
    Finding Yourself With Winnie The Pooh

    en-gbJanuary 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Pooh's words remind us that being lost doesn't always mean it's our faultFocus on what we can control and let go of things beyond our reach. Trust that the world will settle and we'll find our way back.

      Even when we feel lost or uncertain about our current situation, it doesn't necessarily mean that we are the source of the problem. Winnie the Pooh's quote, "I am not lost, for I know where I am. But, however, where I am may be lost," reminds us that sometimes the world around us is the one that's shifting and unsettled. It's essential to focus on what we can control and let go of the things that are beyond our reach. This quote offers comfort and reassurance to those who are feeling overwhelmed or out of their depth. It's a reminder that we are enough, and we don't have to take on the responsibility for everything happening around us. Instead, we should trust that with time, the ground will settle, and we will find our way back.

    • Join the Everyday Positivity Hangout in the Facebook groupPrepare for an inspiring event and believe in your ability to overcome challenges with the support of the community and personal encouragement.

      There's an upcoming "Everyday Positivity Hangout" on Sunday, where you can find all the details in the Facebook group. My reminder for you is to join the group and prepare for an inspiring event. Moreover, I want to remind you that you have the power and ability to overcome any challenges you may face, as I firmly believe in your capabilities with the statement, "You have 100% got this." This event and my encouragement are meant to uplift and motivate you, so keep an open mind and get ready to embrace positivity. Don't forget to have a great day today and look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

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