
    Dog training 101 — How to set realistic goals and where to get started

    en-usJanuary 25, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Training your dog for happiness and better relationshipsTraining helps improve behavior, expand opportunities, and create a well-behaved, well-adjusted dog through techniques like interrupting unwanted behaviors and providing consistent rules and boundaries.

      Training your dog is essential for their happiness and comfort, as well as for maintaining good relationships between dogs and their human companions. Whether you've recently adopted a puppy or an older dog, or if your dog has developed new behavioral issues, training can help improve their behavior and expand their opportunities for enriching experiences. Techniques like interrupting unwanted behaviors with "uh-uh" and "go to place," desensitizing dogs to hostile sounds, and providing consistent rules and boundaries, can all contribute to a well-behaved and well-adjusted dog. Remember, dogs thrive on structure and understanding, and taking the time to help them learn the rules of your household and interact politely with people and other dogs is not only fair to them but also leads to a more enjoyable and fulfilling life for both you and your furry friend.

    • Choosing the Right Dog Trainer: Identifying Your Training GoalsUnderstand obedience and behavioral training differences. Specialize in your dog's unique needs. Research and find the best fit trainer for you and your furry friend.

      Identifying your training goals is crucial in choosing the right dog trainer for your furry friend. Dog training can be categorized into obedience training and behavioral training. Obedience training focuses on teaching skills like sit, stay, come, and basic manners. Behavioral training, on the other hand, addresses emotional and behavioral issues such as aggression, anxiety, and phobias. It's essential to understand the difference between the two and choose a trainer who specializes in your specific training goals. Moreover, it's important to keep in mind that not every dog is the same, and not every dog will respond to the same training methods. Be realistic about your dog's abilities and limitations. A trainer who specializes in behavioral issues may be better equipped to handle more complex cases, even if they don't offer basic obedience training. In summary, identifying your training goals and understanding your dog's unique needs are essential steps in choosing the right dog trainer. Remember, not every dog is the same, and not every trainer is equipped to handle every case. Take the time to research and find the best fit for you and your furry friend.

    • Factors affecting behavior issues in dogsConsider a dog's learning history, environment, genetics, and internal conditions when addressing behavior issues. Explore various training methods like group classes, 1 on 1 training, and board and train programs for effective solutions.

      Effectively addressing behavior issues in dogs requires considering various factors, including their learning history, environment, genetics, and internal conditions. For instance, Winnie's door dashing behavior was due to learning and the environment, while a dog's deeply ingrained personality traits from past experiences might require adjusting expectations. When it comes to training methods, group classes offer affordability and socialization but less personalization, while 1 on 1 training provides a more customized approach but is more expensive. Board and train programs can be beneficial for those with limited time, but each method has its pros and cons. Understanding these factors and options can help pet owners make informed decisions and create effective training plans for their dogs.

    • Exploring Different Dog Training OptionsConsider your budget, schedule, and comfort level when choosing between board and train, day training, and DIY training for your dog. Research reputable trainers or resources to ensure quality training.

      There are various options for dog training, each with its pros and cons. Board and train is the most expensive and riskiest option, as it involves sending your dog to live with a trainer, who may charge high prices or require multiple dogs in their household. Day training, where the trainer comes to your house, is a good option for busy families and allows your dog to interact with you daily. DIY training with free resources online can be an affordable choice, but it may lack the accountability and expertise of a professional trainer. The choice depends on individual training goals and comfort levels. Kayla Fratt emphasizes that training doesn't need to consume a significant amount of time, and everyday life can offer opportunities for training. However, it's important to note that dog training is an unregulated field, so it's crucial to research and choose a reputable trainer or resource.

    • Understanding Positive Reinforcement and Balanced TrainingEffective dog training requires a balance of positive reinforcement and corrections. Positive reinforcement builds a strong bond but takes longer for severe issues, while balanced training addresses issues quickly but requires careful use of corrections.

