
    E028 - The Marketing Genius: I Helped GROW “Coca-Cola, the Olympics & More” (Marilyn Crawford)

    en-gbDecember 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing new opportunities beyond comfort zonesMarilyn's career journey from Olympics to presidential inaugurals taught her the importance of stepping out of comfort zones and making a difference. In Dubai, she discovered the unique respect for women and innovative spirit, inspiring her to do exceptional work.

      Marilyn, a seasoned event producer with an impressive career spanning from the Olympics to presidential inaugurals, encourages pushing past limitations and embracing new opportunities. She shares a story from her past where she was approached by Steve Wynn to teach business communication courses for his casino employees, despite her initial reluctance following her father's death. This experience taught her the importance of stepping out of comfort zones and making a difference. Marilyn also emphasizes the unique respect for women in the Middle East and the innovative spirit of Dubai, where she has been fortunate enough to be involved in various projects. Ultimately, she encourages doing exceptional work that surpasses the competition.

    • Starting the day early and building genuine relationshipsPersonal touch, character, enthusiasm, and value can lead to remarkable opportunities and success.

      Building genuine relationships and providing value to others can lead to remarkable opportunities and success. The speaker shares her experience of starting her day early and often late, and how she's been fortunate to meet and build relationships with a diverse range of people in Dubai. Her expertise lies in economic development, marketing, tourism, and revenue generation, which has led to various business ventures including a private equity firm and real estate investments. She attributes her success to the lessons she learned from her parents, who instilled in her the importance of character, genuine enthusiasm, and a personal touch. Her career took off when she impressed industry giants like Ted Turner and Dick Parsons with her event planning skills, and she's since become known for creating epic event experiences. The key to a successful event, she believes, is a personal touch. Despite the challenges, she took a chance and organized an event in Cameroon, which turned out to be a huge success due to her reputation and the unique value she brought to the table.

    • Transforming a small budget into a world-class eventWith creativity and collaboration, a small budget can lead to a successful and culturally enriching event

      With determination and creativity, even a small budget can lead to a spectacular event. The speaker shares an example of transforming a museum in Cameroon into a world-class venue by utilizing local resources and enlisting the help of international artists and performers. Despite starting with a budget of only $510,000, the event garnered over a billion hits and showcased the unique culture and beauty of Cameroon to the world. The success of the project demonstrates the power of collaboration, innovation, and a passion for bringing people together.

    • The Trailblazing Career of Reginald F. LewisReginald F. Lewis was the first black billionaire in America to complete a $1 billion deal on Wall Street, opening the first black law firm and impacting 48 companies across 31 countries with a 90% ROI on his first deal.

      Reginald F. Lewis was a trailblazing businessman and philanthropist who broke barriers in various industries, including finance, law, and education. He was the first black billionaire in America and the first person to complete a $1 billion deal on Wall Street. Lewis also opened the first black law firm on Wall Street and was pursued by Harvard University to join their institution. He had an unprecedented impact, flipping deals in 48 companies across 31 countries, with a remarkable ROI of 90% on his first deal. Lewis's legacy was celebrated through a documentary funded by billionaires and shown at the Festival de Cannes, where he brought together Nollywood, Hollywood, and Bollywood for an unforgettable event. Lewis's educational background provided him with the foundation to succeed, but it was his determination and passion for teaching that led him to branding, economic development, and event planning. His career started with organizing a birthday party for a student at a private school and grew organically from there. Lewis's life serves as a testament to the power of education, determination, and the pursuit of one's passions.

    • Establishing strong relationships with PR specialists and being exceptional in your fieldFocus on kindness and authenticity, build strong relationships, deliver on promises, and continuously improve to attract big-name clients and build a successful personal brand.

      Building a successful personal brand and attracting big-name clients involves being exceptional in your field and relying on word-of-mouth recommendations. Establishing strong relationships with PR specialists who have a proven track record and a network of contacts is crucial when you're ready to take your brand to the next level. Oprah Winfrey's transparency and genuine intentions serve as a reminder for us to focus on kindness and authenticity in a world that often encourages negativity and malice. The speaker's digital playbook offers a step-by-step guide for those looking to build a successful business online based on their passions. Remember, to be successful, you must deliver on your promises, be authentic, and continuously strive for improvement.

    • Maintaining Class and Intellect through Respect and MoralityUnderstanding origins and meanings behind trends helps make informed decisions. Self-respect and setting personal boundaries are essential for maintaining dignity and respect in all areas of life.

