
    Divorce – It CAN Be Over Easy with Laura Wasser

    enAugust 23, 2019
    What makes the Magic Wand vibrator a cultural icon?
    How does Laura Wasser suggest handling divorce communication?
    Why is a prenup important in a marriage?
    What products does Promescent offer for enhancing pleasure?
    How can discussing lifestyle factors strengthen a marriage?

    Podcast Summary

    • The Magic Wand Vibrator: A Cultural Icon and Symbol of Unapologetic PleasureThe Magic Wand vibrator, a powerful and iconic sex toy, continues to deliver pleasure and earn accolades. Promescent offers products to enhance summer sex, and Laura Wasser shares insights on the complexities of divorce.

      The Magic Wand vibrator stands out as a cultural icon and symbol of unapologetic pleasure. Praised for decades, this powerful vibrator has earned accolades and remains a trusted confidant for many. With various iterations available, all offering the same powerful rumble, the Magic Wand continues to cast a spell on the world. Additionally, for those looking to enhance their summer sex life, Promescent offers products like delay spray and warming arousal gel to help ensure longer-lasting pleasure for both men and women. And finally, when considering divorce, it's crucial to understand the legal implications and the importance of communication. Laura Wasser, an attorney, author, and family law expert, shared insights on the difficulties of divorce and why it should be easier, along with common issues faced and the role sex can play in the process.

    • Communication and Sex in MarriageOpen communication and understanding the realities of marriage, including sex and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, are crucial for a successful marriage. Laura Wasser emphasized the importance of making divorce less stressful and maintaining healthy relationships through compromise.

      Sex and relationships can significantly impact a marriage, and it's essential to have open and honest communication about these matters before and during marriage. The discussion also highlighted the importance of understanding the realities of marriage and the potential challenges that come with it, such as the impact of sex issues and the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, even when it comes to enjoying favorite foods like bread. Laura Wasser, a family law expert and founder of the online divorce platform It's Overeasy, shared her insights on the importance of making the divorce process less stressful and more accessible. She also emphasized the need for open communication and compromise in maintaining healthy relationships. Additionally, the conversation touched on the topic of sex and its role in relationships, with hosts Emily and E discussing the realities of shrinkage and the importance of setting standards. The conversation also highlighted the importance of enjoying life and finding ways to indulge in favorite foods while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle, thanks to products like Hero Bread, which offer low net carb options without sacrificing taste or texture.

    • Navigating the Complexities of DivorceDivorce is complex, but with professional help and resources, it doesn't have to be overwhelming.

      Divorce can be a difficult and emotional process, especially when it comes to the financial and legal aspects. The speaker, a divorce attorney, shared her personal experience of going through a divorce young and the challenges she faced understanding the complex legal forms and financial implications. She emphasized the importance of having a lawyer's guidance during this time due to the emotional distress and fear of making mistakes. However, she also noted that not everyone can afford a lawyer, and that's why she started It's Over Easy - to make the divorce process simpler and more accessible. The firm offers negotiation assistance and referrals to mediators when needed. The speaker believes that people should not rush into marriage and that everyone is still figuring things out, even in their later years. Overall, the key takeaway is that divorce is a complex process that requires professional help and understanding, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming with the right resources and support.

    • Understanding Yourself and Legal Implications Before MarriageProper self-understanding and legal counsel before marriage can prevent unnecessary complications and financial burdens during divorce.

      Entering into a marriage without proper self-understanding and knowledge of legal implications can lead to unnecessary complications and financial burdens. The speaker, an expert in divorce law, emphasizes the importance of personal introspection and legal counsel before committing to a marriage. Additionally, the speaker notes that different demographics, such as artists and breadwinners, may require unique approaches during the divorce process. The prevalence of social media and online infidelity in divorce cases is also highlighted as a common issue. Overall, the expert encourages individuals to approach marriage with careful consideration and preparation.

    • Effective Communication in MarriageOpen and honest communication is crucial in maintaining a healthy marriage, as unaddressed issues can lead to infidelity or divorce.

      Communication is key in maintaining a healthy marriage. People often turn to online dating or extramarital affairs due to unmet needs or feelings of disconnect in their marriages. However, the underlying issue is often a lack of open and honest communication between partners. Over time, unaddressed resentments and unmet needs can lead to a deep sense of unhappiness and a desire to seek fulfillment elsewhere. It's important for couples to talk about their feelings and work through issues together, rather than resorting to infidelity or divorce. Additionally, people grow and change over time, and it's natural for couples to evolve separately. While monogamy may not be the natural state for all humans, effective communication and a willingness to work through challenges can help couples navigate the ups and downs of marriage. Sex plays a role in many marital issues, particularly when it comes to unmet needs and feelings of disconnection. Couples who prioritize open communication and intimacy are more likely to weather the storms of marriage and maintain a strong bond.

