
    Eating behaviour - Neural and hormonal mechanisms in eating behaviour

    enApril 19, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The hypothalamus regulates our eating behavior through neural and hormonal mechanismsThe hypothalamus uses glucose sensors and hormones like ghrelin and leptin to regulate food intake, with the lateral hypothalamus triggering hunger and the ventromedial hypothalamus signaling satiety.

      Our eating behavior is regulated by both neural and hormonal mechanisms in the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus, a part of the brain, monitors glucose levels in the blood and liver through neural sensors. When glucose levels drop, the lateral hypothalamus, which contains glucose-sensing neurons, is activated, triggering hunger and motivating us to eat. This results in a rise in glucose levels, which is detected by the ventromedial hypothalamus, signaling satiety and inhibiting further food intake. Hormonally, the hormone ghrelin is released when our stomach is empty, stimulating hunger and signaling the lateral hypothalamus to secrete neuropeptide Y, leading to increased food intake. Leptin, another hormone, is released in response to fat storage and signals satiety to the ventromedial hypothalamus, inhibiting further food intake. Dysregulation of these mechanisms can lead to conditions like obesity, as seen in individuals with damage to the ventromedial hypothalamus or those unable to produce leptin. Understanding these mechanisms can provide insights into potential treatments for eating disorders and obesity.

    • Neural and hormonal control of eating behavior is complexThe control of eating behavior involves multiple brain centers and various biochemicals, with social or cultural factors also playing a significant role.

      The neural and hormonal control of eating behavior is more complex than once thought, with evidence suggesting the involvement of multiple brain centers and various biochemicals. Annan and Brobeck's 1951 study on rats confirmed the existence of homeostatic mechanisms, but Gold's later findings indicated that physiological control of eating behavior might involve more than just two brain centers. For instance, Valasi et al's 2008 research highlighted the role of the hormone CCK in the stop eating mechanism, while other biochemicals like serotonin and dopamine also play a role in enhancing or inhibiting each other's activities. However, social or cultural factors, as pointed out by Woods in 2004, can also significantly impact eating behavior, and should not be overlooked. The lateral hypothalamus feeding center, for example, detects falling blood glucose and stimulates hunger only in severe energy deprivation, with neurochemistry playing a lesser role in everyday eating onset. Therefore, a more comprehensive understanding of eating behavior requires considering both biological and non-biological factors.

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    This episode is brought to you by Mitopure, Rupa Health, and Seed.

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