
    E169: VP Of Meta: Running A Trillion Dollar Business With An Incurable Illness: Nicola Mendelsohn

    enAugust 15, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Curiosity: The Journey to SuccessEmbrace your curiosity, view it as a strength, and never be afraid to ask questions. It can fuel your drive, open doors to learning, and help you push boundaries.

      Nicola Mendelsohn's success was shaped by her curiosity and desire for knowledge from an early age. Even though her curiosity didn't always fit well within the confines of traditional education, it fueled her drive to understand more and push boundaries. Growing up in a busy household surrounded by supportive family members also instilled in her the belief that anything was possible and that even extraordinary people are just people. This mindset allowed her to approach successful individuals without fear, enabling her to learn from them and apply those learnings to herself. Despite facing criticism and being labeled as someone who asks too many questions, Nicola's confidence as a child helped her embrace her curiosity and view it as a strength rather than a weakness.

    • The Impact of Teachers on Students' LivesTeachers have a powerful role in shaping students' self-esteem and aspirations. Creating an inclusive and supportive educational environment is crucial for students to reach their full potential.

      Teachers have a profound impact on their students' lives, both positively and negatively. Nicola Mendelsohn shared her experiences of feeling rejected and belittled by certain teachers who undermined her potential and dreams. These incidents shattered her confidence and made her doubt her abilities. However, she was able to overcome these setbacks and achieve success through her own determination and support from her parents. This conversation highlights the power and responsibility that teachers hold in shaping students' self-esteem, motivation, and aspirations. It also prompts us to reflect on the importance of creating an inclusive and supportive educational environment where all students feel valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.

    • Believing in Young Individuals for Personal and Professional DevelopmentProviding guidance, encouragement, and confidence-building activities to young individuals can help them achieve extraordinary things and thrive in their personal and professional lives.

      Believing in young individuals, especially those who may not have supportive families, is crucial for their personal and professional development. Teachers play a significant role in being positive influences and helping students realize their full potential. However, it is acknowledged that some children slip through the cracks and need additional support. The conversation highlights the importance of providing guidance and encouragement to these individuals to help them achieve extraordinary things. It also emphasizes the impact of confidence-building activities, such as acting, in shaping individuals' skills for future success, including making presentations and working in teams. Overall, this conversation emphasizes the significance of believing in young individuals and ensuring they have the opportunity to thrive.

    • The Importance of Leadership Skills and Learning from Others for Career AdvancementLearn from others, pay attention to body language and nonverbal cues, seek feedback, overcome imposter syndrome, and constantly seek new opportunities for career growth.

      Leadership skills are crucial for anyone rising through the ranks in their career. Nicola Mendelsohn emphasized the importance of learning from others and seeking advice from experienced professionals. She shared how she learned to not only focus on what she says but also how she says it, including body language and other nonverbal cues. Additionally, Mendelsohn stressed the significance of receiving feedback to understand how others perceive us, as it may differ from our own self-perception. She also discussed the common struggle of women lacking confidence and the fear of being seen as "stupid," which can hinder their ability to speak up. Mendelsohn encouraged women to overcome this imposter syndrome and actively contribute their opinions. Finally, she highlighted the importance of continuous learning and seeking new opportunities when growth stagnates in a current role.

    • From Curiosity to Career Growth: Nicola Mendelsohn's Journey in the Advertising IndustryNicola Mendelsohn's career choices were driven by curiosity, growth opportunities, and personal circumstances, ultimately leading her to become a key figure in Facebook's mission to digitize the UK.

      Nicola Mendelsohn's career path was driven by a combination of curiosity, opportunities, and personal circumstances. Despite being at a cool agency, she chose to join a change management mission at Gray because of the potential for growth and learning. When she was unexpectedly offered a partnership at Carmurama, she seized the opportunity to significantly grow the agency. Her 12-year tenure at Bartle Bogle Hagerty (BBH) can be attributed to her love for the agency and her role in new business, which provided constant excitement and growth. Nicola's decision to leave BBH after 12 years was driven by a desire for something new. Ultimately, she was headhunted by Facebook in 2013, aligning with her mission to make the UK a digital-first country.

