
    Dr Clare Craig Talks About Her New Book "Expired: Covid The Untold Story" Which Debunks 12 Covid Beliefs

    enJuly 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • From Cambridge and Oxford to Diagnostics and PathologyDespite facing underestimation and challenges as a young, medical graduate, Claire Craig's determination, adaptability, and resilience led her to a successful career in diagnostics and pathology.

      Claire Craig's unique background and experiences have shaped her into the accomplished professional she is today. Having graduated from both Cambridge and Oxford universities with a medical degree, she found her passion in diagnostics and pathology, which she pursued despite being underestimated due to her youthful appearance. Her journey involved moving from one prestigious institution to another, facing challenges such as post-mortem exams while being a new mother, and eventually landing a job at Wickham Hospital. Throughout her career, Craig emphasized the importance of teamwork, good leadership, and the impact of personal experiences on professional growth. She shared her insights from her time as a junior doctor, highlighting the significance of the people she worked with and the difference between the past and present roles of a junior doctor. Craig's story is a testament to the power of determination, adaptability, and resilience in the face of challenges.

    • Navigating Challenges in HealthcarePrioritize patient care and create a work environment that values hard work and innovation, while avoiding office politics and focusing on authenticity for personal and professional growth.

      The healthcare industry can present unique challenges, including long and drawn-out processes, lack of enjoyable aspects in jobs, and even bullying. The speaker's experiences, from nursing school to working on the 100,000 Genomes Project, illustrate these challenges. Despite these difficulties, she continued to pursue her career in healthcare, learning valuable lessons about the politics and power dynamics within the industry along the way. Ultimately, she found that being authentic and not playing office politics was essential for her personal and professional growth. However, the industry's focus on targets, saving money, and hitting numbers often came at the expense of patient care and well-being. These experiences underscore the importance of prioritizing patient care and creating a work environment that values hard work and innovation.

    • Leaving a Stable Career for Personal PrioritiesPersonal experiences and priorities can lead individuals to make significant life changes, even if it means leaving a stable career. Listening to intuition and making decisions based on personal values can lead to fulfillment, even during challenging times.

      Personal experiences and priorities can lead individuals to make significant life changes, even if it means leaving a stable career. The speaker in this conversation shared his story of leaving the National Health Service (NHS) due to high stress levels and a desire to prioritize his family. He was feeling overwhelmed with the demands of his job, which left him little time to spend with his dying father. The speaker's father encouraged him to reevaluate his priorities and led him to make the decision to leave the NHS. After leaving, he found a new job in a start-up doing cancer diagnostics, but faced challenges during the pandemic that led to a period of unemployment. Despite the difficulties, the speaker expressed no regrets about leaving the NHS and prioritizing his family. This conversation highlights the importance of listening to one's intuition and making decisions based on personal values and priorities.

    • Questioning the accuracy of COVID-19 testingIndividuals may question the validity of reported COVID-19 cases and deaths based on inconsistencies in data and seek expert clarification on testing accuracy and context.

      The individual in this conversation became increasingly concerned about the accuracy of COVID-19 testing and the potential for false positives as the number of cases and deaths reported during the summer of 2020 seemed inconsistent with what they were seeing. They noticed that the percentage of positive tests was steady, indicating a testing error, and began to question the validity of the data being presented. As a layperson, they looked to an expert in diagnostics for clarification on the concept of steady state numbers and what they meant in the context of COVID-19 testing. The expert explained that interpreting test results requires understanding the context in which they are being administered and that no medical test is perfect, including PCR tests. They also noted that a small percentage of positive results could be due to testing errors. The individual then sought to verify their suspicions by comparing hospital admission and death data from the spring and summer, observing significant differences in demographics and time to death. Ultimately, they concluded that many of the cases and deaths being labeled as COVID-19 were not actually the disease, leading them to question the validity of the data being reported.

    • The struggle to understand conflicting COVID-19 dataClearly communicating complex information and fact-checking are crucial during times of conflicting data and public discourse.

