
    Destiny (twitch.tv/destiny)

    en-usDecember 27, 2019
    What is the shared goal of the individuals in the conversation?
    How does the speaker view mental health's impact on society?
    What perspective on relationships does the speaker discuss?
    How did the speaker's upbringing influence their relationship mindset?
    What lesson did the speaker learn from losing pets?

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Ourselves and Improving Mental HealthTwo individuals, with different approaches and perspectives, discuss the importance of mental health and self-understanding, emphasizing the need for emotional engagement and scientific analysis.

      Both individuals in this conversation have a shared goal of helping people understand themselves and improving mental health, despite having different approaches and perspectives. The speaker, known for his philosophy and life-related discussions on Twitch, recognizes the importance of mental health and the high disease burden it causes in society. He shares that his audience often seeks emotional engagement, but the speaker himself is more grounded and empirical in his beliefs and analysis. The conversation also touches upon the topic of consciousness being an emergent property, which is a scientific view. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding oneself and others, as well as the various ways people approach these complex issues.

    • Seeking self-awareness and validation for personal growthBeing honest with oneself and seeking diverse perspectives are crucial for self-awareness and maintaining high self-confidence. While external validation can contribute to happiness, it's not the sole determinant of contentment and confidence.

      According to the speaker, self-awareness and seeking external validation are crucial for personal growth and maintaining a high level of self-confidence. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being honest with oneself and seeking diverse perspectives to gain a more accurate understanding of oneself. They also mention that their sense of happiness and contentment is not solely dependent on external validation or congruency. The speaker suggests that their confidence and contentment have been a part of them since a young age, but the origins of these traits are unclear. The speaker also notes that they have observed that some people's unhappiness stems from their focus on how others view them and their discontentment with their place in society. The speaker's introspection and desire for self-improvement have led them to prioritize self-awareness and seeking external validation as key components of their personal growth journey.

    • Understanding the role of external validation in self-contentmentRelying too heavily on external validation can negatively impact mental state, while seeking understanding from others can lead to growth

      Our sense of self and contentment can be based on internal experiences or external factors, such as other people's opinions. However, relying too heavily on external validation can negatively impact our mental state and keep us perpetually hostage to others' opinions. Krishnamoorthy's works might be of interest to those seeking a spiritual perspective that aligns with an atheistic point of view. The concept of ego in yogic philosophy suggests that having a larger ego, which is based on external identity, can lead to greater discontent. It's essential to understand why people disagree with us and use that understanding to grow and change, rather than getting lost in an echo chamber and disregarding external opinions entirely.

    • People's perceptions of others influenced by beliefs and communitiesPeople are complex and multifaceted, not one-dimensional. Recognize individual nuances and avoid judging based on predefined categories.

      People have complex and multifaceted identities, and their perceptions of others can be influenced by various factors, including their own beliefs and the communities they belong to. The speaker shared an experience of being perceived differently by different groups, leading to a wide disparity in how they are viewed. They emphasized the importance of considering the merit of criticisms and not letting one negative perception define an entire identity. The speaker also noted that people often put others into predefined categories and judge them based on those categories, rather than recognizing their individual nuances and complexities. It's a normal human tendency, but it's essential to remember that people are not one-dimensional and deserve to be seen and understood in their full complexity.

    • Belonging to groups influences how we evaluate thingsPeople's responses to evaluating things can be influenced by the groups they perceive themselves belonging to, leading to a lack of nuance and increased divisiveness online. Strive for thoughtful responses to promote understanding.

      People's responses to evaluating things they like or don't like are often influenced by the groups they perceive themselves belonging to. This can lead to a lack of nuanced understanding and an increase in divisiveness on the internet. People may be multifaceted, but they tend to be grouped into binary categories based on their beliefs or affiliations. These groups may reject anyone who holds beliefs that differ from their own, leading to further division. It's essential to strive for thoughtful and considered responses, rather than reactionary ones, to promote understanding and reduce divisiveness. However, it's important to acknowledge that people may have core principles that guide their beliefs and that these principles may not align with every group they encounter online.