    • Embracing Unexpected Opportunities and Making Informed Career DecisionsWhen considering a new career opportunity, it's important to evaluate personal values, passion for the industry, and alignment with influential leaders, while also being open to stepping out of comfort zones. Thorough evaluation and networking can provide a deeper understanding of potential opportunities.

      When considering a new career opportunity, it is important to be open to unexpected possibilities and weigh the potential benefits and challenges. Nicola Mendelsohn shares her experience of being approached for a position at Facebook, initially being hesitant due to her commitment to her current company, Kalmarama, and the loyalty she feels towards her team. However, after taking the time to consider the opportunity and consult with her husband, she decides to embrace the chance to work for a company she admired. Mendelsohn's story highlights the importance of assessing the personal connection to the industry, the passion for the products, and the alignment with influential leaders. It also emphasizes the need to be prepared for the intense learning curve and quick decision-making that may come with joining a major publicly recognized company like Facebook. Research and networking with individuals in and around the company can also provide a deeper understanding of the business and its potential. Overall, one's career decisions should involve thorough evaluation, consideration of personal values, and a willingness to step out of comfort zones.

    • Taking a Balanced Approach to Job Opportunities: A Two-Way ConversationWhen exploring job opportunities, assess the alignment with personal goals, consider pros and cons, reflect on decisions, and prioritize self-awareness and individual fulfillment over societal expectations.

      When considering job opportunities, it is important to have a two-way conversation and consider various factors. Nicola Mendelsohn emphasizes that it is not just the employers interviewing her, but she is also interrogating them to ensure the role aligns with her goals. She mentions making a list of pros and cons, understanding the challenges and opportunities, and reflecting on her decisions after a few months. Additionally, Mendelsohn highlights the significant role her family plays in decision-making, acknowledging the need for support and balancing work and personal life. Steven Bartlett adds that it is essential to be self-aware and not constantly prioritize societal expectations or high-status jobs, but instead consider what truly matters to individual fulfillment and happiness.

    • The Importance of Intentionality in Personal and Professional LivesPrioritize self-awareness and make decisions that align with personal goals, even if it means deviating from societal expectations or career advancement opportunities.

      Being intentional in both our personal and professional lives is crucial for fulfillment and happiness. It's important to take the time to reflect on what truly matters to us and not just chase after promotions or societal expectations. Steven Bartlett shares an example of when an employee turned down a promotion because they realized it didn't align with their personal goals, earning his respect. Nicola Mendelsohn also emphasizes the need to create opportunities for individuals to excel as individual contributors rather than forcing them into managerial roles that may not suit their strengths. It's vital to prioritize self-awareness and make decisions that lead to personal and professional satisfaction, even if it means taking a different path on the career ladder.

    • Overcoming Challenges with Positivity: Nicola Mendelsohn's Journey through CancerFacing adversity with a positive mindset and the support from loved ones can help navigate through difficult times and make the most out of life.

      Nicola Mendelsohn went through an emotionally and physically challenging period after receiving her cancer diagnosis. She experienced fear, uncertainty, and a loss of control during that weekend when she learned about her condition. Despite initially catastrophizing the situation, she made a conscious decision to face it with positivity and take it one day at a time. Nicola's mindset shifted from despair to determination, and she resolved to make the most of her life with the cards she was dealt. The support she received from her boss, Cheryl Sandberg, was crucial in her journey. Additionally, informing her children about her diagnosis was an incredibly difficult conversation, signifying a significant change in their lives as well.

    • The Importance of Open Communication and Vulnerability in Difficult SituationsOpen communication and vulnerability are essential in navigating difficult situations, such as facing an incurable disease. Creating a safe space for open discussion and leaning on support systems can provide strength and comfort during challenging times.

      Open communication and vulnerability play crucial roles in navigating difficult situations, such as facing an incurable disease. Nicola Mendelsohn emphasizes the importance of creating a safe space for her children to ask questions and express their concerns. She assures them that no question is off-limits and that they will face the challenges together as a family. Nicola's experience also sheds light on the emotional impact of the word "incurable," which can leave individuals feeling a loss of control and constant reminders of their condition. Despite this, Nicola finds strength in being transparent with her team at work and leaning on their support. Ultimately, this conversation highlights the significance of honesty, compassion, and a sense of community when confronting life's most challenging moments.