    • Communication is key in divorce proceedingsEffective communication is essential during divorce to ensure clear separation and minimize complications, particularly in states with complex financial laws.

      Effective communication is crucial in relationships, especially during divorce proceedings. Misunderstandings and lack of clear separation can lead to complications, particularly in states like California where financial separation is a significant factor in determining the end of a marriage. People's relationship dynamics are complex, and some may choose to reconcile, remain in open relationships, or delay marriage altogether. Society's expectations and cultural norms around relationships and marriage have evolved, with more women taking control of their financial situations and prioritizing personal growth before committing to marriage. While divorce may be viewed negatively by some, it can also serve as a new beginning or evolution in one's life.

    • Changing the cultural perspective on divorceDivorce doesn't have to be destructive, instead focus on personal well-being and moving forward.

      Divorce doesn't have to be a destructive ordeal. It's important to view it as a necessary step towards moving on and starting a new chapter in life. As people are living longer and having multiple relationships, it's crucial to approach divorce in a healthy and constructive way. This includes not burning bridges or the house down, and instead, focusing on the well-being of oneself and any children involved. The evolution of dissolution aims to help people do just that, by changing the cultural perspective on divorce. As more and more people go through multiple relationships and marriages, it's essential to be able to say goodbye and move on, rather than dwelling on the past. The upcoming movie "Marriage Story" is a reflection of this shift in societal attitudes towards divorce, and it's important that we continue to talk about it and normalize the conversation. Ultimately, the goal is to enable individuals to lead healthy, well-adjusted lives, and to be interesting, well-lived stories worth telling in old age.

    • Navigating the Divorce Process with Support and ResourcesDivorce Docs offers comprehensive articles, resources, and tools to help individuals navigate the divorce process, reducing blame and self-doubt, and focusing on the well-being of parents and children.

      The Divorce Docs website provides comprehensive resources for individuals going through the process of divorce, focusing on making the experience healthier for both parents and children. The site offers a wealth of articles, written by mental health professionals, financial specialists, and other experts, to help guide parents through various aspects of divorce, from talking to kids about the separation to dealing with crises with an ex. The site serves as a one-stop shop for information, resources, and tools to help navigate the divorce process, making it a brilliant solution for those seeking guidance and support during this challenging time. The site also includes a provider directory for various services, from accountants to spray tans, to help individuals tackle the practical aspects of post-divorce life. The site's educational content aims to reduce the blame and self-doubt that often accompany divorce, instead emphasizing that it's about the parents coming together as a united front for their children.

    • Effectively coping with a difficult ex during divorceDespite a difficult ex, focus on effective coparenting for children's sake and your future relationships. Seek help from therapists, support groups, and online resources to navigate the emotionally taxing process.

      During the divorce process, it's essential to learn how to effectively coparent with a difficult ex-spouse, even if they may have hurt or wronged you. The law may not automatically take away your children for smoking weed or other minor infractions, but a judge could still question your parenting abilities based on other factors. It's Over Easy, a platform that guides people through the divorce process, aims to help by providing resources, articles, and a supportive community. Even if you can't stand your ex, it's crucial to find a way to co-parent for the sake of your children and your own future relationships. The process can be emotionally taxing, so seeking help from therapists, support groups, and online resources can be beneficial. It's important to remember that holding onto anger and negativity will only harm you in the long run. Instead, focus on finding ways to navigate the divorce process and move forward in a positive manner.

    • Digital evidence in divorce proceedingsIn a no-fault divorce state like California, be cautious of your online presence as digital evidence can impact financial disputes. Effective communication and early intervention through therapy can prevent disputes, while being aware of potential implications of digital evidence is crucial.

      In today's digital age, people going through divorce need to be cautious about their online presence as it can be used as evidence in financial disputes. Laura Wasser, a renowned divorce attorney, emphasized that people often overlook the importance of preserving digital evidence, especially in California, a no-fault state. She advised against deleting digital records and warned against using social media as evidence without proper understanding of its implications. The three main causes of divorce - sex, kids, and money - remain unchanged, but effective communication and early intervention through therapy can help prevent disputes. Wasser also noted that while people are more open about discussing sex, they often avoid talking about money, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. Overall, being aware of the potential implications of digital evidence and fostering open communication are crucial in navigating the divorce process.

