
    Disgusting Pro-Hamas Displays, and COVID Vaccine Consequences, with Konstantin Kisin and "Shot Dead" Documentary Director | Ep. 668

    enNovember 13, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Global protests against Israel lead to vandalism, hate speechOver the weekend, protests against Israel resulted in vandalism, hate speech, and disregard for solemn days in various cities, highlighting the ongoing challenge of combating intolerance.

      Over the weekend, anti-Semitic protests against Israel took place in various cities around the world, including New York, where demonstrators vandalized buildings, burned flags, and shut down Grand Central station. The protests were marked by chants inciting violence and hate towards Israel and Jews. The disturbing displays of anti-Semitism have been a recurring theme in many cities, raising concerns about the rise of intolerance and hate speech. Despite pleas from leaders to respect solemn days, protesters disregarded these requests and continued their demonstrations. The incidents serve as a reminder of the ongoing challenges of combating hate speech and intolerance.

    • Disturbing displays of hate and violence towards Jews during recent protests in London and ParisThe recent protests in London and Paris saw hate crimes against Jews, with some attendees making death threats and displaying anti-Semitic symbols. The situation highlights the concerning rise of anti-Semitism in Europe and the need for increased efforts to combat hate crimes and promote unity.

      During recent protests in London and Paris, there have been disturbing displays of hate and violence towards Jews. At the London protests, organizers exaggerated attendance numbers, and some attendees made death threats against Jews and displayed anti-Semitic symbols. The police are investigating several individuals for hate crimes. In Paris, over 100,000 people marched against anti-Semitism following the tragic terrorist attacks. However, the behavior at the London protests, which included attacking those with pro-Israel signs and verbally abusing police, received significant media attention, with a focus on alleged far-right counterprotesters. In the UK, a politician was even fired for suggesting that the police were not enforcing laws evenly towards different groups. This situation highlights the concerning rise of anti-Semitism in Europe and the need for increased efforts to combat hate crimes and promote unity.

    • Unequal enforcement of law during protestsCritics argue that uneven law enforcement during protests can embolden violent behavior and rhetoric, as seen when large groups face less scrutiny than smaller groups.

      The unequal application of law enforcement during protests, as seen in the UK over the past few weeks, can embolden groups to continue engaging in violent and genocidal rhetoric. For instance, pro-Palestinian marches have seen chants inciting violence and supporting terrorist organizations, yet the police have taken a hands-off approach. On the other hand, minor skirmishes between football supporters and the police resulted in numerous arrests. Suella Braverman, the UK's home secretary, was recently dismissed from her position after criticizing the police's uneven handling of protests. She argued that large groups, like the pro-Palestinian protesters, are not being policed as rigorously as smaller groups, which incentivizes continued abhorrent behavior. Braverman's views, which are shared by a significant portion of the population, have been met with controversy due to her political affiliations.

    • Politician Fired for Addressing Immigration and Cultural ClashesA brave politician was dismissed for tackling immigration and cultural conflicts, sparking a potential Labour Party landslide. The issue of conflicting values and people importation is a significant concern in Western countries, with protests suggested to gain firsthand experience.

      The conservative politician who dared to represent the views and values of her party and address issues like illegal immigration and cultural clashes was fired, leading to a likely landslide victory for the Labour Party. This politician, who was also vocal about illegal immigration's connection to anti-Semitic marches, attempted to tackle these issues through policies like the Rwanda deal, which is expected to be found illegal in the courts. The speaker believes that this politician was hated by the media elite and the party for being too brave and speaking out against the importation of values and people that don't align with the country's culture. The issue of immigration and the importation of conflicting values is a significant concern, as seen in various Western countries, including the US and the UK. The speaker suggests sending protesters to experience these issues firsthand in the places they glorify. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of not teaching children to hate their own country and addresses the merger of the woke population and Islamists as a potent mix causing unrest in Western cities.

    • Trans activists and pro-Palestinian protesters finding common groundTrans activists and pro-Palestinian protesters may initially seem at odds, but upon further examination, they can find common ground. Be cautious of introducing oppressor-oppressed dynamics into social discourse, as it can lead to justifying extreme actions. Ideology has power and understanding its consequences is crucial.

      The alignment between various social and political groups may not always be as clear-cut as it seems on the surface. The discussion highlights instances where trans activists and pro-Palestinian protesters were initially perceived to be at odds, but upon further examination, they found common ground. However, the speaker warns against the dangers of introducing oppressor-oppressed dynamics into social discourse, as it can lead to justifying extreme actions against perceived oppressors. The speaker also emphasizes the power of ideology and the importance of understanding its potential consequences. The speaker's experiences and observations have led them to predict and warn against the dangerous ideologies that can lead to justifying violence against innocent people. The speaker urges the importance of being aware of this and taking steps to prevent the spread of harmful ideologies, particularly in educational institutions.