    • Finding Strength in Support: Nicola Mendelsohn's Journey with CancerThe power of support and connection can greatly impact one's mental strength during challenging times, inspiring them to give back and create a supportive community for others facing similar struggles.

      Nicola Mendelsohn's openness and support system played a crucial role in her mental strength throughout her cancer journey. Despite not seeking psychological support, Mendelsohn found solace in sharing her story with her colleagues and the public. Their overwhelming support and love gave her the strength to remain mentally strong and face the challenges of her diagnosis. She acknowledged that not everyone is fortunate to have such a supportive network and recognized the mental anguish many people with cancer experience daily. This realization motivates her to work towards finding a cure and also led her to create a Facebook group specifically for those living with the same disease, providing them a valuable source of support and understanding.

    • Balancing Work and Health: Nicola Mendelsohn's JourneyManaging expectations and prioritizing health is crucial for maintaining a sense of normalcy and protecting oneself while navigating through life's challenges.

      Nicola Mendelsohn's experience with her health and cancer diagnosis has shaped her perspective on work-life balance and expectations. She explains that despite being well enough to continue working through chemotherapy, she feels blessed with her life and wants to keep things as normal as possible. However, when she received news of remission, she managed her expectations and recognized that there is still a journey ahead. This approach of managing expectations and not allowing herself to get too euphoric or disappointed has become a defense mechanism and a way to protect herself. Additionally, Nicola's experience has also made her realize the importance of health in one's life and how it impacts various aspects, from careers and relationships to goals and ambitions. She emphasizes the need to appreciate and prioritize health in decision-making.

    • Taking Control of Health and HappinessBy making lifestyle changes, focusing on diet and exercise, setting goals, avoiding negative thinking, and staying present, one can take control of their health and increase happiness.

      Nicola Mendelsohn made significant lifestyle changes after being diagnosed with a health condition. Despite her initial fear and vulnerability, she took control of the things she could control. She focused on improving her diet, incorporating exercise into her routine, and reducing inflammation in her body. Nicola also emphasized the importance of being intentional about her life and setting goals through vision writing. By writing down her aspirations and sharing them with others, she increased her accountability and motivation to achieve them. Additionally, she realized the detrimental effects of secondary worrying and chose to avoid engaging in negative thoughts that only drained her mental energy. Instead, she emphasized the value of staying present and focusing on the things she could control.

    • Vision and Adaptability: Keys to Leadership SuccessGreat leaders have the ability to see what others cannot, are willing to disrupt and adapt, set ambitious goals, embrace failure, and learn from it to achieve their objectives.

      Great leaders, like Mark Zuckerberg, have the ability to see things that others don't and have high conviction in their vision. They are willing to disrupt themselves and their companies in order to adapt to a changing world. One example of this is when Zuckerberg shifted Facebook's focus to mobile, despite resistance from the organization. By being clear about expectations and creating a culture that allows for failure and learning, leaders can help overcome friction and resistance within the company. Setting ambitious goals and embracing failure as a means of reaching bigger objectives is crucial for tech companies like Facebook. They must constantly learn from their failures and apply those learnings to continue moving towards their north stars.

    • Creating a Safe Environment for Risk-Taking and Learning: Insights from LeadersLeaders should prioritize creating a safe space for their team members to take risks, learn from failures, and engage in self-reflection to improve performance and drive alignment towards the company's vision.

      Leaders need to create a safe environment for people to take risks and learn from their failures. Nicola Mendelsohn emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and debriefing when things don't go as planned. She draws inspiration from the military's practice of debriefing after operations, which helps improve performance. Steven Bartlett shares an example of a high conviction decision made by a leader to shift focus from the old to the new. Mendelsohn reveals how Mark communicates his vision to the entire company through weekly Q&A sessions, company meetings, and writings. This open and transparent communication helps bring everyone along and ensures alignment with the company's priorities and North Star. Finally, the conversation touches on the bold move of rebranding Facebook as Meta, which signals a new direction and addresses confusion surrounding the company's diverse range of apps.

    • Navigating the Metaverse: Enhancing Our Digital Lives ResponsiblyThe metaverse offers exciting opportunities for exploration and advancement, but it's important to approach it responsibly. Collaboration is key in shaping a metaverse that avoids unintended consequences and benefits everyone.

