
    Podcast Summary

    • Biden and Trump's contrasting border visitsBiden pushed for bipartisan border security bill while Trump ranted about an imaginary invasion, overshadowing the need for comprehensive immigration reform.

      During a showdown at the border between Presidents Biden and Trump, Biden visited to address the issue accurately and push for a bipartisan border security bill, while Trump ranted about an imaginary migrant invasion and language barriers to scare voters. The contrasting visits highlighted their differing approaches to the issue and showcased Biden's growing aggressiveness in the election race. Additionally, the importance of addressing comprehensive immigration reform, which Trump will not do, was overshadowed by the focus on border security alone.

    • Immigration and Border Control: A Complex Issue for BidenDespite Biden's efforts, voters trust Trump more on immigration and border control. Political opponents exploit the issue, making it difficult for Biden to navigate. Some suggest executive action, while others fear impact on asylum seekers.

      The issue of immigration and border control is a major concern for voters, with a significant number trusting Donald Trump more than President Biden on the issue, despite Biden's efforts to address the crisis at the border. The situation is complex, with potential executive actions facing pushback from progressives and legal challenges. Biden's opponents are exploiting the issue politically, making it a difficult situation for the president to navigate. Despite the challenges, some believe that Biden's strongest political position is taking executive action to address the crisis, while others argue that such actions would unfairly impact legitimate asylum seekers. Ultimately, there seems to be no easy solution to the crisis, and the political implications are significant.

    • Cooperation from Congress is key to addressing complex policy issuesPresident Biden's efforts to work with Congress on bipartisan deals for the border crisis and immigration reform have been limited by political gridlock. Executive actions are not foolproof and may face legal challenges. Effective solutions require bipartisan support and compromise through legislation.

      Addressing complex policy issues like the border crisis and immigration reform requires cooperation from Congress. President Biden has attempted to work with Congress on bipartisan deals, but the political gridlock has limited his options. Executive actions, while a possible solution, are not foolproof and may face legal challenges. Ultimately, the most effective way to tackle these issues is through legislation, which requires bipartisan support and compromise. The challenges faced by the current administration are not unique, as past administrations have also grappled with the limitations of executive power and the need for Congressional action.

    • Republicans focus on Hunter Biden investigation instead of pressing issuesRepublicans spent resources on Russian disinfo, time could've been used on funding, protecting IVF, helping Ukraine, and keeping govt open.

      The focus of the Republican party in Congress has been on investigating Hunter Biden instead of addressing pressing issues such as funding, protecting IVF, helping Ukraine, and keeping the government open. The investigation into Hunter Biden has been based on Russian disinformation, and even Republican media is finding it difficult to defend. The transcript of Hunter Biden's interview is expected to read well for him due to thorough preparation, but upon closer examination, it may reveal something damning. The time and resources spent on this investigation have been embarrassing for the party, especially since the issue was not a priority for the American public to begin with.

    • Ongoing allegations against Joe Biden and his family debunkedDespite evidence to the contrary, false claims against the Bidens continue to be spread, with some calling for public hearings. Mitch McConnell steps down as Senate leader, marking the end of an era for the GOP.

      The ongoing allegations against Joe Biden and his family, particularly Hunter Biden, have been debunked multiple times by various sources, yet continue to be spread by certain individuals and media outlets. These claims, which include false accusations of financial improprieties and Russian involvement, have been proven to be unfounded. Despite this, these individuals persist in spreading these falsehoods, even going so far as to call for public hearings to ask Hunter Biden the same questions that were asked in private. Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell, the longest serving Senate leader in history, announced his stepping down from his leadership position in November. This news was met with a mix of reactions, with some viewing it as the end of an era for the Republican Party.

    • Mitch McConnell's Impact on American PoliticsMitch McConnell's prioritization of political power led to the erosion of campaign finance laws, weakening of the Voting Rights Act, and confirmation of conservative judges, setting the stage for the ongoing struggle between authoritarianism and democracy in the US.

