
    Don’t Fall For It, It’s Another Trick (Ep 2044)

    enJuly 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • New Witness in Hunter Biden Case Arrested or IndictedDespite serious allegations against the Biden crime family, the administration seems to be silencing potential witnesses, with one witness arrested or indicted, and the hosts expressing frustration and disbelief at the apparent support for child sex trafficking from the new leftist position.

      The host, Dan Bonjino, is discussing the apparent arrest or indictment of another potential witness in a Hunter Biden case, who allegedly has inside information about the Biden crime family. Despite the seriousness of the situation, the hosts seem to be taking a lighthearted approach to the topic, with one suggesting the use of fake grape roots as props on the show. The implication is that the Biden administration, specifically Attorney General Merrick Garland, doesn't seem to care about these allegations and is silencing potential witnesses. The hosts are expressing their frustration and disbelief that the new leftist position for the presidential elections appears to be in favor of child sex trafficking. The hosts are promoting Blackout Coffee, a company they believe shares their conservative values, as a sponsor for their podcast.

    • Recommendation for Blackout Coffee and Cautionary Tale about Media BiasThe speaker recommends Blackout Coffee with a discount using code Bongino, praises the company owner's patriotism, and shares a cautionary tale about media bias and the importance of considering information from criminal suspects in investigations.

      The speaker strongly recommends Blackoutcoffee.com, specifically mentioning the use of the coupon code Bongino for a 20% discount on the first order. The speaker expresses admiration for the company's owner, who values both America and coffee. Additionally, the speaker shares a cautionary tale about the reliability of information from criminal suspects and expresses frustration with the media's handling of the Biden administration's controversies. The speaker believes that Gal Luft, a man who claims to have information about China's alleged attempts to buy off the Biden family, is a credible source due to his past connection to the same Chinese energy company. However, the speaker criticizes the media for their skepticism towards such information and their lack of understanding about how criminal investigations work. The speaker emphasizes that in criminal cases, valuable information often comes from the very people under investigation.

    • Justice System's Handling of Cases Involving Powerful FiguresThe justice system's handling of cases involving powerful figures raises concerns about transparency and accountability. Media bias can shape public perception, and credibility is crucial.

      The media's perception of "bad guys" can change based on political affiliations, and the justice system's handling of cases involving individuals with information against powerful figures can raise concerns about transparency and accountability. Miranda Devine's article at the New York Post from a week ago detailed allegations made by Dr. Gal Luft against the Biden family regarding their involvement with a Chinese company. The video of Luft's statements was old, but the implications were significant. Gal Luft was later indicted by the Justice Department for acting as an unregistered foreign agent, with allegations involving trafficking, arms violations against Iran, and false statements to federal agents. Gal Luft's statements about the Bidens and his attempts to share this information with the FBI led to a delegation of six people, including two prosecutors and four FBI agents, being dispatched to Europe to meet with him. The resources allocated to this investigation suggest the seriousness of the situation, but the outcome remains unclear. This situation highlights the importance of a credible and impartial justice system and the potential consequences when it appears to favor certain individuals or political parties. The media's role in shaping public perception and the potential for bias should also be considered.

    • Biden Family's Corruption and Media's SilenceThe speaker accuses the Biden family of moral corruption and believes the media, due to party loyalty and communist ideologies, continues to support them, but a crisis could lead to their downfall.

      The speaker believes that the Biden family is morally corrupt and that the media, despite knowing this, continues to support them due to their allegiance to the Democratic Party and communist ideologies. The speaker also suggests that the media's support for the Biden family may be starting to waver, and that a crisis could lead to their eventual downfall. The speaker uses strong language to describe the Biden family as "human garbage" and "disgusting," and criticizes President Biden for ignoring one of his grandchildren due to the circumstances of his birth. The speaker also mentions a specific article in the New York Times that criticizes President Biden for not acknowledging this grandchild. The speaker's tone is passionate and convinced, and he believes that the truth about the Biden family's corruption will eventually come to light.