      The metaverse represents the next iteration of the internet, offering a more immersive and enhanced digital experience. While there are concerns about the negative consequences and the potential loss of human connection in a digital world, it is important to recognize that we are already living in a digital reality. The focus should be on finding ways to navigate and enhance our digital lives responsibly. The metaverse can provide opportunities to explore and experience things that were previously inaccessible, such as virtual travel or educational advancements. To ensure the metaverse is built with intention and avoids unforeseen negative impacts, it is crucial to establish early guardrails through collaborations with academia, governments, and other stakeholders.

    • The Exciting Potential of the Metaverse and Its Impact on Society, Entrepreneurs, and BrandsThe metaverse offers opportunities for immersive learning, improved medical training, and new job prospects, but it is important to prioritize diversity, equity, and personal boundaries for a positive and inclusive experience.

      The advancements in technology, specifically the metaverse, present tremendous opportunities for society, entrepreneurs, and brands. It is an exciting prospect that will revolutionize various sectors, including education, healthcare, and the job market. The immersive nature of the metaverse will transform the way we learn, allowing for interactive lessons and experiences. Additionally, it will enhance medical training and improve surgical skills. From a business perspective, there will be a surge in the creative economy, creating new job opportunities and avenues for individuals to generate income through their creativity. However, it is crucial to approach this technological advancement with caution and learn from the past. Building diversity, equity, and personal boundaries into the metaverse are essential considerations to ensure a positive and inclusive experience for all users.

    • The Psychological Effects of Social Media: Comparison, Self-esteem, and Mental Well-beingMindful engagement and prioritizing mental health can lead to a more positive social media experience. It's crucial to be aware of the impact of constant comparison and strive to create a healthier online environment.

      Social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook can have a significant impact on individuals' mental well-being, especially when it comes to comparison and self-esteem. Steven Bartlett expresses concern about the psychological effects of constant comparison and the negative impact it can have on individuals. On the other hand, Nicola Mendelsohn emphasizes the importance of providing resources for parents and creating tools to promote a healthier online environment. She believes that being mindful of the people and content one chooses to engage with can lead to a more positive experience on social media platforms. Ultimately, it is up to individuals to take control of their online experiences and prioritize their mental health.

    • The impact and importance of personalized advertising for small businesses and customers.Despite challenges, personalized advertising helps small businesses find new customers and customers discover new brands, leading to successful growth.

      Personalized advertising, despite some challenges, has had a positive impact on small businesses and customers alike. The changes made by Apple to limit personalized advertising had a significant effect on small businesses, making it harder for them to track the return on their advertising spend. However, the conversation highlights the importance of personalized advertising in helping businesses discover new customers and enabling customers to discover new brands and products. The example of a dog hotel in Dorset demonstrates the power of personalized advertising in reaching specific audiences and driving business growth. Overall, the use of meta platforms like Facebook has allowed small businesses to reach customers beyond their local area and even in other countries, leading to successful results and growth.

    • Identifying and Leveraging Your Skills for SuccessUnderstanding and leveraging your core skills and strengths is essential for personal and professional growth. Seek feedback, build a diverse network, lead with empathy, and embrace change to achieve your goals.

      Understanding your core skills and strengths is crucial for career success and personal fulfillment. It starts with identifying what you enjoy and what you are naturally good at. Seeking feedback from family, friends, and colleagues can provide valuable insights into your strengths and areas for improvement. Building a diverse network of advisors and mentors who have more experience can offer different perspectives and guidance. Leading with empathy, setting clear expectations, and having regular one-on-one meetings with your team can help motivate and achieve goals. Being open to change and pivoting based on evidence and data is important, as is embracing a sense of humor and having fun in the workplace.

    • Embracing your true self at work leads to success and fulfillment.Being authentic at work fosters a positive culture, boosts performance, and brings personal happiness. Leaders should lead by example, and individuals should advocate for their career goals.

      Bringing your whole self to work is important because it allows for honest conversations, promotes diversity, and ultimately leads to higher performance and happiness. Nicola Mendelsohn emphasizes that hiding aspects of your personal life or pretending to be someone you're not at work is detrimental not only to your own well-being but also to the overall culture and success of the company. Leaders at the top of organizations have a responsibility to set an example by showing vulnerability and openness. Additionally, Mendelsohn highlights the importance of asking for what you want in your career, doing your homework, and not assuming that others know your desires. It's essential to know your own worth and to advocate for yourself.

