
    E708 Ask Nick - Ghosted At 5 Months Pregnant

    enFebruary 19, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Creativity and Communication in Team Building and BrandingCreativity and open communication are essential for building a successful team and brand. The team discussed various merchandise ideas, personal experiences, and the concept of 'simping'. They emphasized the importance of resilience in navigating challenges.

      Creativity and open communication are key in building a successful team and brand. During this episode of The Vowel Files Ask Nick, the team discussed various topics ranging from creative merchandise ideas to personal experiences. Leah shared her clever idea for a merchandise slogan, "Send Talks," which was a playful take on the phrase "Send Nudes." Ali presented a list of ideas for the team, but they didn't quite hit the mark. The team also discussed the challenging situations they've faced in their personal lives, including infidelity, and how they would handle them. They also shared their excitement for upcoming episodes featuring reality TV recaps and a birth story. Furthermore, Nick shared an unfamiliar term his brother-in-law introduced him to - "simping." This term is often used to describe a person, usually a man, who excessively caters to someone else's desires, often in the hopes of receiving love or approval. The team discussed their thoughts on the term, with some finding it juvenile and others seeing it as a valid concept. Overall, the episode highlighted the importance of creativity, communication, and resilience in navigating both personal and professional challenges.

    • Understanding Dating Terms: Simping and Beige FlagsSimping refers to excessive fawning in a one-sided relationship dynamic, while beige flags indicate quirky traits or preferences. Both concepts impact power dynamics and communication.

      The term "simping" refers to someone who excessively fawns over another person, often in a one-sided relationship dynamic. This behavior can stem from a crush or infatuation and may involve doing anything for the other person out of deep admiration. The power dynamic is a key aspect of simping, as the person engaging in this behavior may be perceived as weaker or more submissive. The term has both positive and negative connotations, depending on the perspective. Another dating term discussed was "beige flag," which refers to a quirky trait or preference that isn't necessarily good nor bad. This concept is contrasted with "red flags," which indicate potentially deal-breaking behaviors. Understanding these terms and their implications can help individuals navigate relationships and communicate effectively.

    • Interview behavior and red flagsEffective communication is key, and considerate actions towards others are important. Red flags and beige flags can be subjective, with red flags being more serious concerns and beige flags being quirky or unique traits.

      The behavior exhibited by Travis during an interview, such as interrupting and using a phrase like "Viva Las Vegas," could potentially be a red flag due to its aggression and lack of consideration for others. However, the definition of red flags and beige flags can be subjective, with red flags being more serious concerns and beige flags being quirky or unique traits. An example given was leaving the refrigerator door open, which some consider a beige flag. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of communication and considering the impact of one's actions on others. Additionally, the discussion touched on the role of social media platforms like TikTok in creating a smaller world and allowing for the sharing of polarizing takes and realizations.

    • Effects of caffeine before napsDrinking coffee before a nap might boost energy levels, but the effects could be psychological and may not be scientifically proven.

      The science suggests that drinking coffee before a nap may boost energy levels due to the process of sleep helping the body get rid of adenosine, allowing caffeine to take its place in the brain receptors. However, the effects could be all psychological, and the person might be experiencing a placebo effect. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the topic of hoarding behaviors, with the speakers sharing their own quirks and habits. A caller asked for advice on dealing with a baby daddy who had ghosted her during her pregnancy, and the speakers empathized with her experience, acknowledging that it was a devastating situation. Overall, the conversation covered various topics, from the effects of caffeine before naps to personal experiences and relationships.

    • A babymoon trip leads to unexpected relationship turmoilA seemingly perfect relationship can change unexpectedly during a vacation, causing confusion, hurt, and abandonment. Addressing issues early on can prevent irreparable damage.

      A seemingly perfect relationship can take a drastic turn during a vacation, leaving one partner feeling confused, hurt, and abandoned. In this case, a pregnant woman went on a babymoon trip with her partner, expecting to connect and strengthen their bond. However, her partner became distant, cold, and uncommunicative, leading to fights and ultimately, his disappearance from her life. The cause of this sudden change remains unclear, but it may have been exacerbated by his smoking and resistance to her requests. Despite the efforts to communicate and work on their issues, the relationship deteriorated, leaving the woman feeling betrayed and heartbroken. It's important to address any issues in a relationship before they escalate and cause irreparable damage.

    • Discovering a partner's past mistakes and dealing with the falloutCommunication and understanding are key in relationships, even when people make mistakes or don't live up to expectations. It's possible to maintain a respectful relationship with an ex-partner.