    • The speaker's unique thought process sets them apartThe speaker values their independent perspective, shaped by upbringing and experience, and believes it sets them apart from others in their ability to answer complex questions related to their beliefs.

      The speaker believes that their unique and well-thought-out internal thought process sets them apart from others, leading to a more independent perspective on various topics. They acknowledge that everyone believes their beliefs have been carefully considered, but their experience shows that many people crumble when questioned about their beliefs. The speaker's upbringing and independence have influenced their thought process, allowing them to evaluate topics without considering group approval or disapproval. While most people claim to have an internal process, the speaker argues that theirs stands out due to their ability to answer complex questions related to their beliefs. However, it's important to note that the speaker's perspective is subjective, and the validity of their claims about others' thought processes remains unproven.

    • People form opinions based on preconceived notions and labelsEncourage deeper thought and nuanced understanding of complex issues and people to avoid misperceptions and misunderstandings.

      People often form opinions about others based on preconceived notions and labels, rather than truly understanding their unique perspectives. The speaker in this conversation expresses his observation that some individuals lack the ability to think critically about complex issues and instead parrot the views of those they look up to. He also acknowledges that he himself is perceived as a divisive figure due to his independent way of thinking and the tendency of others to slot him into simplistic categories. However, he is puzzled by the fact that those who hold similar views to him do not seem to recognize this about themselves. The underlying issue, as the speaker sees it, is that humans have a binary way of thinking, which can lead to misperceptions and misunderstandings. Ultimately, the speaker's goal is to encourage deeper thought and more nuanced understanding of complex issues and the people who hold them.

    • The complexities of human identityLabels and stereotypes don't define people, who are multifaceted and cannot be easily categorized.

      People tend to identify strongly with specific groups and are often labeled or categorized by others based on their beliefs or actions, regardless of their own self-perception. This can lead to feelings of divisiveness and being misunderstood, especially for individuals who engage in diverse or polarizing conversations. The speaker, Destiny, shares that he is often described as a sociopath due to his cold and detached demeanor and transactional approach to relationships. However, he emphasizes that this is simply how he processes things and does not affect his ability to function independently or form meaningful connections with others. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities of human identity and the importance of understanding that people are multifaceted and cannot be easily defined by labels or stereotypes.

    • Understanding Relationships Through TransactionsSome individuals view relationships as transactions, focusing on what they can gain and what they need to offer. This perspective can be rooted in past experiences and may be perceived differently by others.

      Viewing relationships transactionally can provide a sense of comfort and predictability for some individuals. This perspective allows them to understand what they can gain from a relationship and what they need to offer in return. However, this approach can be perceived as manipulative or cold by others. The speaker's upbringing, which was characterized by a lack of parental presence, may have contributed to this way of thinking. Despite feeling unhappy about it as a child, the speaker eventually became more accepting of their independent upbringing and developed a transactional mindset towards relationships.

    • Childhood experiences shape us deeply, but it's important to process feelings to prevent them from resurfacing later in life.Recognize the impact of childhood experiences, process feelings intentionally for personal growth, and acknowledge the role of influences in shaping identity.

      Our experiences in childhood shape us in profound ways, and while some feelings may fade with time, it's essential to acknowledge and process them to prevent them from resurfacing in later life. The speaker shared how they pondered their parents' absence during their early years, but by high school, they had found solace in music and had let go of those feelings. However, they also recognized that not all feelings disappear on their own and that confronting and processing them is crucial for personal growth. They admitted that they were surprised to hear someone their age discussing the intentional processing of feelings, as they had previously believed their experiences were largely automatic. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of self-awareness and the role of influences, such as video games, in shaping their identity.

