
    Doctor Jordan Peterson: "The NUMBER ONE Reason For Divorce!" & "The One Small Step You Have To Take To Turn Your Whole Life Around!"

    enNovember 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Starting Small: Rebuilding After Rock BottomTaking small, achievable steps is essential for someone who is struggling, as it allows them to gradually rebuild their life and regain confidence, even if the tasks seem small or embarrassing.

      When someone is struggling and feeling down and out, it's important to start with small, achievable tasks. These tasks may seem trivial to others, but for someone who feels like they've hit rock bottom, even the simplest steps can be daunting. Humility is key in starting the journey towards recovery and improvement. It's important to recognize how far down someone has fallen and to understand that the first steps may seem humiliating or embarrassing. By breaking tasks down into manageable pieces, individuals can gradually rebuild their lives and regain their sense of self. So, when faced with adversity, remember the power of starting small and never underestimate the value of small commitments.

    • The Challenge of Making Positive ChangesTaking the first step forward towards positive change requires humility and a strategic approach, even if it starts with something as simple as cleaning a room.

      Making positive changes in our lives can be incredibly challenging, especially when we have faced consistent resistance and discouragement in the past. Jordan Peterson highlights the complexity of confronting deep-rooted problems within families and ourselves. Taking that first step forward requires humility and acknowledging our own limitations. It may seem like a small task, but it represents a significant leap in the face of overwhelming opposition. We must be willing to confront the entire beast of our problems, even if it means starting with something as simple as cleaning a room. Overcoming resistance and making progress requires a strategic approach, breaking down the steps, and finding a manageable action that we can take, even if we may stumble along the way. It's about gradually building momentum towards positive change.

    • Collaborative Empiricism: Empowering Individuals to Address ProblemsCollaborative empiricism involves active involvement of the individual in identifying problems, finding solutions, and deciding on strategies, leading to exponential growth and change.

      Collaborative empiricism, a behavioral approach for clinicians, is crucial in helping individuals discover and address their problems. The person must be actively involved in identifying the problem, finding potential solutions, and deciding on strategies. It is important for clinicians to listen and jointly explore the right vision for the individual, ensuring that everything is voluntary. Progress may not be linear, but taking small, challenging steps can lead to exponential growth and change. Exposure therapy, such as in agoraphobia cases, can help individuals expand their skills and change their perception of themselves as capable actors in their own lives. It is essential to understand the root causes of certain conditions, such as agoraphobia, and the impact of dependency and overprotection in order to provide effective treatment.

    • Confronting Fear: Overcoming Anxiety Step by StepBy breaking down fears into smaller components and gradually facing them, individuals can build confidence, address underlying fears, and live a more fulfilling life.

      Fear and anxiety can be addressed by gradually confronting them in a controlled manner. Jordan Peterson explains that by breaking down the fear into smaller components, individuals can slowly face their fears without being completely overwhelmed. For example, in the case of acrophobia, where individuals fear elevators, Peterson suggests starting with looking at pictures of elevators from a distance and gradually moving closer. This method allows individuals to build their confidence and confront their fears step by step. Moreover, Peterson points out that it is important to acknowledge and understand the underlying fears behind specific phobias, such as the fear of death and humiliation. By addressing these core fears, individuals can work towards overcoming their anxieties and living a more fulfilling life.

    • The Power of Active Listening in Helping OthersBy actively listening and asking questions, we can help others uncover deeper issues, leading to a clearer understanding of the situation and more effective problem-solving.

      Listening is a powerful tool in understanding and helping others. When someone is expressing their concerns or problems, it's important to let them lay out all the cards on the table without interrupting or assuming we already know the problem. By actively listening and asking questions, we can help them navigate through their thoughts and emotions. This process of listening and probing can help them uncover deeper issues that they may not have been aware of initially. It takes patience and humility to truly listen and ask the right questions, but it can lead to a clearer understanding of the situation and a more effective approach to problem-solving.