    • Multiculturalism and lack of integration can lead to societal tensionEmbracing shared customs and respecting each other's humanity is key to building a peaceful society, not erasing cultural differences

      Multiculturalism and a lack of integration can lead to societal tension and even violence. As highlighted in the discussion, multiculturalism, which encourages people to maintain their original customs and not assimilate to the new society, can result in ethnic conflicts and even danger for certain communities. This is a concern in both Europe and America, as seen in the experiences of Jewish communities in the UK and the increasing threats against Ben Shapiro in the US. It's crucial for individuals to embrace a shared set of customs and rules in order to build a cohesive and peaceful society. It's not about erasing cultural differences, but rather finding common ground and respecting each other's humanity and rights. The importance of this issue cannot be overstated, as we're witnessing the consequences of failed multicultural policies in various parts of the world.

    • Immigration Challenges at the US-Mexico BorderCountries must balance the need for immigration with maintaining border security and controlling the number and type of immigrants to ensure population safety and stability.

      The influx of immigration, particularly in the last few decades, has led to significant challenges in controlling borders and ensuring the values and security of a country. Using the example of the US-Mexico border, there have been concerns about the number of immigrants, both legal and illegal, and the potential risks they may pose. The speaker also mentioned the shift in perception of immigration from a controlled and beneficial process to an uncontrollable and mandatory one, which has led to the current situation. Furthermore, there have been reports of immigrants with potentially dangerous ideologies, such as Hamas sympathizers, entering the country. It's important for countries to maintain border security and control the number and type of immigrants entering to ensure the safety and stability of their populations.

    • Prevalence of Hateful Rhetoric against JewsDespite education, some individuals hold extreme views and spread hateful rhetoric against Jews, causing harm and promoting intolerance. Institutions should prioritize promoting understanding, tolerance, and critical thinking.

      Hateful and ignorant rhetoric, particularly against Jews, is prevalent and pervasive, even among supposedly educated individuals. This was evident in various instances discussed, including a man justifying historical anti-Semitic actions and a woman expressing a desire to go back in time to harm Jews. These individuals hold extreme views, yet they seem oblivious to the harm they are causing and the hypocrisy of their actions. This problem is not limited to certain colleges or regions but is a widespread issue that needs to be addressed. The education system, particularly at institutions known for academic excellence, should focus on promoting understanding, tolerance, and critical thinking instead of fostering ideologies that promote hate and intolerance.

    • Be wary of ideologies that pit groups against each otherIdeologies can be powerful tools for both good and evil. Be cautious of those that fuel conflict and label groups as enemies. Aim for peaceful resolutions and prioritize long-term security and sovereignty.

      Ideology and charismatic leaders can be powerful tools for both good and evil. Michael Malice's observation that a smart dog is easier to train applies to humans as well. Be wary of ideologies that pit groups against each other and label them as enemies. In the context of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, Konstantin has consistently argued that the ultimate goal should be a negotiated settlement, with Ukraine giving up some territory in exchange for long-term security. The war has taken a heavy toll on young lives, and it's time for a peaceful resolution. The West provided support for Ukraine to put up a fight, and now it's time to bring home a settlement. The specific concessions could include most of the territory currently occupied by Russia, but the long-term security and sovereignty of Ukraine is the priority.

    • Stories of Families Believing COVID-19 Vaccine Caused Their Children's DeathsThe documentary 'Shot Dead' explores families' emotional journeys after losing children they believe were caused by the COVID-19 vaccine, highlighting the importance of transparency and informed consent in vaccine development and distribution.

      The documentary "Shot Dead" sheds light on the stories of families who believe their children's deaths were caused by the COVID-19 vaccine. The film highlights the emotional turmoil experienced by parents who trusted the vaccine and the government only to discover serious risks. Director Taryn Gregson and father Ernest Ramirez, whose story is featured in the documentary, discuss the challenges of bringing these stories to light and the concerns of vaccine injuries and deaths. The documentary comes as the Department of Justice is hiring attorneys to defend the federal government in vaccine injury cases. The film's allegations of vaccine-related deaths are circumstantial, but the families' stories underscore the need for transparency and informed consent in vaccine development and distribution. The focus on children in the documentary is significant, as the vaccine is increasingly being recommended for children and required for various activities.

    • Concerns about vaccine-induced deaths overlookedDoctors and whistleblowers provide evidence of vaccine-related deaths, but families face challenges getting autopsy reports and raising concerns. Myocarditis, a condition linked to both COVID-19 and vaccines, can be present without symptoms and puts children at risk in sports. Lack of transparency fuels mistrust.

      That there are concerns about vaccine-induced deaths, particularly in children, which have been overlooked and dismissed by some authorities. Doctors like Peter McCullough and whistleblowers, such as OBGYN Thorpe and labor and delivery nurse Michelle Gershman, have provided evidence and research suggesting that these deaths may be linked to vaccines. The families of the deceased have faced challenges in getting autopsy reports and have been met with resistance when raising their concerns. The experts in the film, which includes interviews with families, aim to shed light on these cases and provide a human perspective to the issue. It's important to note that myocarditis, a condition linked to both COVID-19 and vaccines, can be present without symptoms, making it difficult to identify. Additionally, prior to COVID-19, medical advisors warned against athletic activity for those with myocarditis. Now, children with myocarditis are unknowingly participating in sports and other activities, putting them at risk. The lack of transparency and openness to these concerns has led to more suspicion and mistrust. It's crucial to consider the experiences of these families and the experts who support their claims.

