
    Dr. Fauci Finally Admits That This Vaccine Danger Is Real | Roundtable | Rubin Report

    enSeptember 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Emergency Preparedness and COVID-19 Policies with Dr. Drew Pinsky and Jeffrey TuckerAdvocates against lockdowns, Dr. Drew Pinsky and Jeffrey Tucker, endorse TWC Health's emergency medical kit for life-saving medications and a comprehensive guidebook, emphasizing its importance for travel and unexpected situations, recent revelations about Dr. Fauci's financial dealings and stance on COVID-19 policies discussed.

      Dr. Drew Pinsky and Jeffrey Tucker, both guests on The Rubin Report, have been advocating against lockdowns and COVID-19 restrictions since the beginning of the pandemic. During this discussion, they also touched upon the importance of being prepared for emergencies, including health-related ones. TWC Health was introduced as a company offering a medical emergency kit containing potentially life-saving medications and a comprehensive guidebook. The guests endorsed the kit, emphasizing its importance for travel and unexpected situations. Additionally, the conversation touched upon recent revelations regarding Dr. Anthony Fauci's financial dealings and his stance on lockdowns and COVID-19 policies.

    • Dr. Fauci's Net Worth Surges Amidst COVID-19 PandemicDespite concerns over potential conflicts of interest, Dr. Fauci's net worth significantly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, raising questions about transparency and possible financial gains influencing decisions.

      Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former highest-paid employee in the federal government, saw his net worth increase significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic, reaching over 11 million dollars in 2022, up from 7.6 million in 2019. The sudden wealth growth, along with his flip-flopping stance on lockdowns and vaccines, has raised questions about potential conflicts of interest and the possibility of financial gains influencing his decisions. While it's unclear if there's any definitive evidence of wrongdoing, the optics of such a large increase in wealth during a time of national crisis are concerning. The lack of transparency regarding Fauci's personal finances and potential ties to vaccine companies adds to the intrigue and calls for further investigation.

    • Approach Fauci's vaccine statements with cautionWhile young people have a low risk of severe COVID and myocarditis from COVID, it's crucial to consider the actual risks and benefits before making vaccine decisions based on public figures' statements.

      Dr. Fauci's statements on COVID-19 vaccines and risks, particularly regarding myocarditis in young people, should be approached with caution. While there is a higher incidence of myocarditis from COVID across all ages, the risk is very rare in young people, and the risk of severe COVID in that age group is even lower. However, the risk-reward balance for mandating vaccines does not justify the potential harm to healthy individuals. It's important to consider the actual risks and benefits before making decisions based on public figures' statements. Additionally, there is a passionate minority of informed individuals who will not fall for COVID-related scares or mandates again, but the percentage of the population remains uncertain. The ongoing push for new vaccines underscores the importance of being well-informed and critical of information presented in the media.

    • Controversy over COVID-19 vaccine for different age groupsThe necessity and potential risks of the COVID-19 vaccine for different age groups, particularly healthy working age people and the elderly, remain a topic of ongoing debate.

      The vaccine for 6 month olds, as well as the widespread vaccination of healthy working age people and even the elderly, is a topic of controversy. Some argue that it's not necessary, especially for healthy individuals, as the risk of severe illness from COVID-19 is low for this population. Others argue that the vaccine has potential risks and long-term side effects that are not fully understood. The discussion also touched upon the fact that many countries do not recommend the vaccine for under 65, and that even the elderly, who have benefited from the vaccine, are starting to express concerns about side effects. The speaker also mentioned the importance of considering the age gradient of risk from the virus and questioning the necessity of the vaccine for healthy working age people. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexity and ongoing debate surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine, particularly regarding its necessity and potential risks for different age groups.

    • Politics and Fear Driving Children's Vaccine PoliciesPoliticians may use fear and coercion to promote vaccine compliance for children, but vaccines do not stop transmission and herd immunity may not be achieved through vaccines alone.

      The push for vaccines for children to achieve herd immunity is not based on scientific fact, as the vaccines do not stop transmission. Instead, it may be driven by a desire to ensure parents continue to support the vaccines despite potential concerns or harm to their children. Additionally, some politicians, like Lori Lightfoot, have used their positions to promote vaccine compliance through fear and coercion, even while teaching about the dangers of politicizing a pandemic at a graduate level. This raises questions about the motivations behind public health policies and the potential long-term consequences for individuals and society.

    • Political leaders with destructive pandemic policies rewarded in academiaDespite causing widespread harm through pandemic policies, some political leaders have been given prestigious academic positions, raising concerns about the value of expertise in academia.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, certain political leaders who implemented unprecedented policies with devastating consequences for their populations, such as lockdowns, business closures, and school closures, have been rewarded with prestigious academic positions at universities like Harvard, Kennedy School of Government, University of Pennsylvania, and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. This includes figures like Jacinda Ardern, Mario Cuomo, and Yule Roth. The speaker expresses disbelief and concern over the fact that individuals who have caused widespread demoralization, loss of education, and health issues are being celebrated in academia, despite the destructive impact of their policies. The speaker also shares his personal experience of challenging the irrational certainty of decision-makers during the pandemic and the harm caused by their lack of knowledge and expertise.