    • Effective Listening and Creating a Safe Space for Meaningful CommunicationBy actively listening, asking clarifying questions, and creating a safe space for open communication, you can uncover the core issue and find powerful solutions that align with true aspirations.

      Effective listening requires shutting up and asking stupid questions until the person you're listening to has specified their problem. This allows both parties to converge on the core issue, even if it may be uncomfortable or vulnerable for the person speaking. It's important to create a safe space where the speaker feels comfortable revealing their true thoughts and feelings. By calmly listening and modeling non-judgment, you show that their problem isn't so terrifying that it needs to be avoided. Additionally, sometimes the real issue lies in a change of proximity or the person feeling disconnected from the meaningful work. By understanding and addressing these underlying factors, you can find powerful solutions that align with their true aspirations.

    • The Impact of Unresolved Trauma on Relationships and BehaviorUnderstanding and addressing past traumas is vital for personal growth and healthier relationships. Active listening and open reception, particularly in partnerships, can help reveal and heal these unresolved traumas, leading to the development of new, more mature conceptual structures.

      Our past experiences, particularly trauma, can shape our present relationships and behavior. Jordan Peterson explains how unresolved traumas create conceptual structures that influence our interactions with others. These structures can be traced back to our early childhood and impact how we perceive and respond to situations in our adult lives. Understanding and addressing these unresolved traumas is crucial for personal growth and healthier relationships. Peterson suggests that open reception and active listening, especially in partnerships, can help reveal and heal these traumas. Breaking down emotional barriers and allowing oneself to experience tears can lead to a state of neurological plasticity, enabling learning and the development of new, more mature conceptual structures. It's a challenging process that requires patience and understanding from both individuals involved.

    • Effective Communication and Problem-Solving for Better RelationshipsOpenly communicate and address conflicts in relationships to foster growth and resolution, while taking responsibility for one's role in conflicts for a healthier and more fulfilling partnership.

      Open communication and proactive problem-solving can greatly improve relationships. Steven Bartlett and Jordan Peterson discuss their personal experiences with conflict and provide insights on how to handle relationship challenges. Bartlett's approach involves establishing a system of communication with his partner, encouraging her to express her needs and triggers as soon as possible. Peterson emphasizes the importance of identifying focal issues and taking responsibility for one's role in conflicts. He explains that conflict avoidance only leads to more problems in the long run, while addressing issues head-on allows for resolution and growth. Both speakers highlight the need for continual attention and practice in navigating relationship difficulties. By embracing conflict and engaging in constructive dialogue, couples can cultivate healthier and more fulfilling partnerships.

    • The Importance of Active Listening in RelationshipsActively listening to your partner for at least 90 minutes a week can prevent conflicts from accumulating and lead to a stronger relationship. It helps bridge communication gaps and allows for proactive problem-solving.

      Listening is crucial in a relationship, especially when it comes to your partner. Jordan Peterson emphasizes the importance of actively listening to your spouse for at least 90 minutes a week. By doing so, you can prevent potential conflicts from accumulating and ultimately leading to a breakup or divorce. While it may be challenging at times, listening allows you to understand your partner's concerns and address them before they escalate. Additionally, Peterson explains that women, in particular, tend to be more threat-sensitive and are often quicker to bring up problems. By actively listening, you can bridge the communication gap and work towards resolving issues proactively. Remember, a strong relationship requires both partners to listen attentively and be open and honest with each other.

    • The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult RelationshipsChildhood traumas can shape our perceptions and interactions with our partners, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. By actively listening and reflecting on our behaviors, we can overcome these challenges and build healthier relationships.

