
    Podcast Summary

    • Explore the Elements tab for webpage debuggingInspect and manipulate webpage elements using the Elements tab in web developer tools, beneficial for both technical and non-technical users.

      The Elements tab in web developer tools is a crucial and frequently used feature for inspecting and debugging web pages. It provides an HTML representation of the DOM, allowing users to explore the underlying structure and make changes in real-time. The Elements tab is not just limited to web developers, as even non-technical users can use it to inspect and manipulate elements on a webpage. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of keeping devices charged and the potential impact of low battery on performance. The Elements tab includes various panels and JavaScript DOM tools to help users debug their code and gain a better understanding of the webpage's functionality.

    • Manipulating the DOM for better control over webpage elementsModern web browsers offer various ways to edit and manipulate the DOM, including clicking and dragging, right-clicking for HTML editing, and using tools like flexbox and grid layouts for improved visual understanding and editing experience.

      The DOM (Document Object Model) in a web browser can be edited and manipulated directly for various purposes, including moving, deleting, and modifying elements. This can be done by clicking and dragging elements, right-clicking to edit as HTML, or adding or changing attributes. Additionally, modern web browsers like Chrome now offer useful tools like flexbox and grid layouts, which can be toggled on in the elements tab for better visual understanding and editing experience. This level of control can be particularly helpful for making adjustments to tricky layouts or removing unwanted elements on websites.

    • Identifying the cause of scrolling in FirefoxFirefox's DevTools offer features like setting breakpoints on specific JavaScript modifications, 'Scroll into View' for quick navigation, and the ability to expand/collapse elements recursively to enhance debugging experience.

      The DevTools in web browsers like Firefox offer various features that can significantly enhance the debugging experience for developers. One such feature is the ability to identify the cause of scrolling in a webpage. Firefox's scroll indicator is useful for determining which element is scrolling, but not which one is causing the scrolling. To solve this issue, developers can add borders or use other techniques to identify the problematic element. Another valuable feature is the ability to set breakpoints on specific modifications in JavaScript code. This can be especially helpful when working with older or unfamiliar codebases. Breakpoints can be set on subtree modifications, attribute modifications, and node removal. Additionally, the "Scroll into View" feature allows developers to quickly navigate to a specific element in the DOM, making it easier to locate and work on elements in large lists. The ability to go from the console to the inspector and back, as well as accessing recently selected elements, also saves time and increases efficiency. Furthermore, the DevTools offer the ability to expand or collapse elements recursively, which can help declutter the view and focus on specific parts of the codebase. Lastly, deleting DOM nodes can be an effective way to identify the cause of horizontal scrolling or other issues. Overall, the DevTools in web browsers provide a wealth of features that can streamline the debugging process and make development more efficient.

    • Debugging web development involves quickly deleting and reinstating elements to identify issuesEffectively debug web dev by eliminating app parts, using dev tools, and leveraging cloud services like Linode

      Effective debugging in web development involves the ability to quickly delete and reinstate elements to identify the root cause of an issue. This process can be repeated by breaking down the application into smaller parts and eliminating sections until the problem is identified. Additionally, using tools like the layers panel in developer tools can provide valuable insights into the visual representation of a website, helping to identify elements that are off-canvas or have incorrect z-index. Another effective tool for debugging is using a reliable cloud computing service like Linode, which provides the necessary infrastructure for hosting applications, storing data, and implementing various security features. By combining these debugging techniques and utilizing powerful tools and services, developers can efficiently identify and resolve complex issues in their web projects.

    • Explore Linode's $100 hosting credit and debugging with Styles tabLinode offers a $100 credit for hosting experiments and the Styles tab in browser inspector simplifies debugging and testing of CSS with features like triggering pseudo selector states, adding class names, and inline CSS addition.

      Linode offers a $100 credit for hosting an application on their servers, allowing you to experiment with running multiple apps using Node, PM2, and a web server like Nginx or Caddy. In the realm of web development, the Styles tab in the browser inspector is a valuable tool. It offers features like the ability to trigger pseudo selector states, add class names, and even add new style rules. The colon hover, focus, and active states can be selected and edited directly, making debugging and testing easier. The "dot CLS" feature allows for quick addition of class names, avoiding the need for double-clicking and potential typos. The plus sign adds a new style rule, giving the option to add it to a specific CSS file for more targeted testing. The element style feature allows for inline CSS addition, which can be helpful for quick testing and design iterations. Overall, the Styles tab provides a range of useful features for debugging, testing, and designing CSS.