      Respect for women and basic morality are essential for building a strong and respectable persona, especially in today's society where negative trends are prevalent. The speaker emphasizes the importance of holding onto traditional values, such as opening doors for women and dressing modestly, to maintain class and intellect. She also encourages parents and adults to take on the role of educators and set boundaries for young people, rather than trying to be their friends. The speaker shares her belief that understanding the origins and meanings behind certain trends can help individuals make informed decisions about their actions and appearances. Ultimately, the key takeaway is the importance of self-respect and setting personal boundaries to maintain dignity and respect in all areas of life.

    • Being Cautious in the Digital AgeIn today's digital world, be mindful of what's shared online and consider long-term consequences, prioritize privacy, and exercise discretion in personal relationships and posts.

      Success and wealth can be fleeting, and individuals in powerful positions must be cautious and discreet, especially in today's world of social media. Allegations and personal information can spread quickly, potentially damaging reputations and lives. It's essential to be mindful of what is shared online and to consider the long-term consequences. The speaker also emphasized the importance of privacy in personal relationships and encouraged individuals to exercise discretion before posting potentially sensitive content. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the potential of emerging technologies like AI and the importance of staying informed and involved in innovative industries.

    • Speaker Discusses Exciting AI Enterprise and Personal GrowthSpeaker shares experience in various businesses, discusses successful AI investment bot with impressive returns, and emphasizes importance of finding solutions to everyday problems for business success. Also, a certified psychologist and life coach, she mentors individuals and values diversity, inclusion, and authenticity.

      The speaker is involved in various businesses and is excited about an upcoming AI enterprise called Primetime Global, which offers multiple applications in one license, including investment AI. The AI investment bot has reported impressive returns, with some investors earning up to 102% in three months. The speaker is also a certified psychologist and life coach, helping people with both personal and business matters. She has mentored over 100 individuals and is currently mentoring a select few. The speaker emphasizes the importance of finding solutions to everyday problems when starting a business and is passionate about diversity, inclusion, and authenticity.

    • Balancing diversity, inclusion, and revenueMaintaining balance in promoting diversity, inclusion, and revenue is crucial for businesses. Overemphasizing any one aspect can negatively impact the company. Be kind, tolerant, and inclusive, but don't alienate customers. Analyze your audience, communicate unique value, and execute effectively for strong branding.

      Being integrated into a company's every aspect, including diversity and inclusion, can significantly increase revenue, but it's crucial to maintain balance. Overemphasizing any one aspect can negatively impact the business. For instance, Bud Light experienced a sales decline when they were perceived as pushing an agenda too aggressively. The key is to be diverse, inclusive, and equitable, but not at the expense of alienating customers. It's essential to promote kindness, tolerance, and basic human understanding. Companies should strive to be the example of kindness and create an environment where people feel comfortable being their authentic selves. The speaker believes that the current trend is skewed towards being too "woke," and we need to find a balance. They also emphasized that individuals cannot force kindness on others but can choose to be kind themselves and hope it spreads. The speaker also touched on the importance of branding, which involves analyzing your target audience, communicating your unique value proposition, and executing effectively to build a strong brand.

    • Analyze resources before executing a communications planEffective communication is crucial for business success. Analyze your brand identity, team, and financial capabilities before executing a communications plan to build relationships and attract talent in a competitive landscape.

      Effective communication and a clear understanding of what you have to offer are crucial elements for building a successful brand or business. Before executing a communications plan, it's essential to analyze your resources, including your brand identity, team, and financial capabilities. Communication is key in all aspects of business, and with the abundance of information available through technology, there's no excuse not to connect and build relationships. The success of a business or city often depends on the ability to innovate, attract talent, and maintain a unique vision. In the competitive business landscape, being proactive and staying ahead of the curve can make all the difference. Whether it's Dubai or another emerging market, the decision to invest time and resources depends on the potential for growth and the mentality of those leading the charge. Ultimately, it's important to do your homework, stay informed, and be prepared to adapt and evolve in a constantly changing world.

    • Maintaining a strong personal brand and expanding audience organicallyStay true to oneself, prioritize business growth, and maintain a perception of being single can benefit building a strong personal brand.