      Our childhood experiences, particularly any traumas or unresolved issues, can significantly impact our adult relationships. Jordan Peterson emphasizes that the effects of bullying, for example, can persist into adulthood, shaping the way individuals perceive and interact with their partners. This can lead to a recurring pattern of misunderstanding and conflict, as one partner may see the other through the lens of past traumatic experiences. However, Peterson suggests that by actively listening to each other and engaging in self-reflection, couples can work through these challenges. It requires a willingness to honestly confront one's own behaviors and potential tendencies towards bullying, seeking understanding and support from their partner. By doing so, couples can build healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

    • Effective communication and problem-solving for success in relationships.Approach problems with a proactive attitude, focus on finding solutions, open up dialogue, establish boundaries, and address issues for a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

      Effective communication and problem-solving skills are crucial in both professional and personal relationships. When approaching your boss with a problem, it's important to also present a possible solution. This proactive attitude can help you advance in your career and be seen as a problem-solver. Applying this principle in a marriage, when conflicts arise, instead of arguing about what was said, try asking your partner what they wished you had said. This opens up a dialogue and allows for understanding and growth. Additionally, it's essential to establish boundaries and negotiation in your relationships, just like running a business. By taking time to address and solve issues, you create a solid foundation for a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

    • Unveiling the Layers: Exploring the Depths of Betrayal and DarknessBetrayal is the catalyst for profound suffering, especially in cases of childhood sexual abuse. By confronting the darkest depths of evil and fostering a philosophy of good, truth, love, and beauty can combat and ultimately resolve the underlying issues of betrayal.

      Beneath every problem lies layers of deeper issues. Jordan Peterson explains that the worst problem, according to Dante, is betrayal. Betrayal violates the trust upon which relationships are built and devastates individuals, especially when it comes to childhood sexual abuse. Facing such malevolence at a young age exposes children to the depths of darkness and trauma. To overcome this, Peterson suggests walking people through a topography of hell, developing a philosophy of good and evil, and combatting evil with truth, love, and beauty. Furthermore, he emphasizes that even the problems brought by loved ones have underlying layers, often connected to a sense of betrayal. By solving the root issue, multiple peripheral problems can be resolved. Peterson's own exploration of atrocity, particularly in relation to the Holocaust and evil acts committed by prison guards, has contributed to his understanding of the profound depths of darkness in humanity.

    • The Dark Side of Ordinary PeopleTruthfulness in all aspects of life is crucial, as lies can have destructive consequences and hinder genuine communication. Striving for honesty, even in difficult situations, is beneficial for ourselves and others.

      Ordinary people are capable of committing horrendous acts under certain circumstances. History has shown us that many individuals who participated in the Nazi atrocities were just regular people like you and me. We may think that we would never engage in such actions, but the evidence suggests otherwise. Jordan Peterson's example of the ordinary German policemen who went along with the orders in Poland demonstrates this. Loyalty and the fear of betraying their peers played a significant role in their compliance. This leads us to another key lesson: lies are the pathway to hell. Peterson emphasizes that being truthful in all aspects of life is essential, as lies can lead us down a destructive path. While white lies may seem harmless, they still distort the truth and hinder genuine communication. Instead, striving for honesty in all situations, even if difficult, is more beneficial for ourselves and others.

    • Reflect, Repair, and Redefine: Taking Responsibility for Our ChoicesSelf-reflection and accountability are essential for repairing the damage caused by past mistakes and setting a new course for a fulfilling future. Simple and self-serving notions of identity can lead to dissatisfaction and lack of fulfillment.

      Our past decisions and choices play a crucial role in shaping our present circumstances and future trajectories. Jordan Peterson emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and taking responsibility for the mistakes we have made upstream, as these can lead us down the wrong path and result in trauma and suffering. By identifying the mistakes and taking corrective action, whether in personal relationships or our own individual lives, we can repair the damage and pave a new road forward. Additionally, Peterson highlights the challenge faced by the younger generation in navigating the transition into adulthood and forming their identities. He argues that simplistic and self-serving notions of identity can lead to dissatisfaction and a lack of fulfillment.

    • Integrating ourselves and building connections for a meaningful life.Integrating our conflicting emotions and desires into a unified whole, establishing meaningful relationships, and serving something greater than ourselves are crucial for a fulfilling life.