    • Media Focuses on GOP Responses to Biden StoriesCritics question media's coverage of Biden's family acknowledgement and age, while concerns arise over Washington Post's credibility.

      The media is focusing on Republican responses to stories about President Biden and his family, rather than the Democratic stories themselves. The latest example is the discussion around President Biden acknowledging his seventh granddaughter. Critics, including Chuck Todd and Maureen Dowd, have pointed out that Biden has seven grandkids, not six, but the narrative has shifted to the GOP attempting to exploit the situation. The media is also debating whether Biden should continue his presidential campaign due to his age and the potential for negative stories. Meanwhile, there are concerns about the Washington Post's credibility after it was accused of lying to its readers. The overall tone of the discussion is critical of the media's handling of these stories and the way they are being framed.

    • Allegations and counter-allegations surrounding Hunter Biden, IRS whistleblower, and Justice DepartmentConfusion over IRS whistleblower's role in leaking info to Washington Post; Perception of Justice Department protecting Hunter Biden; Importance of accurate reporting and transparency

      There seems to be a complex web of allegations and counter-allegations surrounding Hunter Biden, the IRS whistleblower, and the Justice Department. The Washington Post has reported that the IRS whistleblower, Shapley, may have leaked information to them, but Shapley himself has denied being a source. However, the Washington Post has also reported that they did not receive any information from Shapley and that their original story about the leak was based on information from another source. This has led to confusion and accusations of a cover-up. The underlying issue appears to be a perceived effort by the Justice Department to protect Hunter Biden, which has fueled speculation and criticism. The Biden administration has been dealing with various narratives that question Joe Biden's mental and emotional stability, and some recent stories, such as the one about Biden's alleged temper, have been seen as attempts to shift the focus away from these concerns. Overall, the situation highlights the importance of accurate reporting and transparency in the face of complex and sensitive issues.

    • Cultural shifts and self-defensePeople are expressing discontent with institutions and brands promoting divisive issues. Prepare for cultural shifts by staying informed and protecting your values with self-defense resources like the U.S. Concealed Carry Association and Wet the People Holsters.

      There is a cultural shift happening, and people are expressing their discontent with various institutions and brands that they perceive as promoting controversial or divisive issues. This was discussed in relation to an Axios article about President Biden's temperament, which was dismissed as a "hit piece" meant to make Biden appear in control. The speaker also mentioned the emptying of Disney World, the backlash against Disney and other companies for promoting "woke" content, and the importance of self-defense and being prepared. The U.S. Concealed Carry Association was promoted as a resource for gun owners, and Wet the People Holsters was touted for providing comfortable and secure gun belts. Overall, the message was that people should be aware of cultural shifts and take steps to protect themselves and their values.

    • Left's moral panic and desperate responsesThe left is facing pushback against their cultural dominance and responding with outrageous claims, such as labeling exercise as a sign of white supremacy, showing their desperation and weakness.

      The left is experiencing a moral panic as they face pushback against their cultural dominance. They have long been pushing identity politics and attacking conservative values, but now that the tide is turning, they are desperate and responding with outrageous claims, such as labeling exercise as a sign of white supremacy. This is part of a larger effort to keep people weak and helpless, and the left is becoming increasingly cannibalistic as they run out of targets. The Dan Bongino Show's "show your ass theory" refers to the left's frustration and desperation in the face of resistance, as they lash out with increasingly absurd and offensive claims. Ultimately, this is a sign of their weakness and desperation, and it underscores the importance of standing strong against their attempts to divide and weaken society.

    • Growing Tension and Racial Undertones in SocietyThe ongoing cultural debates and perceived attacks on traditional values have led to tension and accusations of racial undertones in various aspects of society, resulting in a sense of rebellion and resistance, but also the potential for extreme views and harmful behaviors.