      Relationships can be complex and people may not always live up to expectations. The speaker shares an experience of discovering her partner's past behavior and feeling frustrated, leading to a fight. The partner had a history of smoking and had promised to move in with the speaker, but had abandoned his previous commitments and daughter. Despite these concerns, the speaker has since become friends with his ex-wife and keeps tabs on him through social media. The situation highlights the importance of communication and understanding in relationships, as well as the potential for people to change and make mistakes. It also shows that despite past issues, it's possible to maintain a respectful and even friendly relationship with an ex-partner.

    • Speaker's respect for her daughter's father leads to unexpected connectionSpeaker values her daughter's relationship with both parents and makes a surprising connection with her ex-partner, finding closure and gratitude in the process.

      Despite the challenges and uncertainties in her relationship with her daughter's father, the speaker chose to keep their child's name the same as a sign of respect and continuity. This decision, although unexpected, led to a surprising phone conversation where the father seemed kind and inquired about their daughter's wellbeing. The speaker was initially unsure about his behavior and suspected he might be going through a midlife crisis. Despite his past hurtful actions and recent false claims, the speaker felt thankful for the conversation and the closure it brought. She also expressed gratitude for her support system, especially during her labor and delivery experience. Ultimately, the speaker's motivation to reach out to her ex-partner was rooted in her desire to ensure her daughter had a connection with both parents, despite her own fears and insecurities.

    • A single mother's search for her child's father's financial supportA mother's emotional struggle to provide for her child leads her to seek legal means for her child's father's financial support, but his absence and unwillingness force her to consider drastic measures.

      A single mother, despite her emotional struggles, understands the importance of her child having a father figure in her life, even if it's not her child's biological father. However, she has come to terms with the fact that her child's father is not willing or able to be an active part of their lives and has shifted her focus to seeking financial support. The mother has gone through the legal process to establish her child's father's legal obligations, but he has ignored all paperwork and attempts to contact him. The mother is considering more drastic measures, such as having a bench warrant issued for his arrest for non-payment of child support. The mother has also received anonymous tips that her child's father may be married and living with a new partner, but she has been unable to verify this information. Despite the challenges, the mother remains open to the idea of her child's father being involved in their lives, but only if he is willing to take responsibility for his financial obligations.

    • Considering the personal implications of obtaining a baby daddy's addressWeighing the potential benefits against emotional and time investment, following legal guidance, and focusing on raising children with love and support.

      While it is legally permissible to reach out to your baby daddy's associates to obtain his current address for the purpose of moving forward with the legal process, it is essential to consider the personal implications of such actions. The speaker's friends offer mixed advice, with some encouraging her to ruin his reputation and others urging her to let the legal system handle it. Ultimately, the decision is a personal one, but it is crucial to weigh the potential benefits against the emotional and time investment required. The speaker's lawyer advises following their guidance on legal matters, while acknowledging the speaker's right to feel and act as she chooses within societal norms. The speaker's friends' support is crucial, and discovering the truth about her baby daddy's character sooner rather than later is a silver lining in this situation. However, it's essential to remember that predicting the future is impossible, and focusing on raising her children with love and support is crucial.

    • Investing in healthy relationships is more beneficialInstead of focusing on sabotaging unhealthy relationships with exes, prioritize building a supportive community and healthy relationships with friends, family, and future partners.

      Focusing on building a supportive community and prioritizing stable, healthy relationships is more beneficial for a single mother than trying to ruin an unhealthy relationship with an untrustworthy ex. While it may be tempting to seek revenge or hold an ex accountable, it's important to remember that the energy and time spent on such pursuits could be better used on cultivating positive relationships with friends, family, and future partners. Additionally, it's essential to recognize that some people, like the ex discussed, are experts at self-sabotage and may not be worth the effort to sabotage further. Instead, focus on creating a strong support system and investing in healthy, long-term relationships that will positively impact both you and your children.

    • Focusing on changing an ex's behavior or reputation is unlikely to be productive.Instead of wasting energy on an ex's behavior or reputation, focus on personal growth through therapy and emotional healing.

      Focusing on changing an ex's behavior or reputation is unlikely to be productive. It's important to acknowledge the disappointment and potential harm caused, but investing energy in legal rights and personal growth, such as therapy, is a better use of time and resources. The ex's actions may be hurtful, but it's essential to remember that everyone has narcissistic qualities to some degree. If the ex exhibits dangerous or harmful behaviors, it's crucial to prioritize safety and distance. Emotional healing may be necessary, and therapy can be an effective tool for processing past traumas and moving forward.

    • Heal past traumas through therapy to attract healthier partnersInvesting in therapy helps understand past behaviors and attract healthier relationships. Identify and enforce boundaries to keep unhealthy relationships at bay. Focus on making positive choices for a healthy, stable environment to attract positive relationships.