      Expressing an opinion, even in a factual and clinical manner, can lead to unexpected backlash and scrutiny, especially during times of heightened public discourse and confusion. The speaker, who was critical of the government's handling of COVID-19 data, was attacked for her views but also found support from like-minded individuals. However, the overwhelming amount of new information from these experts required a significant amount of time and effort to verify its accuracy. The speaker's struggle to understand the government's data and her confusion about the conflicting messages in the media echoed a common experience during this period. She emphasized the importance of clear communication and breaking down complex information into simple terms to help others understand. Ultimately, the experience reinforced the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking in the face of conflicting information.

    • Concerns over midazolam use in care homes during COVID-19During the pandemic, there were concerns about midazolam's use in care homes due to unclear protocols, lack of transparency, and varying patient responses. Further research is needed to ensure the best possible care and transparency.

      During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were concerns about the use of certain medications, particularly midazolam, in care homes. The confusion surrounding the categorization of deaths and the lack of transparency in care home protocols made it difficult to determine if these medications were helpful or harmful. While it's true that midazolam can alleviate respiratory distress, it's crucial to understand that its effects may vary depending on the patient's condition. The absence of focused research on patients with acute respiratory infections further complicates the issue. Additionally, the closure of care homes to visitors during the pandemic made it challenging to investigate these concerns fully. Furthermore, the comparison of COVID-19 fatalities to seasonal flu raises questions about the accuracy of reporting and the potential overestimation of COVID-19 deaths. Overall, there is a need for further investigation into the use of medications during the pandemic, particularly in care homes, to ensure the best possible care for patients and transparency for their families.

    • Decrease in healthcare access during lockdowns leads to unnecessary deaths and complicationsThe COVID-19 lockdowns disrupted healthcare systems, leading to a decrease in healthcare access and an increase in unnecessary deaths and complications due to fear, confusion, and a loss of hospital beds.

      The COVID-19 lockdowns disrupted healthcare systems in significant ways, leading to a withdrawal of healthcare for many people. This was not just due to lockdown measures but also due to fear and confusion surrounding the virus. A study in Milan found a decrease in acute surgical emergencies, suggesting that people were not seeking necessary medical care. Pathologists in Oxford reported cases of patients who died at home after being denied hospital care. The number of deaths at home increased, with some estimates suggesting an extra 100 deaths per day. People were afraid to go to the hospital, leading to missed diagnoses and complications. Some healthcare professionals were even happy during this period as they were able to work from home and receive full pay. The loss of hospital beds, particularly ITU beds, further exacerbated the situation. In essence, the lockdowns led to a decrease in healthcare access, resulting in unnecessary deaths and complications.

    • COVID-19 Response Disrupted Healthcare Systems and Caused HarmThe COVID-19 response, including lockdowns and suspension of non-COVID healthcare services, may have caused more harm than good by disrupting healthcare systems and leading to a buildup of untreated diseases.

      The response to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the implementation of lockdowns and suspension of non-COVID healthcare services, may have done more harm than good. According to the speaker, many hospitals were not overwhelmed during the pandemic, and essential services were suspended, leading to a decline in healthcare and a buildup of untreated diseases. The speaker argues that politicians felt compelled to react to the perceived crisis, but the precautionary principle suggests that it's often best to observe and learn without interrupting functioning systems. The speaker also questions the accuracy of the modelling used to justify lockdowns and argues that they are not effective in controlling the spread of respiratory viruses. In essence, the speaker's perspective is that the pandemic response disrupted normal life unnecessarily and caused harm to healthcare systems and individuals.

    • Lockdowns' effectiveness questionedDespite potential benefits, lockdowns may cause significant harm to healthcare and the economy, and their effectiveness in controlling the spread of certain viruses is debated.