      There's a growing tension and accusations of racial undertones in various aspects of society, including sports and media. Some individuals are expressing concern and frustration over these issues, while others dismiss them as insignificant or even fabricated. This tension stems from ongoing cultural debates and the perceived attack on traditional values, leading to a sense of rebellion and resistance. Some people believe that this rebellion is leading to a rebound in areas like fitness and sports, as well as a shift in power dynamics. However, the intensity of these debates and the polarized responses from different sides can lead to extreme views and even defenders of harmful behaviors, such as child sex trafficking. It's important to continue engaging in open and respectful dialogue to address these complex issues and find common ground.

    • Exploiting Conspiracy Theories for Profit in MediaSome media entities profit from conspiracy theories, like QAnon, by producing movies about sensitive issues, appealing to paranoid worldviews, and exploiting political shifts to undermine opponents.

      Certain elements in the media and entertainment industries are capitalizing on conspiracy theories, specifically QAnon, to market movies about child sex trafficking to specific audiences. These movies, such as "Sound of Freedom," are designed to appeal to a paranoid worldview and exploit sensitive issues, despite their potentially positive intentions. The left's hypocritical stance on child sex trafficking is highlighted in this phenomenon, as they have covered similar stories in the past but now label them as QAnon-adjacent due to political shifts. This "show your ass theory" highlights the left's hatred towards those who hold opposing views and their inability to respond effectively, leading them to resort to association with controversial theories to undermine their opponents.

    • A clash of ideologies over censorshipThe debate over censorship involves balancing free speech and individual rights against the need to combat misinformation and protect national security.

      The ongoing debate surrounding QAnon, free speech, and government censorship boils down to a fundamental clash of ideologies. Those against censorship view it as a threat to free speech and individual rights, while those in favor see it as a necessary measure to combat misinformation and protect national security. The recent ruling in the Missouri versus Biden case, which prohibits the government from coordinating with social media to censor people's speech, has sparked controversy and accusations of conspiracy theories from some in the media. Regardless of political affiliations, it's crucial to ensure that the government does not overstep its bounds and violate citizens' First Amendment rights. The ongoing debate underscores the importance of open dialogue and the need for clear and transparent communication in navigating complex issues.

    • FBI's collusion with social media companies to take down posts lacks evidenceA Trump-appointed judge's ruling questioned the FBI's actions to remove content from social media, but evidence of these communications exists and the FBI acted to address misinformation and potential threats, not to suppress free speech.

      The recent ruling by a Trump-appointed judge regarding the FBI's alleged collusion with social media companies to take down posts lacks substantial evidence. The judge's opinion was released on the 4th of July and was filled with requests from FBI agents and the White House to Facebook and other social media platforms to remove specific accounts or content. Contrary to the judge's assertion, there is ample evidence of these communications, but the judge seems to have overlooked it. The FBI's actions were aimed at addressing misinformation and potential threats, not at suppressing free speech. The ongoing debate highlights the need for transparency and accountability in the relationship between law enforcement and social media companies.

    • Dan thanks audience for support and invites them to engage across platformsDan expresses gratitude to his audience, invites them to join daily live chat, and asks for follows on Apple and Spotify

      Dan Bongino, the host of the live chat on Rumble.com, is expressing his gratitude to his audience for their support and encouraging them to continue engaging with his content across multiple platforms. He emphasizes that they are back in stock and selling out due to high demand, and that there are exciting new offerings coming soon, such as a new shirt. Dan also invites viewers to join the daily live chat on Rumble.com at 10 a.m. Eastern time, where he and Guy join at 11 a.m. Eastern time before rolling into the radio show. Lastly, Dan kindly asks for viewers to follow him on Apple and Spotify, which have seen a recent drop in subscriptions, by clicking the follow button for free. Overall, Dan's message is one of appreciation and excitement for his audience and the future content they will create together.

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    Taibbi: https://www.racket.news

    Raichik: LOTTBOOK.COM


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