      Mitch McConnell's actions throughout his political career have contributed significantly to the current state of American politics, including the erosion of campaign finance laws, the weakening of the Voting Rights Act, and the confirmation of conservative judges. Despite his apparent opposition to Donald Trump, McConnell's prioritization of political power and the Senate majority allowed Trump to come to power and potentially regain it. McConnell's actions have set the stage for the ongoing struggle between authoritarianism and democracy in the United States. It's important to acknowledge the complexities of political power and the motivations of those who wield it, even if their actions lead to outcomes we find abhorrent.

    • Mitch McConnell's Decision Not to Act Against TrumpMcConnell's inaction allowed Trump to maintain influence in GOP, uncertain future for anti-Trump senators

      Mitch McConnell had the power to prevent Donald Trump from continuing his political career after the events of January 6th, 2021, but chose not to act. This decision allowed Trump to remain a significant force in the Republican Party and potentially become a major contender for the Senate leadership position. The secret ballot vote in the caucus may give some senators the freedom to vote against Trump without fear of retaliation, but the outcome remains uncertain. Ultimately, McConnell's decision not to act against Trump has had significant consequences for the political landscape today.

    • RFK Jr.'s Super PAC Working to Get Him on Ballot in Multiple StatesRFK Jr.'s super PAC is collecting signatures to get him on the ballot in multiple states, including swing states, but his presence on the ballot doesn't guarantee a win.

      Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s super PAC has gathered enough signatures to potentially get him on the ballot in Arizona and Georgia, but it's not a done deal yet as the signatures need to be validated by the secretary of state. RFK Jr. is currently only on the ballot in Utah, but the super PAC plans to spend $15 million to get him on the ballot in every other state, including swing states like Michigan. While it's not a guarantee that he'll win, his presence on the ballot could sway some voters, especially those who view him as a Kennedy or an environmentalist or anti-war candidate. It's important to define him and address his candidacy to prevent him from gaining traction. The challenge is striking a balance between acknowledging his presence and not elevating him by giving him too much attention.

    • DNC Takes Proactive Approach to Third-Party ChallengesThe DNC is hiring strategic and aggressive personnel to tackle third-party challenges, while the Supreme Court's decision on Trump's immunity case could impact the election timeline.

      The political landscape is becoming increasingly complex and contentious, with figures like Joe Rogan continuing to spread discredited views on various topics. The DNC is taking a proactive approach to addressing this issue, bringing on board strategic and aggressive personnel to tackle third-party challenges. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court's decision to take up Trump's immunity case could significantly impact the election timeline, potentially delaying a trial until after the election. It's crucial for individuals to stay informed and engaged in the political process to navigate these complexities.

    • Supreme Court's Handling of Trump Documents Case Raises QuestionsThe Supreme Court's handling of the Trump documents case, with potential election implications, has fueled speculation about internal dynamics and the need for bipartisan support among justices, potentially leading to a decision after the election.

      The Supreme Court's handling of the Trump classification documents case raises questions about the court's decision-making process and timing. While some argue the court is acting within normal procedures, others suggest the court could have taken up the case earlier. The court sometimes departs from usual procedures, as seen in a recent case involving Ohio and the EPA. However, in this case, the court did not, despite the urgency and potential election implications. The court's silence on the matter fuels speculation about internal dynamics and the need for bipartisan support among justices. An oral argument in late April could mean a decision after the election, as the court's order prevents the lower court from releasing its mandate until the Supreme Court's judgment is delivered. The court's actions leave many questioning the motivations behind its decisions and the potential impact on the election.

    • Supreme Court Decision Timing and Criminal Trial ScheduleThe Supreme Court's decision timing in a presidential immunity case could significantly delay a related criminal trial, potentially impacting the election season.