      Before jumping back into dating after experiencing past traumas, it's crucial to invest time in therapy to understand the root causes of self-destructive decisions and attract healthier partners. Our past habits may unintentionally lead us to certain types of people, but having the tools to identify and enforce boundaries can help keep unhealthy relationships at bay. It's essential to recognize that these individuals will always seek us out, but focusing on making healthy decisions for ourselves and our loved ones will ultimately attract positive relationships. While it's natural to feel angry or want to seek revenge, it's important to consider the costs to ourselves and others before taking action. By focusing on creating a healthy and stable environment, we can attract healthy relationships into our lives. Remember, our choices have consequences, and making positive choices will lead to positive outcomes.

    • Accessing therapy through platforms like BetterHelpPrioritize mental health, access affordable therapy through platforms like BetterHelp, and embrace self-care for overall well-being.

      Prioritizing mental health is essential, and there are convenient and affordable ways to access therapy through platforms like BetterHelp. The speaker shared her personal experience of finally getting into therapy after a long time, thanks to BetterHelp, and how it has positively impacted her life. The conversation also touched upon the importance of self-care and taking care of one's mental health, just like taking care of physical health. The speaker encouraged listeners to prioritize their mental health, emphasizing that it may feel daunting initially but will ultimately be worth it. Additionally, the episode featured a promotion for Ouai hair care products, offering a discount for listeners.

    • Should I Tell My Workplace About My Ex's Infidelity?Weighing the risks and benefits of disclosing a personal matter in the workplace requires careful consideration and emotional resilience.

      The speaker is grappling with the decision to disclose her ex-boyfriend's infidelity to her workplace, despite feeling hurt and betrayed. She is weighing the potential risks and benefits of sharing this information, including workplace drama and potential consequences for her ex-boyfriend. The speaker is also dealing with her own emotional response to the situation and trying to move on from the relationship. She found out about the infidelity while on a work trip, and there were previous red flags in the relationship related to his ex-girlfriend. Ultimately, the speaker is seeking guidance on making the best decision for herself and avoiding making hasty choices based on her emotions.

    • Experience of Discovering a Partner's InfidelityBe cautious of past relationships and trust your instincts when something doesn't feel right. Communication, honesty, and respect are crucial in maintaining a successful partnership.

      Trust is essential in any relationship, and past infidelities or red flags should not be ignored. The speaker in this conversation shared her experience of discovering her boyfriend had been secretly communicating with his ex-girlfriend, despite his promises to cut off all contact. This revelation occurred early in their relationship, and the speaker felt justified in ending things. However, during a work trip, she found undeniable evidence of their ongoing communication, leading to a confrontation. Trust was broken, and the relationship could not be salvaged. This experience serves as a reminder to be cautious of past relationships and to trust your instincts when something doesn't feel right. Communication, honesty, and respect are key components of a healthy and successful partnership.

    • Partner's toxic relationship hinders growthEncouraging a toxic partner to move on can be challenging, but recognizing and addressing deeper emotional struggles is essential for their growth and improvement in life.

      The speaker's ex-partner is in a toxic relationship with someone else and unable to move on, despite the speaker's efforts to encourage him to do so. The partner is deeply entangled with this person and unable to break free, leading to frustration and disappointment in his life. The speaker acknowledges the emotional difficulty of the situation but emphasizes that the partner's life won't improve until he can cut ties with this person. The speaker also shares her own experience of being addicted to a past love and the long journey towards healing and growth. Overall, the speaker encourages understanding and patience towards the partner's situation, recognizing that his actions may seem irrational but stem from deeper emotional struggles.

    • Practice empathy towards your exEmpathize with your ex's vulnerability, seek advice, reevaluate, and avoid hasty decisions.

      During the aftermath of a breakup, it's essential to practice empathy towards your ex and see them as a helpless, small person instead of focusing on why they hurt you. This approach can help you get over them faster and maintain your emotional stability, especially when working with them. Additionally, seek advice from trusted individuals before making any major decisions, and use this experience as an opportunity to reevaluate your current situation and consider new possibilities. Remember, it's important not to rush into any hasty decisions but to take your time and weigh your options carefully.

    • Understanding the truth about a toxic relationshipRecognize unhealthy behaviors and learn from past mistakes to make better relationship choices.

      Sometimes people make poor choices and hurt those around them, regardless of the reasons. In this case, a man continued to pursue a relationship with an ex-girlfriend who did not want him, leading to his infidelity. This situation left the person in question feeling confused and hurt. The consensus was that reporting the infidelity to HR might not yield beneficial consequences, as the man seemed emotionally immature and incapable of change. Instead, it was suggested to focus on understanding the situation and recognizing the man for who he truly was - a weak and manipulative cheater. By acknowledging the truth, the person could move forward and avoid getting involved with an emotionally unhealthy relationship. It's essential to ask questions and pay attention to red flags when entering new relationships, and not to ignore or make excuses for undesirable behaviors. Overall, this experience served as a valuable lesson for personal growth and learning to make healthier relationship choices.