    • Open communication about money in relationshipsTransparent financial communication fosters trust and understanding, leading to a strong partnership

      Open communication about money is crucial in a relationship. Heteronormative roles, where one partner is financially responsible while the other remains oblivious, can lead to significant problems. It's essential for both partners to be informed about their financial situation, regardless of their roles or societal expectations. The speaker emphasizes that financial transparency fosters trust and understanding, making it essential for navigating both good times and bad. The speaker also recommends having a prenup conversation, even if not legally binding, to ensure both partners are aware of their financial obligations and expectations before entering into a marriage. In essence, a strong partnership relies on open communication and shared financial responsibility.

    • Protecting Financial Truths in Marriage with a PrenupA prenup reveals financial truths, prevents surprises, and sets expectations for lifestyle factors, ensuring a strong foundation for a successful marriage.

      Having a prenup is essential in understanding and protecting personal assets, debts, and financial expectations in a marriage, especially in states like California where community property laws apply. A prenup acts as a truth serum, revealing financial truths before marriage, preventing potential surprises and disputes. It's also crucial to discuss and agree on significant lifestyle factors, such as living arrangements for aging parents, education preferences for children, and career plans. These conversations can help build a strong foundation for a successful marriage. Moreover, considering the importance of open communication about sex and sexual preferences through a "yes, no, maybe" list can help prevent potential relationship issues. Ultimately, a prenup and these discussions can serve as a roadmap for navigating the complexities of marriage and ensuring both partners are on the same page.

    • Exploring Open Relationships and InfidelityOpen relationships and infidelity can challenge trust and communication, but with understanding and honesty, some couples can navigate these complexities. Legal landscape around child custody evolves, prioritizing children's best interests.

      Open relationships and exploring sexual needs outside of monogamy can work for some couples, but it requires open communication, trust, and understanding. Fear of societal norms and the allure of the forbidden can sometimes play a role in desiring such arrangements. Some relationships can recover from infidelity, but it depends on the individuals involved and their willingness to work through the issues. The legal landscape around child custody and visitation rights is evolving, with some platforms advocating for equal access for both parents. Ultimately, what's best for the children is a subjective matter, and the trend and judicial decisions vary from state to state.

    • Ideal co-parenting arrangements for children during and after a divorceFrequent and continuous contact is best for young children, while older kids may manage week-on, week-off or one-night visits. Nesting and presenting a unified front can help minimize conflict and disruption for kids.

      Effective co-parenting arrangements can significantly benefit children during and after a divorce. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, mental health professionals and family law judges generally agree that frequent and continuous contact is ideal for young children, whereas older kids may manage better with a week-on, week-off schedule or a one-night visit during the week. Nesting, where parents share the family home, can be a good short-term solution for a smoother transition. The trend among celebrities to present a unified front and prioritize their children's well-being during and after their divorces can influence society's perception of divorce and encourage healthier co-parenting relationships. Ultimately, the goal is to minimize conflict and disruption for the children, allowing them to maintain a sense of normalcy and stability during this challenging time.

    • Laura Wasser's It's Over Easy: Simplifying DivorceLaura Wasser's platform offers affordable, informative resources for those going through divorce, with the option for professional assistance. Her podcast, Divorce Sucks!, provides insights from experts and celebrities to help navigate the emotional and financial challenges of divorce.

      Laura Wasser's It's Over Easy is a unique online divorce platform that aims to make the divorce process less daunting and expensive. The site offers free resources and information, with the option to pay $1500 for a divorce. It also provides various partnerships with professionals and businesses to help individuals going through a divorce. Wasser started the podcast, Divorce Sucks!, to share stories, educate people, and bring experts together to help those going through the process. She emphasized that everyone's situation is different, and it's essential to understand the best way to navigate a divorce with minimal emotional and financial cost. Despite the stigma surrounding divorce, Wasser encourages open conversations and sharing experiences to help others. The podcast features celebrities and professionals discussing their experiences and insights on various aspects of divorce, making it an invaluable resource for those going through the process.

    • Effective communication and openness in relationshipsLaura Wasser emphasizes the importance of effective communication and shares her biggest turnoff, encourages persistence, and highlights the value of having a strong support system.

      Effective communication is key in any relationship, even if it's uncomfortable. This was emphasized by Laura Wasser during her appearance on the Sex with Emily podcast. She also shared that her biggest turnoff is cheapness and that her relationship is described as "lots of laughs." When asked for advice for her younger self regarding sex, she encouraged persistence with the advice "keep it up." Wasser also highlighted the importance of having a strong support system, both personally and professionally, which she demonstrated by mentioning her team at Wasser Cooperman Mandel's Family Law in Century City and her social media presence on Instagram as @laurawasserofficial. Overall, the conversation with Laura Wasser provided valuable insights into relationships and the importance of open communication.