      The solution to finding our identity and living a fulfilling life lies in integrating the different aspects of ourselves. Jordan Peterson suggests that we must bring together all the conflicting emotions, desires, and drives within us into a unified whole. This process of integration allows for personal growth and maturity. Additionally, Peterson emphasizes the importance of relationships and building connections with others. By establishing a united vision with a partner, we expand our sense of self and decrease anxiety. As we further expand our responsibilities to include family, community, and beyond, we move towards a higher level of identity and purpose. Ultimately, Peterson argues that serving something greater than ourselves, whether it be our country or the concept of good, is an essential part of leading a meaningful life.

    • The consequences of prioritizing personal wants and desires and the importance of taking on voluntary responsibilities in building permanent relationships and uniting people.Balancing personal desires with responsibilities is crucial for building meaningful relationships and serving society, as exemplified by Jordan Peterson's Academy.

      Focusing solely on oneself leads to misery. This is evident in society today, where individualism and instant gratification are prioritized. Both aspects, whether driven by postmodernism or capitalist consumerism, emphasize personal wants and desires with little regard for others or long-term consequences. However, responsibility plays a crucial role in distinguishing oneself. Being responsible does not mean that all outcomes are about the individual, but rather understanding the complexity of identity and taking on voluntary responsibilities. This includes building permanent relationships, serving society, striving for upward growth, and uniting people across different situations and spans of time. This concept is exemplified in Jordan Peterson's Academy, which provides a platform for interesting thinkers to share their knowledge and experiences at low cost but high quality.

    • Revolutionizing Education through Passionate Teachers and Innovative CoursesPeterson Academy offers a dream experience for professors and students alike, providing high-quality courses taught by esteemed professors who are respected, supported, and given freedom to teach their passions, resulting in an affordable and transformative learning experience.

      Peterson Academy aims to provide a new approach to education by offering high-quality courses taught by esteemed professors. These professors, who are often mistreated and undervalued by traditional universities, are given the freedom to teach the courses they are passionate about. They are treated with respect, given a supportive audience, and offered financial security. The goal is to create a dream experience for both the professors and the students, where knowledge can be shared without censorship or political agendas. Peterson Academy plans to launch in early 2024 and already has 30 courses recorded. This innovative model of education seeks to bring the best lectures to everyone at an affordable cost, providing an incredibly interesting and transformative learning experience.

    • The Power of Living TruthfullyLiving honestly opens doors to exciting opportunities and adventures. By aligning ourselves with reality, we increase the likelihood of things going well for us and create a life full of endless possibilities.

      Living a truthful life opens up a world of opportunities and excitement. Jordan Peterson emphasizes the importance of honesty, urging people to stop lying and start speaking and acting in accordance with the truth. By aligning ourselves with reality and opposing falsehoods, we increase the probability of things unfolding properly for us. Being truthful not only allows us to have the world on our side, but it also leads to a life full of adventure and endless possibilities. Peterson's own experiences of traveling, meeting interesting people, and engaging in intellectually stimulating conversations demonstrate the rewards of living truthfully. This takeaway reminds us that we have the power to shape our lives by embracing the truth and all the opportunities it brings.

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    Moment 168: STOP Doing THIS! It's Killing Your Sleep!: The Fitness Scientist
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    Moment 166: What Men & Women NEED To Know About The Menstrual Cycle: Dr Mindy Pelz

    Moment 166: What Men & Women NEED To Know About The Menstrual Cycle: Dr Mindy Pelz
    In this moment, nutritionist and functional health expert, Dr. Mindy Pelz gives the information that every man needs to hear about menstrual cycles in order to better understand the females in their life: The menstrual and reproductive cycle lasts from 28 - 32 days (this varies from female to female) Day 1 - 10, is when a female is building oestrogen, Mindy says that for the first 2 days is the best time to give the female’s of your life some space. Afterwards they will be more present and outgoing. Day 12/13, is when oestrogen is at it’s peak in the female body and is the best time to resolve any conflict Day 10 - 15, is when ovulation happens and is when a female’s libido is highest, after Day 15, there is a crash of hormones which can lead to feeling low Day 17/18 is when progesterone starts to come in and is the time to be particularly nice and caring to the female’s in your life until the cycle begins again Mindy says that understanding the patterns of the female menstrual cycle, can create large amounts of empathy, and men can change their behaviour to help the females in their life as best they can. Listen to the full episode here - Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/ne5qtFHtoKb Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/9uu4LoFtoKb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Dr Mindy: https://drmindypelz.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Menopause Doctor: This Diet Delays Menopause! They're Lying To You About Menopause! Menopause Is Shrinking Your Brain! - Dr Lisa Mosconi