      The timing of the Supreme Court's decision in the ongoing case involving a presidential immunity claim could significantly impact the schedule of the related criminal trial, potentially pushing it into the election season. The Court's rules allow for a potential 30-day gap between the release of the opinion and the delivery of the judgment, adding to the estimated 80 days needed for pretrial proceedings. Chief Justice Roberts may attempt to expedite the process, but his options are limited. A delay in the trial could have significant political implications, with potential scenarios including a trial that starts before but doesn't finish before the election, or a trial that occurs in the fall or late summer. Regardless of the outcome, the prospect of a presidential candidate standing trial for allegedly inciting a violent insurrection during the election season poses challenges.

    • Timing of Trump's trial could impact 2024 electionThe timing of Trump's potential trial could sway voters, with a pre-election trial potentially benefiting Democrats and no trial leaving them to emphasize potential post-election consequences.

      The timing of Donald Trump's potential trial for various allegations, including election interference and hush money payments, could significantly impact the 2024 presidential election. If the trial occurs before the election, it could serve as a reminder to voters of Trump's legal issues and potentially benefit Democrats. However, if there is no trial, Democrats would need to emphasize the possibility of a president who could be sentenced to prison after the election and the potential for self-pardon. The Supreme Court's handling of these cases could also face criticism, potentially influencing the justices' decisions. The end of May is a crucial inflection point for holding a trial before the election.

    • Exploring the Political Podcast CommunityPod Save America and Political Gabfest offer unique perspectives and insights into the political landscape, with Pod Save America's intimacy and affection among hosts allowing for genuine intellectual candor.

      If you're a fan of Pod Save America and want access to exclusive content, consider joining the Friends of the Pod subscription community at crooked.com. Additionally, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube for full episodes, bonus content, and more. Pod Save America is produced by a talented team, and we recommend checking out Slate's Political Gabfest as a complementary podcast featuring smart, fun, and candid political discussions. John encourages listeners to give it a try, as the hosts' intimacy and affection for each other allows for genuine intellectual candor. Overall, there are plenty of ways to engage with the political podcast community, and both Pod Save America and Political Gabfest offer unique perspectives and insights.

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    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

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    enJune 23, 2024

    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

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    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

    Joe Biden makes a big new move on immigration, and Democratic governors and progressive groups quietly make plans to fight back against the second-term agenda that Trump is promising, from mass deportations to bans on medication abortion and gutting the civil service. Strict Scrutiny's Kate Shaw joins Jon and Lovett to talk about the legal challenges in store for both Trump and Biden, the Supreme Court's dangerous decision on bump stocks, and what else we can expect from the justices with so many opinions yet to drop.


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    Biden Campaign Unloads on Trump's Conviction

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    Trump Returns to the Scene of the Crime

    Trump Returns to the Scene of the Crime

    Trump returns to the Capitol for the first time since January 6th and receives a hero’s welcome from House and Senate Republicans—where he calls Milwaukee a “horrible city,” refers to the Justice Department as “dirty bastards,” and complains about Taylor Swift not endorsing him. Meanwhile, the same Republicans attempting to overturn Trump’s conviction are instead trying to prosecute Attorney General Merrick Garland. Plus, SCOTUS affirms legal access to abortion medication, Biden takes voters’ cost of living concerns head on, and Trump tries to woo CEOs with more tax cuts.

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    The GOP Meltdown Over Hunter's Conviction

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      2. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/redistricting-2022-maps/?cid=rrpromo

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          2. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/10/17/illinois-democrats-redistricting-map-516135

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    DEMOCRACY JUST SOLD FOR $787,500,000 - 4.19.23

    DEMOCRACY JUST SOLD FOR $787,500,000 - 4.19.23


    A-Block (1:44) SPECIAL COMMENT: Just like American democracy I too am available for sale for $787,500,000. Since the SCOTUS Citizens United decision in 2010, it's been the corporations' world and we just live in it, unless they kill us. And corporations gonna corpo-RATE. Five years ago a company bought three-quarters of Dominion for 38 million. It just got a return of 1567%. "Money is accountability," said its lawyers. True - if YOU got the money. If you aren't, what you got was Tucker Carlson last night predicting a race war with impunity. 

