tonne of insights and amazing advice including:

    • How to Sell with Confidence
    • How to Sell without Feeling Sleazy
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    • Empathetic selling 101
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    And much, much more!


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    Tailoring Talk on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/tailoringtalkpodcast
    Connect with Darleen at https://www.linkedin.com/in/darleenpriday and ask her any questions you might have about Sales. It would be her pleasure to support you!

    Tailoring Talk intro and outro music by Wataboy on Pixabay
    Produced & Edited by Roberto Revilla

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    Tailoring Talk Intro and Outro Music by Wataboy on Pixabay
    Edited & Produced by Roberto Revilla
    Connect with Roberto head to https://allmylinks.com/robertorevilla
    Email the show at tailoringtalkpodcast@gmail.com