    • Pandemic response marked by hasty decisions with profound negative consequencesDecisions made without proper consultation led to unintended negative consequences in health communication, healthcare, and the economy, including a surge in cancer cases due to missed screenings, a feudal divide between essential and non-essential workers, and contradictory economic assessments.

      The response to the pandemic was marked by sweeping decisions made without proper understanding or consultation, leading to profound negative consequences in areas like health communication, healthcare, and the economy. The decisions to shut down hospitals, label certain workers as essential or not, and downplay economic issues were made through executive fiat and without clear justification. For instance, the decision to shut down hospitals for non-COVID cases led to a surge in cancer cases due to missed screenings. Similarly, the division of the workforce into essential and non-essential workers created a strange feudalism. In the economic sphere, Janet Yellen's assessment of the economy being "quite robust" contradicts the reality for many, with high interest rates making home buying unaffordable for many. Overall, the pandemic response was characterized by a lack of transparency, accountability, and understanding, leading to unintended negative consequences.

    • People facing economic hardships despite healthy labor market statsDespite decreasing unemployment, labor market participation remains low, and inflation is rising, leaving many people feeling uncertain about the economy, especially young adults.

      Despite official labor market statistics suggesting a healthy economy, many people are experiencing economic hardships through increased unemployment and underemployment, as well as rising inflation. While the unemployment rate may be decreasing, labor market participation has yet to fully recover from the pandemic. Moreover, there has been a significant increase in part-time jobs for economic reasons, indicating that people are unable to find full-time work. Additionally, inflation, which is a concern for many individuals, has been on the rise, with some sectors experiencing double-digit increases. These issues, coupled with the ongoing pandemic and geopolitical tensions, have left many people feeling that the economy is unstable and uncertain, particularly for young people trying to establish their lives. Janet Yellen, the Treasury Secretary, acknowledges this disconnect between economic data and public perception, attributing it to the pandemic's impact on families and supply chain disruptions, as well as the surge in energy and food prices due to geopolitical events.

    • Conflicting narratives on America's economic situationDespite improvements from stimulus payments, some argue that median household income is down in real terms due to inflation caused by stimulus packages and unconventional monetary policies. The causes of inflation are debated, with some pointing to supply chains and others to monetary policies.

      During the discussion, it became clear that there are conflicting narratives surrounding the economic situation in America. While some argue that Americans' financial situation improved due to stimulus payments and the end of the pandemic, others claim that the median household income is down for the third year in a row in real terms, and the inflation caused by the massive stimulus packages has erased the value of those payments. Additionally, there's a disagreement on the cause of inflation, with some blaming supply chains and others pointing to the Federal Reserve's unconventional monetary policies. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the complexity of the economic situation and the need for a nuanced understanding of various factors at play. The discussion also touched upon the idea that the government's approach to economic problems, such as stimulus packages, might not be the most effective solution and could lead to unintended consequences.

    • The Consequences of Resource MismanagementMismanagement of resources, whether in the past or present, can lead to economic instability and significant costs. Accountability and competence in resource management and clear communication from those in power are crucial.

      The mismanagement of resources, whether it's a Mali king handing out gold or a modern government losing an $80 million fighter jet, can have significant consequences. In the case of Mansa Musa, his generosity led to economic instability. With the lost F-35, the potential cost to taxpayers is immense. The speaker also emphasized the importance of accountability and competence in government, as shown by the unusual response to the F-35 mishap. The use of the word "mishap" instead of a clear explanation of what happened raised eyebrows, leading some to question the transparency of the situation. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of responsible resource management and clear communication from those in power.

    • F-35 Jet Disappearance Sparks Skepticism Over Government TransparencyThe disappearance of an F-35 fighter jet and the government's response have fueled suspicions and mistrust, highlighting the importance of transparency and accountability in high-stakes situations.

      The disappearance of an F-35 fighter jet and the lack of clear information about its whereabouts has raised suspicions beyond a routine mechanical failure. The pilot's explanation of bad weather doesn't fully explain the loss of the plane. The government's response, led by John Kirby, has been met with skepticism due to past incidents and the assumption that information may be withheld. The idea of transparency from the Department of Defense, which has been involved in various controversies, is also questioned. The use of the term "mishap" by officials has sparked further curiosity. This incident highlights the public's growing distrust in government transparency and the need for accountability in high-stakes situations.

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    The Rubin Report
    enJune 20, 2024

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