      Lockdowns may not be effective in controlling the spread of viruses, especially those transmitted through long distance or indirect contact. The speaker argues that even if a pandemic peaks later due to measures taken to slow its spread, the potential harm to healthcare and the economy may outweigh the benefits. Furthermore, the speaker expresses skepticism towards the effectiveness of lockdowns in reducing the spread of diseases like gastroenteritis, as shown in data correlating with mobility and hospital attendance. The speaker also shares their views on climate change, suggesting that it's a scam used to impoverish people and enrich elites, and that natural phenomena like volcanic activity might be contributing more to the increase in CO2 levels and ocean temperatures than human activities. Overall, the speaker's perspective emphasizes the importance of questioning the motivations and effectiveness of measures taken in response to crises.

    • Recognizing cult-like behaviors and mindsetsBe aware of charismatic leaders, prohibited questioning, and punishments for dissent. Encourage critical thinking and open dialogue to avoid cult mentality.

      It's essential to be aware of the signs of cult-like behaviors and mindsets in society, as they can be prevalent even in large groups or majorities. Cults often have charismatic leadership, prohibit questioning, and punish dissent with ostracization or shame. They may also control various aspects of members' lives and use fear and a savior narrative to manipulate and maintain power. It's crucial to empower yourself with critical thinking skills and question authority to avoid falling into a cult mentality. Remember, no one should claim to have all the answers or be your savior; instead, you should be the one in control of your life and thoughts. Stay vigilant and encourage open dialogue and questioning within your community.

    • Political Skepticism and EngagementStay informed, engage critically, and take charge of our own political destinies, while remaining skeptical of political figures' authenticity and consistency.

      While some political figures may align with our beliefs or desires, it's crucial to approach their words and actions with a healthy dose of skepticism. Trust must be earned, not assumed. The speaker expresses concerns about a particular political figure's past statements and actions, which have raised questions about their authenticity and consistency. However, she also emphasizes the importance of individual sovereignty and taking charge of our own destinies. The political landscape can be complex and frustrating, with politicians often seeming unresponsive to the needs and concerns of their constituents. The speaker believes that change may come slowly, but encourages grassroots involvement and engagement to effect meaningful political change. She also touches on the historical evolution of political parties and the importance of understanding their true agendas. Ultimately, it's essential to remain informed, engaged, and critical in our political discourse.

    • Limited local representation in politicsCentralized decision-making can perpetuate misinformation and limit individual accountability to constituents, emphasizing the need for a system that encourages open-mindedness and local representation

      The current political system, while having potential for local representation, may not be ideal as it can limit the ability of MPs to rebel against their party due to the fear of losing their job. This centralized decision-making can lead to misinformation and incorrect data being perpetuated without admission or correction. The speaker's personal experience with fact-checking and public shaming highlights the importance of local representation and the need for a system that allows for individual accountability to constituents. The speaker's book, "Expired," aims to address outdated ideas and models, and presents information in a way that encourages open-mindedness and understanding, rather than instilling fear or cognitive dissonance.

    • The COVID-19 response was marked by fear and manipulationDespite evidence showing questionable effectiveness, fear led to widespread acceptance of lockdowns, mask mandates, and misinformation. It's crucial to have open and honest conversations about the pandemic response and learn from it.

      The COVID-19 pandemic response was marked by fear, manipulation, and misinformation. People were scared and trusting of authorities, leading to the widespread acceptance of measures like lockdowns and mask mandates. However, the evidence shows that these measures were not as effective as presented, and the focus on viral spread being primarily through droplets led to the ineffectiveness of masks. The discussion also touched upon the religious aspects of the response, with false prophets and high priests spreading propaganda and lies. It's important to approach this topic with empathy and understanding, acknowledging the fear and manipulation that led people to believe certain things. Suppressing anger and negative emotions is not healthy, and it's crucial to let them out and address the issues at hand. The censorship of information and emotions only makes things worse and can lead to dangerous consequences. It's essential to have open and honest conversations about what happened during the pandemic response and learn from it.