    • Discovering alternatives for energy, health, and enjoymentZOWA Energy offers energizing beverages, Hero Bread provides nutritious bread options, and Vessi shoes ensure comfort and convenience during various activities. Seeking alternatives can enhance daily life and overcome challenges.

      There are alternatives to common consumer products that can enhance energy levels, improve health, and provide enjoyment without the usual sacrifices. During a discussion about productivity boosters, ZOWA Energy was introduced as a favorite among a team for its ability to provide energy and motivation. ZOWA Energy offers various flavors and is available both online and at retailers. Regarding food, the team expressed a love for bread but acknowledged the negative effects it can have on energy levels and overall health. Hero Bread was introduced as a solution, offering great-tasting bread with no sacrifices, such as high fiber, low net carbs, and no sugar. Hero Bread's variety includes tortillas, buns, and sliced bread loaves, among other products. Lastly, Vessi shoes were highlighted for their waterproof and water-resistant features, providing comfort and convenience for various activities and travel. The shoes come in a variety of styles and are available for purchase on their website with a discount. For those going through challenging situations, it was emphasized that seeking support and finding alternatives to improve daily life can make a significant difference.

    • Discovering Infidelity through TechnologyInfidelity is a complex issue with deeper causes. Recognizing disconnect and each partner's role is essential for healing and moving forward.

      Infidelity is a complex issue with various contributing factors. In this case, a woman discovered her husband's infidelity through his Apple Watch messages. Upon confrontation, he initially denied it but later admitted to feeling unhappy in their relationship for some time. The woman recognized her role in their disconnectedness but understood that her husband's choice to cheat was his alone. Subsequently, she found more evidence of his infidelity in December, which led to a complete breakdown in their relationship. Ultimately, recognizing the disconnect in their relationship and the role each partner played in it is crucial for healing and moving forward. It's essential to remember that infidelity is not a victimless crime, but it's not a simple matter of blame either. Instead, it's a symptom of deeper issues that require both parties' attention and effort to address.

    • Marriage takes work from both sidesRecognize your role in relationship issues, seek help, and commit to improving communication and intimacy for a healthier partnership.

      Relationships require effort from both parties. The speaker in this conversation shares her experience of going through a rough patch in her marriage, where her husband wanted a divorce one day and then changed his mind the next. She realized her part in the disconnect between them and started working on herself through therapy. Despite the heartbreak and infidelity, she is willing to support her husband in getting help and preserving their family. It's important to recognize that both partners play a role in the health of a relationship and making an effort to improve communication, understanding, and intimacy can lead to positive changes.

    • Navigating a deceitful partnershipRecognize lies, set boundaries, create distance, focus on personal growth, maintain compassion, and strive for healthy relationships.

      Dealing with a deceitful and untrustworthy partner is a challenging and emotionally taxing experience. It's important to recognize that the lies and inconsistencies can erode your ability to trust and make it difficult to discern truth from falsehood. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that the situation is not entirely within your control, and the person may be going through something that affects their behavior. To cope, setting boundaries, creating distance, and focusing on personal growth through therapy can be helpful. Maintaining compassion and empathy towards your partner while holding them accountable for their actions is a delicate balance. Remember, you deserve to be in a healthy and trusting relationship, and taking steps towards self-improvement can lead to better outcomes, whether it's with your current partner or someone new.

    • Focusing on personal growth during a relationship crisisAcknowledge past issues, seek individual therapy, and prioritize personal growth during a relationship crisis to regain trust and potentially find new opportunities for happiness.

      When facing a relationship crisis, it's essential to acknowledge the past issues and consider seeking individual therapy for personal growth. The speaker emphasizes that trust might be challenging to regain, and the couple may benefit from couples therapy in the future. However, the immediate priority is for the partner who has been unfaithful to focus on their own healing. Fear of losing the relationship and the shared history, including the family and home they've built, is natural. Yet, it's crucial to recognize that the relationship might have been unhealthy for a long time before the infidelity occurred. The potential loss might lead to new opportunities for finding peace and happiness. Ultimately, the speaker encourages focusing on personal growth and resilience during difficult times, as life's challenges are temporary.

    • Acknowledge toxic reality and prioritize self-careRecognize unhealthy relationships, prioritize self-growth, and focus on personal well-being, even if partner may change.

      It's essential for individuals in toxic relationships to acknowledge the reality of their situation and prioritize their own well-being. The speaker advises against trying to trust a partner who has betrayed you, especially if it's not safe for you or your children. Instead, focus on healing, growing, and becoming the best version of yourself. By showing strength and determination, you may encourage your partner to change and earn back your trust, but only if they genuinely want to. Remember, you deserve love and respect, and holding on to a toxic relationship out of fear or a sense of obligation can negatively impact your mental and emotional health. Ultimately, it's crucial to prioritize your own well-being and the well-being of your children over a relationship that is not healthy or safe.