    • Childhood experiences shape behavior and attitudeGrowing up without parental involvement can lead to independence, self-reliance, and unhealthy coping mechanisms

      Growing up without parental involvement can shape a person's behavior and attitude in significant ways. Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII, for instance, grew up as an orphan and dealt with his past in an unhealthy manner, often being rude and having a chip on his shoulder. The speaker also shared their personal experience of growing up with parents who were busy and not always present, leading them to value their independence and self-reliance. While the speaker expressed gratitude for their upbringing, they acknowledged that some people might seek out relationships or experiences to fill the void left by absent parents. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complex and varied ways that childhood experiences can impact a person's development.

    • Middle school experiences shaped emotional developmentSpeaker's upbringing led to emotional independence and transactional relationships, but their communication style adds complexity

      The speaker's upbringing and experiences during their middle school years significantly influenced their emotional development and relationships with others. They felt neglected and sought emotional independence, leading to a lack of emotional connection with others. However, the speaker acknowledges the ambiguity in their past feelings and experiences, and they have a complex relationship with clarity and ambiguity in communication. Additionally, they share an example of a strange relationship with their grandmother. Overall, the speaker's past experiences shaped their emotional independence and transactional relationships, but their communication style and the perception of wishy-washiness add complexity to understanding their past and present emotions.

    • Learning to detach from strong emotional attachments due to past painThe speaker's experiences with losing pets and emotionally distant parents shaped their approach to relationships, prioritizing practicality over emotional connection if they had a large family.

      The speaker's experiences with losing pets led them to learn not to form strong emotional attachments due to the pain it caused. They also shared that their relationship with their parents was not particularly emotionally expressive or supportive growing up, but they did value the occasional moments of pride or recognition. The speaker acknowledged that their parents made an effort to reach out and be supportive, but they had a tendency to distance themselves emotionally. The speaker reflected on how these experiences might have shaped their relationships with their own children, suggesting that they might prioritize practicality over emotional connection if they had a large family.

    • Adapting to Unmet Emotional NeedsDestiny's upbringing led her to prioritize self-interest and view relationships as transactions, a learned adaptation to unmet emotional needs.

      Destiny's upbringing led her to view relationships and emotions in a transactional and adaptive way, which she believes is vital for survival. She learned early on that her emotional needs often went unmet, leading her to suppress emotions and prioritize self-interest. This adaptation was necessary given her circumstances, but it also resulted in a perspective that values transactions over emotional connections. Destiny recognizes this perspective and understands that it may be seen as unconventional or even negative by some, but she believes it has served her well in her career and personal life. She strives to ensure that any relationships she has are beneficial for both parties. This perspective was shaped by her experiences and the reality of her environment, and it is not a reflection of a lack of love or care from her parents. Instead, it is a learned adaptation that has become a defining aspect of her worldview.

    • Exploring Suppressed EmotionsSuppressed emotions, learned in childhood, can be deeply ingrained and challenging to reengage with later in life. Potential benefits of exploring them include new experiences and perspectives, but risks and impact on current life situation should be considered.

      Some people may suppress emotions as a coping mechanism, especially when they learned to do so at a young age. This suppression can become deeply ingrained and adaptive, making it challenging to reengage with emotions later in life. However, exploring these emotions could potentially lead to new experiences and perspectives, even if some may be unpleasant. The decision to do so depends on whether one believes the potential benefits outweigh the risks and the impact it might have on one's current life situation. Essentially, the question is whether it's worth experiencing a wider range of emotions, even if it means dealing with the negative ones as well.

    • Struggling with Emotional VulnerabilityThe speaker values their emotional connections but is hesitant to explore new experiences due to fear of vulnerability and negative feedback. They believe their ability to suppress emotions may contribute to their divisive nature.

