
    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing the Warrior Spirit for Personal Growth and FulfillmentThe warrior spirit, rooted in Native American traditions, instills resilience, goal achievement, and a positive impact on the world, benefitting individuals and various sectors like healthcare, education, and community building.

      Developing the warrior spirit is crucial for anyone looking to lead, serve, and live a purposeful life. DJ Vanas, the author of "The Warrior Within: Own Your Power to Serve, Fight, Protect and Heal," emphasizes the importance of Native American traditions and philosophy in cultivating resilience, achieving goals, and making a positive impact on the world. He highlights principles such as living off the land, taking a vision quest, counting coup, being a fire keeper, and developing toughness, and shows how they apply to all individuals. Particularly, those in healthcare, education, benevolent businesses, government, tribal employees, and community builders can greatly benefit from embracing the warrior spirit. This mentality of being in service to others aligns with cultural values and leads to personal growth and fulfillment.

    • Native American Principles: Lessons for the Modern WorldEmbracing the warrior spirit means developing resilience, strength, focus, and commitment to serve others, enabling individuals to overcome challenges with a solution-oriented mindset.

      Native American principles and the concept of being a warrior can provide valuable lessons and guidance for anyone in any field. D.J. Vanas emphasizes the alignment between Native American cultural principles and the challenges of the modern world. These principles have been tested by Native American warriors who fought against extraordinary odds and still demonstrated resilience, strength, focus, and commitment. Being a warrior in Native American cultures means dedicating one's life to developing talents and abilities for the benefit of the tribe or community served. It is about leading by example, not quitting, and finding a way forward, all with the intention of serving others. The warrior spirit is a deep internal drive that comes forth in times of challenge and adversity, enabling individuals to persevere and overcome obstacles with a fiercely solution-oriented mindset.

    • Nurturing the Fire WithinSurround yourself with positive influences, practice good habits, and confront fear head-on to sustain a resilient warrior spirit throughout your career.

      Fostering a warrior spirit requires surrounding ourselves with the right people and practicing good habits. It is about having an internal core that confronts fear head-on and accepts when things aren't going well, without letting pride and ego hold us back. This warrior spirit is like an un-quenchable fire that is always present, but its intensity depends on how well we take care of ourselves and our surroundings. When we neglect self-care and surround ourselves with the wrong influences, this spirit can dwindle down to a mere ember, leading to burnout. The book discussed in this conversation aims to help individuals be resilient and sustain their warrior spirit throughout their entire career, benefiting not only themselves but also those who depend on them.

    • Discovering and utilizing our untapped resources Key takeaway: Recognize the abundance of resources around us and start utilizing them to overcome challenges, build confidence, and achieve our goals.Subtitle: Discovering and utilizing our untapped resources  Recognize the abundance of resources around us and start utilizing them to overcome challenges, build confidence, and achieve our goals.

      We often overlook the wealth of resources available to us in our daily lives. We have an abundance of resources, from our time and energy to our talents and technology. Just like Native people were seen as magical by Europeans because they understood and utilized their resources so well, we can also tap into this mindset. Instead of constantly preparing and waiting for the perfect conditions to take action, it's important to start where we are and make a list of the resources already at our disposal. By doing so, we increase our chances of finding solutions to challenges, gain confidence in dealing with fear and setbacks, and strengthen our connections with others who have resources we can leverage. So, let's recognize and utilize the resources around us to accomplish our goals.

    • Harnessing the Power Within: Finding Strength and Direction in Life's ChaosBy recognizing and utilizing our own skills, talents, and wisdom, and adopting an abundance mindset, we can find clarity and prioritize what truly matters in our lives, providing us with strength and direction amidst life's chaos.

      We possess within us the power and resources to navigate through life's struggles. Just as the Native Americans carry medicine bags filled with their skills, talents, and wisdom, we too have accumulated valuable experiences and knowledge. We often overlook these resources in times of difficulty, but it is important to acknowledge and utilize them. By adopting an abundance mindset and taking time for reflection, we can tap into our own clarity and prioritize what truly matters in our lives. Setting aside quiet moments each day, and even dedicating specific periods for deeper introspection, allows us to align with our mission and values, providing us with strength and direction amidst life's chaos.

    • Self-reflection and inner strength: Finding our own vision and purpose in lifeTaking time for self-reflection and connecting with our inner voice and values is essential for defining our own vision and purpose in life, boosting confidence to overcome challenges.

      We need to define our own vision and purpose in life. We cannot let others dictate who we are or what we should be. Taking time for self-reflection, whether it's a weekend away or just a few minutes of solitude, allows us to connect with our inner voice and values. In the chaos of everyday life, it's important to create moments of stillness and listen to that voice. Just like the Plains tribe Warriors who practiced counting coup, we must face our fears and obstacles head-on. By developing our own war cry, a symbol of our courage and determination, we can scare our inner doubts away and boost our confidence to overcome challenges.