    • A Father's Love and Tragic LossDespite believing the vaccine was safe, a father's teenage son died from vaccine-induced myocarditis, leaving the father with regret for trusting official assurances.

      The speaker, Ernest, shares a deeply connected and loving relationship with his son, Junior. They were each other's best friend and did everything together. Ernest described Junior as a wonderful, sweet, and lovely person. When Ernest decided to get Junior the COVID-19 vaccine, he did so believing it was safe and effective for teenagers. Tragically, five days later, Junior died from myocarditis, which the speaker believes was caused by the vaccine. The autopsy report, reviewed by cardiac pathologist Dr. Peter McCullough, concluded that Junior's death was due to COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis. Despite this, Ernest expresses regret for trusting the government and media's assurances about the vaccine's safety.

    • Documentary faces challenges in obtaining vaccine infoDespite the proximity between vaccine administration and injury, some individuals develop conditions weeks or months later. Numerous cases of myocarditis, blood clots, and kidney failure are linked to the COVID vaccine, primarily reported after its rollout in 2021.

      During the production of a documentary about vaccine injuries, the filmmakers encountered numerous obstacles in obtaining information and responses from medical professionals and companies involved in the cases presented in the film. For instance, some families had difficulty obtaining records that confirmed their loved ones received the vaccine, and doctors refused to admit administering the shots. Trista Martin's case, an 18-year-old girl who died after getting the vaccine, highlights the issue of myocarditis and the potential for individuals to develop heart conditions without immediate knowledge. The proximity in days between vaccine administration and injury is not the only factor to consider, as some individuals may develop conditions weeks or even months later. Furthermore, various studies and publications indicate that myocarditis, blood clots, kidney failure, and other injuries are linked to the COVID vaccine. These injuries and deaths predominantly occurred after the vaccine rollout in 2021, and not in 2020 when COVID first emerged.

    • DOJ Hires New Lawyers for Increase in Vaccine Injury CasesThe DOJ is hiring new lawyers due to a rise in vaccine injury cases, including severe brain injuries. Many victims struggle to get compensation or help, leaving them in dire circumstances. Some have been ignored and dismissed by doctors and authorities until they threatened legal action.

      The DOJ is hiring new lawyers due to an increase in vaccine injury cases, including those resulting in severe brain injuries. Emma Berkey, a healthy 18-year-old from Louisiana, is one such example. She received the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine in April 2021 and suffered a devastating brain injury, requiring multiple surgeries and extensive physical therapy. Many vaccine injury victims struggle to get compensation or help, leaving them in dire circumstances. Ernesto, whose son Junior was also affected, shared his experience of being ignored and dismissed by doctors and authorities until he threatened to contact the White House. Thousands of other victims, including Matty DeGary, Grant Dressing, Jessica Sutter, and Joe Walscott, have also been affected. Unfortunately, not everyone is being affected equally, and the process of getting help and compensation is difficult. FEMA initially denied Ernesto assistance and even attempted to bribe him to change Junior's death certificate to list COVID as the cause. Despite the challenges, Ernesto continues to fight for all vaccine injured individuals, who face financial hardships and struggle to access necessary medical care. The movie "Shot Dead" tells a similar story.

    • Concerns over COVID-19 vaccine safety for certain groupsIndividuals need full information on vaccine risks and benefits for informed decisions, and employers should respect personal beliefs and provide accommodations

      There have been concerns about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines, particularly for certain groups such as pregnant women and adolescent males. Some individuals have experienced adverse effects like myocarditis and pericarditis, which can be serious. These risks were not disclosed to the public in a timely manner, and some employers have tried to mandate the vaccine without providing adequate exemptions. For instance, pregnant women like Taryn and Victoria have faced pressure to get vaccinated despite potential risks to their unborn children. The Pfizer CEO's claims of achieving a "moon shot" with the vaccine should be met with skepticism. It's crucial that individuals are fully informed of the risks and benefits of the vaccine to make informed decisions and ensure true consent. Employers should respect religious and personal beliefs and provide accommodations where necessary.

    • Inflammation during pregnancy can lead to serious complicationsDuring pregnancy, inflammation can cause severe health issues including death, preterm birth, and birth defects. Some vaccines contain inflammatory substances and pregnant women were included in clinical trials for new vaccines during the pandemic without sufficient safety data.

      Inflammation during pregnancy can lead to serious complications, including death, preterm birth, and birth defects. Tori's story, shared in the documentary "Shot Dead," highlights the risks of inflammatory substances during pregnancy, such as certain vaccines. Prior to COVID, it was considered unethical to test pregnant women in clinical trials for vaccinations. However, during the pandemic, pregnant women were included in clinical trials for new vaccines, including the RSV vaccine, with limited safety and efficacy data. Families like Tori's, who have been affected by vaccine injuries, are struggling financially and seeking accountability from government and vaccine manufacturers. It's important to be informed and aware of the potential risks and to trust reliable sources for accurate information. To learn more, watch "Shot Dead" for free on demand at shotdead.org and consider donating to the We The Patriots USA litigation fund against Pfizer.

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