    Spare me the nonsense about Fox knowing it did wrong. Dominion didn't even get a retraction, let alone an apology. "We acknowledge the court's rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false." That's the 21st Century equivalent of "The White Star Line acknowledges that RMS Titanic missed its estimated time of arrival at Pier 54 in New York."

    (10:15) IN CASE THAT ISN'T BAD ENOUGH: The Democrats are using the incapacitation of Dianne Feinstein as the excuse for not subpoenaing Clarence Thomas. Because the Democrats are adhering to the rules of Flag Football while the Republicans are all armed and if they needed a vote to subpoena Sonia Sotomayor they would push THEIR Dianne Feinstein down a flight of stairs to get it.

    B-Block (17:04) POSTSCRIPTS TO THE NEWS: McConnell makes a fascist funny; Greene insists Chump never said anything racist about Covid, then repeats all the racist things he said. A guy tries to destroy all the Anheuser-Busch beer in a Wal-mart. And Chump's new NFTs have pissed off...Tomi Lahren and Baked Alaska? (21:23) THE WORST PERSONS IN THE WORLD: An elected Florida state official says Bud Light should be trying to kiss Kid Rock's ass. Jim Jordan tried to paint Manhattan as a crime hellscape by trotting out a woman whose boyfriend was murdered...in New Jersey. And Kara Swisher has the utter gall to ask Jen Psaki why there haven't been more Republicans on her MSNBC show. "What's the problem? Four shows and no Republicans." This is one of the questions that has led American media, politics, and society, into the sinkhole it's in.

    C-Block (32:00) EVERY DOG HAS ITS DAY: Four puppies in the Bahamas trying to survive Parvo (33:00) THINGS I PROMISED NOT TO TELL: It's not just Fox. Cable News corrupts completely. In fact, NEWS News corrupts completely. Let me tell you stories of what it did to Radio's Paul Harvey, and Rachel Maddow.

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    A-Block (1:45) SPECIAL COMMENT: I do not know how or why Senator Sinema of Arizona can still identify as a Democrat after appearing with Mitch McConnell at an event that was for all intents and purposes a Republican Campaign Rally for the mid-terms. Sinema praised McConnell for his "respect for the Senate" even though it was McConnell who made up a rule that denied Merrick Garland even a hearing for the Supreme Court and stole the seat for the Republicans. She blamed everybody BUT the Republicans for politics becoming "radicalized, spiraling steadily downward into bitter and tribal extremism" and never mentioned January 6th. She forecast a Democratic defeat in November. (9:53) I explain my personal relationship with Kyrsten Sinema, first as a friend, then in a brief dating relationship, then again as a friend, spanning nearly eight years, and her deterioration from as liberal and progressive a person as I've ever met to a clown who has fallen for Mitch McConnell's act. She should resign from the Senate - Arizona's governor would be required by law to name a Democratic replacement - and take her deliberate unwillingness to recognize the threat to democracy posed by the Republicans, and utilize it either to challenge Tulsi Gabbard for the role OF Tulsi Gabbard, or go host "Meet The Press."

    B-Block (19:00) EVERY DOG HAS ITS DAY: Edda in The Bahamas (20:13) POSTSCRIPTS TO THE NEWS: The Meadows texts: the "Crown Jewels" of the 1/6 Investigation; Liz Truss has them invoking the 119 days of George Canning; Ken Paxton flees. (22:45) IN SPORTS: The Judge Watch Never Stops; Brett Favre suspended by SiriusXM. (24:35) THE WORST PERSONS IN THE WORLD: Our boy Chuck Todd, the American Senator who doesn't know how to pronounce "9/11," and the Elitist cheering for the defeat of the Elitists without realizing he IS an Elitist, vie for the honors.

    C-Block (31:00) THINGS I PROMISED NOT TO TELL: It actually happened: the president of NBC summoned us to his 52nd Floor office to warn us that MSNBC was about to be taken off the air by order of the Chairman of G.E. because HIS MOMMY TOLD HIM TO.

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