    • Understanding Final Styles in Web DevelopmentUse the Computed tab in dev tools to inspect and filter final styles applied to HTML elements, including inherited and implicit properties, and utilize features like grid and flexbox overlays and box model visualization for enhanced debugging and designing.

      The Computed tab in web development tools, such as those in Firefox and Chrome, provides valuable insights into the final styles applied to an HTML element. This tab shows all assigned and inherited styles, including implicit ones, and allows users to filter and understand the origin of specific properties. Additionally, the Layout tab offers features like grid and flexbox overlays and box model visualization. Recent updates in both browsers have brought them to parity, making dev tools an essential and user-friendly tool for debugging and designing websites. Other features, like toggle print styles, toggle light and dark modes, and emulation of GPS coordinates, can be accessed through easy-to-find buttons, enhancing the overall user experience.

    • Customize Chrome DevTools panel for enhanced productivityDrag and drop tabs into the Chrome DevTools panel for quick access to frequently used tabs, improving multitasking and productivity

      The Chrome DevTools panel, which can be accessed by hitting the escape key and opening the console, can now be customized by dragging various tabs, such as the network tab, into the panel for easier multitasking. This feature enhances productivity by keeping frequently used tabs readily available and accessible. The speaker also mentioned that Firefox does not currently support this functionality. Additionally, the speaker discussed adjusting font sizes in the console, which can sometimes lead to issues, and their past attempts to skin the dev tools to make the code larger while keeping the buttons small were unsuccessful. To move a tab into the panel, right-click on the desired tab and select "Move to bottom." This feature is particularly useful when working with the network tab and HTML tab at the same time.

    • Identifying and fixing issues with SentrySentry notifies developers of broken code and allows for easy patch creation and deployment. Regression alerts are sent when previously fixed issues reappear. Free trials for error tracking are available from Century. Quickly adjust font settings with the fonts tab in inspector.

      Sentry is a powerful tool for developers that helps them identify and fix issues in their codebase. The speaker shared his experience with Sentry and how it has improved his workflow by notifying him of broken code and allowing him to easily create and deploy patches. He also mentioned the introduction of a feature that sends regression alerts when a previously fixed issue reappears. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the utility of Century, a sponsor of the podcast, for providing a free trial for error tracking. Another tool the speaker appreciated was the fonts tab inside the inspector, which allows developers to quickly visualize and adjust font settings, including line height, size, and weight. The speaker also mentioned the CSS overview tab in Chrome, which provides similar functionality but with some differences. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of having tools that help developers identify and address issues efficiently, allowing them to maintain high-quality code and provide better user experiences.

    • Google Chrome's CSS Overview experiment: A valuable tool for optimizing CSSGoogle Chrome's CSS Overview experiment offers a high-level overview of CSS usage in a project, helping developers identify potential issues and optimize animations through interactive tools.

      Google Chrome's CSS Overview experiment is a valuable tool for developers who prioritize optimizing their CSS. This feature provides a high-level overview of CSS usage in a project, including the number of elements, colors, and media queries. It can help identify potential issues, such as the use of excessive similar colors, and even allows for the replay and manipulation of animations. The Animations tab is another useful feature, enabling developers to easily test and debug animations without having to modify the code directly. Overall, these tools save time and effort by offering visual and interactive ways to improve and refine CSS and animations in web development projects.

    • Exploring Hidden Features in DevToolsDevTools offer advanced features like real-time collaboration for animations, custom UI themes, font editor, experiments tab, and a changes tab for tracking modifications.

      The DevTools in web browsers offer numerous underutilized features, particularly in the realm of animations and customization. The speaker shared their experience of working on UI projects and the desire to collaborate with designers in real-time to fine-tune animations. They also highlighted the Settings cog, which holds a multitude of options, including the experiments tab, where users can discover and enable new features like a custom UI theme and a font editor tool. The changes tab is another underappreciated feature that keeps track of modifications to specific elements, making it easier to understand and revert changes. Overall, DevTools offer a wealth of functionality beyond the basics, and exploring these hidden gems can significantly enhance the web development experience.