      Building a successful brand requires a focus on growth and maintaining a strong personal brand. The speaker emphasized the importance of elevating one's game with each new endeavor and expanding the audience organically. They also discussed how being single or in a relationship can impact a brand, suggesting that maintaining a perception of being single can be beneficial for building a business. The speaker admired successful individuals like Snoop Dogg and LL Cool J who managed to balance their personal and professional lives while maintaining a strong brand image. Ultimately, the key to success is staying true to oneself and prioritizing business growth over personal relationships that may hinder progress.

    • The importance of self-belief and security for personal happinessBelieve in yourself and prioritize your own happiness, while also valuing your relationships and supporting team. Accept that balance won't always be achieved, but strive for it and embrace life's imperfections.

      Self-belief and security are crucial for personal happiness and fulfilling relationships. The speaker emphasizes that she doesn't need a man to validate her lifestyle or business success but chooses to prioritize her husband's happiness. She also shares her belief in the importance of self-belief, which she attributes to her upbringing. She warns against the facade of security and encourages everyone to truly value themselves. The art of life, according to the speaker, is to strive for balance but accept that it won't always be achieved. She encourages starting new ventures with a support team and embracing the imperfections of life.

    • Compartmentalize responsibilities and make time for emotionsEffective time management and self-care involve prioritizing tasks, making time for emotions, learning from mistakes, and being present in each moment for optimal well-being and growth.

      Effective time management and self-care are crucial for navigating life's ups and downs. The speaker emphasizes the importance of compartmentalizing responsibilities and making time for personal emotions. Mistakes are opportunities for growth, and being present in each moment is essential for overall well-being. The speaker also advocates for the importance of micronutrient supplementation for optimal health. Despite the challenges and regrets, it's essential to keep learning and growing. The speaker reflects on the value of being present, whether alone or with others, and encourages facing personal demons to gain control over them. In essence, it's about finding balance and being intentional with time and self-care.

    • Kindness leads to unexpected rewardsOffering kindness can lead to profound feelings of love and accomplishment. Introspection and pursuing passions bring joy and fulfillment.

      Kindness costs nothing and can lead to unexpected gifts. The speaker shared an experience where offering a meal to a homeless man led to a profound feeling of love and accomplishment for her. For those feeling lost or unsure of their passions, she advises taking time for introspection and focusing on the things that bring joy. She emphasizes the importance of pursuing these passions and building upon them. The speaker also reflected on her own journey, sharing how she found fulfillment in fitness and podcasting after leaving her initial career path. Ultimately, she encourages listeners to explore new opportunities and define themselves beyond their current roles.

    • Embrace Passion and Adaptability for GrowthPassion drives personal and professional growth, while adaptability allows us to evolve and explore new opportunities. Prioritize and focus on a few things, but remain open to new experiences and limitless in potential.

      Passion and adaptability are key to personal and professional growth. The speaker's passion for fitness led them to improve their own life and open new opportunities. They encourage evolving with time and not limiting oneself to a single label or path. The speaker's journey from focusing solely on fitness to exploring business and education demonstrates the importance of staying open to new experiences and priorities. Additionally, they emphasize the importance of prioritizing and focusing on a few things at a time while remaining limitless in one's potential. The speaker's experience and success serve as an inspiration to not let external labels or expectations limit one's own journey and growth.

    • Focus on passions and learn from others for success and happinessIdentifying passions and learning from others can lead to a successful and happy life, while trying to do too much can lead to neglect and disappointment.

      Focusing on a few passions and prioritizing them can lead to greater success and happiness, while trying to do too many things can lead to neglect and disappointment. It's important to identify what truly matters and give it your all. Everyone we meet in life can teach us something valuable, and taking the time to learn from others can help us make informed decisions for our future. In relationships, finding the right balance and being flexible is key to allowing the relationship to flourish and supporting each other's goals. Attention and success can be challenges, but they are not insurmountable if you find the right partner who understands and supports you. Ultimately, believing in yourself and your abilities, and surrounding yourself with positivity and support, can lead to a fulfilling and impactful life.

    • The Importance of Humility and KindnessEmbrace humility and kindness for personal growth and building relationships. Avoid arrogance and entitlement. Surprise yourself with the substance of people from diverse backgrounds.

      Humility and kindness are essential traits for personal growth and building meaningful relationships. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not taking oneself too seriously and being open to constructive criticism from friends and family. Arrogance and entitlement, on the other hand, hinder learning and limit experiences. The speaker shares anecdotes of meeting people from diverse backgrounds and being surprised by their kindness and substance, rather than their labels or external appearances. To spot individuals who lack substance, the speaker relies on an innate sense rather than formal training. Ultimately, the speaker encourages embracing life in the present and choosing kindness towards everyone, regardless of their background or actions.