    • Setting boundaries and prioritizing personal growthWhen in a difficult relationship with a liar, prioritize personal growth by establishing boundaries, focusing on healing, and allowing the other person space to face their issues.

      In a difficult relationship, it's essential to establish boundaries and prioritize personal growth. When someone repeatedly lies and causes harm, it's necessary to acknowledge the reality and consider separating. The other person may not fully understand the consequences of their actions or appreciate the need for change. In such cases, it's crucial to focus on healing and protecting one's emotional well-being, especially when children are involved. It's essential not to enable destructive behavior or make excuses for the other person. Instead, allow them the space to face their issues and grow as individuals. Remember, it's not your responsibility to save the relationship or the other person. Focus on your personal journey and trust that you'll be okay.

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    E771 RR - Love Island’s Andrea, Restaurant Horror Stories, Personality vs Looks, and Natalie’s Secret Sauce

    E771 RR - Love Island’s Andrea, Restaurant Horror Stories, Personality vs Looks, and Natalie’s Secret Sauce

    Welcome back to The Viall Files: Reality Recap. Andrea from Love Island USA joins to talk all things Villa, Rob, and being Voted off. 

    But first…. It’s the week of 4th of July, so we start the episode with a Pop Quiz: American History Edition. Then we get to our recaps: Lebron James and his son, Bonny, playing together, Heinz releasing a new ‘Everything sauce’, Paige Desorbo captioning an IG with ciao, and Kenya Moore being officially suspended. 

    “For a second, I thought we were gonna have twins…” 

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    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line!

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    Episode Socials:

    00:00 - Intro
    05:27 - American History
    20:36 - Melting Statues
    24:38 - Lebron James
    28:42 - Poison
    31:37 - Twins
    34:24 - Oldest Man
    37:25 - Super Sauce
    40:12 - Summer House
    41:29 - RHOA
    43:38 - RHONJ
    49:45 - Food Reviews
    58:35 - Andrea Interview
    01:30:37 - Love Island
    01:58:57 - Outro


    The Viall Files
    enJuly 02, 2024

    E770 Ask Nick - Second Guessing My Wedding

    E770 Ask Nick - Second Guessing My Wedding

    Welcome back to another episode of The Viall Files: Ask Nick Edition! We start off the episode with a written Ask Nick. Then we get to our callers… 

    Our first caller just got laid off and is having second thoughts about her wedding. Our second caller is expecting, but doesnt know how to tell her sister (who was happy she miscarried prior). And, our third caller wants to cut her grandma off.

    “Let’s figure out what the real truth of the situation is.”

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: https://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice, send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line! 

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


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    Episode Socials: 

    The Viall Files
    enJuly 01, 2024

    E769 RR - Love Island’s Hannah, Freaky Friday 2, Boeing Aircrafts, and Danielle Leaving Summer House

    E769 RR - Love Island’s Hannah, Freaky Friday 2, Boeing Aircrafts, and Danielle Leaving Summer House

    Welcome back to The Viall Files: Reality Recap. 

    Freaky Friday is back for a sequel… so Nick and Natalie are switching bodies! Join us at Nick’s lake house, where we discuss flying on a Boeing aircraft, Cyrus family drama, Danielle Olivera leaving Summer House, and Joey Graziadei shaving his head. Meanwhile, Hannah Smith from Love Island USA, calls in to spill all the tea!

    “What’s so much better about Love Island USA this season, than others?” 

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

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    Listen To Disrespectfully now!

    Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disrespectfully/id1516710301

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    Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCh8MqSsiGkfJcWhkan0D0w

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: http://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line!

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    Episode Socials:

    00:00 - Intro
    03:12 - Household Headlines
    07:26 - Freaky Friday
    09:24 - Vintage Clothes
    11:54 - Billy Ray Cyrus
    15:24 - Buzzcuts
    17:14 - The Truth
    22:07 - New GF
    22:54 - Summerhouse
    31:41 - Hannah Joins
    01:08:31 - Love Island
    01:34:45 - Outro

    The Viall Files
    enJune 27, 2024

    E768 GD w/ Micah Lussier of Perfect Match

    E768 GD w/ Micah Lussier of Perfect Match

    Welcome back to The Viall Files: Going Deeper, with Perfect Match’s Micah Lussier. Today we bring you a bonus episode, and boy is it filled with JUICY tea. How was Micah’s time on Perfect Match? Did she believe Harry or Melinda? Where is she now with Kaz?

    “Idk where these men went to acting school, but they went somewhere before getting on this show” 

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes.

    Listen To Disrespectfully now!

    Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disrespectfully/id1516710301

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0J6DW1KeDX6SpoVEuQpl7z?si=c35995a56b8d4038

    Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCh8MqSsiGkfJcWhkan0D0w

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: http://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line!

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 

    Episode Socials:

    00:00 - Intro
    21:07 - Kaz
    43:08 - Other Guys
    47:53 - Izzy
    50:59 - After Filming
    54:33 - Elys
    01:00:57 - Harry
    01:11:01 - Texting Office Hours
    01:42:58 - Post Call Questions
    01:48:19 - Outro

    The Viall Files
    enJune 26, 2024

    E767 RR - Perfect Match Finale, Love Island, Camilla Luddington, and RHONJ’s Team Teresa

    E767 RR - Perfect Match Finale, Love Island, Camilla Luddington, and RHONJ’s Team Teresa

    Welcome back to The Viall Files: Reality Recap.

    This is a fun episode! Camilla Luddington, from Grey’s Anatomy, joins us to talk all things Bravo and Reality TV. Meanwhile, the household jumps into a roundtable discussion of all things Pop Topics: Love Island, Taylor Swift, Ben Affleck and JLo’s fame, as well as Daren Criss naming his newborn.  

    “In New Jersey, if you get in someone’s face… it’s not a punch, but it's a situation” 

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes.

    Listen To Disrespectfully now!

    Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disrespectfully/id1516710301

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0J6DW1KeDX6SpoVEuQpl7z?si=c35995a56b8d4038

    Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCh8MqSsiGkfJcWhkan0D0w

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: http://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line!

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


    Huggies - Learn More At https://www.Huggies.com 

    Quince - Pack your bags with high quality essentials from Quince. Go to https://www.Quince.com/viall for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns.

    Nutrafol - For a limited time, Nutrafol is offering our listeners $10 off your first month’s subscription and free shipping when you go to https://www.Nutrafol.com and enter the promo code THEVIALLFILES.

    ASPCA - To explore coverage, visit https://www.aspcaPetInsurance.com/VIALL 

    OneSkin - OneSkin is the world's first skin longevity company. Get started today with 15% off using code VIALL at https://www.oneskin.co 

    Episode Socials:

    00:00 - Intro
    03:19 - Household Headlines
    08:08 - Famous Wife
    14:50 - The Wives
    17:08 - Oh Brother
    21:53 - Space and Oceans
    26:07 - Childhood Shows and Cars
    31:33 - Moving
    33:35 - Nepo Babies
    35:39 - Love Island
    50:18 - Loans
    55:40 - Welcome
    01:03:08 - Vanderpump
    01:17:42 - The Valley
    01:21:30 - Guests
    01:25:11 - Bachelor
    01:35:16 - Two Lalas
    01:37:52 - RHONJ
    01:51:00 - The Franchise
    01:52:32 - Perfect Match
    02:05:06 - Ending Interview
    02:11:38 - More Perfect Match
    02:13:39 - Outro

    The Viall Files
    enJune 25, 2024

    E766 Ask Nick - He’s Choosing His Family

    E766 Ask Nick - He’s Choosing His Family

    Welcome back to another episode of The Viall Files: Ask Nick Edition! We start off the episode by responding to our previous Ask Nick’s comments. Then we get to our callers… 

    Our first caller is wondering if she should tell a coworker about his girlfriend’s affair. Our second caller feels like her boyfriend goes mute around her family. And, our third caller wants to move, but her boyfriend wants to stay close to his family. 

    “You’re literally talking to a version of your boyfriend right now”

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: https://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice, send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line! 

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


    Atloids - Find Altoids In The Check-out Aisle! Grab Your Tin Today!

    Huggies - Learn More At https://www.Huggies.com 

    BetterHelp - Get it off your chest. Visit https://www.BetterHelp.com/VIALL today to get 10% off your first month.

    Ibotta - Use code VIALL when you register, and get $5 just for trying Ibotta. Go to the App Store or Google Play store and download the FREE Ibotta app to start earning cash.

    Helix Sleep - Helix is offering up to 30% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows for our listeners! Go to https://www.HelixSleep.com/Viall 

    Apostrophe Skincare - Get your first visit for only $5 at https://www.Apostrophe.com/VIALL when you use our code: VIALL. That’s a savings of $15! 

    Episode Socials:

    The Viall Files
    enJune 24, 2024

    E765 RR - Perfect Match w/ Stevan, Brian Baumgartner, Love Island, Gypsy Rose, & Justin Timberlake Arrest

    E765 RR - Perfect Match w/ Stevan, Brian Baumgartner, Love Island, Gypsy Rose, & Justin Timberlake Arrest

    Welcome back to The Viall Files: Reality Recap.