    • Exploring Firefox Devtools: Mux and Compatibility TabFirefox Devtools include Mux for simplified video handling and transcoding, and the Compatibility Tab for identifying compatibility issues, enhancing developer experience and productivity.

      The Firefox devtools offer unique features that can enhance a developer's experience, such as displaying file names and identifying compatibility issues. One specific tool, Mux, was highlighted as a developer-friendly video platform that simplifies video handling, transcoding, and streaming. Additionally, the compatibility tab in Firefox devtools can quickly scan websites for potential issues with vendor prefixes and CSS properties, saving time and effort compared to manually checking various browsers. Overall, investing time in mastering devtools and understanding their capabilities can significantly improve a developer's efficiency and productivity.

    • Mastering development tools enhances your craftsmanshipInvesting time in mastering development tools and exploring educational resources can lead to increased productivity, improved craftsmanship, and a deeper understanding of the tech industry.

      Investing time in mastering development tools can significantly enhance your ability to build and create, making you a more effective craftsperson in the tech industry. The speaker shared their experience of spending a considerable amount of time in developer tools and emphasized the importance of being proficient with these tools to produce high-quality work. Additionally, the speaker shared their recent discovery of a YouTube channel called "Ltoro Ryan," which offers in-depth explanations of roller coaster designs and histories. This channel appeals to those who enjoy the technical aspects of design and problem-solving, providing valuable insights into the evolution of roller coasters. Another recommendation was the "Post Apocalyptic Inventor" YouTube channel, which showcases the refurbishing of old tools and their modernization using new batteries. This channel offers practical advice for extending the life of older tools and is a great resource for anyone looking to learn more about tool maintenance and upgrades. In summary, investing time in mastering development tools and exploring educational resources like YouTube channels can lead to increased productivity, improved craftsmanship, and a deeper understanding of the tech industry.

    • Using the right tools for different projects and staying updated with future techChoose appropriate tools for your projects and leverage free learning resources to stay updated with future technology

      Importance of using the right tools for different projects and the availability of resources for learning new technologies. The speaker mentioned the need to step down voltage for using certain tools and tools like 18 or 20 volts being used for car stuff, while 12 volts are used for cool car stuff. He then shamelessly plugged his courses on web development, specifically mentioning his free Beginner JavaScript Notes guide, which is 200,000 words long with 1500 screenshots. He also announced upcoming SvelteKit courses on Level Up Tutorials and encouraged listeners to sign up for the year to save 25% and even get team accounts. The speaker emphasized the value of learning through applicable means and staying updated with future tech. So, the main takeaway is to make sure you have the right tools and resources for your projects and take advantage of the wealth of learning materials available online.

    Recent Episodes from Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 Who is Paul Copplestone?
    • 01:17 Why ‘Supa’ and not ‘Super’?
    • 02:26 How did Supabase start?
    • 08:42 Simplicity in design.
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    • 44:15 Supabase’s GA + new features.
    • 48:24 Who runs the X account?
    • 50:39 Sick Picks + Shameless Plugs.

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    Vue.js: The Documentary.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 What does the React Compiler do?
    • 05:04 Will React Compiler help with managing Context?
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    • 12:18 What are React Server Components?
    • 16:28 Shipping all the data inside an encapsulated component.
    • 20:17 Clearing up the frustrations around retrofitting server components.
    • 23:13 Handing migration.
    • 28:30 Is this just a fetch request with props?
    • 36:41 How closely are the NextJS and React teams working?
    • 41:53 Will we ever get Async Client Components?
    • 43:52 Async Local Storage API.
    • 45:31 Turbopack.
    • 57:51 Sick Picks & Shameless Plugs.

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    784: Logging × Blogging × Testing × Freelancing

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    779: Why SQLite is Taking Over with Brian Holt & Marco Bambini

    779: Why SQLite is Taking Over with Brian Holt & Marco Bambini

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 01:20 Who is Brian Holt?
    • 02:26 Who is Marco Bambini?
    • 05:12 Why are people starting to talk so much about SQLite now?
    • 08:47 What makes SQLite special or interesting?
    • 09:46 What is a big misconception about SQLite?
    • 11:13 Installed by default in operating systems.
    • 12:03 A perception that SQLite is intended for single users.
    • 13:36 Convincing developers it’s a full-featured solution.
    • 15:11 What does SQLite do better than Postgres or MySQL?
    • 17:30 SQLite Cloud & local first features.
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    • 23:08 Are you typically reaching for ORMs?
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    • 41:19 Questions about security.
    • 44:28 But does it scale?
    • 45:52 Sick Picks + Shameless Plugs.