    • Preparation, Nerves, and Growth in Career SuccessPreparation, seeking advice, understanding others, embracing challenges, and supporting women in entrepreneurship are key factors for growth and success in one's career.

      Preparation and facing nerves can lead to growth and success in one's career. Nicola Mendelsohn emphasizes the importance of doing thorough research and preparation before taking on new challenges or roles. By seeking advice from mentors and understanding the needs and desires of others, one can confidently articulate their vision and goals. Steven Bartlett adds that feeling nervous is not a sign of being an imposter, but rather a rush of adrenaline that indicates readiness to take on new opportunities. Both individuals highlight the significance of stepping outside of comfort zones and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth. Furthermore, Nicola Mendelsohn emphasizes the importance of supporting and encouraging women in entrepreneurship through initiatives like "She Means Business."

    • Promoting Gender Equality and Empowering Women in the Workforce for Economic Growth and Success.Creating networks, providing digital skills, and advocating for gender equality not only empowers women but also leads to economic growth and success for businesses.

      Promoting gender equality and empowering women in the workforce is crucial for economic growth and societal progress. Nicola Mendelsohn emphasizes the importance of equipping women with digital skills and creating networks to boost their confidence in starting their own businesses. She highlights the need for relatable role models and advice from successful business leaders to inspire the next generation. Mendelsohn also emphasizes the role of male employers in closing the gender gap by actively calling out unconscious biases and providing opportunities for female colleagues to contribute and be heard. Additionally, she encourages employers to implement strong policies that support women during maternity leave and promote work-life balance for both men and women. By actively supporting and empowering women, businesses can tap into a valuable pool of talent, leading to economic growth and success.

    • Challenging Bias and Striving for Equality in Work-Life BalanceIt is crucial to recognize and challenge the biases surrounding work-life balance, particularly the assumption that women are default bad mothers, in order to create a more equal and inclusive society. Additionally, embracing the importance of family and envisioning the possibilities of technological advancements can bring us closer together.

      Asking about work-life balance is a biased question that is often only directed towards women. This assumption implies that women with jobs are automatically bad mothers, creating unnecessary guilt for them. This bias is not applied to men in the same way, as they are rarely asked about balancing work and parenting. It is essential to acknowledge and challenge these biases in order to create a more equal and inclusive society. Additionally, the conversation highlights the importance of family and the desire to be a part of multigenerational families. Moreover, it envisions a future where technological advancements like the metaverse can bring people together in ways that were once unimaginable.

    • The Power of Association and Sentimental ObjectsCertain objects can hold significant emotional value through association with key moments in our lives, even if their significance is not apparent to others.

      Certain objects or items can hold significant emotional value, even in unexpected ways. Nicola Mendelsohn shared how a pair of sweat pants became a reminder of a key moment of hardship in her life - the day before a pet scan. These sweat pants, purchased specifically for the scan, now trigger memories and take her back to that moment whenever she sees them in the bottom of her wardrobe. This highlights the power of association and how mundane items can become deeply intertwined with our memories and emotions. It is a reminder that objects can hold sentimental value, even if their significance may not be apparent to others.

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    "casual sex is almost always dangerous for women!" This Is What Casual Sex Is Really Doing To Women - Louise Perry

