
    Dylan Mulvaney's Latest Pivot, and Leaks Against Tucker Carlson Continue, with Matt Taibbi & Libs of TikTok's Chaya Raichik | Ep. 540

    enMay 01, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Megyn Kelly's Controversial Hat Sparks Debate on Women's RightsMegyn Kelly's decision to wear a 'Make Women Female Again' hat sparked intense reactions, with some accusing her of being misogynistic and transphobic, while others supported her stance on women's rights.

      Megyn Kelly's decision to wear a hat with the message "Make Women Female Again" during her friend's birthday party in Miami sparked controversy and intense reactions, with some accusing her of being misogynistic and transphobic. However, the majority of responses were positive, with many women expressing their desire to purchase the hat for themselves. Kelly, who identifies as a trans-exclusionary feminist, remains unapologetic about her stance on women's rights and bathrooms, and is not deterred by the criticism she receives. She believes in standing up for women and girls, and is not afraid to wear symbols that represent her beliefs, despite the potential backlash. The incident highlights the polarizing nature of discussions surrounding gender and women's rights, and the intensity of reactions that can result from taking a public stance on these issues.

    • Discussion on authentic merchandise vs imitations and concerns over personal safety and journalistic freedomThe line between authentic merchandise and imitations can blur, leading to concerns over personal safety, especially for women, and potential retaliation against journalists reporting on sensitive issues

      The line between authentic merchandise and opportunistic knockoffs can blur, especially in the digital age. This was highlighted during a discussion about a popular hat design, which led to a flood of imitations. Meanwhile, there have been concerns about intrusions into personal spaces and safety, particularly for women. Another topic touched upon was the targeting of journalists, such as Matt Taibbi, who have reported on sensitive issues, including government interference with tech companies. In Taibbi's case, this led to an IRS investigation and threats of imprisonment. The timing of these events, following his Twitter Files exposé, raises concerns about potential retaliation for his journalistic work.

    • Public debates with critics can have unexpected consequencesEngaging in public debates with critics can escalate, highlighting the importance of fact-checking and accuracy in reporting to avoid misunderstandings and false accusations.

      Engaging in a public debate with a critic, even if it turns out the critic was wrong, can lead to unexpected consequences. In this case, a journalist went on a live interview with a critic, expecting to defend his reporting. While some mistakes were made during the interview, the bigger issue arose when the critic falsely accused the journalist of lying to Congress. This led to threats of imprisonment and highlighted the increasing hostility towards the media. The incident serves as a reminder that even seemingly harmless debates can escalate, and journalists must be prepared for the potential consequences. It also underscores the importance of fact-checking and accuracy in reporting to avoid misunderstandings and false accusations.

    • The Media's Alignment with PowerThe media's perceived lack of independence from the government has weakened their role as a check and balance, leaving many feeling that important issues like press freedoms and whistleblower protection are being overlooked.

      The relationship between the media and those in power has become blurred, leading to a loss of the adversarial role that the media once held. This has resulted in a lack of understanding and support from the media for important issues such as press freedoms and the treatment of whistleblowers. The media's perceived lack of independence from the government has also stripped them of their power and influence. An example of this can be seen in the case of Jen Psaki, who went from working for the White House to MSNBC, and her celebration of the firing of Tucker Carlson. The media's failure to stand up for important issues and their increasing alignment with those in power has left many feeling that they have lost an essential check and balance in our society.

    • Jen Psaki's MSNBC ratings are low, AOC uses Tucker Carlson's deplatforming for fundraisingJen Psaki's low MSNBC ratings raise questions about her focus on cable news stardom, while AOC uses Tucker Carlson's deplatforming as a fundraising opportunity, highlighting the hypocrisy and one-sidedness in these actions.

      The numbers for Jen Psaki's MSNBC show are low, and some believe it's because she's more focused on becoming a cable news star than effectively communicating White House messaging. AOC, on the other hand, is using Tucker Carlson's deplatforming as a fundraising opportunity, while also accusing him of incitement. However, the standard for incitement is high, and it's important to note that AOC and her allies have been known to make similarly inflammatory statements without facing consequences. The hypocrisy and one-sidedness of these actions are a concern for those who value free speech and the classical definition of liberalism.