    The Menopause Doctor: This Diet Delays Menopause! They're Lying To You About Menopause! Menopause Is Shrinking Your Brain! - Dr Lisa Mosconi
    Meet the woman behind the scientific research revolution that could change the lives of 50% of the world’s population Dr Lisa Mosconi is the associate professor of neurology and radiology at Weill Cornell Medicine and director of Women’s Brain Initiative and Alzheimer’s Prevention Program. She is also the author of the books, ‘The XX Brain’, ‘Brain Food’, and ‘The Menopause Brain’. In this conversation Lisa and Steven discuss topics such as, how the menopause impacts the brain, the link between menopause and Alzheimer’s, why sex hormones are essential for brain health, and the truth about hormone therapy. 00:00 Intro 02:05 Why People Should Listen To This Conversation 04:10 What People Need To Know About Menopause And The Impact On The Brain 06:21 Who Is Lisa Misconi? 08:08 Why Hasn't There Been Research And Investment Into Menopause? 14:28 What Is Menopause And Signs 15:54 Menopause Stages Start Before You Think! 19:07 What's The Youngest Person With Menopause 22:35 Perimenopause Transition 29:54 Menopause Brain Scans 33:09 Some Women Have More Shocking Brain Scans Than Others 34:28 Behavioural Changes From Menopause 38:05 How Many Women Experience Brain Fog? 39:53 Menopause Rewires The Brain 41:11 Symptoms As A Result Of Brain Change 43:57 Isn't The Cure Simple? 51:50 What Age Should We Think About Treating/Preventing Symptoms 52:50 Going Deeper Into The Stages Of Menopause 58:34 Link Between Suicides And Menopause In Women 01:02:55 Brain Fog Over Time With Menopause 01:07:28 The Benefits Of Exercise 01:11:04 Link Between Exercise And Alzheimer's 01:14:11 Caffeine, Sleep And Menopause 01:18:08 Is Alcohol Bad For Menopause? 01:20:52 What Toxins Should We Be Aware Of? 01:22:40 Specific Foods That Help Stave Off The Menopause 01:25:42 Are Supplements Needed In Our Diet? 01:30:06 What Is The Evolutionary Reason For Menopause? 01:37:14 Does Menopause Make You Sad? 01:40:11 Surgical Menopause 01:45:17 Isn't It Just Ageing? 01:53:07 When Will I Go Through Menopause? 01:56:48 Last Guest Question You can get in contact with Lisa’s team to discuss enrolling in her studies, here: https://neurology.weill.cornell.edu/research/womens-brain-initiative You can access the results from Lisa’s research on brain changes during the menopause, here: http://drlisamosconi.tiiny.co/ You can access a time lapse video of changes to the menopause brain, here: http://brain-shrinking-video.tiiny.co/ You purchase Lisa's most recent book, ‘The Menopause Brain: The New Science Empowering Women to Navigate Midlife with Knowledge and Confidence’, here: https://amzn.to/3VncZgS  Follow Lisa: Twitter - https://bit.ly/3XeTpWM  Instagram - https://bit.ly/4ek0Ulh  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo Sponsors: PerfectTed - perfectted.com- Code: DIARY10 at checkout for 10% off  Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Uber: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Simon Cowell Opens Up About His Heartbreaking Loss, "losing them was the hardest thing that happened to me"!