    "casual sex is almost always dangerous for women!"  This Is What Casual Sex Is Really Doing To Women  - Louise Perry
    Has feminism failed women? Louise Perry uncovers the truth about sexual liberation  Louise Perry is a British journalist and host of the ‘Maiden Mother Matriarch’ podcast. She is also press officer for the charity, ‘We Can’t Consent To This’ and author of the book, ‘The Case Against The Sexual Revolution: A New Guide to Sex in the 21st Century’.  In this conversation, Louise and Steven discuss topics such as, the dangers of casual sex for women, why you should trust your ‘icks’, how dating apps are making men lonely, and the truth about sex on a first date.  You can purchase Louise’s book, ‘The Case Against The Sexual Revolution: A New Guide to Sex in the 21st Century’, here: https://amzn.to/3z60wqy  (0:00) Intro (01:42) What are you trying to achieve?? (03:45) What does society disagree with you on? (04:21) The trade-offs of the contraceptive pill (05:30) How has sexual culture changed? (06:59) Working in a rape crisis centre (09:49) How to channel men's aggression in the right direction (11:59) The physical differences between men and women (13:28) How men and women differ in their view on sexuality (14:58) Why men are more likely to have casual sex (17:59) How does a culture of casual sex impact women (23:31) Repercussions of casual sex in society (28:54) The lack of communication and education is hurting both genders (31:18) Why women have icks towards men (33:30) Women should listen to their icks (38:10) Women's 6th sense (41:02) There are some jobs women shouldn't do due to biology (46:44) Heroic masculinity (46:59) [Blank Entry] (48:22) Social media affecting our view on relationships & dating (50:54) Wait until engagement to have sex (56:11) The dating crisis (01:00:41) Why you should have sex before marriage (01:03:29) Why is marriage good (01:07:33) How likely you're to get divorced (01:11:02) Step-parents vs biological parents (01:14:47) Why are you saying these unpopular opinions (01:19:50) The decline in birth rates (01:25:16) What porn is doing to your brain (01:30:16) Is reproduction at the heart of male motivation? (01:31:03) Unwanted choking during sex (01:33:24) Should we ban porn? (01:40:36) What are we attracted to? (01:44:50) Better looking people bias (01:48:05) The last guest's question Follow Louise:  Twitter - https://bit.ly/4b5X4cK  YouTube - https://bit.ly/3RtSEVW  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo  Sponsors: Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Simon Sinek: "Strong Thigh Muscles = More friends", This Is Why You Can't Make Friends!

    Simon Sinek: "Strong Thigh Muscles = More friends", This Is Why You Can't Make Friends!
    An optimist’s guide for fighting the loneliness epidemic taking over the world Simon Sinek is a renowned leadership expert and the founder of ‘The Optimism Company’, which provides programmes for leadership development. He is also the best-selling author of the books, ‘Start With Why’, ‘Leaders Eat Last’, ‘The Infinite Game’, and ‘Find Your Why’.  In this conversation, Simon and Steven discuss topics such as, how loneliness impacts addiction, why people are struggling to make friends, the truth about TikTok and depression, and the link between thigh muscles and popularity.  (00:00) Intro (01:38) Simon's take on the times we are living in (05:04) We don't have strong role models anymore (10:06) Why isn't there demand for friendship therapy (12:53) What really is a friend (15:37) The most important metric for longevity (17:50) Have we lost the skill of making friends? (21:46) Why national service is so important (30:24) The importance of belief (36:05) Remote connection vs in person (38:57) Is the office outdated? (43:47) The importance of acts of service (45:41) Is the rise of individualism hurting us? (49:05) What direction should young people be directing their life towards (51:34) Andrew Tate's approach validating young people (53:40) Are friendships the same as relationships? (57:53) Having our priorities wrong (01:12:31) What is Simon struggling with (01:17:17) Where does inspiration come from? (01:20:49) Techniques for public speaking (01:26:46) The difference between validation and insecurity (01:31:40) Companies misunderstand what service means (01:37:33) How to have those difficult conversations (01:45:03) We undervalue stories (01:49:10) Connecting with people (01:52:01) Last question You can purchase Simon’s book, ‘The Infinite Game’, here: https://amzn.to/4bYWNte  Follow Simon:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/3z0riRb  Twitter - https://bit.ly/45jgWrz  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook  Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo  Sponsors: NordVPN: https://nordvpn.com/doac ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO2024 for 10% off Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Uber: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 166: What Men & Women NEED To Know About The Menstrual Cycle: Dr Mindy Pelz

