
    Podcast Summary

    • Former police officers share insights on domestic violence callsFormer police lieutenant Philante Riddle discusses her experiences managing various units in a large department and handling domestic violence calls from a law enforcement perspective

      Philante Riddle and the speaker have built a strong friendship based on their shared background as retired police officers, having started their law enforcement careers around the same time. During their conversation on the "Welcome to the Exhibit A" podcast, they discussed the topic of domestic violence calls from a police officer's perspective. Philante Riddle, a former lieutenant at the Pasadena Police Department, shared her experiences in various roles throughout her 29-year career, including serving as a public information officer and commanding units such as patrol, motorcycle officers, and community relations programs like PAL. Despite working for a large department of about 340 sworn officers, she managed to gain experience in various aspects of policing. While she did not serve as a motor cop herself, she oversaw the motorcycle unit for four years and was involved in traffic management during significant events like the Rose Bowl games.

    • From reluctant leader to successful consultantThrough unexpected opportunities, one can evolve from a reluctant leader to a successful consultant, utilizing unique skills and experiences.

      Sergeant Philante, despite initially having no interest in leading the motor unit, came to find it his most rewarding assignment. Motor officers, though specialized and requiring advanced knowledge in physics, are talented individuals who can recreate collisions and determine fault, making their work akin to a homicide investigation. After retiring from the police department, Philante continued his education, earning a PsyD in psychology, and started a consulting business while staying active in the community. Looking back, he never expected his life to blossom as it did, but he's grateful for the opportunities that came his way, including being a resource for friends and family and following in his father-in-law's footsteps as a trailblazing police officer.

    • From civil to criminal: The evolution of police response to domestic disturbancesPolice response to domestic disturbances has shifted from viewing them as civil matters to criminal ones, with officers required to make arrests if injuries are present due to changing laws following high-profile cases.

      The heart of most police officers lies in their desire to help and serve their communities. However, the way they respond to domestic disturbance calls has evolved significantly over the years. When our interviewee started in police work in the 1980s, officers were taught to handle disturbance calls by building evidence and only intervening if there were significant injuries or if the parties were married or cohabitating. But after high-profile cases like the OJ Simpson trial, laws changed, giving officers less flexibility and requiring them to make arrests if there were injuries present. These changes were a shift from viewing domestic disturbances as civil matters to viewing them as criminal ones. This evolution in policy reflects the complex and nuanced nature of domestic violence calls and the ongoing efforts to better respond to and prevent such incidents.

    • Attitudes towards handling domestic violence have shiftedFrom reluctance to involvement: Domestic violence cases now result in more arrests and support for victims

      The approach to handling domestic violence cases has significantly changed over the years. In the past, there was a reluctance from law enforcement and district attorneys to get involved in what were considered "family matters." This attitude made it difficult to bring perpetrators to justice and left victims without adequate support. However, with high-profile cases like OJ Simpson, the Burning Bed, and Lorraine Bobbitt, attitudes began to shift. Special units were created to advocate for victims, and the penal and family codes were updated to better protect those affected by domestic violence. Today, the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction, with law enforcement more likely to make arrests and involve themselves in these cases. Despite these changes, domestic violence remains a prevalent issue and a leading cause of police calls.

    • Domestic disturbances and traffic stops pose risks for police officersOfficers must prioritize safety during high-risk situations like domestic disturbances and traffic stops. Accurate information from dispatchers is crucial for effective response.

      Domestic disturbances and traffic stops pose significant risks for police officers due to the emotional intensity and potential for violence. Police response times and priorities can vary greatly depending on the specific community and resources available. In high-risk situations, officers must be extremely cautious and prioritize their safety while also attempting to de-escalate tensions. The importance of accurate information from dispatchers cannot be overstated, as it can greatly impact how officers approach and respond to these calls. Additionally, policies and procedures have evolved in response to past mistakes and a better understanding of the complexities of domestic disturbances.