    • Distinction between free speech and silencing othersMedia should uphold journalistic integrity and report on all stories, avoiding coordination with power and silencing voices

      While people have the right to express their opinions and even call for change, there is a distinction between exercising free speech and silencing others through harassment or intimidation. The recent celebration of deplatforming a news anchor raises concerns about the hypocrisy and lack of principle behind such actions. The media, as the guardians of truth and holders of power, should uphold the highest standards of journalistic integrity and report on all stories, regardless of who they may benefit or harm. The recent instances of the White House and the media coordinating with each other to ignore certain stories, such as the Intel experts' letter on the Hunter Biden laptop and the LA Times' alleged submission of a question to the president, further undermine public trust and highlight the need for transparency and accountability.

    • White House reporters face issues of solidarity and transparencyWhite House reporters confront challenges of unity and transparency, while significant stories like the Hunter Biden laptop controversy are overlooked, raising concerns about media bias and commitment to truthful reporting

      There's a growing issue of solidarity and coordination among White House reporters, which was recently highlighted when a reporter was called on to ask a question despite not submitting it in advance. This raises concerns about transparency and the violation of the relationship with audiences. Meanwhile, a significant story involving former CIA official Mike Morell and the Hunter Biden laptop controversy has been largely ignored by the media. Morell testified that Anthony Blinken, now the Secretary of State, contacted him to orchestrate a letter discrediting the laptop story as a Russian disinformation operation. The media's blackout of this story is concerning, as it involves potential disinformation and raises questions about their commitment to reporting truthfully and fairly.

    • Press-White House Relationship and Civil LibertiesThe press prioritizes access and exclusivity over their role as watchdogs, raising concerns about accountability. The far-left wing of the Democratic Party disregards civil liberties and due process, while President Biden's lack of press engagement allows for lavish parties instead of answering tough questions.

      The relationship between the White House and the press has shifted dramatically, with some journalists prioritizing access and exclusivity over their role as watchdogs. Alan Dershowitz expressed concern over the far-left authoritarian wing of the Democratic Party and its disregard for civil liberties and due process. Meanwhile, President Biden has been criticized for his lack of engagement with the press, with some journalists attending lavish parties instead of pressing him for answers. This dynamic raises questions about the role and priorities of the press in holding those in power accountable.

    • Journalists need to advocate for the audience and hold power accountableJournalists must shift their role to be seen as advocates for the public and maintain a clear stance to build trust, while transparency and accountability are crucial in reporting on sensitive topics.

      The public's perception of journalists has shifted, and they want them to be seen as advocating for the audience and holding those in power accountable. Friendly interactions between journalists and subjects can be perceived as inappropriate and detrimental to trust. Meanwhile, some media personalities, like Tucker Carlson, have found success by maintaining a clear stance that aligns with their audience. The White House Correspondents' Dinner, which once featured more formal attire and decorum, has become a symbol of elitism and self-importance, further eroding public trust in the media. The creator of Libs of TikTok, Haya Ryczyk, has gained recognition for exposing issues related to gender and sex education in schools and other areas, often anonymously until being doxxed. Her work highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in media, especially when it comes to sensitive and controversial topics.

    • Fox News faces record low ratings for Tucker Carlson's showLeaked off-air comments and controversy surrounding Tucker Carlson led to record low ratings for Fox News, with potential offers from competitors threatening to further impact viewership.

      The backlash against Tucker Carlson and Fox News continues to impact their ratings significantly. Last Thursday, Carlson's 8 PM hour saw record low numbers, with only 136,000 viewers, compared to 3,000,000 in the previous week. Media Matters for America, an organization known for criticizing Fox News, leaked two outtakes of Carlson speaking off-air, raising questions about his comments towards women and Fox Nation. These leaks have added to the controversy surrounding Carlson and Fox News. Meanwhile, Newsmax has reportedly offered Carlson a move to their network, which could be a threat to Fox, as Carlson's difficult behavior and criticism towards the company could deter potential employers. Overall, the situation at Fox News is not going well, and the controversy surrounding Carlson is adding to their woes.