    • The importance of personal connections in businessUnderstand people's character, prioritize personal connections, carefully collaborate, and select partnerships wisely for long-term business success.

      Building strong, authentic relationships is crucial for long-term success in business. The speaker shares an experience of a meeting where personal connections were prioritized over business discussions, emphasizing the importance of understanding people's character. As we grow older, our gut instincts become more reliable, and it's essential to trust them when they reveal who someone truly is. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of careful collaboration and partnership selection, suggesting a trial period before committing to a long-term business relationship. Lastly, the speaker discusses their unique investment business model, which offers guaranteed returns and has been highly praised by industry experts. In essence, the speaker's experiences and insights highlight the significance of genuine connections, careful partnerships, and innovative business strategies for long-term success.

    • Recognizing and working with the best, Primetime GlobalPrimetime Global is a selective investment firm honoring global leaders who excel in various disciplines through annual events and long-term relationships.

      Primetime Global, led by its founder, is a highly selective investment firm focusing on accredited investors for long-term relationships. They have an organized investment process managed by their company, Apex. Currently, they are working on several projects including Primetimeglobal.ae, Windsor Primetime, Melka Equities, and a book. One of their upcoming initiatives is the Global Titan Honors, an event that aims to recognize and honor the best in various disciplines, from philanthropists to technology leaders, on a global scale. This event is planned to be a polished, elevated, and annual affair, unlike any other existing recognition programs. The details of this event will be released in March. The founder also mentioned his upcoming speaking engagements at Davos for the World Economic Summit. Overall, Primetime Global is focused on recognizing and working with the best, creating long-term relationships, and making a global impact.

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    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

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    First Things THRST
    en-gbJune 02, 2024

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    E044 - The Single Life Secret: Self-Confidence is the Key to True Love | Tracy Harmoush

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    0:00 Introduction
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    7:45 The evolution of Dubai culture (2000s to now)
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    55:44 Why being comfortable alone is crucial before being in a relationship
    57:20 Negative energy exchanges & how feeling confident whilst single is “the best feeling ever’
    1:00:22 Why are women attracted to bad boys?
    1:03:22 Unrealistic standards & expectations
    1:07:12 Building a network & valuable friendship group
    1:14:05 Opening up to your partner & protecting yourself from negative energy
    1:18:33 Should men speak out more about their emotions? The toxic masculinity of “men will be men”
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    1:31:22 Regrets, appreciating the now  & gratitude
    1:38:02 The wholesome story behind Tracy’s ice cream business
    1:45:20 Tracy’s current business ventures
    1:50:31 Role models
    1:52:11 Tracy’s #1 advice to young women

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Tracy «
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@TracyHarmoush
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tracyharmoush/
    Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tracyharmoush?lang=en
    Untraceable: https://www.instagram.com/untraceable

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    0:00 Introduction: why Simon moved from UK to Hong Kong
    4:33 “There is a real problem in England”: media, politics & education
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    13:00 The education system is “broken””: the decline of schooling & the rising value of
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    without take)
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    1:26:55 Personal branding, investing & loyalty market identification
    1:36:28 Is property a scam?
    1:48:02 Simon’s future

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Simon «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonsquibb/?hl=en
    Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@simonsquibb?lang=en
    Get free business help: Helpbnk.com

    First Things THRST
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    Stress & anxiety
    Love & dating
    Essentialism & minimalism
    Grief & loss
    Appreciation & gratefulness
    AI & tech

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Mo «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mo_gawdat/
    Website: https://www.mogawdat.com/
    Pre-order unstressable: https://www.unstressable.com/

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    » Topics «
    Content creation
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    Kidnapping & extortion 
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    Mexican Cartel
    Rio Brazil 
    Religion & spirituality

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow ArabUncut «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arab/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/YourFellowArab
    Website: https://www.arabuncut.com/

    E040: Luke Belmar - How To Create a Better Life For Yourself *break the system*

    E040: Luke Belmar - How To Create a Better Life For Yourself *break the system*

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    » Topics «
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    Media & censorship
    Wage slavery
    Cryto, bitcoin & investments
    Purposeful living
    Psychology & consumerism
    Business & entrepreneurship

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Luke «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lukebelmar/?hl=en
    Capital Club: https://www.capital.club/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/lukebelmar?s=21&t...