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    Brian: Trainer Road
    Marco: Tennis

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    Sentry - Sponsor

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    Auth0 - Sponsor

    Auth0 is the easiest way for developers to add authentication and secure their applications. They provide features like user management, multi-factor authentication, and you can even enable users to login with device biometrics with something like their fingerprint. Not to mention, Auth0 has SDKs for your favorite frameworks like React, Next.js, and Node/Express. Make sure to sign up for a free account and give Auth0 a try with the link below. https://a0.to/syntax

    Show Notes

    02:35 - What are the use cases of SASS/SCSS in 2021? Would you still choose it over CSS (or something else?) in a new project?

    05:26 - What ever happened to CSS Houdini?

    08:49 - With all these JS being transferred, have you ever tried to challenge yourself to build a project that doesn’t involve any JS (in the front end alone); (e.g. just HTML+CSS)? I find it funny how I can pretty much use amazon.com with JS disabled, but I literally cannot view the angular docs if I disable it.

    11:40 - As we all know, Tim Berners-Lee made the web. Apparently, after seeing everyone’s data getting harvested by tech companies, he decided to make a project called Solid (https://solidproject.org/) that allows people to own their data and control all permissions to it. So if a user logs into your app with Solid, rather than storing their info on your server, you’d store it in their Solid Pod. Do you think this could save both Web developers’ conscience and disk space in the cloud?

    15:47 - I am about to start my first developer job. What practices can I start to really get off on the right foot and lay down a foundation for a successful career?

    18:57 - Have you guys ever used your dev skills to trade for other goods or services? For instance, helping out an auto mechanic with their website in exchange for brake service on your car or creating a site for a barbershop traded for free haircuts for a year. If so, how do you go about starting that conversation?

    22:14 - What’s your take on DRM? Have you implemented/integrated something like Widevine in any of your platforms/projects? How does one go about doing such a thing? I can’t seem to find any good docs on that. I personally can relate as to why it’s there, but end up hating it anyways. I recently found out that Prime Video only allows SD(sub HD) content on Linux and it had something to do with the Widevine DRM they employ. I got outraged and eventually canceled my subscription!

    29:35 - Have you seen the Framework laptop and, if so, what are your thoughts for web development? I’m a lifelong Mac user but the idea of a higher repairable laptop running Linux (I personally can’t do Windows) sounds like an amazing step forward for consumers.

    32:53 - I know that you both like MongoDB and so do I. But sometimes all these queries to database, especially aggregations gets messy, aren’t they? Prisma has now support for MongoDB. What do you think? Is it a tool that will make requesting MongoDB much easier?

    37:02 - Hey guys, been diving into Svelte a bit recently and had a question about using it with GraphQL. As I recall Scott once deemed React Typescript GraphQL CodeGen “the promised land” and since then I tried it out and have found it awesome. However, I’ve been debating moving a larger personal project from React to Svelte. I see that there is plugin for graphql-codegen-svelte-apollo but with my limited knowledge of Svelte find it hard to decipher if the development experience would be as streamlined. I am wondering if you could shed some light on the developer experience of working with GraphQL in Svelte in Typescript.

    40:58 - Do y’all have any thoughts about Frontity for WordPress? I swear I’m not a plant for Frontity, but I stumbled upon it today and I’m trying to evaluate it vs. other solutions like Next.js for use in a headless WordPress setup. Would love your thoughts if you have any!

    43:40 - Call me weird, but I kind of like fiddling around with webpack configs. I just like the level of control I have here. That being said, is webpack going to die now that the “better” tools out there mature? Or do you think we might see a webpack v6 with esbuild under the hood that makes it compete with Parcel, Vite, Snowpack in terms of speed?


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    Show Notes: https://wiki.securityweekly.com/ASWEpisode106

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    Show Notes: https://wiki.securityweekly.com/SWNEpisode34

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