    • Media Silencing Tucker Carlson for Unpopular ViewsThe media industry wields significant power and can negatively portray individuals, regardless of their actions or accomplishments, leading to calls for higher journalistic standards and avoiding unverified information.

      The discussion revolves around the perceived coordinated effort to silence a media personality, Tucker Carlson, due to his unpopular views and truth-telling. The speakers believe that internal PR hacks and personal vendettas are driving the push to destroy Carlson, despite his past contributions and nice demeanor. They also criticize the media for spreading false information and speculation about Carlson's alleged collaboration with other fired media personalities, such as Don Lemon. The speakers argue that the media industry holds significant power and that those who are fired or face backlash are often portrayed negatively, regardless of their actual actions or accomplishments. They call for media outlets and reporters to hold themselves to higher standards and to avoid spreading unverified information.

    • Tucker Carlson's Future in Hollywood UncertainDespite rumors of joining Don Lemon, financial implications and ongoing negotiations make it unlikely for Tucker Carlson to leave Fox News for Hollywood. Fox's lack of transparency fuels conspiracy theories and calls for more open communication.

      The future of Tucker Carlson's career is uncertain following his departure from Fox News, with some speculating he may join Don Lemon in Hollywood. However, the likelihood of this happening is doubted due to the financial implications of his contract with Fox and the ongoing negotiations. Meanwhile, the lack of transparency from Fox News regarding the reasons for Carlson's exit has led to various conspiracy theories circulating online. It's widely believed that Fox is trying to bait Carlson into breaching his contract, potentially saving them millions in payout. Despite this, there is a call for Fox to be more transparent with their audience about the reasons for Carlson's departure. Overall, the situation highlights the complexities and potential financial implications of high-profile contract disputes in the media industry.

    • A culture warrior's rise to prominenceA private citizen turned culture warrior uses social media to challenge the status quo, educate the public, and face criticism for speaking truth to power.

      The departure of Tucker Carlson from Fox News has left a void for voices who aren't afraid to challenge the status quo and speak truth to power. The speaker, who gained prominence by sharing controversial content from TikTok and raising awareness about inappropriate material being taught in schools, acknowledges the backlash against her but remains unapologetic. She started out as a private citizen with no background in politics or media, but the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of social media gave her a platform to become a culture warrior and critical figure in the national discussion on certain issues. Despite facing criticism for sharing content from teachers' public TikTok accounts, she argues that if educators want their content to be seen, they should expect it to be shared with a wider audience. The speaker's courage and determination to educate the public about important issues, even in the face of adversity, is a testament to the power of social media and the importance of speaking out.

    • Exploring Connections and Dialogue on Social MediaSocial media platforms like Instagram and Twitter can facilitate meaningful conversations between individuals with diverse perspectives, despite political differences. However, concerns around censorship and fear of backlash can limit free expression.

      Social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter can foster meaningful connections and dialogue between individuals with diverse perspectives, despite political differences. The speaker shares his experiences of engaging with audiences on both platforms, noting that while Twitter may be more polarized, there are still many individuals who agree with his messaging, even if they identify as left-leaning. However, he also highlights the issue of censorship and the fear of backlash that prevents some individuals from expressing their opinions publicly. The speaker's interview with a marketing executive who was fired for following a controversial account underscores this concern. The speaker also discusses the case of Dylan Mulvaney, a content creator who transitioned publicly and faced criticism and scrutiny, and reflects on the power dynamics at play in these situations. Overall, the conversation touches on themes of free speech, online community, and the complexities of navigating political and social issues in the digital age.

    • Gender Identity and Social Media: Complex Issues and Nuanced ConversationsThe use of social media to publicly transition and discuss gender identity raises complex issues related to privacy, societal expectations, and the erasure of certain identities. Clear and precise language and nuanced conversations are crucial for respecting the complexities of human identity and promoting empathy and understanding towards all individuals.

      The ongoing debate surrounding gender identity and the role of social media in shaping public perception raises complex issues related to privacy, accountability, and societal expectations. The speaker shares her perspective on the case of a controversial figure who gained public attention for transitioning publicly and the impact it had on various communities. She expresses concern about the erasure of certain identities and the pressure on individuals to conform to certain gender norms. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of clear and precise language when discussing these topics and calls for more nuanced conversations that respect the complexities of human identity. Ultimately, she encourages empathy and understanding towards all individuals, regardless of their gender identity, and advocates for a more inclusive and compassionate society.