    This is a fun episode! Brian Baugartner, from the Office, joins us to talk all things barbecue and build his perfect reality tv cast. Meanwhile, Stevan Ditter from Perfect Match zooms in to talk all things drama in the villa… How was his experience? How is he with Alara? What is he doing now? 

    “We have to ask you, did he kiss Melinda?” 

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    Listen To Disrespectfully now!

    Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disrespectfully/id1516710301

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0J6DW1KeDX6SpoVEuQpl7z?si=c35995a56b8d4038

    Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCh8MqSsiGkfJcWhkan0D0w

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: http://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line!

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


    Helix - Helix is offering up to 30% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows for our listeners! Go to https://www.HelixSleep.com/Viall 

    Rocket Money  - Stop wasting money on things you don’t use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to https://www.RocketMoney.com/VIALL 

    Penrose Hill - Give Firstleaf a try – head over to https://www.TryFirstleaf.com/VIALL to sign up and save 50% on your first SIX hand-curated bottles plus free shipping. 

    Vuori - Vuori is an investment in your happiness. For our listeners, they are offering 20% off your FIRST purchase when you go to https://www.vuori.com/VIALL 

    Huggies - Learn more at https://www.Huggies.com 

     Episode Socials:

    00:00 - Intro
    02:59 - Household Headlines
    07:40 - Rihanna
    09:46 - Stay At Home GF
    13:33 - Icks
    17:46 - Filming
    18:37 - Proposals
    24:13 - 90 Day Fiance
    27:19 - Gypsy Rose
    29:19 - Clayton
    32:33 - Love Island
    42:02 - Welcome Brian
    01:03:26 - Getting Grilled
    01:11:40 - TikTok
    01:13:33 - Build Your Burger
    01:24:40 - Reality TV
    01:28:45 - Book Promo
    01:33:03 - The Office
    01:35:29 - Perfect Match
    01:36:50 - Stevan
    01:56:51 - Perfect Match Final Thoughts
    02:03:09 - Outro


    The Viall Files
    enJune 20, 2024

    E764 RR - Summer House, Perfect Match w/ Elys, Bach Bios, Kenya Moore Suspended, and RHONJ

    E764 RR - Summer House, Perfect Match w/ Elys, Bach Bios, Kenya Moore Suspended, and RHONJ

    Welcome back to reality recap. Today we start off with Nick’s first Father’s Day. Then we get to our drama: Kenya Moore being indefinitely suspended from the current season of RHOA, Football Player, Isaiah Bugs being arrested AGAIN, and Lindsay Hubbard being grilled at the Summer House Reunion Part 2. Meanwhile, Elys Hutchinson from Perfect Match joins us to talk about her experience on the show!

    “you know what? I was wrong.”

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes.

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: http://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line!

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


    Article - Article is offering our listeners $50 off your first purchase of $100 or more. To claim, visit https://www.ARTICLE.COM/viall 

    BÉIS - BÉIS is offering our listeners 15% off your first purchase by visiting https://www.BeisTravel.com/VIALL 

    ZOA Energy - Find Where To Buy At https://www.ZOAEnergy.com 

    Sundays For Dogs -  Get 40% off your first order of Sundays. Go to https://www.sundaysfordogs.com/VIALL or use code VIALL at checkout.

    Huggies - Learn More At https://www.Huggies.com 

    Dreamland Baby - Go to https://www.dreamlandbabyco.com and enter my code VIALL at checkout to receive 20% off sitewide + free shipping.

    Episode Socials:

    00:00 - Intro
    02:55 - Father’s Day
    08:11 - Housekeeping
    11:40 - RHOA
    19:38 - Football
    22:03 - Bachelor Credit
    23:04 - Red Lobster
    30:33 - The Apprentice
    43:28 - Jenn’s Men
    01:08:55 - Picking Noses
    01:14:59 - Summerhouse
    01:33:39 - Perfect Match
    01:40:19 - Elys Joins
    02:02:19 - More Perfect Match
    02:06:20 - RHONJ
    02:11:46 - Outro

    The Viall Files
    enJune 18, 2024

    E763 Ask Nick - Flirting With an NHL Player

    E763 Ask Nick - Flirting With an NHL Player

    Welcome back to another episode of The Viall Files: Ask Nick Edition! We start off the episode by addressing your gentle parenting responses and diving into the ideal dating expectations of men. Then we get to our callers… 

    Our first caller wants to shoot her shot with a professional athlete. Our second caller is back with her ex, and is afraid to tell her parents. Finally, our third caller is thriving in her occupational industry but is afraid it turns off the men she’s dating.

    “As a woman who’s very successful and passionate about her career, that should never feel like a negative for you”

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: https://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice, send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line! 

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


    Altoids - Find Altoids In The Check-Out Aisle! Grab your tin today! 