    • Harnessing the Power of Mantras and WordsThe words we choose, whether in mantras or in everyday conversations, have the ability to empower us and shape our reality, propelling us towards success and overcoming challenges.

      Having a war cry or mantra can provide us with the boost of courage we need in moments of doubt, fear, or hesitation. It can be anything that we go back to as a touchstone, whether it's a prayer, a motivational quote, or even a song. Just like the Lakota war cry "Hoka Hey," which means "It's a good day to die" and symbolizes living life fully and fearlessly. Mantras may seem trivial to some, but they can be powerful tools, especially in stressful situations. Our words, both those we share with others and those we tell ourselves, have real impact. We have the ability to create an environment of strength around us by choosing our words conscientiously. Taking action, even in small steps, and constantly moving forward towards our goals is key, just like the raiding warfare style of Native American Plains tribes. It is through this approach that the American colonies were able to defeat the mighty British Empire and change history.

    • Finding Balance and Rest for Sustainable SuccessTaking regular breaks to recharge and finding a balance between intense focus and rest are essential for maintaining momentum and avoiding burnout in pursuit of our goals.

      Balance and rest are crucial in achieving sustainable success. Just like boxers take breaks between rounds to recharge their batteries, we too need to give ourselves time to recover spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Pushing ourselves relentlessly without breaks can lead to burnout and render us ineffective. Developing momentum is also important, starting with small steps that create energy and keep us moving forward towards our goals. Additionally, we can learn from Native warriors who had seasons for fighting and seasons for hunting. Similarly, we need to have periods of intense focus and periods of rest and recuperation to maintain our warrior spirit and avoid the pitfalls of a fast-paced, relentless lifestyle.

    • Nurturing Our Internal FireSurround yourself with positive influences and a supportive community to maintain your motivation and inspiration, leading to a happier and healthier life.

      We each have our own internal fire, our motivation and inspiration, that we are responsible for keeping burning bright. Just like the fire keeper in Native American culture, we must actively tend to this fire, even when external circumstances may try to extinguish it. To keep our fire burning, it's important to surround ourselves with people and environments that nurture and support us. We should start our days with uplifting and educational content, consciously choose positive habits and practices, and lean on a support structure of individuals who uplift and motivate us. By doing so, we can maintain our motivation and inspire ourselves to keep pushing forward, ultimately leading to a happier and healthier life.

    • The impact of our social environment on our attitude and well-being.Surround yourself with positive and supportive people, celebrate your achievements, and learn from your experiences to develop resilience and discipline.

      Surrounding ourselves with negative, toxic, and gossipy people can have a detrimental effect on our own attitude and well-being. Our spirits are like sponges, absorbing the energy and behaviors of those around us. Even the idea of the lone wolf, often romanticized, is flawed because warriors in Native tribes fought alongside other warriors. The role of a warrior was to serve their people and not just to feed their ego. Additionally, taking the time to celebrate our wins and reflect upon our accomplishments is crucial for maintaining motivation and avoiding burnout. By acknowledging our successes, we condition ourselves to desire future victories. Finally, tribal cultures valued reflection and celebration after battles, allowing them to gather wisdom and learn from their experiences. We should incorporate these practices into our own lives to develop discipline and toughness.

    • Building Strength and Character in Tough TimesEmbracing challenges and sharing wisdom can help us grow stronger, make a positive impact, and inspire others in their own journeys.

      Tough times can reveal our character and develop our strength. Just like Native American warriors who faced physical challenges to toughen themselves up, we can also find opportunities in our daily lives to develop courage and resilience. It can be as simple as facing our fears, disciplining ourselves to change unhealthy habits, or starting a challenging project. As we age and transition into different phases of life, we can still contribute by sharing our knowledge and wisdom. Just like the elders in Native tribes, we can pass down our experiences and make someone else's journey a little easier and more effective. The highest hope is to hand the baton to someone who can continue our work and make a positive impact.

    • Transitioning into Elderhood: A Personal DecisionBecoming an elder is not determined by age, but by a personal choice to reflect, share stories, and inspire others through life lessons learned during difficult times.

      The transition into becoming an elder is a personal decision and not determined by a specific age. It is a period of reflection and a realization of the knowledge and experiences one can share with others. To step into the role of an elder, it is important to start collecting and sharing stories. These stories should not be about boasting one's own wisdom, but rather about sharing life lessons learned during difficult times. By sharing these stories, we can inspire and benefit others. It is essential to approach the sharing of stories with the intention of helping others and fostering growth. Additionally, if one seeks more information about becoming an elder, they can visit the website Nativediscovery.com.