    • Bud Light's partnership with Dylan Mulvaney sparks backlashCompanies must understand their audience and be transparent when handling controversial issues to avoid negative consequences like lower Corporate Equality Index scores, loss of investor support, and damage to brand reputation.

      Companies, like Bud Light, face significant consequences when they get involved in divisive political issues, particularly those related to the LGBTQ+ community. In this case, Bud Light's partnership with Dylan Mulvaney and the resulting backlash led to calls for a lower Corporate Equality Index score, potential loss of investor support, and damage to their brand reputation. The Human Rights Campaign and other organizations are demanding that Anheuser Busch publicly reaffirm their support for the transgender community and take action against those responsible for the controversial campaign. The situation highlights the importance of companies understanding their audience and being transparent and apologetic when they make mistakes. Bud Light's handling of the situation, including disabling comments on their YouTube video and placing the responsible parties on leave, has only worsened the situation and further alienated their customer base. To recover, they need to acknowledge their error, terminate their relationship with Dylan Mulvaney, and focus on producing and selling their product without getting entangled in politics.

    • Understanding the context of book bansThe debate over book bans in schools involves removing explicit sexual content from K-12 libraries, not an outright ban. Critics argue against access to such material for young audiences, while supporters emphasize the importance of open dialogue and education.

      The ongoing debate surrounding book bans in schools and corporations' responses to controversial figures has become a contentious issue. An apology may be necessary, but it should be authentic and not just a damage control measure. The president's comments on book bans at the White House Correspondents Dinner highlighted the importance of understanding the context behind the term "banning." It refers to removing books from K-12 libraries, not an outright ban. Critics argue that certain books with explicit sexual content, such as "Genderqueer," "This Book is Gay," and "Flamer," should not be accessible to children in schools. These books, which promote pornographic content and encourage sexual exploration, raise concerns about the appropriateness of such material for young audiences. The debate continues, with both sides presenting their perspectives and evidence to support their positions. It is crucial for all parties to engage in open and respectful dialogue to find a solution that prioritizes the well-being and education of children.

    • School Access to Explicit Content and Adult RestrictionsConcerns over explicit content in schools and restrictions for adults continue, with ongoing debates around legislative privilege and transparency in gender-affirming procedures for minors.

      There are significant concerns regarding explicit content being accessible to students in schools, while adults face restrictions on sharing such content. The discussion also touched upon a controversy between a congresswoman and a journalist, where allegations were made but no definitive action could be taken due to legislative privilege. Furthermore, the issue of gender-affirming procedures being offered to minors in hospitals was raised, with concerns about the age of consent and transparency in advertising. It's important to note that these are sensitive topics with varying viewpoints and ongoing debates.

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    Kirk- https://45books.com/

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    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

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    More from The Fifth Column: https://wethefifth.substack.com/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 25, 2024

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Victor Davis Hanson, author of "The End of Everything,” to discuss the major stakes in Thursday's debate between Trump and Biden, what is on the line for both candidates, how Trump should handle the moment, the latest on the 2024 polling, black voters still supporting Trump in record numbers, Trump saying he's made his VP pick already but not revealing who it is, why J.D. Vance is a frontrunner despite his previous criticisms of Trump, the positives Marco Rubio and Doug Burgum could bring to the ticket, the surge of violent crimes against young girls by illegal immigrants, the left and media playing down the severity of the crisis and MSNBC laughing about one of the cases, one MSNBC host refusing to use the term "illegal" to describe a criminal, and more. Then Jonathan Turley, author of "The Indispensable Right," joins to discuss Jack Smith pushing to put a gag order on Trump in the Florida case, the way a gag order of Trump is akin to election interference, the unconstitutionality of gag orders in the first place, the absurdity of the New York business records trial, the ongoing attacks on the Florida Trump case Judge Aileen Cannon, whether Jack Smith could get booted from the case, how the attacks on free speech relate to January 6, a newly revealed video showing Nancy Pelosi admitting responsibility for the January 6 riot, whether the video was suppressed for so long, the attacks on free speech in America, and more.



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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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