      The speaker values the emotional connections they have in their current life and feels content with their relationships, even if they are transactional. However, they are aware that there is a world beyond their current experiences and are hesitant to explore it due to potential emotional vulnerability and fear of negative feedback. The speaker also believes that their ability to suppress emotions may be a reason for their divisive nature and the visceral reactions people have towards them. They compare this to the uncanny valley, where something is not quite human but very close, and the slight difference creates an uncomfortable and unsettling response. The speaker acknowledges that emotions are important and valuable, but they struggle to understand and express them. Ultimately, the speaker is content with their current life but open to the possibility of exploring new experiences and emotions in the future.

    • Exploring Emotional Attachment: A Path to Personal Growth?Emotional attachment exploration can lead to personal growth, but may be uncomfortable. Defense mechanisms can be removed and replaced, allowing for emotional connection. Psychedelics can provide new perspectives, but their effects are limited by individual brain capabilities.

      Exploring emotional attachment could potentially lead to positive experiences and personal growth, even if it may seem difficult or uncomfortable for someone who has learned to suppress their emotions. The speaker suggests that this armor-like defense mechanism can be unequipped and re-equipped, allowing for emotional exploration without causing permanent damage. Additionally, the use of psychedelic drugs can activate existing brain machinery in new ways, but their effects are limited by the individual's brain capabilities. The speaker does not advocate for the use of psychedelics for clinical purposes, but acknowledges the potential for personal insight and growth from their use. Ultimately, the decision to explore emotional attachment or use psychedelics is a personal one, and the potential benefits and challenges should be carefully considered.

    • Comparing psychedelics, meditation, and emotional expressionWhile psychedelics and meditation share similarities, meditation is considered the optimal solution for self-discovery due to its control and ability to openly express emotions.

      Psychedelics, meditation, and dissociative experiences share similarities such as feelings of self-dissolution and connection. However, my teacher cautions against using psychedelics for self-discovery as it can create unrealistic expectations and lacks control compared to meditation. While psychedelics may have a role in treatment for those who cannot dedicate time to meditation, they are considered a substitute and not the optimal solution. I agree with this perspective. I also believe that emotions are not always openly expressed by some individuals, including Destiny, and this emotional suppression might not have been apparent at the start of our conversation. This disagreement might have been more semantic than substantial. It's important to acknowledge that we all have emotional systems and suppress emotions to some extent.

    • Understanding Relationship DifferencesRecognize that individuals have unique perspectives on relationships and respect differences to foster healthy connections.

      The concept of suppression in relationships can lead to problems when individuals have different perspectives on the nature of relationships. While some view relationships as transactional, others prioritize deeper connections. The speaker acknowledges having a transactional approach, but values and prioritizes non-transactional relationships. The speaker's past experiences, including a transformative journey to India to study yoga, meditation, and spiritual development, have influenced their personal values and priorities in relationships. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding and respecting individual differences in relationship dynamics.

    • An internal journey of personal growth and spiritualityPersonal growth and spirituality are not tied to external factors, focus on both internal and external for true progress

      Personal growth and spirituality are not dependent on external factors such as location or appearance, but rather an internal journey. The speaker shared his experience of initially pursuing a spiritual path after gaining a worldly education, but ultimately deciding against it due to ego. He then went on to pursue a career in neuroscience and psychiatry, incorporating meditation and eastern principles into his practice. When discussing progress as a civilization, the speaker agreed that there have been advancements in areas like medicine and education, but expressed concern that self-development and personal relationships have been overlooked in the midst of technological advancements. He encouraged a focus on both external and internal growth for true progress.

    • Happiness and suffering are separate entitiesRecognizing happiness and suffering as separate entities can lead to personal growth and self-actualization, regardless of external circumstances.

      Happiness and fulfillment in life are not directly linked to external factors such as wealth, success, or even the absence of pain and suffering. According to the discussion, these elements are independent and exist on their own axis. The yogic tradition, for instance, recognizes the concept of dukha, which refers to suffering, and sukha, or happiness, as separate entities. People's lives, regardless of their circumstances, can be filled with either dukha or sukha. The progress of human civilization has primarily focused on physical advancements, but the recognition of this separation is becoming increasingly relevant in today's world. The loss of religious institutions and the secularization of society may leave some people feeling lost and seeking purpose in life. For those who identify as atheists, finding meaning and fulfillment may require looking beyond material success and focusing on personal growth, mindfulness, and self-actualization.