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    The Art of Manliness
    enJune 24, 2024

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    A big thanks to our listeners for helping us reach this cool milestone. The support is deeply appreciated!

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    The Art of Manliness
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    The Art of Manliness
    enJune 17, 2024

    Dad's Essential Role in Making Kids Awesome

    Dad's Essential Role in Making Kids Awesome

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    Resources Related to the Podcast

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    The Art of Manliness
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    The Art of Manliness
    enJune 10, 2024

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    Resources Related to the Podcast

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    Black and white image of soldiers during D-Day with the title
    The Art of Manliness
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    Why You're So Bad at Giving and Receiving Compliments (And How to Fix That)

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    In today's episode, I take a stab at answering this question with Christopher Littlefield, a speaker and consultant who specializes in employee appreciation. But first, we talk about the power of recognition, why we can be so stingy in giving compliments, how compliments can go wrong, and how we can offer them more effectively. We then turn to why getting compliments can make you cringe, how people deflect them and how this deflection affects relationships, and how to get better at receiving compliments graciously.

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    The Art of Manliness
    enJune 03, 2024

    A Guide to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

    A Guide to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

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    Resources Related to the Podcast

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    The Art of Manliness
    enMay 29, 2024

    Tactics and Mindset Shifts for Making the Most of Life

    Tactics and Mindset Shifts for Making the Most of Life

    Note: This is a rebroadcast

    Matthew Dicks wears a lot of hats. Among other things, he’s a storyteller, communications consultant, writer, and schoolteacher. In order to excel in his professional life, as well as do what he loves in his personal life, he’s developed a set of strategies that help him be more creative and productive, and can be used by anyone who wants to start making the most of life.

    Matt writes about these tactics and mindset shifts in his latest book Someday Is Today: 22 Simple, Actionable Ways to Propel Your Creative Life, and he shares some of them with us today on the show, including why you need to think in minutes, be an eagle rather than a mouse, practice deliberate incuriosity, and always do your best to act like a decent human being. Along the way, Matt and I talk about why you should floss in the shower and how restaurants that make guacamole at your table are a great example of the folly of making a thing, a thing.

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    The Art of Manliness
    enMay 27, 2024

    The Shadows Over Men's Hearts and How to Fight Them

    The Shadows Over Men's Hearts and How to Fight Them

    There are a lot of unspoken challenges and hidden battles that men face in modern society. They often manifest themselves in a uniquely male malaise where a man feels apathetic, frustrated, cynical, and lost.

    Jon Tyson has thought a lot about the problems men face and has been on the ground trying to help them as a pastor in New York City. In today's episode, I talk to Jon about the sources of this male angst that he explores as the co-author of a new book, Fighting Shadows: Overcoming 7 Lies That Keep Men From Becoming Fully Alive.

    Jon and I discuss how men often try to solve their malaise and why those approaches don't work. We then explore some of the shadows men fight in their lives, including the shadows of despair, loneliness, unhealthy ambition, futility, and lust. Jon offers some advice to overcome these shadows, including sitting around a fire pit with your bros, taking time to develop your telos or aim as a man, and injecting a bit more playfulness in your life to counteract grumpy dad syndrome.

    Resources Related to the Podcast

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    Book cover of
    The Art of Manliness
    enMay 22, 2024

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    We also cover:

    * How her childhood experiences shaped her beliefs about herself, and how she was taught to take care of everyone else and not to shine too brightly. This led to bypassing her own inner knowing.

    *How growing up with a narcissistic father led to her attracting that type of man in her adult relationships (the pattern showing up to be healed).

    * Tools and tips to manage the many challenging transitions life brings (these are helpful for everyone!)

    * Her darkest hour and how she finally woke up to the disfunction that was real and rampant in her relationship.

    * The importance of protecting and making all children feel loved and important, especially during times of chaos or change.

    * The importance of tending to the body, and the energy stored within it, in order to heal from trauma and move forward in life.

    *Finally, they discuss the idea of finding oneself after experiencing a period of loss, and the concept of addiction and how it can manifest in different ways



    If you desire to learn more about Ilana and the amazing work she does in this world, you can find out more below:

    IG + TIK TOK : https://www.in@yes.mamailana

    Website: www.yesmamawithmissilana.com

    Podcast: YES MAMA https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/yes-mama/id1670729960

    (you can find on all major platforms).


    If you enjoyed this episode please Subscribe, leave a 5 star rating and/or a review! It means the world to me to have your support and it helps other people find it who may benefit! xx - CB


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    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/confidence-self-esteem-podcast--3128218/support.