    E039 - Manifest Success & Happiness in 7 Steps | Roxi Nafousi

    E039 - Manifest Success & Happiness in 7 Steps | Roxi Nafousi

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    0:00 Introduction
    2:12 Hitting “rock bottom”: suffering from addiction & low self-worth
    8:10 Roxie’s turnaround: the role of manifestation
    13:44 The Journey from Instagram advice Instagram to
    “manifestation queen”
    18:34  Lack of role models, finding your purpose & feeling
    22:23 Rewiring your perspective: the key mindset of
    25:55 Step #1: Be clear in your vision (what do you want?) 
    30:25 The power of visualisation on your subconscious 
    32:00 Critique & common misconceptions surrounding
    33:50 Law of attraction & vibrational frequencies
    38:11 Unexplained coincidences & attracting desires 
    40:16 Reality manifestation: turn your desires into reality
    47:20 “Trick” your brain into experiencing positive, empowering
    thoughts (overcome the victim mentality) 
    50:40 Gratitude: Changing mindsets and experiencing gratitude
    54:22 Overcoming fear & doubt
    59:45 Strategies for facing obstacles  
    1:00:12 Relationships & dating: manifest your ‘perfect’ partner
    1:07:03 Magnetism & chemistry
    1:11:52 Turning rejection into opportunity: life advice for those
    in their 20s
    1:14:01 Inspiration over 
    1:17:22 “Authenticity is magnetic”: the power of you
    1:20:04 Self-love 
    1:23:00 Roxie’s current manifestation goals
    1:27:24 Diversifying your skill set & becoming multi-faceted 

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Roxie «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roxienafousi/
    Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialroxienafousi
    Website: https://roxienafousi.com/

    E038 - Entrepreneurship, Fitness & Dating in Your 20s | Joss Mooney

    E038 - Entrepreneurship, Fitness & Dating in Your 20s | Joss Mooney

    Today, we have the pleasure of welcoming my good friend Joss Mooney to our discussion. Joss is a distinguished coach and entrepreneur in the fitness industry, recognised for guiding thousands on their journey to a perfect physique. Leveraging his 15+ years of coaching experience, Joss helps fitness influencers and businesses on a worldwide scale and grow their revenue from 10k-50k per month. Tune in for two hours of reflection as we explore Joss’s journey from Uni dropout and “party boy” to serial entrepreneur. 

    » Topics «
    Nightlife & partying
    Fitness & bodybuilding
    Creator economy
    Personal brand
    business development
    Relationships & dating
    Life skills 

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Joss «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jossmooney/
    Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joss_mooney?lang=en
    JM Transformations: https://www.jossmooney.com/
    Elevate Agency: https://www.scaleyouronlinefitness.com/vsl

    E037 - Crypto Expert: The Future of Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency & NFTs | Alex Chehade (Binance)

    E037 - Crypto Expert: The Future of Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency & NFTs | Alex Chehade (Binance)

    Alex Chehade is a trading specialist and the UAE executive director of Binance FZE, the world’s leading crypto exchange platform. With 20 years of experience in finance, and over 12 years in operations and trading, Alex has set out to bring digital assets and trading to the forefront of the global economy. Enjoy the next hour as Alex shares his expertise on all things crypto and tech related, including Bitcoin, virtual assets, AI, the metaverse and more.  

    » Topics «
    Trading & investing
    Brokers & trading platforms
    Risk management
    AI & ML
    The Metaverse

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Binance «
    Website: https://www.binance.com/en-GB
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@BinanceYoutube

    E036 - #1 Marketing Expert: Top Strategies Guaranteed To Grow ANY Business | Raoul Plickat

    E036 - #1 Marketing Expert: Top Strategies Guaranteed To Grow ANY Business | Raoul Plickat

    Raoul Plickat is the CEO and founder of CreatorGroup, a technology conglomerate employing over 300 people. The conglomerate encompasses a variety of self-funded software and marketing companies, all of which are focused on the creator economy. Raoul began his career in marketing and digital advertising, fields that continue to be fundamental to his success today.

    » Topics «
    Branding & personal image 
    Business startup & scaling
    Leads generation
    Digital marketing 
    Product & services
    Company ecosystems
    Content creation & the creative economy 
    AI & ML
    Consumerism & advertising
    Productivity & inspiration 
    Hedonism & perspective

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Raoul «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raoulplickat/
    Creator Group: https://creator-group.holdings/careers/
    Copecart: https://copecart.com/
    Pressmaster AI: https://www.pressmaster.ai/

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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.