    Simon Cowell Opens Up About His Heartbreaking Loss, "losing them was the hardest thing that happened to me"!
    From working in the post room in a record label to becoming the world’s best known music mogul, this is the Simon Cowell you don’t see on TV. Simon Cowell is a world-renowned record producer, talent scout, and music mogul. He is best known for being a judge on some of the world’s most popular TV shows including, ‘The X Factor’, ‘Britain’s Got Talent’, ‘Pop Idol’, and ‘American Idol’.  In this episode, Simon and Steven discuss topics such as, being bankrupt at 30, working his way up from the bottom, his life threatening accident, how his son’s birth changed his life, and his one and only regret about One Direction.  (00:00) Intro (00:52) Early Context (02:38) Your Parents (03:53) Your Work Ethic, Where Does That Come From (06:41) The Importance of Respect (10:23) Making the Decision to Pursue Entertainment (15:45) Working in the Post Room at a Record Label (19:24) Making His Way Up in the Music Industry (23:21) Starting a Record Label with Your Boss (28:40) Creating Your First Smash Hit Record (31:58) I Don't Know How Music Is Made, Staying in the Mind of the Consumer (39:40) Going Broke Right After Creating Your First Smash Hit (46:39) Meeting Pete Waterman, a Moment That Changed Everything (50:37) Being an Early Adopter of TV (59:50) Following Your Gut Regardless of the Criticism (01:06:30) Finding Westlife (01:09:30) Your Father Passing Away (01:17:37) Your Life Changing After Your Son, Eric, Was Born (01:23:09) Loyalty, Why It's So Important to Me (01:25:35) Setting New Work Boundaries in My New Life (01:29:15) Advice for a Young Simon Cowell (01:32:03) The Importance of Hard Work (01:34:30) Your Accident, Breaking Your Back in 3 Places (01:39:39) Going to Therapy (01:45:56) Foundational Advice for Anyone Starting Out in Their Career (01:49:39) The Importance of Legacy (01:53:02) The Rise of Bullying (01:55:02) One Direction (01:58:11) Searching for a New Boy Band (02:03:33) Harry Styles (02:05:54) AI Within the Music Industry (02:09:48) Will One Direction Get Back Together? (02:11:14) The Last Guest's Question Follow Simon:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/4c5bKK0  Twitter - https://bit.ly/3yKu9xg  Simon Cowell Launches Nationwide Hunt For Next UK Boyband Phenomenon Audition, sign up here - https://g2ul0.app.link/WnrZDXcwjKb Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb   My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook  Sponsors: Linkedin Jobs: https://www.linkedin.com/doac Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Uber: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 165: This Exercise Enhances Mood, Memory & Concentration: David Raichlen

    Moment 165: This Exercise Enhances Mood, Memory & Concentration: David Raichlen
    In this moment, leading professor of evolutionary biology, David Raichlen discusses how to boost the brain benefits that come from exercise. Most people know that exercise can improve cognitive function, but don’t realise that different sort of exercise, like cardio or strength training, can provide different types of neurological benefits. David says that whilst all exercise is beneficial to the brain, research shows that the best sort of physical activity is a combination of physical and cognitive challenges. This helps the brain function as it copies how humans evolved to find food and survive. So this could mean that the next time you go for a run, choose the great outdoors over the treadmill and try different routes you haven’t taken before. Listen to the full episode here - Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/J39pwN9c3Jb Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/HDB7itjd3Jb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos David:  https://www.raichlen.arizona.edu Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Episode Resources:

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Buy his new book Million Dollar Weekend: The Surprisingly Simple Way to Launch a 7-Figure Business in 48 Hours

    Subscribe to Noah’s newsletter.

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    Click here to receive priority notification of the release date for Illuminating Leadership, Women Who Lead, and so much more!

    Be sure to follow Attard Leadership Academy on LinkedIn for further insights and guidance on thriving as a leader. By subscribing, you will receive regular updates, expert advice, and practical strategies to help you navigate the challenges and unlock your leadership potential. Together, let's embark on a journey of growth and success as confident leaders.


    NEWS ALERT!!!!!!!