    • Formation of The Heart Group: Challenging Established Beliefs During the PandemicThe Heart Group, a collective of professionals, shared common-sense perspectives on the pandemic, challenging dominant narratives based on established scientific principles. Their conclusions remained valid a year later, emphasizing the importance of questioning and open-mindedness.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, experts and professionals in various fields were dismissed as outliers and lone voices, leading many to feel isolated and misunderstood. In response, the Heart Group was formed as a body of professionals to discuss and share their common-sense perspectives on the pandemic. The group's weekly bulletins, which covered both COVID-related and broader issues, were based on established scientific principles and challenged the dominant narrative. When they reviewed their evidence a year later, they found that their conclusions were still valid, highlighting the importance of questioning and challenging prevailing beliefs. Despite numerous mistakes and shifting narratives from those in positions of power, there have been no repercussions or investigations. Common sense isn't common, and it's crucial to remain open-minded and challenge established beliefs when new evidence emerges.

    • Loss of Trust in InstitutionsThe speaker expresses concern about the erosion of trust in institutions due to perceived alignment with corporations, lack of consequences for those who got things wrong, and adversity faced by those who speak out.

      The speaker expresses a significant loss of trust in various institutions, including universities and media outlets, due to their perceived alignment with big corporations and lack of independence. This loss of trust stems from a belief that individuals and institutions who got things wrong have not faced consequences, while those who spoke out have faced adversity. The speaker also shares their personal experience of facing attacks and financial struggles while speaking out, despite having no income or job offers. They express disappointment in the medical profession for not upholding ethical standards and becoming too protocol-driven. Overall, this conversation highlights the speaker's concerns about the erosion of trust and integrity in various institutions and the impact it has had on their perspective.

    • Healthcare professionals face ethical dilemmas regarding vaccine safety during COVID-19Doctors must navigate complex ethical dilemmas, balancing vaccine safety concerns with potential career harm and transparency.

      The ethical dilemmas faced by healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly regarding vaccine safety and transparency, can be complex and challenging. Dr. X, a doctor with a strong ethical stance, faced referrals to the General Medical Council (GMC) for expressing concerns about vaccine safety and the potential increase in COVID-19 infections in the first few weeks after vaccination. These concerns were based on evidence suggesting a higher risk of infection during this period. However, the context of these private conversations was taken out of context and spread online, leading to accusations of being an "anti-vaxxer." The ethical dilemma for Dr. X and their team was balancing the potential harm of speaking out against vaccines and protecting the careers of their colleagues. The situation highlights the importance of open and transparent discussions about vaccine safety and the potential risks and benefits, while also acknowledging the complexities and nuances of ethical decision-making in healthcare during a pandemic.

    • Handling of vaccine-related information and medical regulatory bodiesConcerns over the handling of vaccine-related information led to criticism of medical regulatory bodies for prioritizing religious belief over scientific inquiry, with some scientists and organizations publishing evidence of vaccine-caused COVID-19 only to have it silenced later.

      The discussion highlights concerns over the handling of vaccine-related information and the role of medical regulatory bodies. Early on in the pandemic, there were claims that vaccines could be causing COVID-19. The evidence for this was strong, with Sage, Public Health England, and numerous scientists publishing their findings. However, when it became clear that these excuses were not valid, the publishing and discussion of this information ceased. This behavior was criticized as being more akin to religious belief than scientific inquiry. The speaker also discussed her own experiences with being reported to the General Medical Council (GMC) for expressing her opinions, which she believes is a sign of doing something right. The BMA has expressed a lack of confidence in the GMC and has called for the board to resign. The speaker believes that the GMC should focus solely on clinical practice and that personal beliefs or opinions should not be a factor in their investigations. The conversation also touched on the trans issue, which the speaker sees as another medical scandal, and the expanding role of medicine in society, with doctors often being seen as saviors.

    • Quick-fix mentality harms patient relationshipsDoctors and pharmaceutical companies can profit from misleading marketing of medical treatments, creating false expectations and overlooking lifestyle changes. Strict regulations and public education are needed to prevent this.