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    Sex With Emily
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    Sex, Love & Astrology

    Sex, Love & Astrology
    On today’s show, I’m joined by psychological astrologer and returning guest Dr. Jennifer Freed. We answer your questions on how to spot a sensual lover, useful tools for addressing low libido, how to pursue a threesome or open relationship, how to easily create intimacy in a relationship, what your Zodiac signs say (or don’t say) about compatibility with your partner, what to do if your hookup buddy wants a relationship (but you don’t), and the mind-blowing effects of EMDR therapy. We also share our top methods to build erotic tension and why focusing too much on your partner’s desire can hold you back in the bedroom. As an added bonus, we walk through ways to reach your ‘power yes’ in sex, the effects of toxic masculinity, and how to communicate as an invitation—not a confrontation. In this episode, you’ll learn: How to identify and attract a sensual lover through astrology and self-awareness. Tools and techniques to address low libido and build erotic tension in your relationship. Practical advice on navigating open relationships, threesomes, and understanding compatibility through Zodiac signs. Show Notes: More Dr. Jennifer Freed: Website | Instagram Yes! No! Maybe? Guide EMDRIA.org: Resources for EMDR therapy SHOP WITH EMILY! (free shipping on orders over $99) The only sex book you’ll ever need: Smart Sex: How to Boost Your Sex IQ and Own Your Pleasure Want more? Sex With Emily: Home Let’s get social: Instagram | X | Facebook | TikTok  Let’s text: Sign Up Here Want me to slide into your inbox? Sign Up Here for sex tips on the regular. See the full show notes at sexwithemily.com.
    Sex With Emily
    enAugust 16, 2024

    How Therapy Improves Your Sex Life

    How Therapy Improves Your Sex Life
    Just like going to the gym improves your body, going to therapy improves your mind. And bonus: couple’s counseling can radically improve your relationship and your sex life. So why do some people absolutely refuse to go? On today’s show, I’m giving you the therapy low-down, so you can decide whether you should try it – or, if it’s the right call for you and your partner. I’m talking: signs it’s time to look for a therapist, pros and cons of solo therapy vs. couple’s counseling, whether sex therapy is right for you, what to expect from a typical therapy session, and how to find therapy that works for you – including budget-friendly options. Plus, I take your therapy-related questions on porn addiction, sexual trauma and what to do if you tried to improve your sex life with your partner…but they cheated anyway. In this episode, you’ll learn: The Importance of Addressing Sexual Trauma The Power of Open Communication in Relationships Seeking Professional Help is a Sign of Strength Show Notes: Yes! No! Maybe? Guide SHOP WITH EMILY! (free shipping on orders over $99) The only sex book you’ll ever need: Smart Sex: How to Boost Your Sex IQ and Own Your Pleasure Want more? Sex With Emily: Home Let’s get social: Instagram | X | Facebook | TikTok  Let’s text: Sign Up Here Want me to slide into your inbox? Sign Up Here for sex tips on the regular. See the full show notes at sexwithemily.com.
    Sex With Emily
    enAugust 13, 2024

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    Help support the podcast so it can continue to give you quality content. Donations of support can be made via Zelle to thinklovewife_donations@neloeffect.com. Contributions will go towards things like equipment, studio time, and operational costs to keep this podcast going.

    We are on all major platforms. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Castbox, and many others. Don’t forget to subscribe and share with your friends.

    Follow @ThinkLoveWife on Instagram and send any questions and topics that you’d like me to discuss.

    Check out our sponsor - Sharper Services, an ACN Independent Business Owner, for your one-stop shop for all of your residential and business utility needs. Sharper Services can help you put extra money back in your pocket each month. Check out their offers at www.sharperservices.com or text “Think Love Wife” to 214-997-4205 for a quote on these free services. 

    Email me at feedback@thinklovewife.com with any feedback!


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    Help support the podcast so it can continue to give you quality content. Donations of support can be made via Zelle to thinklovewife_donations@neloeffect.com. Contributions will go towards things like equipment, studio time, and operational costs to keep this podcast going.

    This episode is sponsored by Nelo Effect, a coaching and consulting service that helps people turn mindfulness into action as they navigate the dating world as well as in their relationships. Learn more at https://neloeffect.com/dating-relationship-advising/ 

    We are on all major platforms. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, GooglePlay Music, TuneIn, Castbox, and many others. Don’t forget to subscribe and share with your friends.

    Follow @ThinkLoveWife on Instagram and Facebook. Send questions or topics you’d like us to discuss.