
    Donald Trump dominates in Iowa: is the Republican race already over?

    enJanuary 16, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Donald Trump's Iowa Caucus VictoryTrump secured a decisive 51% win in Iowa, putting him in a strong position for the presidential election, while competitors trailed behind with 22% and 19% of the votes.

      During the Iowa caucus, Donald Trump secured a decisive victory with an impressive 51% of the votes from Republican voters. This win puts him in a strong position for the presidential election in November, as his competitors, including Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley, trailed behind with 22% and 19% of the votes, respectively. The speed of the result announcement, which occurred within 31 minutes, was due to Trump's significant lead in all 98 counties except for Johnson County. This outcome was surprising given Iowa's history of close races and Trump's past poor performance in conservative evangelical states. Overall, Trump's victory in Iowa is a significant development in the presidential race and underscores his continued strength within the Republican Party.

    • Iowa voters' strong faith in Trump led to his victoryIowa voters' belief in Trump as a divine figure and his claim to have won the 2020 election contributed to his dominance in the caucus, despite lower turnout and potential opposition.

      Donald Trump's victory in the Iowa caucus with 66% of the votes, despite losing the actual election, can be attributed to the strong faith and belief of a significant portion of Iowa voters. This group, largely made up of evangelical Christians, views Trump as a figure sent from God and believes in his claim to have won the 2020 election. Trump's status as an incumbent, while significant, does not fully explain his dominance in the Iowa caucus. However, it's important to note that the turnout in 2020 was significantly lower compared to 2016, which could have influenced the outcome. Despite Trump's strong showing, it's unlikely that he will face no opposition in the race for the Republican nomination. Nikki Haley and other potential challengers will still run, but Trump's hold on the party remains strong.

    • 2024 Republican Primary: New Hampshire's Unique Characteristics Impact the RaceNew Hampshire's college-educated population and fewer evangelicals pose challenges for some candidates, but winning both New Hampshire and their home state could potentially shift the momentum of the race.

      The 2024 Republican primary race is far from decided, despite former President Donald Trump's current lead. The demographic makeup of key primary states, such as Iowa and New Hampshire, greatly impacts the outcome. For instance, New Hampshire, with its college-educated population and fewer evangelicals, presents a challenge for candidates like Nikki Haley, who won the state when she was governor. Winning both New Hampshire and her home state of South Carolina could potentially pierce Trump's invincibility and shift the momentum of the race. However, it's a steep and narrow path, as New Hampshire's unique characteristics make it an outrider compared to other primary states. Another contender, Ron DeSantis, has also been making a strong push in Iowa, despite being a sitting governor of Florida and spending significant resources there. The race remains competitive, and the other candidates should not be overlooked.

    • Iowa Caucus Results: Haley, DeSantis Face Challenges, Ramaswami SurprisesNikki Haley and Ron DeSantis faced financial and media opposition, but secured their place in the race. Vivek Ramaswami surprised everyone with his strong showing. Trump and DeSantis had their own challenges. Haley suspended her campaign, emphasizing truth and America-first policies. High cost of campaign ads was a concern.

      The Iowa caucus results were a humbling experience for many Republican candidates, with Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis facing significant financial and media opposition. Despite this, they managed to secure their place in the race, with Haley suggesting that the race is now a two-person one. However, the night's surprise winner was Vivek Ramaswami, who came from nowhere to gain significant support in a deeply conservative state. Trump, the eventual victor, and DeSantis, who underperformed, were also noted as having had challenges in the race. Haley, expressing concerns for the country, announced the suspension of her campaign, emphasizing the importance of truth and America-first policies. The high cost of campaign advertising, particularly on TV, was also discussed, with some questioning the value of such spending. Ultimately, the Iowa caucus results highlighted the challenges and unpredictability of the Republican primary race.

    • 2024 Presidential Race: A Two-Person Contest Between Trump, Haley, and DeSantisThe 2024 presidential race is expected to be a two-way battle between Trump, Haley, and DeSantis, with Trump currently leading due to his conciliatory tone and strong midterm election performance. The Democrats are bracing for a tough fight against Trump, with rumors of Biden stepping down and being replaced.