    Helix Sleep - Helix is offering up to 30% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows for our listeners! Go to https://www.HelixSleep.com/Viall 

    BetterHelp - Take a moment. Visit https://www.BetterHelp.com/VIALL today to get 10% off your first month.

    Wayfair- Every style is welcome in the Wayborhood. Visit https://www.Wayfair.com  or get the Wayfair mobile app.

    OneSkin - OneSkin keeps your skin looking and acting younger for longer. Get started today with 15% off using code VIALL at htpps://www.oneskin.co 

    Huggies - Learn More At https://www.Huggies.com

    Episode Socials: 

    The Viall Files
    enJune 17, 2024

    E762 GD w/ West Wilson - Summer House, Girlcode, Sleep Training, and Perfect Match with Tolú

    E762 GD w/ West Wilson - Summer House, Girlcode, Sleep Training, and Perfect Match with Tolú

    Welcome back to The Viall Files: Going Deeper, with Summer House’ West Wilson. 

    To start things out, we invite Tolú Ekundare from Netflix’s Perfect Match… She shares her experience matching with Izzy Zapata, Dom Gabriel, and Chris Hahn. Then we get to our interview with West. How was his first season? Who does he still talk to? Does he regret his relationship with Ciara?

    “When someone shows you who they are, believe it.” 

     Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

     Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes.

    Listen To Disrespectfully now!

    Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disrespectfully/id1516710301

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0J6DW1KeDX6SpoVEuQpl7z?si=c35995a56b8d4038

    Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCh8MqSsiGkfJcWhkan0D0w

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: http://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line!

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


    Goodr - You can go to https://www.goodr.com/VIALL and use code VIALL for free shipping. Goodr offers a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee and 100% Satisfaction.

    ZOA - Get your Big Dwayne Energy and order ZOA Energy today. Find out where you can find it at https://www.ZOAEnergy.com and fine retailers like Amazon, 7-Eleven, Costco, Circle K and more. 

    Caraway - This deal is exclusive to our listeners. If you visit https://www.Carawayhome.com/VIALL10 you can take an additional 10% off your next purchase. 

    Vessi - Visit https://www.vessi.com/VIALL to find the perfect blend of style and practicality in shoes designed for urban getaways and enjoy an instant 15% off your first order at checkout.

    Factor - Head to https://www.FactorMeals.com/NICKVIALL50 and use code nickviall50 to get 50% off your first box plus 20% off your next month.

    Huggies - Learn more at https://www.Huggies.com

    Lume - New customers get 15% off all Lume products with our exclusive code - and if you combine the 15% off with the already discounted starter pack, that equals over 40% off their Starter Pack! Use code VIALL for 15% off your first purchase at https://www.LumeDeodorant.com.

    Episode Socials:

    00:00 - Intro
    05:48 - Household Headlines
    12:23 - Love Island
    17:57 - Summerhouse Drama
    21:05 - Captain Lee
    25:39 - Sleep Training
    31:08 - Age
    34:28 - Tolú Interview
    57:10 - Feedback
    01:10:22 - West Interview
    01:17:01 - New To Bravo
    01:19:55 - Saying Weird Things
    01:21:35 - Bachelor
    01:22:37 - Selfie
    01:30:54 - Your Heart
    01:43:15 - Love Languages
    01:50:26 - Dads
    01:54:12 - Team Carl
    01:59:55 - Her Take
    02:04:27 - Open
    02:14:39 - TOH
    02:30:00 - What Is Next
    02:32:52 - Ciara
    02:48:04 - Sports
    02:48:45 - Off Your Chest
    02:49:28 - Coming on ViFi
    02:53:59 - Outro


    The Viall Files
    enJune 13, 2024

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    Thank you to our sponsors: http://forhims.com/badfriends & http://buffy.co/ code: BADFRIENDS & Download DoorDash and use code BADFRIENDS & https://www.shipstation.com/ code: BADFRIENDS Watch on YouTube : http://bit.ly/BadFriendsYouTube More Bobby Lee TigerBelly: https://www.youtube.com/tigerbelly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bobbyleelive/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/bobbyleelive Tickets: https://bobbyleelive.com/ More Andrew Santino Whiskey Ginger: https://www.youtube.com/andrewsantinowhiskeyginger Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ Twitter: https://Twitter.com/cheetosantino Tickets: http://www.andrewsantino.com/ More Bad Friends Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badfriendspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/badfriends_pod Official Website: http://badfriendspod.com/ Branding: https://www.instagram.com/joseph_faria & https://www.instagram.com/jenna_sunday Credit Sequence Music: http://bit.ly/RocomMusic // https://www.instagram.com/rocom Character Design: https://www.instagram.com/jeffreymyles Produced by George Kimmel & Bryce Hallock - 7EQUIS Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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