      When it comes to dog training, it's important to understand the methodology and the two main approaches: positive reinforcement and balanced training. Positive reinforcement trainers focus on rewarding good behavior, while balanced trainers incorporate corrections or punishments. Both methods have their pros and cons. Positive reinforcement can be effective in building a strong bond between the dog and the trainer, but it may take a longer time to see results, especially with more severe behavior issues. Balanced trainers may be able to address these issues more quickly, but they must ensure that corrections are used appropriately and not excessively. Ultimately, effective dog training requires a balance of both positive reinforcement and corrections, with the goal being to provide clear communication, structure, and information to the dog. It's important to remember that trainers' qualifications and methods can vary widely, so it's essential to do your research and find a trainer who aligns with your values and approach to training.

    • Choosing the Right Dog Training MethodBe cautious of electric collars and dominance training for correcting dog behavior as they may have unintended consequences. Find a professional trainer through organizations like the IAABC, interview them, and consult former clients to make an informed decision.

      When it comes to training our dogs, it's crucial to ensure they receive adequate exercise and proper training. However, the methods used to correct behavior can have unintended consequences. For instance, using an electric collar (e-collar) to correct a dog's aggression may teach them that certain stimuli, like the approach of a child, cause pain, potentially increasing their aggressive behavior. Dominance training, which aims to establish the trainer as the alpha, has also been debunked by new research. To find a good trainer, consider starting with professional associations like the IAABC, but keep in mind that excellent trainers may not always belong to these organizations. Conduct interviews, ask about their training methods, and consult former clients to determine which trainer is the best fit for you and your dog. Ultimately, it's essential to listen to your gut and choose a method that resonates with both you and your dog.

    • Flexible and adaptable dog trainers and considering medication are crucial for effective trainingFinding a trainer who adapts to your situation and using medication when necessary can lead to significant improvements in your dog's behavior

      Finding a flexible and adaptable dog trainer who understands your unique situation and relationship with your dog is crucial for effective training. A trainer who insists on using only one method or tool may not yield the best results. Additionally, medication should not be ruled out if training alone is not sufficient to address your dog's behavioral issues. Behavioral medications can help manage conditions that manifest as behavioral problems, such as fear, anxiety, or aggression. Consulting with a behavior veterinarian can provide a medical diagnosis and prescription for medication if necessary. Remember, just like humans, dogs' mental health is important and should be treated as a medical need. A comprehensive approach, combining training, medication, and managing expectations, can lead to significant improvements in your dog's behavior.

    • Considering Rehoming a Dog: A Difficult but Loving DecisionWhen training fails, rehoming can be a loving option for both the dog and the owner if a suitable home is available. Identify goals, choose a method, find a trainer, and consider medication for effective training.

      If your dog's behavior becomes unmanageable despite your best efforts, it may be time to consider rehoming. This is not an easy decision, but as Kim Brophy points out, it can be loving and the best option for the dog if a suitable home is available. For most dog owners, training is a viable alternative, and it's never too late to seek help from a professional trainer or consider medication. To effectively train your dog, identify your goals, be realistic about them, choose a training method, understand the methodology, find a trainer, and consider medication. Remember, dog training not only benefits you but also enriches your dog's life. Avi Israeli, Kayla Fratt, Brianna Dick, Kim Brophy, and Andrea all emphasized the importance of patience, persistence, and seeking help when needed. If you're cooking with kale, a random tip is that you don't need a knife to separate the leaves from the stems; instead, use your fingers to easily strip the leaves away. For more tips and advice, visit npr.org/lifekit. This episode of Life Kit was produced by Janet Woojeong Lee, with contributions from Meghan Keane, Beth Donovan, Andy Tagle, Claire Marie Schneider, Sylvie Douglass, Beck Harlan, and Samantha Balvan. Stay tuned for more Life Kit episodes on various topics, and subscribe to our newsletter for more tips.

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    Resources and Links:

    • Visit our Inspire K-9's website & see the most up-to-date class schedules.
    • Join our Inspire K-9's Facebook group today!  We'd love to have you!
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