      The 2024 presidential race is shaping up to be a two-person contest between Donald Trump and former allies Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis. Trump's conciliatory tone towards his opponents and his impressive midterm election performance have solidified his position as the frontrunner. Haley and DeSantis, who have both expressed loyalty to Trump, are expected to have roles in his administration if he wins. The Democrats, on the other hand, are bracing for a tough fight against Trump, with some reportedly fearing the prospect of Joe Biden running against him due to his age and perceived inability to effectively communicate. There have even been rumors of Biden dropping out before the convention and being replaced by Kamala Harris or another candidate. Overall, the midterm elections have set the stage for an intense and significant presidential race in 2024.

    • Joe Walsh: Trump is the GOP's undeniable leaderDespite his criticism, Joe Walsh admits Trump's stronghold on the GOP and urges Democrats to target enablers and complicit figures within the party to protect democracy.

      Former Republican congressman Joe Walsh, who ran against Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential primaries, believes that Trump is the undeniable leader of the Republican Party and has a decent chance of winning the upcoming election. Walsh, who is critical of Trump and considers him an existential threat to democracy, acknowledges that Trump's hold on the party is strong and that efforts to make the race a competition among multiple candidates are futile. Walsh urges Democrats to focus their fight not only on Trump but also on the enablers and complicit figures within the Republican Party who have undermined election integrity and perpetuated the false belief that Trump won the 2020 election. Walsh's message is that the radicalization of the Republican Party makes stopping Trump a significant challenge.

    • Biden's Victory: Appealing to Specific Voter GroupsBiden won the 2020 election by appealing to specific voter groups, but faces challenges with age, economy, and opposition from some Republicans. Trump's criticism of Biden as a threat to democracy resonates with some voters. Biden must mobilize opposition to Trump and emphasize dangers of a Trump presidency to win in 2022.

      The 2020 election was won by Joe Biden due to his ability to appeal to specific voter groups such as white college-educated women, suburban voters, independents, and liberal Republicans. However, his victory was narrow, and there are concerns about his age, the economy, and his administration. Trump's criticism of Biden as a threat to democracy resonates with some voters beyond his base. To win in 2022, Biden needs to focus on mobilizing those who oppose Trump, despite the challenges of appealing to various constituencies. It's crucial for him to emphasize the dangers of a Trump presidency. Despite more people opposing Trump than supporting him, getting them to vote may be a challenge. Additionally, there's a possibility that neither candidate may withdraw from the race before the election, barring unforeseen circumstances such as death.

    • 2024 Election: Trump Secures Republican NominationDespite Democratic efforts, Trump remains the clear Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election, leaving Democrats to determine their own candidate and offer a compelling alternative to his divisive rhetoric and actions.

      The Republican Party has clearly rallied behind Donald Trump as their nominee for the 2024 presidential election, leaving Democrats without a clear opponent to challenge him. The recent Iowa caucus results solidified Trump's position, and other potential Republican contenders, such as Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis, were unable to mount significant challenges due to the strong pro-Trump sentiment within the party. The only remaining question is whether Chris Christie, who has yet to endorse a candidate, will join Haley and offer his support. The Democratic Party, on the other hand, is still in the process of determining their nominee, with Joe Biden currently leading the race but facing criticism and calls for new leadership. Ultimately, it seems that the 2024 election will be a referendum on Trump and his policies, with Democrats looking to offer a compelling alternative to his divisive rhetoric and controversial actions.

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    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents USA"!

    The News Agents USA is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/

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    Production: Abigail Brierley

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

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    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents USA"

    The News Agents USA is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/

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    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents USA"!

    The News Agents USA is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/

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    Editor: Gabriel Radus

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents USA"!

    The News Agents USA is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/

    Find our store here: https://store.global.com/collections/the-news-agents

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    Editor: Gabriel Radus

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: Rory Symon & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents USA"!

    The News Agents USA is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/

    Find our store here: https://store.global.com/collections/the-news-agents

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    Editor: Gabriel Radus

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: Rory Symon

    The News Agents USA is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents USA".

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    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Planning Producer: Alex Barnett

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

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    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents".

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.