    • Exploring Eastern Religions and Their TextsEastern religions like Buddhism and Hinduism provide a flexible approach to finding purpose without strict belief systems. Their texts, such as the Mahabharata, offer valuable insights into life's complexities and explore duty, morality, and human condition.

      As society shifts and people seek meaning beyond traditional religious beliefs, Eastern religions like Buddhism and Hinduism offer unique perspectives. These religions can provide a sense of purpose without requiring strict belief systems. Hinduism, in particular, embraces theistic, atheistic, and monotheistic beliefs simultaneously. Religious texts, such as the Mahabharata, can offer valuable insights into life's complexities and help individuals explore their sense of duty and morality. These texts, with their engaging stories and philosophical depth, can be enjoyed by people of all belief systems or none at all. In summary, Eastern religions and their texts offer a flexible and thought-provoking approach to finding purpose and understanding the human condition.

    • A community for gamers prioritizing mental healthThe Healthy Gamer community provides a supportive space for gamers to discuss emotions and experiences, fostering understanding and camaraderie, with trained coaches available for assistance.

      The Healthy Gamer community, found at www.healthygamer.gg, aims to provide a supportive space for gamers focused on mental health and well-being. The project, which started as a means to help those with video game addiction, now includes a team of coaches being trained by the founder. While not a medical organization, the community offers resources such as a Discord server for members to connect and share experiences. The goal is to create a self-supporting network for gamers, fostering understanding and camaraderie. The founder, who is a clinician, is personally training a group of coaches due to high demand for assistance. Remember, this initiative is not intended to diagnose or treat any conditions, but rather to offer a platform for gamers to discuss their emotions and experiences in a safe and understanding environment.

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    “You’re on an L Train going downtown like everybody for work, you’re going to see people at every station of life. And they are all reading a great book.”

    “The years go by, you’re propping up a story that is no longer useful and the psychic energy required to maintain that infrastructure must be exhausting.”

    “You’re going to have to find a way to differentiate yourself in a way that is compelling, powerful, and accurate. And authentic.”


    Dear Listeners it is now your turn,

    Whatever you’re doing I hope that you can start to answer that question: I see a day when. 

    I have no doubt that whatever you put together you can then use to really inform how you present yourself to the world around you. Because the stories you tell say a lot about who you are, and the stories you tell about others in your community say even more about who you are. So share your stories and share them well.

    And, as always, thank you for listening. 


    About Peter 

    Peter Davis helps leaders of small to medium-sized B2B service companies, non-profit organizations, and institutions of higher learning craft and tell stories that attract their most natural audiences; people that actually want to buy from you, work for you, invest in you, fund you or volunteer for you. Performed consistently, a compelling story has the power to improve personal, organizational and brand performance.

    Be sure to check out Peter’s LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram! As well as his website Heroes Quest Consulting and the video Business Is Theater!


    About Sarah

    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

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    The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

    Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.

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    If you want to be featured on the next episode, send an email to press@daddyissuesla.com or call Violetta at 424-278-4268 and leave an anonymous voicemail!

    What to Listen For:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 01:44 Most people don’t know about you
    • 04:53 Fulfilling moments in the industry
    • 06:35 When roles rub off on you in real life
    • 11:09 Do you miss Pretty Little Liars?
    • 13:16 Starting young in the industry
    • 15:58 Advice for your younger self?
    • 16:44 How do you handle criticism
    • 19:52 Diagnosed with PCOS
    • 26:59 Every woman had different needs
    • 30:48 Have people around you can trust
    • 31:57 Physically and mentally stronger as a mother
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    • 39:57 Your purpose should be what you love doing
    • 44:00 Remember people as a whole, not just the positives
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