      The quick-fix mentality and over-selling of medical treatments, including vaccines, can lead to mutually beneficial but ultimately harmful relationships for patients. Doctors and pharmaceutical companies may profit from this, but it's not in the best interest of the patients. The use of misleading marketing terms like "safe and effective" can create false expectations and overlook the importance of lifestyle changes and hard work in addressing health issues. Regulations meant to prevent such marketing practices should be strictly enforced, and the public should be educated about the limitations and complexities of various medical treatments. The truth may be a threat to those who profit from the status quo, but it's essential to keep spreading it to create lasting change.

    • Navigating Complex Situations in Politics and MedicinePoliticians and medical students lack necessary training and experience, leading to evasive answers for politicians and need for extensive training for medical students. Focusing on the truth simplifies communication and trusting instincts promotes good health and longevity.

      Both politicians and medical students enter their respective fields with a strong desire to make a difference, but lack the necessary training and experience to effectively navigate complex situations. For politicians, this can lead to evasive answers during interviews and a lack of relatability to the public. For medical students, it can result in a need for extensive training to ensure safety and competence. My personal experience of being interviewed reminded me of this, as I found myself nervous and unprepared, only to learn that focusing on the truth makes communication much simpler. In terms of advice for maintaining good health and longevity, I would urge everyone to listen to their gut and trust their instincts, even if it means going against the flow at times. You can find me on Twitter at @ClaireCraigPath, and my book "Expired" is available on Amazon. My organization, Heart, can be found at heartgroup.org.

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    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Dr Roger Hodkinson MD discusses his views on COVID-19 as a hoax, the persecution of ethical doctors, and the lack of resistance from senior clinicians. He also highlights the capture of medical regulatory bodies and the indoctrination of young doctors. The conversation delves into the decline of democracy, the origins of COVID-19, and the need for personal sovereignty. Roger received his general medical degrees from Cambridge University in the UK where he was a scholar at Corpus Christi College. Following a residency at the University of British Columbia he became a Royal College-certified general pathologist (FRCPC) and a Fellow of the College of American Pathologists (FCAP). I hope you enjoy the episode. Much love Ahmad x



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJuly 02, 2024

    #194 - A Conversation With An Ex Ambulance Driver

    #194 - A Conversation With An Ex Ambulance Driver

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    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Please be warned this podcast contains almost 3 hrs of non-stop swearing. Avoid this episode if you will be offended by this. Matt Taylor is a former UK ambulance driver, paramedic and host of the NHS 100K podcast. NHS 100K was set up to represent the over 100 thousand healthcare workers who refused to take the jab and as a consequence risked losing their careers and livelihoods. NHS 100K was one of the most if not THE most instrumental organisations in fighting against the mandates and tyranny. Make no mistake about that. Matt invited me to his show last year but for whatever reason it didn't happen. Life brought our lives back into the same orbit this year in quite a dramatic fashion as you will find out in this episode. I want to thank Sai for helping make this podcast possible. I love Matt and Sai so much and they are brothers for life. I hope you enjoy the episode. Much love Ahmad x Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 26, 2024

    #193 - "The Angry Grandmother" And Forest Of The Fallen

    #193 - "The Angry Grandmother" And Forest Of The Fallen

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    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Rosemary describes herself as "the angry grandmother" and wants to make it clear that she is "not an activist, but simply a grandmother who wants to stop vaccinations for humans and animals alike, and protect our children". Rosie is visiting the UK but resides in Australia. It was an absolute pleasure to sit down and talk to her about The Forest of The Fallen and much more. I hope you enjoy the episode. Much love Ahmad x Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 24, 2024