    Attention all emerging leaders! Get ready to take your leadership skills to the next level with our upcoming Leadership Journal and Workbook! This comprehensive tool helps you develop self-awareness, clarify your thoughts and emotions, identify patterns and trends in your behavior, and stay motivated to achieve your goals. With a structured and consistent approach, this journal workbook will guide you on your leadership journey and provide valuable insights into your thoughts and behaviors.

    Click here to receive priority notification of the release date for Illuminating Leadership, Women Who Lead, and so much more!

    Attard Leadership Academy, LLC partners with individuals and corporations to help new and emerging leaders create and execute a strategic leadership development plan to champion change, lead teams, and gain influence in their workspace. We help our clients become more confident, engaged, and productive leaders.


    Click here to order Illuminating Leadership.

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    00:00 Intro
    03:16 What led you to psychology?
    06:00 Tell me about the book you are writing?
    08:29 So the book sounds like it's about being proactive?
    09:50 What demographic is it aimed at?
    11:23 What is your role at The Tree of Life?
    12:55 The Tree of Life could be helpful to so many people?
    15:01 Which countries have a better approach to health?
    16:08 What attracted you to health coaching?
    17:18 What is a health coach?
    18:36 What myths are there about behaviour change?
    20:23 Being kinder to our future selves
    21:55 Peter Attia and the Centenarian Olympics
    23:52 Sean Stevenson and junk food
    25:50 A country which banned jumk food advertising
    27:28 What changes would you like to see regarding children and processed foods?
    29:26 How education might change because of AI
    31:07 The UK & International Health Coach Association
    31:36 Is the number of health coaches increasing in the UK?
    32:52 Which book has really moved you?
    36:14 How can people find out more about you?
    36:37 What is your favourite quote
    38:13 Quote investigator and the origin of that quote
    39:49 Episode 239 next week with Steven Borden


    Full shownotes including a transcription available at:

    On YouTube at:


    The Art of Living Proactively (Harnessing the Power of Your Choices) links:
    Website - tonywinyard.com
    Facebook Page - facebook.com/TonyWinyard.HabitsAndHealth
    Facebook Group - facebook.com/groups/habitshealth
    Twitter - @TonyWinyard
    Instagram - @tony.winyard
    LinkedIn - uk.linkedin.com/in/tonywinyard
    YouTube - .youtube.com/@tony-winyard
    How to leave a podcast review - tonywinyard.com/how-to-leave-a-podcast-review/

    Details of online workshops to create habits for health - tonywinyard.com/training/

    Are you in control of your habits or are they in control of you? Take my quiz to find out - tonywinyard.com/quiz

    Embark on an enlightening journey to discover the essence of proactive living in my podcast, "The Art of Living Proactively: Harnessing the Power of Your Choices".

    Your guide is none other than Tony Winyard, a multifaceted professional committed to the cause of health and wellness. He's a qualified Functional Medicine Health Coach, Oxygen Advantage Instructor, HeartMath Certified Coach, nutrition coach accredited by Precision Nutrition, a Laughter Yoga Instructor and a Tiny Habits coach. This comprehensive set of skills allows Tony to navigate the complex web of interconnected wellness disciplines, providing a holistic approach to health.

    Tony champions the cause of busy individuals, helping them reclaim their health through gradual and transformative changes in lifestyle, habits, and nutrition. With an impressive career spanning over 20 years in coaching, public speaking, and workshop facilitation, Tony has impacted lives from diverse backgrounds and cultures. He is fervently dedicated to empowering individuals to upgrade their health, well-being, and overall life quality.
    With Tony, your journey to wellness is grounded in the five core pillars of health - sleep, stress management, breathing, nutrition, and physical activity. He assists clients in embracing beneficial habits while shedding unwanted ones.

    Whether you seek online sessions or in-person engagement, individual coaching or group interaction, or are looking for corporate health and wellness programmes, Tony's offerings cater to all your needs.

    Ready to conquer your health journey? Reach out to Tony and discover the power of proactive living.