    Moment 166: What Men & Women NEED To Know About The Menstrual Cycle: Dr Mindy Pelz
    In this moment, nutritionist and functional health expert, Dr. Mindy Pelz gives the information that every man needs to hear about menstrual cycles in order to better understand the females in their life: The menstrual and reproductive cycle lasts from 28 - 32 days (this varies from female to female) Day 1 - 10, is when a female is building oestrogen, Mindy says that for the first 2 days is the best time to give the female’s of your life some space. Afterwards they will be more present and outgoing. Day 12/13, is when oestrogen is at it’s peak in the female body and is the best time to resolve any conflict Day 10 - 15, is when ovulation happens and is when a female’s libido is highest, after Day 15, there is a crash of hormones which can lead to feeling low Day 17/18 is when progesterone starts to come in and is the time to be particularly nice and caring to the female’s in your life until the cycle begins again Mindy says that understanding the patterns of the female menstrual cycle, can create large amounts of empathy, and men can change their behaviour to help the females in their life as best they can. Listen to the full episode here - Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/ne5qtFHtoKb Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/9uu4LoFtoKb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Dr Mindy: https://drmindypelz.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Menopause Doctor: This Diet Delays Menopause! They're Lying To You About Menopause! Menopause Is Shrinking Your Brain! - Dr Lisa Mosconi

    The Menopause Doctor: This Diet Delays Menopause! They're Lying To You About Menopause! Menopause Is Shrinking Your Brain! - Dr Lisa Mosconi
    Meet the woman behind the scientific research revolution that could change the lives of 50% of the world’s population Dr Lisa Mosconi is the associate professor of neurology and radiology at Weill Cornell Medicine and director of Women’s Brain Initiative and Alzheimer’s Prevention Program. She is also the author of the books, ‘The XX Brain’, ‘Brain Food’, and ‘The Menopause Brain’. In this conversation Lisa and Steven discuss topics such as, how the menopause impacts the brain, the link between menopause and Alzheimer’s, why sex hormones are essential for brain health, and the truth about hormone therapy. 00:00 Intro 02:05 Why People Should Listen To This Conversation 04:10 What People Need To Know About Menopause And The Impact On The Brain 06:21 Who Is Lisa Misconi? 08:08 Why Hasn't There Been Research And Investment Into Menopause? 14:28 What Is Menopause And Signs 15:54 Menopause Stages Start Before You Think! 19:07 What's The Youngest Person With Menopause 22:35 Perimenopause Transition 29:54 Menopause Brain Scans 33:09 Some Women Have More Shocking Brain Scans Than Others 34:28 Behavioural Changes From Menopause 38:05 How Many Women Experience Brain Fog? 39:53 Menopause Rewires The Brain 41:11 Symptoms As A Result Of Brain Change 43:57 Isn't The Cure Simple? 51:50 What Age Should We Think About Treating/Preventing Symptoms 52:50 Going Deeper Into The Stages Of Menopause 58:34 Link Between Suicides And Menopause In Women 01:02:55 Brain Fog Over Time With Menopause 01:07:28 The Benefits Of Exercise 01:11:04 Link Between Exercise And Alzheimer's 01:14:11 Caffeine, Sleep And Menopause 01:18:08 Is Alcohol Bad For Menopause? 01:20:52 What Toxins Should We Be Aware Of? 01:22:40 Specific Foods That Help Stave Off The Menopause 01:25:42 Are Supplements Needed In Our Diet? 01:30:06 What Is The Evolutionary Reason For Menopause? 01:37:14 Does Menopause Make You Sad? 01:40:11 Surgical Menopause 01:45:17 Isn't It Just Ageing? 01:53:07 When Will I Go Through Menopause? 01:56:48 Last Guest Question You can get in contact with Lisa’s team to discuss enrolling in her studies, here: https://neurology.weill.cornell.edu/research/womens-brain-initiative You can access the results from Lisa’s research on brain changes during the menopause, here: http://drlisamosconi.tiiny.co/ You can access a time lapse video of changes to the menopause brain, here: http://brain-shrinking-video.tiiny.co/ You purchase Lisa's most recent book, ‘The Menopause Brain: The New Science Empowering Women to Navigate Midlife with Knowledge and Confidence’, here: https://amzn.to/3VncZgS  Follow Lisa: Twitter - https://bit.ly/3XeTpWM  Instagram - https://bit.ly/4ek0Ulh  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo Sponsors: PerfectTed - perfectted.com- Code: DIARY10 at checkout for 10% off  Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Uber: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Simon Cowell Opens Up About His Heartbreaking Loss, "losing them was the hardest thing that happened to me"!