    • Victims' safety and challenges of investigating domestic violence casesThe primary concern of law enforcement at domestic violence scenes is victims' safety. Historically, recanting victims have posed challenges, leading to lengthy investigations and reports that may not result in prosecution. However, recent legal advancements advocate for victims and prevent recantation to ensure justice is served.

      When law enforcement enters a domestic violence scene, their primary concern is for victims' safety and the potential danger to themselves. The story shared highlights the importance of this mindset and the challenges that can come with investigating such cases, particularly when dealing with recanting victims. Historically, this issue has been more prevalent, with victims refusing to cooperate and leaving officers with lengthy investigations and reports that may ultimately not lead to prosecution. However, recent cases have seen improvements, with the state now advocating on behalf of victims to prevent recantation and ensure justice is served. This underscores the importance of a strong legal framework to support victims and hold them harmless from retaliation.

    • Distinct Roles of Patrol Officer and Detective in Domestic Abuse CasesPatrol officers gather info, write reports, and send them to detectives. Detectives build cases, pull reports, and investigate with professionalism. Important to report incidents, regardless of gender, and education is crucial in reducing societal ill.

      During an investigation, the role of the initial responder (patrol officer) and the detective are distinct and crucial. The patrol officer gathers detailed information at the scene while emotions are high and writes a report, which is then sent to the detective. The detective builds the case and tells a story of the relationship and its fractures, pulling reports from other cases and checking for past hospital visits. It's essential to get statements and take photographs, including follow-up photos 2-3 days later for visible injuries. With 50% of domestic abuse cases now involving male victims, everyone should report incidents regardless of gender. Education and awareness are vital in reducing societal ill, and the police will continue to investigate these cases professionally.

    • Children are deeply affected by domestic violenceDomestic violence harms children by teaching them unhealthy patterns of behavior and increasing the likelihood of them repeating the cycle in their own relationships. It can also lead to family breakdown and, in extreme cases, murder.

      Domestic abuse and violence not only harm individuals but also have devastating effects on society, particularly on children who witness such incidents. The video discussed showcased a father berating his partner in front of their 12-year-old daughter and 9-year-old son. The children internalized the abuse and learned unhealthy patterns of behavior, increasing the likelihood of them repeating the cycle in their own relationships. Domestic violence can also lead to the breakup of families, and in extreme cases, escalate to murder. It is crucial to remember that even seemingly harmless arguments can escalate out of control, and the consequences can be irreversible. The tragic incident in South Pasadena, where a father murdered his child in retaliation for his partner wanting to leave him, underscores the importance of recognizing and addressing domestic violence before it escalates to such tragic extremes.

    • Understanding Domestic Violence: Gender-Neutral IssueDomestic violence is a serious issue affecting all genders. False claims can challenge law enforcement, and everyone should avoid using physical violence during arguments.

      Domestic violence is a gender-neutral issue, and it's crucial for everyone to understand that committing such acts is not justified based on gender. False claims of domestic violence can also pose challenges for law enforcement. Officers must ask questions carefully and follow up to ensure accuracy. Domestic violence shelters and organizations like Peace Over Violence and Shepherd's Door exist to help victims and teach offenders healthy ways to cope with their emotions. During volatile arguments, it's essential to give yourself space and avoid using physical violence, as the consequences can be severe and unintended. Remember, it's always okay to walk away and seek help if needed.

    • Prioritize safety and de-escalate in contentious situationsIn contentious situations, prioritize safety, remove yourself if necessary, and address underlying issues with professional help.

      In the face of a contentious situation like custody or divorce, it's crucial to prioritize your safety and well-being. If possible, remove yourself from the immediate environment and find a way to de-escalate the situation. As amusing as it may seem, a forgotten burger could potentially be the last straw in a relationship with underlying issues. In the story of the woman in the United Arab Emirates who filed for divorce over a missed burger delivery, it's essential to remember that there's often more to the story than meets the eye. It's likely that this wasn't the first time the husband had disappointed his wife, and cultural differences might influence their perspectives on the issue. Ultimately, it's important to address the root causes of conflicts and seek professional help when necessary.

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