    #191 - Dr William Makis Part 1 - The Erosion Of The Medical Profession

    #191 - Dr William Makis Part 1 - The Erosion Of The Medical Profession

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Dr William Makis MD is a Canadian physician, who was born in Czechoslovakia and fled Communism with his family via a United Nations refugee camp in 1988, where he lived for a year and learned to speak English. William grew up in Toronto, won the Governor General's Academic Medal and obtained a four-year undergraduate degree in Immunology at the University of Toronto on scholarship. He obtained his medical degree at McGill University in Montreal, Canada and did a 5-year specialisation training in Nuclear Medicine Radiology and Oncology. William diagnosed over 20,000 cancer patients and treated hundreds with cutting-edge Targeted Radionuclide Therapy. After his Cancer Treatment Program was sabotaged by Healthcare bureaucrats in 2016, he became a whistleblower and most recently a medical author on Substack.  In this podcast, we talk about the collapse of medical ethics, the influence of Big Pharma, and the erosion of the medical profession I hope you enjoy the episode. Much love Ahmad x Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    To sponsor the Doc Malik Podcast contact us at ⁠hello@docmalik.com⁠

    Doc Malik
    enJune 23, 2024

    #190 - Controlled Opposition

    #190 - Controlled Opposition

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Michael is the founder and editor of Actionable Truth. Michael describes his process of awakening here - https://open.substack.com/pub/actionabletruth/p/my-personal-journey-to-awakening. I don’t know how I stumbled across his substack, but I was drawn to an article he wrote titled The Truth about Controlled Opposition - https://open.substack.com/pub/actionabletruth/p/the-truth-about-controlled-opposition. Imagine my surprise, when trying to find Michael’s contact details I discovered that he and Ursula (a supporter, former guest and now friend) knew each other, and are both on the team of Actionable Truth. https://www.actionabletruth.media/about. Michael has since become a good friend and I love our regular chats.

    Michael describes himself as an experienced technologist and digital marketer with background in Information Systems Engineering, Information Technology and Cyber Security. He is passionate about doing research and deep-diving into complex topics including Open-Source Intelligence, Geopolitics, Cybersecurity and Data analysis. Michael was born in what was then the USSR and moved to Israel at the age of 4. He has been living in Australia since 2002. In this conversation, we mainly talk about controlled opposition but cover some other topics as well. For further details visit my website www.docmalik.com or my substack www.docmalik.substack.com I hope you enjoy the episode. Much love Ahmad x Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    To sponsor the Doc Malik Podcast contact us at ⁠hello@docmalik.com⁠

    Doc Malik
    enJune 20, 2024

    #189 - From Peak Prosperity To Peak Insanity

    #189 - From Peak Prosperity To Peak Insanity

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Chris Martenson, PhD (Duke), MBA (Cornell) is an economic researcher specialising in energy and resource depletion, and founder of PeakProsperity.com. Chris is also host of the Peak Prosperity podcast. In this podcast, we talk about a wide range of topics, including the economy, COVID-19, and the interconnectedness of various issues. We both believe that everything is linked, whether it's health, wealth, or politics. We also touch on the events of 9/11 and how it awoke us to the realities of the world. We talk about evil and its intention to keep people scared, small, sick, injured, or dead. I disagree with Chris over the theories of Dennis Meadows and the belief that humans are overusing resources and causing harm to the planet. Dennis was a key figure in the Club of Rome and believed in human overpopulation. Something I DO NOT subscribe to. For further details visit my website www.docmalik.com or my substack www.docmalik.substack.com I hope you enjoy the episode. Much love Ahmad x Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    To sponsor the Doc Malik Podcast contact us at ⁠hello@docmalik.com⁠

    Doc Malik
    enJune 19, 2024

    #187 - Mistakes Were Not Made

    #187 - Mistakes Were Not Made

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: After reading Margaret Anna Alice’s work, one can see why the saying “The pen is mightier than the sword” exists. Margaret’s writing has a unique style. It is beautifully lyrical, yet cuts through the bullshit of our time sharper than any Katana. It is incredibly well-researched and distils the truth, removing all impurities of propaganda. I must thank Mike Yeadon for the introduction a couple of months ago. In that short time frame, I have had the pleasure of having several conversations and thinking of her as a sister. There is only a 6-month difference in our age, we are both 80s kids and have so much in common. While Margaret’s prose is a delight to read, so is her poetry. Hearing Margaret recite two of her poems gave me so much pleasure. In this conversation, Margaret shares her journey and discusses how she has become such an incredible Substack writer, what motivates and drives her and her take on the events in recent years. Check out her substack for all her writings. I hope you enjoy this episode. Much love as always Ahmad Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    To sponsor the Doc Malik Podcast contact us at ⁠hello@docmalik.com⁠