    Simon Cowell Opens Up About His Heartbreaking Loss, "losing them was the hardest thing that happened to me"!
    From working in the post room in a record label to becoming the world’s best known music mogul, this is the Simon Cowell you don’t see on TV. Simon Cowell is a world-renowned record producer, talent scout, and music mogul. He is best known for being a judge on some of the world’s most popular TV shows including, ‘The X Factor’, ‘Britain’s Got Talent’, ‘Pop Idol’, and ‘American Idol’.  In this episode, Simon and Steven discuss topics such as, being bankrupt at 30, working his way up from the bottom, his life threatening accident, how his son’s birth changed his life, and his one and only regret about One Direction.  (00:00) Intro (00:52) Early Context (02:38) Your Parents (03:53) Your Work Ethic, Where Does That Come From (06:41) The Importance of Respect (10:23) Making the Decision to Pursue Entertainment (15:45) Working in the Post Room at a Record Label (19:24) Making His Way Up in the Music Industry (23:21) Starting a Record Label with Your Boss (28:40) Creating Your First Smash Hit Record (31:58) I Don't Know How Music Is Made, Staying in the Mind of the Consumer (39:40) Going Broke Right After Creating Your First Smash Hit (46:39) Meeting Pete Waterman, a Moment That Changed Everything (50:37) Being an Early Adopter of TV (59:50) Following Your Gut Regardless of the Criticism (01:06:30) Finding Westlife (01:09:30) Your Father Passing Away (01:17:37) Your Life Changing After Your Son, Eric, Was Born (01:23:09) Loyalty, Why It's So Important to Me (01:25:35) Setting New Work Boundaries in My New Life (01:29:15) Advice for a Young Simon Cowell (01:32:03) The Importance of Hard Work (01:34:30) Your Accident, Breaking Your Back in 3 Places (01:39:39) Going to Therapy (01:45:56) Foundational Advice for Anyone Starting Out in Their Career (01:49:39) The Importance of Legacy (01:53:02) The Rise of Bullying (01:55:02) One Direction (01:58:11) Searching for a New Boy Band (02:03:33) Harry Styles (02:05:54) AI Within the Music Industry (02:09:48) Will One Direction Get Back Together? (02:11:14) The Last Guest's Question Follow Simon:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/4c5bKK0  Twitter - https://bit.ly/3yKu9xg  Simon Cowell Launches Nationwide Hunt For Next UK Boyband Phenomenon Audition, sign up here - https://g2ul0.app.link/WnrZDXcwjKb Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb   My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook  Sponsors: Linkedin Jobs: https://www.linkedin.com/doac Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Uber: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 165: This Exercise Enhances Mood, Memory & Concentration: David Raichlen

    Moment 165: This Exercise Enhances Mood, Memory & Concentration: David Raichlen
    In this moment, leading professor of evolutionary biology, David Raichlen discusses how to boost the brain benefits that come from exercise. Most people know that exercise can improve cognitive function, but don’t realise that different sort of exercise, like cardio or strength training, can provide different types of neurological benefits. David says that whilst all exercise is beneficial to the brain, research shows that the best sort of physical activity is a combination of physical and cognitive challenges. This helps the brain function as it copies how humans evolved to find food and survive. So this could mean that the next time you go for a run, choose the great outdoors over the treadmill and try different routes you haven’t taken before. Listen to the full episode here - Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/J39pwN9c3Jb Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/HDB7itjd3Jb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos David:  https://www.raichlen.arizona.edu Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    If there's one thing I've learned over the past few years of being a full-time entrepreneurs, it's that curiosity is QUEEN.


    As much as I have moments where I wish I knew everything, I never will. And, I don't need to.


    To be an entrepreneur, a creative -- hell, a well rounded human -- one need to be in a state of constant curiosity, constant learning. Does it pay to have some area(s) of expertise? Arguably, yes. But does it pay tenfold to be curiosity about a variety of topics? Absolutely, yes!


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    Subscribe to Support is Sexy podcast on iTunes or on Stitcher Radio!


    Thank you for listening! And hey, if you love it, click here to leave us a Rating & Review on iTunes!

    Show notes, links, contacts and resources for this episode may be found at supportissexypodcast.com.

    [Music: "Easy" by SPCZ]

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    Theme composed by Matt Harvey.

    Additional Themes produced for [By The Mummers] performances composed by Jason Purdy.

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