    Doc Malik
    enJune 14, 2024

    #186 - Law & Freedom

    #186 - Law & Freedom

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Anna de Buisserat is a lawyer, activist and freedom fighter. Anna is a senior employment lawyer specialising in discrimination law, disability discrimination, mental health discrimination, and human rights. Anna has devoted the past four years of her life to the people for the people, as many others have too. A veteran, senior lawyer, and most of all a woman of heart, courage, moral integrity, grit, and determination, she has defended people's rights and stood up for freedom. In this conversation, we discuss the Magna Carta, Common Law, Natural Law, Informed Consent, the Nuremberg Code and much more. Please support her cancer treatment by donating to her Give send go - link below. I hope you enjoy this episode. Much love as always Ahmad Links



    Hunter & Gather Foods

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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 12, 2024

    #184 - Playing God

    #184 - Playing God

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Jacqui Deevoy is a writer, producer and presenter known most notably for her documentary "A Good Death?" co-produced with Ickonic Media which exposed the use of midazolam and morphine during the first 2 years of the Covid "pandemic", and accelerated or in many instances caused the death of thousands of innocent people, and not just the elderly. In this podcast episode, Jacqui talks about her latest documentary "Playing God", directed by award-winning directors Naeem & Ash Mahmood and produced by Jacqui. "Playing God" exposes the medical democide in the UK over the last 50 years. Is it about time that doctors and the medical establishment were taken down from their pedestal? I hope you enjoy this episode. Much love Ahmad Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

    ⁠Buy me a coffee⁠ If you want to make a one-off donation.

    Join my Substack To access additional content, you can upgrade to paid from just £5.50 a month

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    To sponsor the Doc Malik Podcast contact us at ⁠hello@docmalik.com⁠

    Doc Malik
    enJune 05, 2024

    #004 - Supporter Stories

    #004 - Supporter Stories

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: For too long, the Covid Plandemic has been a faceless monolith, represented by the media mainly through charts, graphs and confusing numbers. Science was corrupted, people were manipulated on a global scale and statistical jugglery was used to confuse, guide, and misinform. I have been moved by the messages from my paid supporters, who come from all walks of life and from across the globe. I have read some incredible emails, listened over the phone to amazing minds and beautiful souls, and most importantly I have learnt so much from them. I want to give a voice to these people. Everyone has a story worth telling, and I want to highlight this through this series of podcasts. In this episode, we have Alex from Germany and Yurek from Canada. Both have been some of my earliest supporters and listeners. I thank them both for their messages of support and recommendations. Alex was the one who put me in touch with Dr Sabine Stebel who did the amazing podcast on Spike Protein. If you are one of my supporters and would like to feature in the supporter series, please get in touch. If I have failed to get back to you it's because I'm inundated with correspondence and am struggling to keep up. You have my permission to badger me. I hope you enjoy the episode. Much love as always, Ahmad.



    Hunter & Gather Foods

    ⁠Hunter & Gather Foods Use DOC15 to get 15% OFF your first purchase with Hunter & Gather Foods, and DOC10 for 10% off all further purchases.

    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

    ⁠Buy me a coffee⁠ If you want to make a one-off donation.

    Join my Substack To access additional content, you can upgrade to paid from just £5.50 a month

    Doc Malik Merch Store⁠ Check out my amazing freedom merch

    To sponsor the Doc Malik Podcast contact us at ⁠hello@docmalik.com⁠

    Doc Malik
    enJune 04, 2024

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